Writing TC operations

This document focuses on writing TC operations using the high-level API. For examples of using the low-level API, see the Python API documentation.

To create a CUDA kernel implementing an operation backed by TC, one should:

  1. Create a callable TC object by calling define()
  2. Create input PyTorch Tensors
  3. Call the TC object with the input PyTorch Tensors

When running, the backend ensures the TC is compiled and memoized for the given input tensor sizes (see the documentation for define() for more details). Calling the object returned by define() executes the corresponding operation and returns a list of outputs. If the operation has already been compiled, in the following runs, the TC backend will reuse the memoized compilation result and run the operation directly.


The following example demonstrates the steps above. We use the make_naive_options_factory() builder function to provide naive MappingOptions. Naive options result in poor performance. At this time, there is no notion of a default MappingOptions. Instead one should use the autotuner to perform an evolutionary search starting from an initial MappingOptions object and return a better MappingOptions object for a given TC function and sizes (more on this below).

import torch
import tensor_comprehensions as tc
T = tc.define(
    def add(float(N) A, float(N) B) -> (C) { C(i) = A(i) + B(i) }
    def sub(float(N) A, float(N) B) -> (C) { C(i) = A(i) - B(i) }
A, B = torch.randn(100, device='cuda'), torch.randn(100, device='cuda')
C = T.add(A, B)
tc.assert_almost_equal(C, torch.add(A, B), A, B)
D = T.sub(A, B)
tc.assert_almost_equal(D, (A - B), A, B)

Specifying MappingOptions

There are three ways to construct MappingOptions when defining a TC:

  • Naive MappingOptions:
    • naive: this is provided to create a basic GPU mapping strategy with 3-D tiling by 32x32x32, mapping to 256x256 blocks 32x8 threads. This should by no means be considered a good baseline but just a point to get started using TC. Once a correct TC is written, we recommend either using options loaded from a MappingOptionsCache or resulting from a tuning run. One can also modify a MappingOptions object programmatically (see the API documentation).
  • Loading from MappingOptionsCache: a MappingOptionsCache provides a simple interface to load the best options from a previous tuning run.
  • Autotuning: A kernel can be autotuned for fixed input tensor sizes. Optionally the best performing options can be cached to a file and reused to compile and run a TC operation.

Loading from cache

Loading the best options from a previously serialized MappingOptionsCache can be achieved by making a factory function with make_load_from_cache_options_factory() and passing it as an argument to the define() function:

N, G, D, H, W = 32, 32, 4, 56, 56
T = tc.define(
I, gamma, beta = (
    torch.randn(N, G, D, H, W, device='cuda'),
    torch.randn(G, D, device='cuda'),
    torch.randn(G, D, device='cuda'))
Sum, SumSq, O = T.group_normalization(I, gamma, beta)

One can also use the low-level MappingOptionsCache.


Tuning can be achieved by making a factory function with make_autotuned_options_factory() and passing it as an argument to the define() function.

N, G, D, H, W = 32, 32, 4, 56, 56
T = tc.define(
I, gamma, beta = (
    torch.randn(N, G, D, H, W, device='cuda'),
    torch.randn(G, D, device='cuda'),
    torch.randn(G, D, device='cuda'))
Sum, SumSq, O = T.group_normalization(I, gamma, beta)


A tuning run can be aborted by sending the SIGINT signal (Ctrl+C). In that case, the compilation and evaluation jobs currently in flight will be flushed, but no new compilation job will be created. Once the jobs in flight are flushed, saving to cache occurs (if requested) and the best MappingOptions found so far will be returned.

Tuning behavior can be modified by defining the TC with an optional TunerConfig parameter constructed as such: tuner_config=tc.TunerConfig().threads(5).generations(3).pop_size(5).


By providing a fixed filename and calling short tuning runs over multiple executions with load_from_cache=True and store_to_cache=True, one can effectively reinforce the tuning process over time without paying a longer startup cost.

Fixed TC, varying input sizes

A TC definition can be reused but will trigger recompilation for different size combinations. While we recommend tuning independently for each TC and input size variation, the best options found for a particular TC and input size combination may transfer well to another input size (especially if sizes are close and the kernels exhibit the same type of bottlenecs; i.e. memory-bound, latency-bound, instruction-issue-bound, compute-bound).


The TC mapper requires statically affine tensor indexing functions. Without getting into deeper details, the dependence analysis process is significantly simplified and can be represented exactly. As a consequence, tensor subscripts should avoid multiplications between an unknown parametric quantity and an index variable. In practice this may require writing different TC versions for different stride and kernel sizes. A simple workaround would be for TC language to provide a templating mechanism. A much simpler way to achieve the same effect is to dynamically perform string substitutions based on runtime values by formatting the TC string with python regular expressions:

import re
import torch
import tensor_comprehensions as tc
def avgpool(float(B, C, H, W) input) -> (output) {
    output(b, c, h, w) +=! input(b, c, h * <sH> + r_kh, w * <sW> + r_kw) / (<kH> * <kW>)
        where r_kh in 0:<kH>, r_kw in 0:<kW>
tc_str = re.sub('<sh>', '1', tc_str)
tc_str = re.sub('<sw>', '1', tc_str)
tc_str = re.sub('<kH>', '2', tc_str)
tc_str = re.sub('<kW>', '3', tc_str)
T = tc.define(tc_str, tc.make_naive_options_factory())
out = T.avgpool(torch.ones(1, 1, 4, 4, device='cuda')

Built-in Functions

TC allows using CUDA built-in functions as well when defining the TC operations. During execution, the CUDA API will be called for those built-in functions. For example, assume one wants to use fmax CUDA function in TC:

import torch
import tensor_comprehensions as tc
tc_str = """
def relu(float(B,M) I) -> (O) {
    O(b, m) = fmax(I(b, m), 0)
T = tc.define(tc_str, tc.make_naive_options_factory())
O = T.relu(torch.randn(100, 128, device='cuda'))

TC only supports a subset of built-in CUDA functions. Built-in functions supported in TC are listed in this file. Documentation for these functions is available as part of the official CUDA documentation.

More examples

You can find more examples in our unit tests. We also provide more elaborate examples on how to compute argmin as well as a simple TC + PyTorch python overhead benchmark.