Source code for kats.models.stlf

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

"""STLF forecasting model

This model starts from decomposing the time series data with STL decomposition
then it fits individual foreasting model on the de-seasonalized components
it re-seasonalizes the forecasted results with seasonal data to produce the final
forecasting results.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
from copy import copy
import kats.models.model as m
from kats.consts import Params, TimeSeriesData
from typing import List, Dict
from kats.utils.decomposition import TimeSeriesDecomposition
from kats.models import (
from kats.utils.parameter_tuning_utils import (
MODELS = ['prophet', "linear", "quadratic", "theta"]

[docs]class STLFParams(Params): """Parameter class for Prophet model This is the parameter class for STLF model, stands for STL-decomposition based forecasting model. Attributes: method: str, the forecasting model to fit on the de-seasonalized component it currently supports prophet, linear, quadratic, and theta method. m: int, the length of one seasonal cycle """ def __init__(self, method: str, m: int) -> None: super().__init__() if method not in MODELS: msg = "Only support prophet, linear, quadratic and theta method, but get {name}.".format( name=method ) logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.method = method self.m = m logging.debug("Initialized STFLParams instance.")
[docs] def validate_params(self): """Validate the parameters for STLF model """"Method validate_params() is not implemented.") pass
[docs]class STLFModel(m.Model): """Model class for STLF This class provides fit, predict, and plot methods for STLF model Attributes: data: the input time series data as :class:`kats.consts.TimeSeriesData` params: the parameter class defined with `STLFParams` """ def __init__(self, data: TimeSeriesData, params: STLFParams) -> None: super().__init__(data, params) if not isinstance(, pd.Series): msg = "Only support univariate time series, but get {type}.".format( type=type( ) logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.n =[0] if self.params.m > self.n: msg = "The seasonality length m must be smaller than the length of time series" logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def deseasonalize(self) -> TimeSeriesData: """De-seasonalize the time series data Args: None Returns: The seasonal and de-seasonalized data """ # create decomposer for time series decomposition decomposer = TimeSeriesDecomposition(, "multiplicative") # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `decomp`. self.decomp = decomposer.decomposer() # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `sea_data`. self.sea_data = copy(self.decomp["seasonal"]) # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `desea_data`. self.desea_data = copy( self.desea_data.value = self.desea_data.value / self.decomp["seasonal"].value # pyre-fixme[7]: Expected `TimeSeriesData` but got `STLFModel`. return self
[docs] def fit(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Fit STLF model Args: None Returns: The fitted STLF model object """ logging.debug("Call fit() with parameters. " "kwargs:{kwargs}".format( kwargs=kwargs )) self.deseasonalize() if self.params.method == "prophet": params = prophet.ProphetParams() model = prophet.ProphetModel( # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `desea_data`. data=self.desea_data, params=params) if self.params.method == "theta": params = theta.ThetaParams(m=1) model = theta.ThetaModel( data=self.desea_data, params=params) if self.params.method == "linear": params = linear_model.LinearModelParams() model = linear_model.LinearModel( data=self.desea_data, params=params) if self.params.method == "quadratic": params = quadratic_model.QuadraticModelParams() model = quadratic_model.QuadraticModel( data=self.desea_data, params=params) # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `model`. self.model = model # pyre-fixme[7]: Expected `None` but got `Union[linear_model.LinearModel, # prophet.ProphetModel, quadratic_model.QuadraticModel, theta.ThetaModel]`. return model
# pyre-fixme[14]: `predict` overrides method defined in `Model` inconsistently.
[docs] def predict(self, steps: int, include_history=False, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """predict with the fitted STLF model Args: steps: the steps or length of prediction horizon include_history: if include the historical data, default as False Returns: The predicted dataframe with following columns: `time`, `fcst`, `fcst_lower`, and `fcst_upper` """ logging.debug("Call predict() with parameters. " "steps:{steps}, kwargs:{kwargs}".format( steps=steps, kwargs=kwargs )) # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `include_history`. self.include_history = include_history # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `freq`. # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `data`. self.freq = kwargs.get("freq", pd.infer_freq( # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `alpha`. self.alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", 0.05) # trend forecast # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `model`. fcst = self.model.predict(steps=steps, include_history=include_history) # re-seasonalize m = self.params.m rep = math.trunc(1 + fcst.shape[0] / m) # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `decomp`. seasonality = self.decomp["seasonal"].value[-m:] # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `y_fcst`. self.y_fcst = fcst.fcst * np.tile(seasonality, rep)[:fcst.shape[0]] if ("fcst_lower" in fcst.columns) and ("fcst_upper" in fcst.columns): # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `fcst_lower`. self.fcst_lower = fcst.fcst_lower * np.tile(seasonality, rep)[:fcst.shape[0]] # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `fcst_upper`. self.fcst_upper = fcst.fcst_upper * np.tile(seasonality, rep)[:fcst.shape[0]]"Generated forecast data from STLF model.") logging.debug("Forecast data: {fcst}".format(fcst=self.y_fcst)) # TODO: create empirical uncertainty interval last_date = dates = pd.date_range(start=last_date, periods=steps + 1, freq=self.freq) # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `dates`. self.dates = dates[dates != last_date] # Return correct number of periods if include_history: self.dates = np.concatenate((pd.to_datetime(, self.dates)) # pyre-fixme[16]: `STLFModel` has no attribute `fcst_df`. self.fcst_df = pd.DataFrame( { "time": self.dates, "fcst": self.y_fcst, "fcst_lower": self.fcst_lower, "fcst_upper": self.fcst_upper } ) logging.debug("Return forecast data: {fcst_df}".format(fcst_df=self.fcst_df)) return self.fcst_df
[docs] def plot(self): """plot forecasted results from Prophet model """"Generating chart for forecast result from STLF model.") m.Model.plot(, self.fcst_df, include_history=self.include_history)
def __str__(self): """AR net moddel as a string Args: None Returns: String representation of the model name """ return "STLF"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_parameter_search_space() -> List[Dict[str, object]]: """Provide a parameter space for STLF model Move the implementation of get_parameter_search_space() out of stlf to keep HPT implementation tighter, and avoid the dependency conflict issue. Args: None Returns: List of dicts contains parameter search space """ # pyre-fixme[7]: Expected `List[Dict[str, object]]` but got `List[Dict[str, # typing.Union[List[typing.Any], bool, str]]]`. return get_default_stlf_parameter_search_space()