Source code for tensor_comprehensions

# Copyright (c) 2017-present, Facebook, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import time

# Importing pytorch before trying to dlopen tclib is currently required
# because of:
# This probably requires a patch on the pytorch side to remove the dependency
import torch

from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import logtostderr
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import debug_lang
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import debug_halide
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import debug_tc_mapper
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import debug_tuner
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import dump_cuda
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import dump_ptx
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import cuda_compiler
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import llvm_flags
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import nvcc_flags

from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import CompilationCache
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import MappingOptions
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import MappingOptionsCache
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import TcExecutor
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import Tuner
from tensor_comprehensions.tclib import TunerConfig

import tensor_comprehensions.tclib as tclib

SILENT = False

[docs]def assert_almost_equal(actual : torch.Tensor, expected : torch.Tensor, *inputs : torch.Tensor, operations: Optional[int] = 1, precision: Optional[float] = 1e-7): r"""Asserts numerical precision requirements. :param actual: the PyTorch Tensor to check. :param expected: the expected PyTorch Tensor. :param inputs: PyTorch Tensors passed as inputs to the TC that produced the actual Tensor. :param operations: maximum number of iterated operations per produced value. This is used to compute the required absolute precision. :param precision: relative precision at which to check. """ diff = actual - expected max_value = 0.0 for inp in inputs: max_value = max(float(inp.abs().max()), max_value) max_diff = float(diff.abs().max()) assert max_diff <= operations * precision * max_value, ( ("error at relative precision: {}, #operations: {}, " + "max_value: {}, max_diff: {}").format( precision, operations, max_value, max_diff) )
[docs]class Executor(object): r"""Callable helper class to hold the result of compiling a TC def with fixed input sizes. """ def __init__(self, executor: TcExecutor): self.executor = executor
[docs] def __call__( self, *inputs: torch.Tensor, outputs: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, unchecked: Optional[bool] = False) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: r"""Run the compiled TC kernel. :param inputs: PyTorch Tensors for which the compiled kernel has been specialized. You must use tensors of the same sizes as you have specialized for otherwise illegal memory accesses will occur. :param outputs: PyTorch Tensors into which the TC kernel will write. If left unspecified, new tensors will be allocated (which will have a noticeable performance impact until the caching allocator kicks in). :param unchecked: Disable shape checks (at your own risk) which reduces overhead in the case of low-latency kernels. Returns: A PyTorch Tensor, or a tuple of Pytorch Tensors in the case of multiple return values. Example: >>> A, B = ( ... torch.randn(100, device='cuda').fill_(1), ... torch.randn(100, device='cuda').fill_(1)) ... add = tc.compile( ... 'def add(float(N) A, float(N) B) -> (C) { C(i) = A(i) + B(i) }', ... 'add', ... 'naive', ... A, B, ... ) ... C = add(A, B) >>> print(C.min(), C.max()) tensor(2., device='cuda:0') tensor(2., device='cuda:0') """ if outputs is None: if unchecked: return self.executor.unchecked_run(inputs) return if unchecked: return self.executor.unchecked_run(inputs, outputs) return, outputs)
