#include <halide2isl.h>
AccessMap tc::halide2isl::ScheduleTreeAndAccesses::accesses |
The correspondence between from Call and Provide nodes and the reference ids in the reads and writes maps.
isl::union_map tc::halide2isl::ScheduleTreeAndAccesses::reads |
Union maps describing the reads and writes done. Uses the ids in the schedule tree to denote the containing Stmt, and tags each access with a unique reference id of the form __tc_ref_N.
StatementMap tc::halide2isl::ScheduleTreeAndAccesses::statements |
The correspondence between leaf Stmts and the statement ids refered to above.
tc::polyhedral::ScheduleTreeUPtr tc::halide2isl::ScheduleTreeAndAccesses::tree |
The schedule tree. This encodes the loop structure, but not the leaf statements. Leaf statements are replaced with IDs of the form S_N. The memory access patterns and the original statement for each leaf node is captured below.
isl::union_map tc::halide2isl::ScheduleTreeAndAccesses::writes |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: