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  • Replace all attentions from an existing ViT model with a sparse equivalent?

Replace all attentions from an existing ViT model with a sparse equivalent?

Let’s say you’re used to working with a given Transformer based model, and want to experiment with one of the attention mechanisms supported by xFormers.

The following example shows how to do that in a particular example (reusing a reference ViT from pytorch-image-models), but some aspects will translate just as well when considering other model sources. In any case, please check the notebooks in the repository for a more exhaustive take.

import timm
from timm.models.vision_transformer import VisionTransformer
from xformers.components.attention import ScaledDotProduct
from xformers.helpers.timm_sparse_attention import TimmSparseAttention
img_size = 224
patch_size = 16

# Get a reference ViT model
model = VisionTransformer(img_size=img_size, patch_size=patch_size,
                            embed_dim=96, depth=8, num_heads=8, mlp_ratio=3.,
                            qkv_bias=False, norm_layer=nn.LayerNorm).cuda()

# Define the mask that we want to use
# We suppose in this snipper that you have a precise mask in mind already
# but several helpers and examples are proposed in  `xformers.components.attention.attention_patterns`
my_fancy_mask : torch.Tensor  # This would be for you to define

# Define a recursive monkey patching function
def replace_attn_with_xformers_one(module, att_mask):
    module_output = module
    if isinstance(module, timm.models.vision_transformer.Attention):
        qkv = module.qkv
        dim = qkv.weight.shape[1] * module.num_heads
        # Extra parameters can be exposed in TimmSparseAttention, this is a minimal example
        module_output = TimmSparseAttention(dim, module.num_heads, attn_mask=att_mask)
    for name, child in module.named_children():
        module_output.add_module(name, replace_attn_with_xformers_one(child, att_mask))
    del module

    return module_output

# Now we can just patch our reference model, and get a sparse-aware variation
model = replace_attn_with_xformers_one(model, my_fancy_mask)

Note that in practice exchanging all the attentions with a sparse alternative may not be a good idea, as the attentions closer to the output are not typically exhibiting a clear sparsity pattern. You can alter replace_attn_with_xformers_one above, or replace manually the attentions which would like to sparsify, but not all