Module dora.grid

This defines the dora grid action, and provides a run_grid() API that can be used from a notebook or any other script.

When using the API, you can provide the equivalent of the command line flags with the RunGridArgs dataclass.

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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

This defines the `dora grid` action, and provides a `run_grid` API
that can be used from a notebook or any other script.

When using the API, you can provide the equivalent of the command line flags
with the `RunGridArgs` dataclass.
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import fnmatch
from functools import partial
import os
from pathlib import Path
import typing as tp
import shutil
import sys
import time

from .conf import SlurmConfig, SubmitRules, update_from_args
from .explore import Explorer, Launcher, Herd
from .main import DecoratedMain
from .log import colorize, simple_log, fatal
from .shep import Sheep, Shepherd
from .utils import import_or_fatal, reliable_rmtree, try_load

import treetable as tt

log: tp.Callable[[str], None] = partial(simple_log, "Grid:")

def no_print(*args, **kwargs):

class RunGridArgs:
    Arguments to tune the behavior of the `run_grid` function.

        patterns (list[str]): List of patterns used to filter by name
            the XPs.
        monitor (bool): if True, will monitor the advances of the XPs
            every `interval` minutes, stopping only when all runs completed or
        interval (float): interval in minutes to wait between updates.
        trim (int or None): if provided, will trim all XP logs to the epoch of
            the XP with the provided index. Useful to compare XP started at different
        trim_last (bool): if True, will trim all XP to the least advanced XP.
        silent (bool): if True, do not print anything (e.g. API usage).
        dry_run (bool): if True, Dora will simulate the run of the grid, without scheduling
            or canceling any XP.
        cancel (bool): if True, will cancel all XPs in the grid. If `patterns` is provided,
            only XP matching the patterns will be canceled.
        clear (bool): This will cancel any previous job, clear the XP folder,
            and reschedule a new experiment.

    patterns: tp.List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

    # Monitoring params
    monitor: bool = True
    interval: float = 5
    trim: tp.Optional[int] = None
    trim_last: bool = False
    silent: bool = False

    # Scheduling
    dry_run: bool = False
    cancel: bool = False
    clear: bool = False
    init: tp.Optional[bool] = False

    jupyter: bool = False  # Are we in a jupyter notebook (will erase cell output content first.)

    # Other flags, supported only from the command line.
    folder: tp.Optional[int] = None
    log: tp.Optional[int] = None
    tail: tp.Optional[int] = None

    _from_commandline: bool = False

def _get_explore(args, main):
    # Finds the explorer.
    grid_package = main.dora.grid_package
    if grid_package is None:
        grid_package = main.package + ".grids"

    grids = import_or_fatal(grid_package)

    if args.grid is not None:
        grid_filename = args.grid.replace('.', '/') + '.py'
        grid_file = Path(grids.__file__).parent / grid_filename
    if args.grid is None or not grid_file.exists():
        candidates = []
        pkg_root = Path(grids.__file__).parent
        for root, folders, files in os.walk(pkg_root):
            for file in files:
                fullpath = (Path(root) / file).relative_to(pkg_root)
                if'.py') and not'_'):
                    fullpath = fullpath.parent / fullpath.stem
                    candidates.append(str(fullpath).replace('/', '.'))
        if args.grid is not None and not grid_file.exists():
            log(f'No grid file {grid_filename} in package {grid_package}. '
                'Maybe you made a typo?')
        log(f"Potential grids are: {', '.join(candidates)}")

    grid_name = grid_package + "." + args.grid
    grid = import_or_fatal(grid_name)

        explorer = grid.explorer
    except AttributeError:
        fatal(f"{grid_name} has no exploration function `explorer`.")
    if not isinstance(explorer, Explorer):
        fatal(f"{explorer} must be an instance of `dora.Explorer`")
    return explorer

def grid_action(args: tp.Any, main: DecoratedMain):
    explorer = _get_explore(args, main)
    slurm = main.get_slurm_config()
    update_from_args(slurm, args)
    rules = SubmitRules()
    update_from_args(rules, args)
    grid_args = RunGridArgs()
    grid_args._from_commandline = True
    update_from_args(grid_args, args)
    run_grid(main, explorer, args.grid, rules, slurm, grid_args)

def run_grid(main: DecoratedMain, explorer: Explorer, grid_name: str,
             rules: SubmitRules = SubmitRules(), slurm: tp.Optional[SlurmConfig] = None,
             args: RunGridArgs = RunGridArgs()) -> tp.List[Sheep]:
    Run a grid search, this is the API underlying the `dora grid` command,
    so that it can be used from a notebook.
    You can also provide patterns to filter out XPs to be displayed.