[docs]def compile( tc: str, entry_point: str, mapping_options: Union[str, MappingOptions], *inputs: torch.Tensor) -> Executor: r"""Returns a compiled, callable, low-overhead :class:`Executor`. An example of usage is provided in :class:`Executor`. :param tc: a string containing one of more TC defs. :param entry_point: the name of the TC def to compile and execute. :param mapping_options: the options to use for compilation. :param inputs: PyTorch Tensors for which the compiled kernel is specialized. :rtype: :class:`Executor`, a low-overhead callable class to launch the kernel compiled from the :code:`entry_point`. """ mapping_options = ( MappingOptions(mapping_options) if isinstance(mapping_options, str) else mapping_options) return Executor(tclib.compile(tc, entry_point, inputs, mapping_options))
[docs]def autotune(tc: str, entry_point: str, *inputs: torch.Tensor, starting_options: Optional[Union[str, MappingOptions]] = None, tuner_config: Optional[TunerConfig] = TunerConfig(), cache_filename: Optional[str] = None, load_from_cache: Optional[bool] = False, store_to_cache: Optional[bool] = False) -> MappingOptions: r"""Tunes the defined TC function for given inputs. The MappingOptions from which tuning starts is either passed explicitly via :code:`starting_options` or loaded from a cache file (when both :code:`cache_filename` and :code:`load_from_cache` are properly specified). Exactly one of :code:`starting_options` and :code:`load_from_cache` must be specified. It is possible to obtain a reinforcement tuning behavior by tuning over multiple executions and specifying both :code:`load_from_cache` and :code:`store_to_cache`. It is recommended to only use a single cache file for all TC defs and reinforce it over time. An example of usage is provided with :func:`autotune_and_compile`. :param tc: a string containing one of more TC defs. :param entry_point: the name of the TC def to compile and execute. :param inputs: PyTorch Tensors that TC should tune for. The inputs must be passed in the order they are also passed in the definition of the TC function. :param starting_options: :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions` from which tuning should start. :param tuner_config: :class:`~tclib.TunerConfig` to control the behavior of the autotuner. :param load_from_cache: Get the starting :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions` by loading from :code:`cache_filename`. If loading fails to recover an entry from the cache file for the given input sizes an assertion error will trigger. :param store_to_cache: Optionally store the best result by appending it to the backing cache file. Returns: The best options found during this tuning run. """ if cache_filename is not None: assert load_from_cache or store_to_cache, ("cache_filename specified" + "must also specify load_from_cache or store_to_cache") if load_from_cache or store_to_cache: assert cache_filename is not None, ("load_from_cache or store_to_cache" + " specified, must also specify cache_filename") assert starting_options is not None or load_from_cache, ( "Must specify either starting_options or load_from_cache, choose one!") assert starting_options is None or not load_from_cache, ( "Cannot specify both starting_options and load_from_cache, choose one!") base_options = None if load_from_cache: cache = MappingOptionsCache(cache_filename) loaded = cache.load(tc, entry_point, inputs, 1) assert len(loaded) > 0, ( "Could not load from cache for TC {} and sizes {}".format( entry_point, "".join(str(i.size()) + " " for i in inputs))) base_options = loaded[0] else: base_options = ( MappingOptions(starting_options) if isinstance(starting_options, str) else starting_options) # TODO: This is still an implicit store behavior in the C++ API, # make it explicit... tuner = Tuner(tc, cache_filename if store_to_cache else "") return tuner.tune( entry_point, inputs, base_options, tuner_config)
