Quasi-hyperbolic optimizers for PyTorch

Getting started

The PyTorch optimizer classes are qhoptim.pyt.QHM and qhoptim.pyt.QHAdam.

Use these optimizers as you would any other PyTorch optimizer:

>>> from qhoptim.pyt import QHM, QHAdam

# something like this for QHM
>>> optimizer = QHM(model.parameters(), lr=1.0, nu=0.7, momentum=0.999)

# or something like this for QHAdam
>>> optimizer = QHAdam(
...     model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, nus=(0.7, 1.0), betas=(0.995, 0.999))

# a single optimization step
>>> optimizer.zero_grad()
>>> loss_fn(model(input), target).backward()
>>> optimizer.step()

QHM API reference

class qhoptim.pyt.QHM(params, lr=<required parameter>, momentum=<required parameter>, nu=<required parameter>, weight_decay=0.0, weight_decay_type='grad')[source]

Implements the quasi-hyperbolic momentum (QHM) optimization algorithm (Ma and Yarats, 2019).

Note that many other optimization algorithms are accessible via specific parameterizations of QHM. See from_accsgd(), from_robust_momentum(), etc. for details.

  • params (iterable) – iterable of parameters to optimize or dicts defining parameter groups

  • lr (float) – learning rate (\(\alpha\) from the paper)

  • momentum (float) – momentum factor (\(\beta\) from the paper)

  • nu (float) – immediate discount factor (\(\nu\) from the paper)

  • weight_decay (float, optional) – weight decay (L2 regularization coefficient, times two) (default: 0.0)

  • weight_decay_type (str, optional) – method of applying the weight decay: "grad" for accumulation in the gradient (same as torch.optim.SGD) or "direct" for direct application to the parameters (default: "grad")


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHM(
...     model.parameters(), lr=1.0, nu=0.7, momentum=0.999)
>>> optimizer.zero_grad()
>>> loss_fn(model(input), target).backward()
>>> optimizer.step()


Mathematically, QHM is a simple interpolation between plain SGD and momentum:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} g_{t + 1} &\leftarrow \beta \cdot g_t + (1 - \beta) \cdot \nabla_t \\ \theta_{t + 1} &\leftarrow \theta_t + \alpha \left[ (1 - \nu) \cdot \nabla_t + \nu \cdot g_{t + 1} \right] \end{align*}\end{split}\]

Here, \(\alpha\) is the learning rate, \(\beta\) is the momentum factor, and \(\nu\) is the “immediate discount” factor which controls the interpolation between plain SGD and momentum. \(g_t\) is the momentum buffer, \(\theta_t\) is the parameter vector, and \(\nabla_t\) is the gradient with respect to \(\theta_t\).


QHM uses dampened momentum. This means that when converting from plain momentum to QHM, the learning rate must be scaled by \(\frac{1}{1 - \beta}\). For example, momentum with learning rate \(\alpha = 0.1\) and momentum \(\beta = 0.9\) should be converted to QHM with learning rate \(\alpha = 1.0\).

classmethod from_accsgd(delta, kappa, xi, eps=0.7)[source]

Calculates the QHM hyperparameters required to recover the AccSGD optimizer (Kidambi et al., 2018).

  • delta (float) – short step (see reference)

  • kappa (float) – long step parameter (see reference)

  • xi (float) – statistical advantage parameter (see reference)

  • eps (float, optional) – arbitrary value, between 0 and 1 exclusive (see reference) (default: 0.7)


Three-element dict containing lr, momentum, and nu to use in QHM.


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHM(
...     model.parameters(),
...     weight_decay=1e-4,
...     **qhoptim.pyt.QHM.from_accsgd(
...         delta=0.1, kappa=1000.0, xi=10.0))
classmethod from_pid(k_p, k_i, k_d)[source]

Calculates the QHM hyperparameters required to recover a PID optimizer as described in Recht (2018).

  • k_p (float) – proportional gain (see reference)

  • k_i (float) – integral gain (see reference)

  • k_d (float) – derivative gain (see reference)


Three-element dict containing lr, momentum, and nu to use in QHM.


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHM(
...     model.parameters(),
...     weight_decay=1e-4,
...     **qhoptim.pyt.QHM.from_pid(
...         k_p=-0.1, k_i=1.0, k_d=3.0))
classmethod from_robust_momentum(l, kappa, rho=None)[source]

Calculates the QHM hyperparameters required to recover the Robust Momentum (Cyrus et al., 2018) or Triple Momentum (Scoy et al., 2018) optimizers.

  • l (float) – Lipschitz constant of gradient (see reference)

  • kappa (float) – condition ratio (see reference)

  • rho (float, optional) – noise-free convergence rate. If None, will return the parameters for the Triple Momentum optimizer.


