End-to-End Fine-Tuning

What you will learn
  • How to customize your assets (e.g. models, datasets, tokenizers)

  • How to run instruction fine-tuning recipe

  • How to use fairseq2 to generate (inference)

  • How to convert fairseq2 ckpt to huggingface ckpt for accelerated vllm inference

  • How to run fairseq2 with multiple nodes



  1. Prepare

  2. Fine-Tune

    • One simple command to run the instruction fine-tuning recipe

    • Accelerate the training with multiple nodes

  3. Generate

    • One simple command to generate from the finetuned model

    • Convert fairseq2 model ckpt to hf ckpt for accelerated vllm inference

  4. Go Beyond

    • Use fairseq2 to accelerate your research



Follow the HuggingFace Models Tutorial to download the LLaMA3.2 1B model, which can be run on volta32gb GPUs. Once you have the model in your local path, (e.g.` /models/Llama-3.2-1B/original/consolidated.00.pth), you need to register the model in a YAML card so that fairseq2 will know from where to pull the model (read more about Assets). To do that:

  • Create a YAML file (e.g. my_llama3_2_1b.yaml) with the following content:

name: llama3_2_1b@user
checkpoint: "/models/Llama-3.2-1B/original/consolidated.00.pth"


name: llama3@user
tokenizer: "/models/Llama-3.2-1B/original/tokenizer.model"


The @user specifies this is your special environment. This can also be extended to help resolve different domain name for your clusters

  • Save the file in one of the following locations:

    • Option 1: Place it in the default fairseq2 asset directory

      • mkdir -p ~/.config/fairseq2/assets

      • mv my_llama3_2_1b.yaml ~/.config/fairseq2/assets/

    • Option 2: Specify a custom directory and point FAIRSEQ2_USER_ASSET_DIR to it

      • export FAIRSEQ2_USER_ASSET_DIR=/path/to/custom/asset/directory

      • mv my_llama3_2_1b.yaml /path/to/custom/asset/directory/


Follow the HuggingFace Datasets Tutorial to download the gsm8k data, (formatted with fairseq2 flavor) to your local path (e.g. /datasets/facebook/fairseq2-lm-gsm8k/). We will use the sft/train.jsonl to fine-tune the model and use the test/test.jsonl for evaluation.



Running the fine-tuning recipe is as simple as:

fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune $OUTPUT_DIR --config \
    dataset=/datasets/facebook/fairseq2-lm-gsm8k/sft \
    model=llama3_2_1b \
    max_num_tokens=4096 \
    dtype=float16 \
    max_num_steps=1000 \
    max_num_data_epochs=20 \
You can also put the configuration in a YAML file
# /configs/example.yaml
dataset: /datasets/facebook/fairseq2-lm-gsm8k/sft
model: llama3_2_1b
max_num_tokens: 4096
max_seq_len: 4096
max_num_steps: 1000
max_num_data_epochs: 20
checkpoint_every_n_steps: 1000
keep_last_n_checkpoints: 1
keep_last_n_models: 1
publish_metrics_every_n_steps: 5
dtype: float16  # volta32gb gpus do not support bfloat16

Then run:

fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune $OUTPUT_DIR --config-file $CONFIG_FILE

For more details about the recipe configuration, please refer to Recipes.

Iterative Training

Sometimes you may want to continue fine-tuning from a previously trained checkpoint, either to:

  • Resume interrupted training

  • Fine-tune on additional data

  • Perform iterative fine-tuning with different hyperparameters

fairseq2 provides a clean way to handle this through the checkpoint system (learn more about Checkpoint Management):

fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune $OUTPUT_DIR --config \
    resume_checkpoint_dir=/path/to/checkpoint \
    model="last_checkpoint" \  # this will pick up the last checkpoint
To pick up a specific checkpoint
CKPT_PATH="/checkpoint/user/experiments/run_0/checkpoints/step_1000"  # this is the path to the checkpoint
CKPT_DIR=$(dirname "$CKPT_PATH")  # e.g., /checkpoint/user/experiments/run_0/checkpoints
CKPT="checkpoint_$(basename "$CKPT_DIR")"  # e.g., checkpoint_step_1000

fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune $OUTPUT_DIR --config \
    resume_checkpoint_dir=$CKPT_DIR \
    model=$CKPT \  # Must match the checkpoint step
    dataset=/path/to/new/data \
    max_num_tokens=4096 \


If you want to pick a specific checkpoint instead of the last checkpoint, the model parameter must be set to checkpoint_step_X where X matches the step number of the checkpoint you want to load.

