Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/system/System.h"
13 #include "ocean/base/Thread.h"
15 namespace Ocean
16 {
18 namespace System
19 {
21 /**
22  * This class implements system memory management functions.
23  * @ingroup system
24  */
26 {
27  public:
29  /**
30  * This class implements a simple engine measuring memory (RAM) usage over time for the entire process.
31  * The object simply starts an own thread and measures the used virtual memory as often as possible.<br>
32  * Beware: The object can create several thousand measurements in a few seconds.<br>
33  * Thus, this function is mainly intended to measure the RAM impact of individual functions instead of measuring the RAM impact during a longer time period.<br>
34  * This function is not thread-safe.
35  *
36  * Here is a tutorial how to use this class:
37  * @code
38  * {
39  * Memory::MemoryMeasurement measurement;
40  *
41  * measurement.start();
42  *
43  * // now we can call a function needing a huge amount of memory
44  * // beware: other threads may also have a memory impact that will be part of the measurements
45  * expensiveMemoryFunction();
46  *
47  * measurement.stop();
48  * }
49  * @endcode
50  * @see processVirtualMemory().
51  */
52  class MemoryMeasurement : protected Thread
53  {
54  public:
56  /**
57  * Starts the measurements.
58  * Previous measurements will be cleared.<br>
59  * Beware: Stop measuring as quick as possible - as we will get a large amount of measurements.
60  * @see stop().
61  */
62  void start();
64  /**
65  * Stops the measurements.
66  * Do not call this function before calling start().
67  * @see start().
68  */
69  void stop();
71  /**
72  * Returns all memory measurements that have been done between calling start() and stop().
73  * The resulting measurements provide the virtual memory used by the calling process in bytes (over time).<br>
74  * Beware: Do not call this function before stopping measurements.
75  * @return The entire set of measurements
76  * @see stop(), processVirtualMemory().
77  */
78  const std::vector<uint64_t>& measurements();
80  /**
81  * Returns the number of bytes this memory profiler object will be responsible for.
82  * The impact is based on the assumption e.g., starting a thread or storing measurements will need memory.<br>
83  * We can use the result of this function to have a rough guess how big this impact is.
84  * @return The impact this profile tool has on the memory usage in bytes, with range (-infinity, infinity)
85  */
86  int64_t measurementImpact();
88  /**
89  * Returns the minimal measurement that has been done between calling start() and stop().
90  * @return The minimal virtual memory usage in bytes, with range [0, maximal()]
91  * Beware: Do not call this function before stopping measurements.
92  * @see stop(), maximal().
93  */
94  uint64_t minimum();
96  /**
97  * Returns the maximal measurement that has been done between calling start() and stop().
98  * @return The maximal virtual memory usage in bytes, with range [minimum(), infinity)
99  * Beware: Do not call this function before stopping measurements.
100  * @see stop(), minimum().
101  */
102  uint64_t maximum();
104  /**
105  * Returns the minimal memory peak in relation to the identity.
106  * The identity is the very first measurement immediately determined when starting the profiler via start().<br>
107  * This Function actually returns minimum() - measurements.front()<br>
108  * Beware: Do not call this function before stopping measurements.
109  * @return The difference between minimum memory usage and the very first memory measurement
110  * @see measurementImpact(), maxPeakToIdentity(), stop().
111  */
112  int64_t minPeakToIdentity();
114  /**
115  * Returns the maximal memory peak in relation to the identity.
116  * The identity is the very first measurement immediately determined when starting the profiler via start().<br>
117  * This Function actually returns maximum() - measurements.front()<br>
118  * Beware: Do not call this function before stopping measurements.
119  * @return The difference between maximal memory usage and the very first memory measurement
120  * @see measurementImpact(), minPeakToIdentity(), stop().
121  */
122  int64_t maxPeakToIdentity();
124  protected:
126  /**
127  * This function has to be overloaded in derived class.
128  */
129  void threadRun() override;
131  protected:
133  /// All measurements that have been gathered between calling start() and stop().
134  std::vector<uint64_t> measurements_;
136  /// The first measurement within the thread function.
138  };
140  public:
142  /**
143  * Returns the current system memory load in percent, with range [0, 100], -1 if not available
144  * @return Current memory load
145  */
146  static int memoryLoad();
148  /**
149  * Returns the amount of virtual memory used by the calling process.
150  * @return The virtual memory use by the process, in bytes, 0 if not available
151  */
152  static uint64_t processVirtualMemory();
154  /**
155  * Returns the system-wide total amount of actual physical memory in bytes.
156  * @return Physical memory in bytes, 0 if not available
157  */
158  static uint64_t totalPhysicalMemory();
160  /**
161  * Returns the system-wide total amount of virtual memory in bytes.
162  * @return Virtual memory in bytes, 0 if not available
163  */
164  static uint64_t totalVirtualMemory();
166  /**
167  * Returns the system-wide available amount of physical memory in bytes.
168  * @return Available physical memory in bytes, 0 if not available
169  */
170  static uint64_t availablePhysicalMemory();
172  /**
173  * Returns the system-wide available amount of virtual memory in bytes.
174  * @return Available virtual memory in bytes, 0 if not available
175  */
176  static uint64_t availableVirtualMemory();
177 };
179 }
181 }
This class implements a simple engine measuring memory (RAM) usage over time for the entire process.
Definition: system/Memory.h:53
void start()
Starts the measurements.
uint64_t maximum()
Returns the maximal measurement that has been done between calling start() and stop().
void stop()
Stops the measurements.
int64_t maxPeakToIdentity()
Returns the maximal memory peak in relation to the identity.
uint64_t measurementFirstInThread_
The first measurement within the thread function.
Definition: system/Memory.h:137
std::vector< uint64_t > measurements_
All measurements that have been gathered between calling start() and stop().
Definition: system/Memory.h:134
const std::vector< uint64_t > & measurements()
Returns all memory measurements that have been done between calling start() and stop().
void threadRun() override
This function has to be overloaded in derived class.
int64_t minPeakToIdentity()
Returns the minimal memory peak in relation to the identity.
uint64_t minimum()
Returns the minimal measurement that has been done between calling start() and stop().
int64_t measurementImpact()
Returns the number of bytes this memory profiler object will be responsible for.
This class implements system memory management functions.
Definition: system/Memory.h:26
static uint64_t availableVirtualMemory()
Returns the system-wide available amount of virtual memory in bytes.
static uint64_t processVirtualMemory()
Returns the amount of virtual memory used by the calling process.
static uint64_t totalVirtualMemory()
Returns the system-wide total amount of virtual memory in bytes.
static uint64_t availablePhysicalMemory()
Returns the system-wide available amount of physical memory in bytes.
static uint64_t totalPhysicalMemory()
Returns the system-wide total amount of actual physical memory in bytes.
static int memoryLoad()
Returns the current system memory load in percent, with range [0, 100], -1 if not available.
This class implements a thread.
Definition: Thread.h:115
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15