Module dora.conf

Basic configuration for Dora is here.

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# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

Basic configuration for Dora is here.
from argparse import Namespace
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from pathlib import Path
import typing as tp

from omegaconf.dictconfig import DictConfig
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

def update_from_args(data: tp.Any, args: Namespace):
    """Update the given dataclass from the argument parser args.
    for key in data.__dict__:
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        if hasattr(args, key):
            value = getattr(args, key)
            if value is not None:
                setattr(data, key, value)

def update_from_hydra(data: tp.Any, cfg: DictConfig):
    """Update the given dataclass from the hydra config.

    dct = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True)
    assert isinstance(dct, dict)
    for key, value in dct.items():
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        if hasattr(data, key):
            setattr(data, key, value)
            raise AttributeError(f"Object of type {data.__class__} "
                                 f"does not have an attribute {key}")

class SlurmConfig:
    Configuration when scheduling a job.
    This differs slightly from Slurm/Submitit params because this will
    automatically scale some values based on the number of GPUs.

        gpus (int): number of total GPUs to schedule. Number of nodes
            and tasks per nodes will be automatically inferred.
        mem_per_gpu (float): amount of memory in GB to schedule
            per gpus.
        time (int): maximum duration for the job in minutes.
        cpus_per_gpu (int): number of cpus per gpu, this will set
            the `cpus_per_task` automatically, based on the
            number of gpus and `one_task_per_node`, unless `cpus_per_task`
            is explicitely provided.
        cpus_per_task (int or None): number of cpus per task.
        partition (str): partition name
        comment (str): comment for the job.
        setup (List[str]): list of shell commands to execute
            before the actual command. Use it for `module load`.
        max_num_timeout (int): maximum number of requeue.
        one_task_per_node (bool): if True, schedules a single task
            per node, otherwise, will schedule one task per gpu (default is False).
        array_parallelism (int): when using job arrays, how many tasks can run
            in parallel.
        qos (str or None): qos param for slurm.
        account (str or None): account param for slurm.
        dependents (int): if > 0, start a number of dependent jobs. Requeuing
            will be deactivated and rely on dependent jobs instead.

    ..warning:: this assumes one task per GPU.
        Set `one_task_per_node` if you do not want that.
        Tasks without any gpus are not really supported at the moment.
    gpus: int = 1
    mem_per_gpu: float = 40
    time: int = 1200
    cpus_per_gpu: int = 10
    cpus_per_task: tp.Optional[int] = None
    partition: str = "learnlab"
    comment: tp.Optional[str] = None
    setup: tp.List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    max_num_timeout: int = 20
    constraint: str = ""
    one_task_per_node: bool = False
    array_parallelism: int = 256
    exclude: tp.Optional[str] = None
    qos: tp.Optional[str] = None
    account: tp.Optional[str] = None
    dependents: int = 0

class SubmitRules:
    Submit rules describe in which case Shepherd will schedule new jobs.

        retry (bool): if true, all failed or canceled jobs will be rescheduled.
        update_pending (bool): if true, all pending jobs whose Slurm parameters
            have changed will be replaced.
        update (bool): if true, all pending or running jobs whose Slurm parameters
            have changed will be replaced.
        replace (bool): if true, all running jobs will be replaced by new jobs.
        replace_done (bool): if true, all done jobs will be relaunched.

    retry: bool = False
    update: bool = False
    replace: bool = False
    replace_done: bool = False

class ShepConfig:
    Configuration for Shepherd. Mostly naming conventions for folders and files.
    There should be little reasons to change that.
    job_file: str = "job.pkl"
    by_id: str = "by_id"
    orphans: str = "orphans"
    submitit_folder: str = "submitit"
    latest_submitit: str = "latest"
    arrays: str = "arrays"

class DoraConfig:
    Main Dora configuration. The main parameters to change are the following.

