
Source code for xformers.components.attention.global_tokens

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from xformers.components.attention import (
from xformers.components.attention.attention_patterns import (
from xformers.components.attention.core import scaled_dot_product_attention

class GlobalAttentionConfig(AttentionConfig):
    attention_query_mask: torch.Tensor  # Mark the queries which have global attention
    causal: Optional[bool]
    force_sparsity: Optional[bool]

[docs]@register_attention("global", GlobalAttentionConfig) class GlobalAttention(Attention):
[docs] def __init__( self, dropout: float, attention_query_mask: torch.Tensor, causal: bool = False, force_sparsity: bool = False, *_, **__, ): r""" Global attention, as proposed for instance in BigBird_ or Longformer_. Global means in that case that the queries positively labelled in the ```attention_query_mask``` can attend to all the other queries. The queries negatively labelled in the ```attention_query_mask``` cannot attend to any other query. This implementation is sparse-aware, meaning that the empty attention parts will not be represented in memory. Args: dropout (float): probability of an element to be zeroed attention_query_mask (torch.Tensor): if true, this query can attend to all the others """ super().__init__() assert attention_query_mask.dtype == torch.bool, "A boolean mask is expected" assert ( attention_query_mask.shape[1] == 1 and attention_query_mask.shape[0] > attention_query_mask.shape[1] ), "A N x 1 query mask is expected" self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(dropout, inplace=False) self.attention_mask = global_token_pattern(attention_query_mask[:, 0]) self.force_sparsity = force_sparsity if causal: self.attention_mask &= causal_1d_pattern(attention_query_mask.shape[1]) self.attention_mask = ( sparsify(self.attention_mask) if self.force_sparsity else maybe_sparsify(self.attention_mask) ) # Properties specific to this attention mechanism self.requires_same_k_q_dimensions = True self.supports_attention_mask = False self.supports_key_padding_mask = False
[docs] def forward( self, q: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, att_mask: Optional[Union[torch.Tensor, AttentionMask]] = None, *_, **__, ): # Make sure that the mask is on the right device if self.attention_mask.device != q.device: self.attention_mask = # Mask-aware attention if att_mask is not None: if att_mask.dtype == torch.bool and isinstance( self.attention_mask, AttentionMask ): if not isinstance(att_mask, AttentionMask): att_mask = AttentionMask.from_bool(att_mask) mask = self.attention_mask + att_mask else: mask = self.attention_mask & att_mask else: mask = self.attention_mask # Handle q/k/v which would not fit the mask seq_len = q.shape[-2] q_, k_, v_ = map(lambda x: self._maybe_pad_sequence(x, mask), (q, k, v)) # Normal attention with the global tokens mask att = scaled_dot_product_attention( q=q_, k=k_, v=v_, att_mask=mask, dropout=self.attn_drop ) # Take into account an hypothetical padding return att[:, :seq_len, :]