A more detailed example

For iterative fine-tuning across different datasets or with different hyperparameters:

# config.yaml
# First stage - train on dataset A
dataset: /path/to/dataset_A
model: llama3_2_1b
max_num_steps: 1000
learning_rate: 1e-5
# ... other config

Then run the following commands in bash:

# First stage
fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune run1_output --config-file config.yaml

# Second stage - continue from first stage checkpoint
fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune run2_output --config \
    resume_checkpoint_dir=run1_output/checkpoints \
    model=checkpoint_step_1000 \
    dataset=/path/to/dataset_B \
    learning_rate=5e-6  # Lower learning rate for second stage


When doing iterative fine-tuning:

  • Generally use a lower learning rate in later stages

  • Consider reducing the number of steps for later stages

  • You may want to adjust the validation frequency

  • Make sure to track metrics to compare performance across stages


To help accelerate the training, fairseq2 is able to automatically detect multi-node setup.

  • Option 1: Slurm

    srun --nodes=2 --ntasks-per-node=8 \
        fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune $OUTPUT_DIR \
  • Option 2: Torchrun

    torchrun --standalone --nproc-per-node 8 --no-python \
        fairseq2 lm instruction_finetune $OUTPUT_DIR \


Once we have finished the training, we can find in the $OUTPUT_DIR the model checkpoints in $OUTPUT_DIR/checkpoints. With that, we can now generate over the test dataset!

Native Support

fairseq2 natively supports inference:

CKPT_DIR=$(dirname "$CKPT_PATH")
CKPT="checkpoint_$(basename "$CKPT_DIR")"  # e.g., checkpoint_step_1000

fairseq2 lm generate $SAVE_DIR --no-sweep-dir --config \
    checkpoint_dir=$CKPT_DIR \
    model=$CKPT \
    generator_config.temperature=0.1 \

VLLM Support

To accelerate the inference process, we can convert fairseq2 checkpoints to HuggingFace checkpoints, which can be deployed with VLLM. This takes 2 steps:

Step 1: Convert fairseq2 checkpoint to XLFormer checkpoint

The first step is to use the fairseq2 command-line ( CLI) tool to convert the fairseq2 checkpoint to an XLF checkpoint. The command structure is as follows:

fairseq2 llama convert_checkpoint --model <architecture> <fairseq2_checkpoint_dir> <xlf_checkpoint_dir>
  • <architecture>: Specify the architecture of the model – e.g., llama3 (see fairseq2.models.llama)

  • <fairseq2_checkpoint_dir>: Path to the directory containing the Fairseq2 checkpoint

  • <xlf_checkpoint_dir>: Path where the XLF checkpoint will be saved


Architecture --arch must exist and be defined in e.g. fairseq2.models.llama.archs.register_archs().

Step 2: Convert XLFormer checkpoint to HF checkpoint

After obtaining the XLFormer checkpoint, the next step is to convert it to the Hugging Face format. Please refer to the official HF script.

Step 3: Deploy with VLLM

from vllm import LLM

llm = LLM(model=<path_to_hf_checkpoint>)  # path of your model
output = llm.generate("Hello, my name is")

Please refer to the VLLM documentation for more details.

Check the Accuracy

Once you generated the output, it is relatively trivial to compute the accuracy. Overall, you just need to:

  • Load the generated dataset

  • Load the original test dataset as ground truth

  • Compare and count the number of correct items

Some example utils functions
import re

ANS_RE = re.compile(r"#### (\-?[0-9\.\,]+)")
INVALID_ANS = "[invalid]"

def extract_answer(completion: str) -> str:
    Extract the answer from the completion.

    :param completion: The completion.
    :return: The answer.
    global ANS_RE, INVALID_ANS
    match = ANS_RE.search(completion)
    if match:
        match_str = match.group(1).strip()
        match_str = match_str.replace(",", "")
        return match_str
        return INVALID_ANS

def is_correct(model_completion: str, gt_example: str) -> bool:
    Check if the model completion is correct.

    :param model_completion: The model completion.
    :param gt_example: The ground truth example.
    :return: True if the model completion is correct, False otherwise.
    gt_answer = extract_answer(gt_example)
    assert gt_answer != INVALID_ANS
    return extract_answer(model_completion) == gt_answer

Go Beyond

That’s pretty much it to get you started. But you can do a lot more. fairseq2 is a powerful tool to help you accelerate and scale up your research. It allows:

  • Experiment with different hyper-parameter configurations;

Elements per Second
  • Compare performance across various datasets or model architectures;

Model Comparison
  • Profile resource usage and optimize training workflows;

  • Connect to your WanDB and monitor your experiments in real-time;


Now, up for you to discover!!!

See Also