        main (DecoratedMain): main training function, decorated with Dora.
        explorer (Explorer): explorer instance that will define the XPs to launch.
        grid_name (str): this must be a unique name for the grid.
        rules (SubmitRules): see `dora.conf.SubmitRules`, those defines the
            rules for rescheduling failed XP etc.
        slurm (SlurmConfig or None): if provided, this will override
            the default Slurm config defined my the `main` argument.

        A list of `dora.shep.Sheep`.

    assert isinstance(explorer, Explorer)
    if slurm is None:
        slurm = main.get_slurm_config()

    grid_folder = main.dora.dir / main.dora._grids / grid_name
    grid_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    herd = Herd()
    shepherd = Shepherd(main, log=log)
    if main._slow:
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(4) as pool:
            launcher = Launcher(shepherd, slurm, herd, pool=pool)
        launcher = Launcher(shepherd, slurm, herd)

    sheeps = list(herd.sheeps.values())
    sheeps = _filter_grid_sheeps(args.patterns, main, sheeps)

    if args.clear:
        if args.dry_run:
            fatal("--dry_run is incompatible with --clear.")
        log(f"You are about to restart {len(sheeps)} experiments from the grid {grid_name} "
            "from scratch. This cannot be reverted.")
        if args._from_commandline:
            repl = input("Confirm [yN]: ")
            if repl.lower() != "y":
        log("Canceling all current jobs...")
        for sheep in sheeps:
            if sheep.job is not None:
        log("Deleting XP folders...")
        for sheep in sheeps:
            if sheep.xp.folder.exists():
            sheep.job = None

    to_unlink = []
    old_sheeps = []
    for child in grid_folder.iterdir():
        if not in herd.sheeps:
                old_sheep = shepherd.get_sheep_from_sig(
            except Exception as error:
                log(f"Error when trying to load old sheep {}: {error}")
                # We fallback on manually loading the job file.
                job_file = child / main.dora.shep.job_file
                jobs = try_load(job_file)
                if jobs is not None:
                    job = jobs[0]
                    if len(jobs) == 3:
                        dependent_jobs = jobs[2]
                    log(f"Canceling job {job.job_id} from unloadable sheep {}.")
                    shepherd.cancel_lazy(job, dependent_jobs)
                assert old_sheep is not None

    shepherd.update()  # Update all job status

    if not args.cancel:
        sheep_map = {sheep.xp.sig: sheep for sheep in sheeps}
        for job_array in herd.job_arrays:
            array_sheeps = [sheep_map[sig] for sig in job_array if sig in sheep_map]
            if not array_sheeps:
            first = array_sheeps[0]
            slurm = herd.slurm_configs[first.xp.sig]
            if len(array_sheeps) == 1:
                shepherd.maybe_submit_lazy(first, slurm, rules)
                with shepherd.job_array(slurm):
                    for sheep in array_sheeps:
                        shepherd.maybe_submit_lazy(sheep, slurm, rules)

    for old_sheep in old_sheeps:
        if not old_sheep.is_done():
            assert old_sheep.job is not None
            name = main.get_name(old_sheep.xp)
            log(f"Canceling job {old_sheep.job.job_id} for no longer required "
                f"sheep {old_sheep.xp.sig}/{name}")

    if args.cancel:
        for sheep in sheeps:
            if not sheep.is_done():
                assert sheep.job is not None
                name = main.get_name(sheep.xp)
                log(f"Canceling job {sheep.job.job_id} for sheep {sheep.xp.sig}/{name}")

    if not args.dry_run:
        for sheep in sheeps:
            link = (grid_folder / sheep.xp.sig)
            if link.exists() or link.is_symlink():
                assert link.is_symlink() and link.resolve() == sheep.xp.folder.resolve()


