Template Class FFmpegFrames¶
Defined in File frames.h
Class Documentation¶
template<MediaType media_type>
class FFmpegFrames¶ Base class that holds media frames decoded with FFmpeg.
Public Functions
FFmpegFrames(const FFmpegFrames&) = delete¶
No copy constructor.
FFmpegFrames &operator=(const FFmpegFrames&) = delete¶
No copy assignment operator.
FFmpegFrames(FFmpegFrames&&) noexcept¶
Move constructor.
FFmpegFrames &operator=(FFmpegFrames&&) noexcept¶
Move assignment operator.
Destructor releases
uint64_t get_id() const¶
Get the ID used for tracing.
const std::vector<AVFrame*> &get_frames() const¶
Get the list of frames.
const char *get_media_format_name() const¶
Get the format of the frames.
OptionDict get_metadata() const¶
Get metadata.
int get_num_frames() const¶
Get the number of frames.
void push_back(AVFrame *frame)¶
Push a new frame into the container.
int64_t get_pts(size_t index = 0) const¶
int get_sample_rate() const¶
Get the sample rate.
int get_num_channels() const¶
Get the number of audio channels.
int get_num_planes() const¶
Get the number of planes in the image.
Note: The number of planes and the number of color channels do not match. For example, NV12 has 3 channels, YUV, but U and V are interleaved in the same plane.
int get_width() const¶
Get the width of the image.
int get_height() const¶
Get the height of the image.
FFmpegVideoFramesPtr slice(int start, int stop, int step) const¶
Range slice operation, using Python’s slice notation.
FFmpegVideoFramesPtr slice(const std::vector<int64_t> &index) const¶
Slice (
) operation.
FFmpegImageFramesPtr slice(int64_t index) const¶
Slice (
) operation.
FFmpegFrames(const FFmpegFrames&) = delete¶