Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
13 #include "ocean/base/Frame.h"
15 namespace Ocean
16 {
18 namespace Platform
19 {
21 namespace Apple
22 {
24 /**
25  * This class implements utilitiy functions for Apple platforms.
26  * @ingroup platformapple
27  */
28 class Utilities
29 {
30  public:
32  /**
33  * Converts a given string to a CFString reference object.
34  * Beware: The resulting string must be released via CFRelease once the string is not needed anymore.
35  * @param value The string to convert, may be empty
36  * @return The resulting converted string object
37  */
38  static ScopedCFStringRef toCFString(const std::string& value);
40  /**
41  * Converts a given string to a CFString reference object.
42  * Beware: The resulting string must be released via CFRelease once the string is not needed anymore.
43  * @param value The string to convert, may be empty
44  * @return The resulting converted string object
45  */
46  static ScopedCFStringRef toCFString(const std::wstring& value);
48  /**
49  * Creates an CGImage object for a given frame object.
50  * The frame data can either be copied or used only.<br>
51  * If the frame data is not copied, the frame data must exist as long as any related object exists relying on the resulting CGImage.<br>
52  * Beware: The caller has to release the image object by calling CGImageRelease.
53  *
54  * This function can be used to e.g., debug a Frame object within Xcode by using the `Quick look` functionality.
55  * Here is a code example how to debug the an image:
56  * @code
57  * #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
58  *
59  * ScopedCGImageRef cgImage = Platform::Apple::Utilities::toCGImage(rgbFrame);
60  *
61  * // the following image object can be visualized in Xcode (via `Quick look`)
62  * UIImage* image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:cgImage];
63  * @endcode
64  * @param frame The frame from which the CGImage object will be created
65  * @param copyData True, to create an CGImage object owning the frame data; False, to create an CGImageo object using the frame data only
66  * @return The resulting CGImage object, nullptr if the conversion failed
67  * @see asNSImageOrUIImage().
68  */
69  static ScopedCGImageRef toCGImage(const Frame& frame, bool copyData = true);
71  /**
72  * This function is a simple helper function to debug a frame on iOS or macOS.
73  * Within the function, Xcode's `Quick look` debugging functionality can be used to visualize the image's content.
74  * @param frame The frame to be debugged, must be valid
75  * @return True, if the frame could be handled
76  * @see toCGImage().
77  */
78  static bool asNSImageOrUIImage(const Frame& frame);
80  /**
81  * Shows a modal message box with a title, a message and an OK button.
82  * Beware: This function is not supported on iOS.
83  * @param title The title to be shown in the box
84  * @param message The message to be shown in the box
85  */
86  static void showMessageBox(const std::string& title, const std::string& message);
88  /**
89  * Returns the path to the document directory of the application.
90  * In a non-sandboxed application (e.g., a Mac console application), path will refer to the Documents folder in home.<br>
91  * In a sandboxed application (e.g., an iOS app), the path will refer to the Document folder of the app.<br>
92  * On iOS, you can use this path to the folder to e.g., to store files in the folder,<br>
93  * and you can access the data later using Apple's file sharing/accessing capabilities.
94  * Beware: You may need/want to add a 'UIFileSharingEnabled' key and a 'LSSupportsOpeningDocumentsInPlace' to the 'Info.plist' file of the application and set both to 'True'.
95  * @return The document directory's path
96  */
97  static std::string documentDirectory();
99  /**
100  * Returns whether the application's main window has exactly one supported interface orientation.
101  * <pre>
102  * device top
103  * ...........................
104  * . .
105  * . ^ .
106  * . Y | .
107  * . | .
108  * . | .
109  * . O ---------> .
110  * . / X .
111  * . / Z .
112  * . v .
113  * . .
114  * ...........................
115  * . home button .
116  * ...........................
117  * device bottom
118  * </pre>
119  * @param zAxisDegree The resulting angle of the supported orientation around the z-axis, possible values {-90, 0, 90, 180}
120  * @return True, if so
121  */
122  static bool hasFixedSupportedInterfaceOrientation(int& zAxisDegree);
124  /**
125  * Returns the application's version number.
126  * @param bundleShortVersion The resulting release version number of the bundle
127  * @param bundleVersionKey Optional resulting version key of the bundle, nullptr if not of interest
128  * @return True, if succeeded
129  */
130  static bool bundleVersion(std::string& bundleShortVersion, std::string* bundleVersionKey = nullptr);
131 };
133 }
135 }
137 }
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition: Frame.h:1760
This class implements utilitiy functions for Apple platforms.
Definition: platform/apple/Utilities.h:29
static void showMessageBox(const std::string &title, const std::string &message)
Shows a modal message box with a title, a message and an OK button.
static bool bundleVersion(std::string &bundleShortVersion, std::string *bundleVersionKey=nullptr)
Returns the application's version number.
static ScopedCFStringRef toCFString(const std::string &value)
Converts a given string to a CFString reference object.
static bool hasFixedSupportedInterfaceOrientation(int &zAxisDegree)
Returns whether the application's main window has exactly one supported interface orientation.
static bool asNSImageOrUIImage(const Frame &frame)
This function is a simple helper function to debug a frame on iOS or macOS.
static ScopedCFStringRef toCFString(const std::wstring &value)
Converts a given string to a CFString reference object.
static std::string documentDirectory()
Returns the path to the document directory of the application.
static ScopedCGImageRef toCGImage(const Frame &frame, bool copyData=true)
Creates an CGImage object for a given frame object.
This class wraps an unmanaged object (or reference) which needs to be released after usage.
Definition: ScopedObject.h:166
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15