        for child in to_unlink:
    if args.init:
        for sheep in sheeps:

    if args.cancel:
        return sheeps

    if not sheeps:
        log("No sheep to handle.")
        return sheeps

    actions = [action for action in [args.folder, args.log, args.tail] if action is not None]

    if actions:
        if not args._from_commandline:
            raise RuntimeError("The folder, log, and tail "
                               "flags are only supported from the command line.")
        assert len(actions) == 1
        index = actions[0]
            sheep = sheeps[index]
        except IndexError:
            fatal(f"Invalid index {args.folder}")
        name = main.get_name(sheep.xp)
        if args.folder is not None:
        elif args.tail is not None:
            if not sheep.log.exists():
                fatal(f"Log {sheep.log} does not exist")
            os.execvp("tail", ["tail", "-n", "200", "-f", sheep.log])
            if not sheep.log.exists():
                fatal(f"Log file does not exist for sheep {name}.")
                shutil.copyfileobj(open(sheep.log), sys.stdout)
            except BrokenPipeError:
        return sheeps

    maybe_print: tp.Callable
    if args.silent:
        maybe_print = no_print
        maybe_print = print
    maybe_print(f"Monitoring Grid {grid_name}")
    while True:
        if args.jupyter and not args.silent:
            from IPython import display
        if monitor(args, main, explorer, sheeps, maybe_print):
            # All jobs finished or failed, stop monitoring
        if not args.monitor:
        sleep = int(args.interval * 60)
        for ela in range(sleep):
            out = f'Next update in {sleep - ela:.0f} seconds       '
            if sleep - ela < 10:
                out = colorize(out, '31')
            maybe_print(out, end='\r')
        maybe_print(' ' * 60)
    return sheeps

def _match_name(name, patterns):
    if not patterns:
        return True
    for pattern in patterns:
        neg = False
        if pattern[:1] == '!':
            pattern = pattern[1:]
            neg = True
        result = fnmatch.fnmatch(name, '*' + pattern + '*')
        if neg:
            if result:
                return False
        elif not result:
            return False
    return True

def _filter_grid_sheeps(patterns: tp.List[str], main: DecoratedMain,
                        sheeps: tp.List[Sheep]) -> tp.List[Sheep]:
    indexes = []
    for p in list(patterns):
        except ValueError:
    out = []
    for sheep in sheeps:
        name = main.get_name(sheep.xp)
        if _match_name(name, patterns):
    if indexes:
        out = [out[idx] for idx in indexes]
    return out

def monitor(args: tp.Any, main: DecoratedMain, explorer: Explorer, herd: tp.List[Sheep],
            maybe_print: tp.Callable) -> bool:
    """Single iteration of monitoring of the jobs in a Grid.
    Returns `True` if all jobs are done or failed, and `False` otherwise.
    names, base_name = main.get_names([sheep.xp for sheep in herd])
    histories = [main.get_xp_history(sheep.xp) for sheep in herd]

    trim = None
    if args.trim is not None:
        trim = len(histories[args.trim])
    elif args.trim_last:
        trim = min(len(metrics) for metrics in histories)

    if trim is not None:
        histories = [metrics[:trim] for metrics in histories]

    lines = []
    finished = True
    for index, (sheep, history, name) in enumerate(zip(herd, histories, names)):
        state = sheep.state()
        if not sheep.is_done():
            finished = False
        if state is None:
            state = "N/A"
            state = state[:3]
        meta = {
            'name': name,
            'index': index,
            'sid': sheep.current_job_id or '',  # i know 0 is a valid sid, but who cares.
            'sig': sheep.xp.sig,
            'state': state,
        line = {}
        line['Meta'] = meta
            other = explorer.process_sheep(sheep, history)
        except NotImplementedError:
            other = explorer.process_history(history)

    if base_name:
        maybe_print("Base name: ", base_name)
    table = tt.table(
  "Meta", explorer.get_grid_meta()),
        ] + explorer.get_grid_metrics()
    maybe_print(tt.treetable(lines, table, colors=explorer.get_colors()))
    return finished


def grid_action(args: Any, main: DecoratedMain)
Expand source code
def grid_action(args: tp.Any, main: DecoratedMain):
    explorer = _get_explore(args, main)
    slurm = main.get_slurm_config()
    update_from_args(slurm, args)
    rules = SubmitRules()
    update_from_args(rules, args)
    grid_args = RunGridArgs()
    grid_args._from_commandline = True
    update_from_args(grid_args, args)
    run_grid(main, explorer, args.grid, rules, slurm, grid_args)
def monitor(args: Any, main: DecoratedMain, explorer: Explorer, herd: List[Sheep], maybe_print: Callable) ‑> bool