Three-element dict containing lr, momentum, and nu to use in QHM.


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHM(
...     model.parameters(),
...     weight_decay=1e-4,
...     **qhoptim.pyt.QHM.from_robust_momentum(
...         l=5.0, kappa=15.0))
classmethod from_synthesized_nesterov(alpha, beta1, beta2)[source]

Calculates the QHM hyperparameters required to recover the synthesized Nesterov optimizer (Section 6 of Lessard et al. (2016)).

  • alpha (float) – learning rate

  • beta1 (float) – first momentum (see reference)

  • beta2 (float) – second momentum (see reference)


Three-element dict containing lr, momentum, and nu to use in QHM.


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHM(
...     model.parameters(),
...     weight_decay=1e-4,
...     **qhoptim.pyt.QHM.from_synthesized_nesterov(
...         alpha=0.1, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.6))
classmethod from_two_state_optimizer(h, k, l, m, q, z)[source]

Calculates the QHM hyperparameters required to recover the following optimizer (named “TSO” in Ma and Yarats (2019)):

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} a_{t + 1} &\leftarrow h \cdot a_t + k \cdot \theta_t + l \cdot \nabla_t \\ \theta_{t + 1} &\leftarrow m \cdot a_t + q \cdot \theta_t + z \cdot \nabla_t \end{align*}\end{split}\]

Here, \(a_t\) and \(\theta_t\) are the two states and \(\nabla_t\) is the gradient with respect to \(\theta_t\).

Be careful that your coefficients satisfy the regularity conditions from the reference.

  • h (float) – see description

  • k (float) – see description

  • l (float) – see description

  • m (float) – see description

  • q (float) – see description

  • z (float) – see description


Three-element dict containing lr, momentum, and nu to use in QHM.


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHM(
...     model.parameters(),
...     weight_decay=1e-4,
...     **qhoptim.pyt.QHM.from_two_state_optimizer(
...         h=0.9, k=0.0, l=0.1, m=-0.09, q=1.0, z=-0.01))

Performs a single optimization step.


closure (callable, optional) – A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss.

QHAdam API reference

class qhoptim.pyt.QHAdam(params, lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999), nus=(1.0, 1.0), weight_decay=0.0, decouple_weight_decay=False, eps=1e-08)[source]

Implements the QHAdam optimization algorithm (Ma and Yarats, 2019).

Note that the NAdam optimizer is accessible via a specific parameterization of QHAdam. See from_nadam() for details.

  • params (iterable) – iterable of parameters to optimize or dicts defining parameter groups

  • lr (float, optional) – learning rate (\(\alpha\) from the paper) (default: 1e-3)

  • betas (Tuple[float, float], optional) – coefficients used for computing running averages of the gradient and its square (default: (0.9, 0.999))

  • nus (Tuple[float, float], optional) – immediate discount factors used to estimate the gradient and its square (default: (1.0, 1.0))

  • eps (float, optional) – term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability (default: 1e-8)

  • weight_decay (float, optional) – weight decay (default: 0.0)

  • decouple_weight_decay (bool, optional) – whether to decouple the weight decay from the gradient-based optimization step (default: False)


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHAdam(
...     model.parameters(),
...     lr=3e-4, nus=(0.8, 1.0), betas=(0.99, 0.999))
>>> optimizer.zero_grad()
>>> loss_fn(model(input), target).backward()
>>> optimizer.step()
classmethod from_nadam(lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.999))[source]

Calculates the QHAdam hyperparameters required to recover the NAdam optimizer (Dozat, 2016).

This is not an identical recovery of the formulation in the paper, due to subtle differences in the application of the bias correction in the first moment estimator. However, in practice, this difference is almost certainly irrelevant.

  • lr (float, optional) – learning rate (\(\alpha\) from the paper) (default: 1e-3)

  • betas (Tuple[float, float], optional) – coefficients used for computing running averages of the gradient and its square (default: (0.9, 0.999))


Three-element dict containing lr, betas, and nus to use in QHAdam.


>>> optimizer = qhoptim.pyt.QHAdam(
...     model.parameters(),
...     weight_decay=1e-4,
...     **qhoptim.pyt.QHAdam.from_nadam(
...         lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999)))

Performs a single optimization step.


closure (callable, optional) – A closure that reevaluates the model and returns the loss.

qhoptim.pyt.QHAdamW(params, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Constructs the decoupled decay variant of the QHAdam optimization algorithm (Ma and Yarats, 2019), as proposed by Loschilov and Hutter (2017).

Shares all arguments of the QHAdam constructor – equivalent to constructing QHAdam with decouple_weight_decay=True.