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Transforms the fields from fourier representation to the grid.

The fields within an array of unit cells is returned, with the number of cells in each direction given by num_unit_cells.

The calculation is for a batch of fields, with the batch axis being the final axis. There can also be leading batch axes. Accordingly, fields should have shape (..., 2 * num_terms, num_amplitudes). The trailing batch dimension is preferred because it allows matrix-matrix multiplication instead of batched matrix-vector multiplication.


  • electric_field: (ex, ey, ez) electric field Fourier amplitudes.
  • magnetic_field: (hx, hy, hz) magnetic field Fourier amplitudes.
  • layer_solve_result: The results of the layer eigensolve.
  • shape: The shape of the grid.
  • num_unit_cells: The number of unit cells along each direction.


  • None: The electric field (ex, ey, ez), magnetic field (hx, hy, hz), and the grid coordinates (x, y).