Single iteration of monitoring of the jobs in a Grid. Returns True if all jobs are done or failed, and False otherwise.

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def monitor(args: tp.Any, main: DecoratedMain, explorer: Explorer, herd: tp.List[Sheep],
            maybe_print: tp.Callable) -> bool:
    """Single iteration of monitoring of the jobs in a Grid.
    Returns `True` if all jobs are done or failed, and `False` otherwise.
    names, base_name = main.get_names([sheep.xp for sheep in herd])
    histories = [main.get_xp_history(sheep.xp) for sheep in herd]

    trim = None
    if args.trim is not None:
        trim = len(histories[args.trim])
    elif args.trim_last:
        trim = min(len(metrics) for metrics in histories)

    if trim is not None:
        histories = [metrics[:trim] for metrics in histories]

    lines = []
    finished = True
    for index, (sheep, history, name) in enumerate(zip(herd, histories, names)):
        state = sheep.state()
        if not sheep.is_done():
            finished = False
        if state is None:
            state = "N/A"
            state = state[:3]
        meta = {
            'name': name,
            'index': index,
            'sid': sheep.current_job_id or '',  # i know 0 is a valid sid, but who cares.
            'sig': sheep.xp.sig,
            'state': state,
        line = {}
        line['Meta'] = meta
            other = explorer.process_sheep(sheep, history)
        except NotImplementedError:
            other = explorer.process_history(history)

    if base_name:
        maybe_print("Base name: ", base_name)
    table = tt.table(
  "Meta", explorer.get_grid_meta()),
        ] + explorer.get_grid_metrics()
    maybe_print(tt.treetable(lines, table, colors=explorer.get_colors()))
    return finished
def no_print(*args, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def no_print(*args, **kwargs):
def run_grid(main: DecoratedMain, explorer: Explorer, grid_name: str, rules: SubmitRules = SubmitRules(retry=False, update=False, replace=False, replace_done=False), slurm: Optional[SlurmConfig] = None, args: RunGridArgs = RunGridArgs(patterns=[], monitor=True, interval=5, trim=None, trim_last=False, silent=False, dry_run=False, cancel=False, clear=False, init=False, jupyter=False, folder=None, log=None, tail=None, _from_commandline=False)) ‑> List[Sheep]

Run a grid search, this is the API underlying the dora grid command, so that it can be used from a notebook. You can also provide patterns to filter out XPs to be displayed.


main : DecoratedMain
main training function, decorated with Dora.
explorer : Explorer
explorer instance that will define the XPs to launch.
grid_name : str
this must be a unique name for the grid.
rules : SubmitRules
see SubmitRules, those defines the rules for rescheduling failed XP etc.
slurm : SlurmConfig or None
if provided, this will override the default Slurm config defined my the main argument.


A list of Sheep.

Expand source code
def run_grid(main: DecoratedMain, explorer: Explorer, grid_name: str,
             rules: SubmitRules = SubmitRules(), slurm: tp.Optional[SlurmConfig] = None,
             args: RunGridArgs = RunGridArgs()) -> tp.List[Sheep]:
    Run a grid search, this is the API underlying the `dora grid` command,
    so that it can be used from a notebook.
    You can also provide patterns to filter out XPs to be displayed.

        main (DecoratedMain): main training function, decorated with Dora.
        explorer (Explorer): explorer instance that will define the XPs to launch.
        grid_name (str): this must be a unique name for the grid.
        rules (SubmitRules): see `dora.conf.SubmitRules`, those defines the
            rules for rescheduling failed XP etc.
        slurm (SlurmConfig or None): if provided, this will override
            the default Slurm config defined my the `main` argument.