        dir (Path or str): path where Dora will save all useful informations, logs.
            This is also where you should store your checkpoints (see `dora.xp.XP`).
        exclude (List[str]): list of patterns of argument names to ignore
            when computing the XP signature and doing deduplication.
            For instance 'num_workers', etc.
        git_save (bool): when True, experiments can only be scheduled from a clean repo.
            A shallow clone of the repo will be made and execution will happen from there.
            This does not impact `dora run` unless you pass the `--git_save` flag.
        shared (Path or None): if provided, the path to a central repository of XPs.
            For the moment, this only supports sharing hyper-params, logs etc. will stay
            in the per user folder.
        grid_package (str or None): if provided, package to look for grids. Default
            to the package with the `` module followed by `.grids`.
    dir: Path = Path("./outputs")  # where everything will be stored
    exclude: tp.List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    git_save: bool = False
    shared: tp.Optional[Path] = None  # Optional path for shared XPs.
    grid_package: tp.Optional[str] = None

    # Those are internal config values and are unlikely to be changed
    history: str = "history.json"  # where metrics will be stored
    xps: str = "xps"  # subfolder to store xps

    shep: ShepConfig = field(default_factory=ShepConfig)
    rendezvous_file: str = "rendezvous.txt"
    use_rendezvous: bool = False
    # Filenames used in various places, you shouldn't edit that
    _grids: str = "grids"
    _codes: str = "codes"

    def is_excluded(self, arg_name: str) -> bool:
        """Return True if the given argument name should be excluded from
        the signature."""
        for pattern in self.exclude:
            if fnmatch(arg_name, pattern):
                return True
        return False

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in ['dir', 'shared']:
            from .git_save import to_absolute_path
            if value is not None:
                value = Path(to_absolute_path(value))
        super().__setattr__(name, value)


def update_from_args(data: Any, args: argparse.Namespace)

Update the given dataclass from the argument parser args.

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def update_from_args(data: tp.Any, args: Namespace):
    """Update the given dataclass from the argument parser args.
    for key in data.__dict__:
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        if hasattr(args, key):
            value = getattr(args, key)
            if value is not None:
                setattr(data, key, value)
def update_from_hydra(data: Any, cfg: omegaconf.dictconfig.DictConfig)

Update the given dataclass from the hydra config.

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def update_from_hydra(data: tp.Any, cfg: DictConfig):
    """Update the given dataclass from the hydra config.

    dct = OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True)
    assert isinstance(dct, dict)
    for key, value in dct.items():
        assert isinstance(key, str)
        if hasattr(data, key):
            setattr(data, key, value)
            raise AttributeError(f"Object of type {data.__class__} "
                                 f"does not have an attribute {key}")


class DoraConfig (dir: pathlib.Path = PosixPath('outputs'), exclude: List[str] = <factory>, git_save: bool = False, shared: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, grid_package: Optional[str] = None, history: str = 'history.json', xps: str = 'xps', shep: ShepConfig = <factory>, rendezvous_file: str = 'rendezvous.txt', use_rendezvous: bool = False)

Main Dora configuration. The main parameters to change are the following.


dir : Path or str
path where Dora will save all useful informations, logs. This is also where you should store your checkpoints (see XP).
exclude : List[str]
list of patterns of argument names to ignore when computing the XP signature and doing deduplication. For instance 'num_workers', etc.
git_save : bool
when True, experiments can only be scheduled from a clean repo. A shallow clone of the repo will be made and execution will happen from there. This does not impact dora run unless you pass the --git_save flag.
shared : Path or None
if provided, the path to a central repository of XPs. For the moment, this only supports sharing hyper-params, logs etc. will stay in the per user folder.
grid_package : str or None
if provided, package to look for grids. Default to the package with the module followed by .grids.
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class DoraConfig:
    Main Dora configuration. The main parameters to change are the following.