[docs]def autotune_and_compile( tc: str, entry_point: str, *inputs: torch.Tensor, starting_options: Optional[Union[str, MappingOptions]] = None, tuner_config: Optional[TunerConfig] = TunerConfig(), cache_filename: Optional[str] = None, load_from_cache: Optional[bool] = False, store_to_cache: Optional[bool] = False) -> Executor: r"""Calls autotune, compiles with best options then returns an Executor. Takes the same arguments as the :func:`autotune` function. Example: >>> A, B = ( ... torch.randn(10 ** 5, device='cuda').fill_(1.0), ... torch.randn(10 ** 5, device='cuda').fill_(1.0)) ... add = tc.autotune_and_compile( ... "def add(float(N) A, float(N) B) -> (C) { C(i) = A(i) + B(i) }", ... "add", ... A, B, ... starting_options='naive', ... tuner_config=tc.TunerConfig().threads(5).generations(3).pop_size(5) ... ) ... C = add(A, B) >>> print(C.min(), C.max()) tensor(2., device='cuda:0') tensor(2., device='cuda:0') """ best = autotune( tc, entry_point, *inputs, starting_options=starting_options, tuner_config=tuner_config, cache_filename=cache_filename, load_from_cache=load_from_cache, store_to_cache=store_to_cache) if best is None: return None return compile(tc, entry_point, best, *inputs)
[docs]def make_naive_options_factory() -> ( Callable[[str, str, Iterable[torch.Tensor]], MappingOptions]): r"""Return a factory that always generates naive :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions`. For easily getting started with TC and debugging purposes only. :rtype: a function that takes a string with multiple TC defs, an entry_point and input PyTorch Tensors and produces a :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions`. """ def generate(tc: str, entry_point: str, *inputs: torch.Tensor) -> MappingOptions: return MappingOptions('naive') return generate
[docs]def make_load_from_cache_options_factory(cache_filename: str) -> ( Callable[[str, str, Iterable[torch.Tensor]], MappingOptions]): r"""Return a factory that loads :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions` from a cache file. :param cache_filename: the filename :rtype: a function that takes a string with multiple TC defs, an entry_point and input PyTorch Tensors and produces a :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions`. """ def generate(tc: str, entry_point: str, *inputs: torch.Tensor) -> MappingOptions: cache = MappingOptionsCache(cache_filename) loaded = cache.load(tc, entry_point, inputs, 1) if len(loaded) > 0: return loaded[0] return None return generate
[docs]def make_autotuned_options_factory( starting_options: Optional[Union[str, MappingOptions]] = None, tuner_config: TunerConfig = TunerConfig(), cache_filename: Optional[str] = None, load_from_cache: Optional[bool] = False, store_to_cache: Optional[bool] = False) -> ( Callable[[str, str, Iterable[torch.Tensor]], MappingOptions]): r"""Return a factory that runs autotuning to determine the best :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions`. The returned factory just calls the :func:`autotune` function, see its documentation for more information. :rtype: a function that takes a string with multiple TC defs, an entry_point and input PyTorch Tensors and produces a :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions`. """ def generate(tc: str, entry_point: str, *inputs: torch.Tensor) -> MappingOptions: return autotune( tc, entry_point, *inputs, starting_options=starting_options, tuner_config=tuner_config, cache_filename=cache_filename, load_from_cache=load_from_cache, store_to_cache=store_to_cache) return generate
class TC(object): def __init__( self, tc: str, mapping_options_factory: ( Callable[[str, str, Iterable[torch.Tensor]], MappingOptions]) ): = tc self.mapping_options_factory = mapping_options_factory self.compilation_cache = CompilationCache( # Make each TC def in the tc str a method of the TC object so we can: # T = tc.define("def add() ...") # T.add() # def make_closure(obj: TC, tc_def_name: str): def fun(*inputs: torch.Tensor, outputs: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, unchecked: Optional[bool] = False) -> List[torch.Tensor] : return obj( tc_def_name, *inputs, outputs=outputs, unchecked=unchecked) return fun for tc_def in tclib.parse_defs( self.