        A list of `dora.shep.Sheep`.

    assert isinstance(explorer, Explorer)
    if slurm is None:
        slurm = main.get_slurm_config()

    grid_folder = main.dora.dir / main.dora._grids / grid_name
    grid_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)

    herd = Herd()
    shepherd = Shepherd(main, log=log)
    if main._slow:
        with ProcessPoolExecutor(4) as pool:
            launcher = Launcher(shepherd, slurm, herd, pool=pool)
        launcher = Launcher(shepherd, slurm, herd)

    sheeps = list(herd.sheeps.values())
    sheeps = _filter_grid_sheeps(args.patterns, main, sheeps)

    if args.clear:
        if args.dry_run:
            fatal("--dry_run is incompatible with --clear.")
        log(f"You are about to restart {len(sheeps)} experiments from the grid {grid_name} "
            "from scratch. This cannot be reverted.")
        if args._from_commandline:
            repl = input("Confirm [yN]: ")
            if repl.lower() != "y":
        log("Canceling all current jobs...")
        for sheep in sheeps:
            if sheep.job is not None:
        log("Deleting XP folders...")
        for sheep in sheeps:
            if sheep.xp.folder.exists():
            sheep.job = None

    to_unlink = []
    old_sheeps = []
    for child in grid_folder.iterdir():
        if not in herd.sheeps:
                old_sheep = shepherd.get_sheep_from_sig(
            except Exception as error:
                log(f"Error when trying to load old sheep {}: {error}")
                # We fallback on manually loading the job file.
                job_file = child / main.dora.shep.job_file
                jobs = try_load(job_file)
                if jobs is not None:
                    job = jobs[0]
                    if len(jobs) == 3:
                        dependent_jobs = jobs[2]
                    log(f"Canceling job {job.job_id} from unloadable sheep {}.")
                    shepherd.cancel_lazy(job, dependent_jobs)
                assert old_sheep is not None

    shepherd.update()  # Update all job status

    if not args.cancel:
        sheep_map = {sheep.xp.sig: sheep for sheep in sheeps}
        for job_array in herd.job_arrays:
            array_sheeps = [sheep_map[sig] for sig in job_array if sig in sheep_map]
            if not array_sheeps:
            first = array_sheeps[0]
            slurm = herd.slurm_configs[first.xp.sig]
            if len(array_sheeps) == 1:
                shepherd.maybe_submit_lazy(first, slurm, rules)
                with shepherd.job_array(slurm):
                    for sheep in array_sheeps:
                        shepherd.maybe_submit_lazy(sheep, slurm, rules)

    for old_sheep in old_sheeps:
        if not old_sheep.is_done():
            assert old_sheep.job is not None
            name = main.get_name(old_sheep.xp)
            log(f"Canceling job {old_sheep.job.job_id} for no longer required "
                f"sheep {old_sheep.xp.sig}/{name}")

    if args.cancel:
        for sheep in sheeps:
            if not sheep.is_done():
                assert sheep.job is not None
                name = main.get_name(sheep.xp)
                log(f"Canceling job {sheep.job.job_id} for sheep {sheep.xp.sig}/{name}")

    if not args.dry_run:
        for sheep in sheeps:
            link = (grid_folder / sheep.xp.sig)
            if link.exists() or link.is_symlink():
                assert link.is_symlink() and link.resolve() == sheep.xp.folder.resolve()


        for child in to_unlink:
    if args.init:
        for sheep in sheeps:

    if args.cancel:
        return sheeps

    if not sheeps:
        log("No sheep to handle.")
        return sheeps

    actions = [action for action in [args.folder, args.log, args.tail] if action is not None]

    if actions:
        if not args._from_commandline:
            raise RuntimeError("The folder, log, and tail "
                               "flags are only supported from the command line.")
        assert len(actions) == 1
        index = actions[0]
            sheep = sheeps[index]
        except IndexError:
            fatal(f"Invalid index {args.folder}")
        name = main.get_name(sheep.xp)
        if args.folder is not None:
        elif args.tail is not None:
            if not sheep.log.exists():
                fatal(f"Log {sheep.log} does not exist")
            os.execvp("tail", ["tail", "-n", "200", "-f", sheep.log])
            if not sheep.log.exists():
                fatal(f"Log file does not exist for sheep {name}.")
                shutil.copyfileobj(open(sheep.log), sys.stdout)
            except BrokenPipeError:
        return sheeps

    maybe_print: tp.Callable
    if args.silent:
        maybe_print = no_print
        maybe_print = print
    maybe_print(f"Monitoring Grid {grid_name}")
    while True:
        if args.jupyter and not args.silent:
            from IPython import display
        if monitor(args, main, explorer, sheeps, maybe_print):
            # All jobs finished or failed, stop monitoring
        if not args.monitor:
        sleep = int(args.interval * 60)
        for ela in range(sleep):
            out = f'Next update in {sleep - ela:.0f} seconds       '
            if sleep - ela < 10:
                out = colorize(out, '31')
            maybe_print(out, end='\r')
        maybe_print(' ' * 60)
    return sheeps


class RunGridArgs (patterns: List[str] = <factory>, monitor: bool = True, interval: float = 5, trim: Optional[int] = None, trim_last: bool = False, silent: bool = False, dry_run: bool = False, cancel: bool = False, clear: bool = False, init: Optional[bool] = False, jupyter: bool = False, folder: Optional[int] = None, log: Optional[int] = None, tail: Optional[int] = None)

Arguments to tune the behavior of the run_grid() function.


patterns : list[str]
List of patterns used to filter by name the XPs.
monitor : bool
if True, will monitor the advances of the XPs every interval minutes, stopping only when all runs completed or failed.
interval : float
interval in minutes to wait between updates.
trim : int or None
if provided, will trim all XP logs to the epoch of the XP with the provided index. Useful to compare XP started at different times.
trim_last : bool
if True, will trim all XP to the least advanced XP.
silent : bool
if True, do not print anything (e.g. API usage).
dry_run : bool
if True, Dora will simulate the run of the grid, without scheduling or canceling any XP.
cancel : bool
if True, will cancel all XPs in the grid. If patterns is provided, only XP matching the patterns will be canceled.
clear : bool
This will cancel any previous job, clear the XP folder, and reschedule a new experiment.
Expand source code
class RunGridArgs:
    Arguments to tune the behavior of the `run_grid` function.

        patterns (list[str]): List of patterns used to filter by name
            the XPs.
        monitor (bool): if True, will monitor the advances of the XPs
            every `interval` minutes, stopping only when all runs completed or
        interval (float): interval in minutes to wait between updates.
        trim (int or None): if provided, will trim all XP logs to the epoch of
            the XP with the provided index. Useful to compare XP started at different
        trim_last (bool): if True, will trim all XP to the least advanced XP.
        silent (bool): if True, do not print anything (e.g. API usage).
        dry_run (bool): if True, Dora will simulate the run of the grid, without scheduling
            or canceling any XP.
        cancel (bool): if True, will cancel all XPs in the grid. If `patterns` is provided,
            only XP matching the patterns will be canceled.
        clear (bool): This will cancel any previous job, clear the XP folder,
            and reschedule a new experiment.

    patterns: tp.List[str] = field(default_factory=list)

    # Monitoring params
    monitor: bool = True
    interval: float = 5
    trim: tp.Optional[int] = None
    trim_last: bool = False
    silent: bool = False

    # Scheduling
    dry_run: bool = False
    cancel: bool = False
    clear: bool = False
    init: tp.Optional[bool] = False

    jupyter: bool = False  # Are we in a jupyter notebook (will erase cell output content first.)

    # Other flags, supported only from the command line.
    folder: tp.Optional[int] = None
    log: tp.Optional[int] = None
    tail: tp.Optional[int] = None

    _from_commandline: bool = False

Class variables

var cancel : bool
var clear : bool
var dry_run : bool
var folder : Optional[int]
var init : Optional[bool]
var interval : float
var jupyter : bool
var log : Optional[int]
var monitor : bool
var patterns : List[str]
var silent : bool
var tail : Optional[int]
var trim : Optional[int]
var trim_last : bool