        dir (Path or str): path where Dora will save all useful informations, logs.
            This is also where you should store your checkpoints (see `dora.xp.XP`).
        exclude (List[str]): list of patterns of argument names to ignore
            when computing the XP signature and doing deduplication.
            For instance 'num_workers', etc.
        git_save (bool): when True, experiments can only be scheduled from a clean repo.
            A shallow clone of the repo will be made and execution will happen from there.
            This does not impact `dora run` unless you pass the `--git_save` flag.
        shared (Path or None): if provided, the path to a central repository of XPs.
            For the moment, this only supports sharing hyper-params, logs etc. will stay
            in the per user folder.
        grid_package (str or None): if provided, package to look for grids. Default
            to the package with the `` module followed by `.grids`.
    dir: Path = Path("./outputs")  # where everything will be stored
    exclude: tp.List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    git_save: bool = False
    shared: tp.Optional[Path] = None  # Optional path for shared XPs.
    grid_package: tp.Optional[str] = None

    # Those are internal config values and are unlikely to be changed
    history: str = "history.json"  # where metrics will be stored
    xps: str = "xps"  # subfolder to store xps

    shep: ShepConfig = field(default_factory=ShepConfig)
    rendezvous_file: str = "rendezvous.txt"
    use_rendezvous: bool = False
    # Filenames used in various places, you shouldn't edit that
    _grids: str = "grids"
    _codes: str = "codes"

    def is_excluded(self, arg_name: str) -> bool:
        """Return True if the given argument name should be excluded from
        the signature."""
        for pattern in self.exclude:
            if fnmatch(arg_name, pattern):
                return True
        return False

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in ['dir', 'shared']:
            from .git_save import to_absolute_path
            if value is not None:
                value = Path(to_absolute_path(value))
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

Class variables

var dir : pathlib.Path
var exclude : List[str]
var git_save : bool
var grid_package : Optional[str]
var history : str
var rendezvous_file : str
var shared : Optional[pathlib.Path]
var shepShepConfig
var use_rendezvous : bool
var xps : str


def is_excluded(self, arg_name: str) ‑> bool

Return True if the given argument name should be excluded from the signature.

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def is_excluded(self, arg_name: str) -> bool:
    """Return True if the given argument name should be excluded from
    the signature."""
    for pattern in self.exclude:
        if fnmatch(arg_name, pattern):
            return True
    return False
class ShepConfig (job_file: str = 'job.pkl', by_id: str = 'by_id', orphans: str = 'orphans', submitit_folder: str = 'submitit', latest_submitit: str = 'latest', arrays: str = 'arrays')

Configuration for Shepherd. Mostly naming conventions for folders and files. There should be little reasons to change that.

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class ShepConfig:
    Configuration for Shepherd. Mostly naming conventions for folders and files.
    There should be little reasons to change that.
    job_file: str = "job.pkl"
    by_id: str = "by_id"
    orphans: str = "orphans"
    submitit_folder: str = "submitit"
    latest_submitit: str = "latest"
    arrays: str = "arrays"

Class variables

var arrays : str
var by_id : str
var job_file : str
var latest_submitit : str
var orphans : str
var submitit_folder : str
class SlurmConfig (gpus: int = 1, mem_per_gpu: float = 40, time: int = 1200, cpus_per_gpu: int = 10, cpus_per_task: Optional[int] = None, partition: str = 'learnlab', comment: Optional[str] = None, setup: List[str] = <factory>, max_num_timeout: int = 20, constraint: str = '', one_task_per_node: bool = False, array_parallelism: int = 256, exclude: Optional[str] = None, qos: Optional[str] = None, account: Optional[str] = None, dependents: int = 0)

Configuration when scheduling a job. This differs slightly from Slurm/Submitit params because this will automatically scale some values based on the number of GPUs.


gpus : int
number of total GPUs to schedule. Number of nodes and tasks per nodes will be automatically inferred.
mem_per_gpu : float
amount of memory in GB to schedule per gpus.
time : int
maximum duration for the job in minutes.
cpus_per_gpu : int
number of cpus per gpu, this will set the cpus_per_task automatically, based on the number of gpus and one_task_per_node, unless cpus_per_task is explicitely provided.
cpus_per_task : int or None
number of cpus per task.
partition : str
partition name
comment : str
comment for the job.
setup : List[str]
list of shell commands to execute before the actual command. Use it for module load.
max_num_timeout : int
maximum number of requeue.
one_task_per_node : bool
if True, schedules a single task per node, otherwise, will schedule one task per gpu (default is False).
array_parallelism : int
when using job arrays, how many tasks can run in parallel.
qos : str or None
qos param for slurm.
account : str or None
account param for slurm.
dependents : int
if > 0, start a number of dependent jobs. Requeuing will be deactivated and rely on dependent jobs instead.