__setattr__(tc_def, make_closure(self, tc_def)) def __call__( self, entry_point: str, *inputs: torch.Tensor, outputs: Optional[Tuple[torch.Tensor]] = None, unchecked: Optional[bool] = False) -> List[torch.Tensor]: # Locally scoped implicit compilation def implicit_compile(tc_obj: TC, entry_point: str, *inputs: torch.Tensor): already_compiled = tc_obj.compilation_cache.is_compiled( entry_point, inputs) if already_compiled: return global SILENT if not SILENT: sizes = "".join(str(i.size()) + " " for i in inputs) print( "TC \"{}\" was not explicitly compiled for ".format(entry_point) + "inputs of sizes:\n {}\n".format(sizes) + "....Generate implicit MappingOptions") mapping_options = tc_obj.mapping_options_factory(, entry_point, *inputs) assert mapping_options is not None, ( "No options found for TC {} ".format(entry_point) + "with inputs of sizes:\n {}\n".format( "".join(str(i.size()) + " " for i in inputs))) # Compile best options to set the executor for the current # (entry point, inputs) start = time.clock() tc_obj.compilation_cache.compile( entry_point, inputs, mapping_options) if not SILENT: print( "Done compiling TC \"{}\" (compile time: {}ms)".format( entry_point, int((time.clock() - start) * 10 ** 3))) implicit_compile(self, entry_point, *inputs) if unchecked: return self.compilation_cache.unchecked_run(entry_point, inputs) return, inputs)
[docs]def define(tc: str, mapping_options_factory: Callable[[str, str, Iterable[torch.Tensor]], MappingOptions]) -> TC: r"""Create a helper class with methods that implement multiple TC defs. Parsing a TC string with multiple defs and return a helper object with method names that match each of the TC def. Later, JIT compilation occurs on-demand the first time one such method is called with PyTorch Tensors of new sizes. The returned :class:`TC` helper class is backed by a compilation cache which memoizes the results of compilation and avoids spurious recompilations. In order to determine the :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions`, used for JIT compiling a particular TC def on inputs of particular sizes, the :code:`mapping_options_factory` function is called. We provide the factory builder functions :func:`make_naive_options_factory`, :func:`make_load_from_cache_options_factory` and :func:`make_autotuned_options_factory` Further user-defined factory functions can be easily written to extend the behavior. .. warning:: If you chose to benchmark TC using this high-level API, be sure to understand how compilation, tuning and memoization interact. More generally, the low-level API should be used for benchmarking purposes. :param tc: a string containing one of more TC defs. :param mapping_options_factory: a function that takes a string with multiple TC defs, an entry_point and input PyTorch Tensors and produces a :class:`~tclib.MappingOptions`. :rtype: a Callable helper object with methods corresponding to the TC def names and backed by a compilation cache. Examples: One can define TC functions compiled with naive options for the purpose of correctness check debugging: >>> T = tc.define( ... ''' ... def add(float(N) A, float(N) B) -> (C) { C(i) = A(i) + B(i) } ... def sub(float(N) A, float(N) B) -> (C) { C(i) = A(i) - B(i) } ... ''', ... tc.make_naive_options_factory()) ... A, B = torch.randn(100, device='cuda'), torch.randn(100, device='cuda') ... C = T.add(A, B) ... tc.assert_almost_equal(C, torch.add(A, B), A, B) ... D = T.sub(A, B) ... tc.assert_almost_equal(D, (A - B), A, B) One can also obtain a reinforced tuning behavior by: >>> tuner_config = tc.TunerConfig().threads(5).generations(3).pop_size(5) ... with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cache_file: ... group_normalization = ''' ... def moments(float(N, K) I) -> (mean, var) { ... # var = E(x^2) - mean^2. ... mean(n) +=! I(n, r_k) ... var(n) +=! I(n, r_k) * I(n, r_k) ... mean(n) = mean(n) / (K) ... var(n) = var(n) / (K) - mean(n) * mean(n) ... } ... ... def group_normalization( ... float(N, G, D, H, W) I, float(G, D) gamma, float(G, D) beta, ... float(N, G) mean, float(N, G) var) -> (O) ... { ... O(n, g, d, h, w) = gamma(g, d) ... * ( I(n, g, d, h, w) - mean(n, g) ) ... * rsqrt( var(n, g) + 1e-5 ) ... + beta(g, d) ... } ... ''' ... ... N, G, D, H, W = 32, 32, 4, 56, 56 ... I, gamma, beta = ( ... torch.randn(N, G, D, H, W, device='cuda'), ... torch.randn(G, D, device='cuda'), ... torch.randn(G, D, device='cuda')) ... ... T = tc.define( ... group_normalization, ... tc.make_autotuned_options_factory( ... starting_options='naive', ... tuner_config=tuner_config, ..., ... store_to_cache=True)) ... # First