
In fairseq2, “assets” refer to the various components that make up a sequence or language modeling task, such as datasets, models, tokenizers, etc. These assets are essential for training, evaluating, and deploying models. fairseq2.assets provides API to load the different models using the “model cards” from different “stores”.

Cards: YAML Files in fairseq2

To organize these assets, fairseq2 uses a concept called “cards,” which are essentially YAML files that describe the assets and their relationships. For example, you can find all the “cards” in fairseq2 here. Cards provide a flexible way to define and manage the various components of an NLP task, making it easier to reuse, share, and combine different assets.

How Cards Help Organize Assets

  • Asset Definition: Cards define the assets used in an NLP task, including datasets, models, tokenizers, and other resources.

  • Relationship Management: Cards specify the relationships between assets, such as which dataset is used with which model or tokenizer.

  • Reusability: Cards enable reusability of assets across different tasks and projects, reducing duplication and increasing efficiency.

  • Sharing and Collaboration: Cards facilitate sharing and collaboration by providing a standardized way to describe and exchange assets.

How to Customize Your Assets

  • How to add a dataset

    • Make sure that you have the dataset in place

    • Add the name, dataset_family, and data fields, which allows fairseq2 to find the corresponding dataset loader

    • For more detailed information about dataset_family, please refer to Dataset Loaders

name: gsm8k_sft
dataset_family: generic_instruction


name: gsm8k_sft@awscluster
data: "/data/gsm8k_data/sft"
  • How to add a model

    • Make sure that you have the model checkpoint

    • Add the name and checkpoint fields

name: llama3_2_1b@awscluster
checkpoint: "/models/Llama-3.2-1B/original/consolidated.00.pth"

Advanced Topics

Model Store

A store is a place where all the model cards are stored. In fairseq2, a store is accessed via fairseq2.assets.AssetStore. Multiple stores are allowed. By default, fairseq2 will look up the following stores:

  • System asset store: Cards that are shared by all users. By default, the system store is /etc/fairseq2/assets,

    but this can be changed via the environment variable FAIRSEQ2_ASSET_DIR

  • User asset store: Cards that are only available to the user. By default, the user store is

    ~/.config/fairseq2/assets, but this can be changed via the environment variable FAIRSEQ2_USER_ASSET_DIR

To register a new store, implement a fairseq2.assets.AssetMetadataProvider and add them to fairseq2.assets.asset_store. Here is an example to register a new directory as a model store:

from pathlib import Path
from fairseq2.assets import FileAssetMetadataProvider, asset_store

my_dir = Path("/path/to/model_store")

Model Card

A model card is a .YAML file that contains information about a model and instructs a fairseq2.models.utils.generic_loaders.ModelLoader on how to load the model into the memory. Each model card must have 2 mandatory attributes: name and checkpoint. name will be used to identify the model card, and it must be unique across all fairseq2 provides example cards for different LLMs in

In fairseq2, a model card is accessed via fairseq2.assets.AssetCard. Alternatively, one can call fairseq2.assets.AssetMetadataProvider.get_metadata(name: str) to get the meta data of a given model card name.

See Also