Warning: this assumes one task per GPU.

Set one_task_per_node if you do not want that. Tasks without any gpus are not really supported at the moment.

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class SlurmConfig:
    Configuration when scheduling a job.
    This differs slightly from Slurm/Submitit params because this will
    automatically scale some values based on the number of GPUs.

        gpus (int): number of total GPUs to schedule. Number of nodes
            and tasks per nodes will be automatically inferred.
        mem_per_gpu (float): amount of memory in GB to schedule
            per gpus.
        time (int): maximum duration for the job in minutes.
        cpus_per_gpu (int): number of cpus per gpu, this will set
            the `cpus_per_task` automatically, based on the
            number of gpus and `one_task_per_node`, unless `cpus_per_task`
            is explicitely provided.
        cpus_per_task (int or None): number of cpus per task.
        partition (str): partition name
        comment (str): comment for the job.
        setup (List[str]): list of shell commands to execute
            before the actual command. Use it for `module load`.
        max_num_timeout (int): maximum number of requeue.
        one_task_per_node (bool): if True, schedules a single task
            per node, otherwise, will schedule one task per gpu (default is False).
        array_parallelism (int): when using job arrays, how many tasks can run
            in parallel.
        qos (str or None): qos param for slurm.
        account (str or None): account param for slurm.
        dependents (int): if > 0, start a number of dependent jobs. Requeuing
            will be deactivated and rely on dependent jobs instead.

    ..warning:: this assumes one task per GPU.
        Set `one_task_per_node` if you do not want that.
        Tasks without any gpus are not really supported at the moment.
    gpus: int = 1
    mem_per_gpu: float = 40
    time: int = 1200
    cpus_per_gpu: int = 10
    cpus_per_task: tp.Optional[int] = None
    partition: str = "learnlab"
    comment: tp.Optional[str] = None
    setup: tp.List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    max_num_timeout: int = 20
    constraint: str = ""
    one_task_per_node: bool = False
    array_parallelism: int = 256
    exclude: tp.Optional[str] = None
    qos: tp.Optional[str] = None
    account: tp.Optional[str] = None
    dependents: int = 0

Class variables

var account : Optional[str]
var array_parallelism : int
var comment : Optional[str]
var constraint : str
var cpus_per_gpu : int
var cpus_per_task : Optional[int]
var dependents : int
var exclude : Optional[str]
var gpus : int
var max_num_timeout : int
var mem_per_gpu : float
var one_task_per_node : bool
var partition : str
var qos : Optional[str]
var setup : List[str]
var time : int
class SubmitRules (retry: bool = False, update: bool = False, replace: bool = False, replace_done: bool = False)

Submit rules describe in which case Shepherd will schedule new jobs.


retry : bool
if true, all failed or canceled jobs will be rescheduled.
update_pending : bool
if true, all pending jobs whose Slurm parameters have changed will be replaced.
update : bool
if true, all pending or running jobs whose Slurm parameters have changed will be replaced.
replace : bool
if true, all running jobs will be replaced by new jobs.
replace_done : bool
if true, all done jobs will be relaunched.
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class SubmitRules:
    Submit rules describe in which case Shepherd will schedule new jobs.

        retry (bool): if true, all failed or canceled jobs will be rescheduled.
        update_pending (bool): if true, all pending jobs whose Slurm parameters
            have changed will be replaced.
        update (bool): if true, all pending or running jobs whose Slurm parameters
            have changed will be replaced.
        replace (bool): if true, all running jobs will be replaced by new jobs.
        replace_done (bool): if true, all done jobs will be relaunched.

    retry: bool = False
    update: bool = False
    replace: bool = False
    replace_done: bool = False

Class variables

var replace : bool
var replace_done : bool
var retry : bool
var update : bool