occurrence triggers tuning from naive options and ... # stores to cache. ... mean, var = T.moments(I.view((N * G, -1))) ... out = T.group_normalization( ... I, gamma, beta, mean.view((N, G)), var.view((N, G))) ... ... # Create a new TC object to retrigger tuning, this time ... # starting from MappingOptions loaded from cache. ... T = tc.define( ... group_normalization, ... tc.make_autotuned_options_factory( ... tuner_config=tuner_config, ..., ... load_from_cache=True, ... store_to_cache=True)) ... mean, var = T.moments(I.view((N * G, -1))) ... out = T.group_normalization( ... I, gamma, beta, mean.view((N, G)), var.view((N, G))) """ return TC(tc, mapping_options_factory)
class Function(torch.autograd.Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, forward_fun, backward_fun, *inputs): ctx.backward_fun = backward_fun ctx.save_for_backward(*inputs) return forward_fun(*inputs) @staticmethod def backward(ctx, *gradients): if ctx.backward_fun is not None: inputs = tuple(list(ctx.saved_tensors) + list( t.contiguous() for t in gradients)) # PyTorch convention: need an extra None return for each of # forward_fun and backward_fun, return (None, None, *ctx.backward_fun(*inputs)) return None class Autograd(object): def __init__(self, forward_fun, backward_fun): self.forward_fun = forward_fun self.backward_fun = backward_fun def __call__(self, *inputs): return Function.apply(self.forward_fun, self.backward_fun, *inputs)
[docs]def make_autograd(forward_fun: Callable[[Iterable[torch.Tensor]], Iterable[torch.Tensor]], backward_fun: Callable[[Iterable[torch.Tensor]], Iterable[torch.Tensor]]): r"""Create a Callable helper object with torch.autograd support. :param forward_fun: a function that takes PyTorch Tensors and implements the forward operation. Returns PyTorch Tensors. :param backward_fun: a function that takes PyTorch Tensors and implements the forward operation. Returns PyTorch Tensors. :rtype: a Callable helper object with torch.autograd support. .. warning:: If you chose to benchmark TC using this high-level API, be sure to understand how autogr, compilation, tuning and memoization interact. More generally, the low-level API should be used for benchmarking purposes. Example: >>> conv = ''' ... def convolution(float(N,C,H,W) I, float(M,C,KH,KW) W1) -> (O) { ... O(n, m, h, w) +=! ... I(n, r_c, h + r_kh, w + r_kw) * W1(m, r_c, r_kh, r_kw) ... } ... def convolution_igrad(float(M,C,KH,KW) W1, float(N,M,H,W) d_O) ... -> (d_I) ... { ... d_I(n, c, h, w) +=! ... d_O( n, r_m, h - r_kh, w - r_kw) * W1(r_m, c, r_kh, r_kw) ... } ... def convolution_wgrad(float(N,C,H,W) I, float(N,M,H,W) d_O) -> (d_W1) ... { ... d_W1(m, c, kh, kw) +=! ... d_O(r_n, m, r_h - kh, r_w - kw) * I(r_n, c, r_h, r_w) ... } ... ''' ... ... N, C, H, W, O, kH, kW = 32, 4, 56, 56, 16, 1, 1 ... T = tc.define( ... conv, ... tc.make_autotuned_options_factory( ... starting_options='naive', ... tuner_config=tuner_config)) ... I, W = ( ... torch.randn(N, C, H, W, device='cuda', requires_grad=True), ... torch.randn(O, C, kH, kW, device='cuda', requires_grad=True)) ... ... def convolution_backward(I, W, d_O): ... d_I = T.convolution_igrad(W, d_O) ... d_O = T.convolution_wgrad(I, d_O) ... return (d_I, d_O) ... ... convolution_function = tc.make_autograd( ... T.convolution, convolution_backward) ... ... # First occurrence triggers tuning ... out = convolution_function(I, W) ... out.sum().backward() ... ... # Subsequent occurrences do not ... out = convolution_function(I, W) ... out.sum().backward() """ return Autograd(forward_fun, backward_fun)
__all__ = [ # Debugging functions, pass True to activate 'logtostderr', 'debug_lang', 'debug_halide', 'debug_tc_mapper', 'debug_tuner', 'dump_cuda', 'dump_ptx', 'cuda_compiler', 'llvm_flags', 'nvcc_flags', # Functions exposed by the tclib 'compile', 'autotune', 'autotune_and_compile', # Classes exposed by the tclib 'CompilationCache', 'MappingOptions', 'MappingOptionsCache', 'Tuner', 'TunerConfig', # Python-side functionality 'assert_almost_equal', 'define', 'make_autograd', 'make_naive_options_factory', 'make_load_from_cache_options_factory', 'make_autotuned_options_factory', 'TC', 'TCWithAutograd', ]