
Source code for xformers.components.attention.favor

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import logging
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.cuda.amp import autocast

from xformers.components.attention import Attention, AttentionConfig, register_attention
from xformers.components.attention.feature_maps import (

logger = logging.getLogger("xformers")

class FavorAttentionConfig(AttentionConfig):
    causal: Optional[bool]
    dim_features: Optional[int] = None  # The dimensions of the random features
    dim_head: Optional[
    ] = None  # The embedding dimension of the inputs. Only useful to get a dim_features estimate
    iter_before_redraw: Optional[
    ] = None  # The number of iterations before the random features are re-drawn from scratch
    feature_map: Optional[FeatureMapType] = None

[docs]@register_attention("favor", FavorAttentionConfig) class FavorAttention(Attention):
[docs] def __init__( self, causal: bool = False, dropout: float = 0.0, dim_features: Optional[int] = None, dim_head: Optional[int] = None, iter_before_redraw: Optional[int] = None, feature_map_type: FeatureMapType = FeatureMapType.SMReg, normalize_inputs: bool = False, *_, **__, ): r""" Kernelized attention, as proposed in Performers_ ("Rethinking attention with performers." K. Choromanski et al. (2020).). FAVOR stands for "Fast Attention Via positive Orthogonal Random features" Args: dropout (float): the probability of an output to be randomly dropped at training time dim_features (int): the dimension of the random features space iter_before_redraw (int): the number of steps (forward calls) before a redraw of the features feature_map_type (FeatureMapType): the type of feature map being used, for instance orthogonal random features. .. _Performers: """ super().__init__() self.causal = causal self.iter_before_redraw = ( (2 * iter_before_redraw) if iter_before_redraw is not None else iter_before_redraw ) # This will be used for both key and query self.normalize_inputs = normalize_inputs self.feature_map_type = feature_map_type self.attn_drop = nn.Dropout(dropout, inplace=True) # Setup dimension-dependent variables # Reasonable dimension default if dim_features is None: assert dim_head is not None, "dim_features or dim_head needs to be passed" self.dim_features = math.ceil(dim_head * (1 + math.log2(dim_head))) self.dim_features = 2 * ( self.dim_features // 2 ) # needs to be even for some variants f"FAVOR: Automatically setting the random mapping dimension to {self.dim_features} from {dim_head}" ) else: self.dim_features = dim_features feature_map_constructor = { FeatureMapType.SMHyp: SMHyperbolic, FeatureMapType.SMReg: SMReg, FeatureMapType.SMOrf: SMOrf, }[self.feature_map_type] feature_settings = { "dim_features": self.dim_features, "iter_before_redraw": self.iter_before_redraw, "normalize_inputs": self.normalize_inputs, } self.feature_map: FeatureMap = feature_map_constructor(**feature_settings) # type: ignore # Properties specific to this attention mechanism self.supports_attention_mask = False self.supports_key_padding_mask = False
@staticmethod def _maybe_promote(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # Only promote fp16 buffers, bfloat16 would be fine for instance return x.float() if x.dtype == torch.float16 else x @staticmethod def _causal_attention( k_prime: torch.Tensor, q_prime: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: # Algorithm 1 in the paper ref_v = torch.ones_like(v.unsqueeze(2)) # BATCH x SEQ x 1 x EMB Gps = k_prime.unsqueeze(3) * v.unsqueeze(2) Grenorm = k_prime.unsqueeze(3) * ref_v # Consolidate against the feature dimension att_raw = torch.einsum("bcfe,bcf->bce", Gps, q_prime) att_norm = torch.einsum("bcfe,bcf->bce", Grenorm, q_prime) # Cumulative sum over the sequence att_raw = att_raw.cumsum(2) att_norm = att_norm.cumsum(2) return att_raw, att_norm
[docs] def forward( self, q: torch.Tensor, k: torch.Tensor, v: torch.Tensor, *_, **__, ): # Project key and queries onto the feature map space k_prime = self.feature_map(k) q_prime = self.feature_map(q) with autocast(enabled=False): # The softmax kernel approximation for Favor will easily overflow # Force the computations here to stay in fp32 for numerical stability # Note that the dimensions are vastly reduced when compared to scaled_dot_product k_prime = self._maybe_promote(k_prime) q_prime = self._maybe_promote(q_prime) v = self._maybe_promote(v) if not self.causal: att_normalization = q_prime @ ( k_prime.transpose(-2, -1) @ torch.ones_like(v) ) att_raw = q_prime @ (k_prime.transpose(-2, -1) @ v) else: # Actually compute attention att_raw, att_normalization = self._causal_attention(k_prime, q_prime, v) # Normalize att = att_raw / att_normalization if self.attn_drop is not None: att = self.attn_drop(att) return att