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Ocean Network Library

The Ocean Network Library provides a huge number of network functionalities. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Network Library:


 Ocean Network JNI Library
 The Ocean Network JNI Library provides a Java Native Interface for Android.

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Network::Address4
 This class wraps an address number with 32 bits. More...
class  Ocean::Network::BufferQueue
 This class implements a thread-safe buffer queue. More...
class  Ocean::Network::Client
 This class is the base class for all clients. More...
class  Ocean::Network::ConnectionlessClient
 This class is the base class for all connectionless clients. More...
class  Ocean::Network::ConnectionlessServer
 This class is the base class for all connectionless server. More...
class  Ocean::Network::ConnectionOrientedClient
 This class is the base class for all connection oriented clients. More...
class  Ocean::Network::ConnectionOrientedServer
 This class is the base class for all connection oriented servers. More...
class  Ocean::Network::Data
 This class provides function handling different network data. More...
class  Ocean::Network::HTTPClient
 This class implements a basic http client. More...
class  Ocean::Network::HTTPSClient
 This class implements a HTTPS Client supporting GET and POST requests. More...
class  Ocean::Network::MaintenanceTCPConnector
 This class implements a network connector between two maintenance managers using the TCP protocol. More...
class  Ocean::Network::MaintenanceUDPConnector
 This class implements a network connector between two maintenance managers using the UDP protocol. More...
class  Ocean::Network::MessageQueue
 This class implements a message queue. More...
class  Ocean::Network::NetworkResource
 This class implements a network resource manager object for platforms that rely on specific network/socket resource management. More...
class  Ocean::Network::PackagedConnectionlessClient
 This class is the base class for all packaged connectionless clients. More...
class  Ocean::Network::PackagedConnectionlessServer
 This class is the base class for all package connectionless server. More...
class  Ocean::Network::PackagedSocket
 This class is the base class for all packaged sockets. More...
class  Ocean::Network::PackagedTCPClient
 This class implements a TCP client with internal package handling. More...
class  Ocean::Network::PackagedTCPServer
 This class implements a TCP server with internal package handling. More...
class  Ocean::Network::PackagedUDPClient
 This class implements a UDP client able to send larger messages as normally restricted by the UDP protocol. More...
class  Ocean::Network::PackagedUDPServer
 This class implements a packaged UDP server. More...
class  Ocean::Network::Port
 This class wraps a port number with 16 bits. More...
class  Ocean::Network::Resolver
 This class implements an address resolver. More...
class  Ocean::Network::Server
 This class is the base class for all server. More...
class  Ocean::Network::Socket
 This class is the base class for all sockets. More...
class  Ocean::Network::SocketScheduler
 This class implements a high performance scheduler for socket events. More...
class  Ocean::Network::Streaming
 This class is the base class for all streaming objects. More...
class  Ocean::Network::StreamingClient
 This class implements a streaming client. More...
class  Ocean::Network::StreamingServer
 This class implements a streaming server. More...
class  Ocean::Network::StreamingServer::Connection
 This class holds some information connected with a TCP connection. More...
class  Ocean::Network::TCPClient
 This class implements a TCP client. More...
class  Ocean::Network::TCPServer
 This class implements a TCP server. More...
class  Ocean::Network::UDPClient
 This class implements a UDP client. More...
class  Ocean::Network::UDPServer
 This class implements a UDP server. More...

Detailed Description

The Ocean Network Library provides a huge number of network functionalities.

The library supports connection less and connection oriented clients and servers.
Additionally, this library holds a powerful streaming infrastructure streaming various data types.

For connection less transmission use a UDP client or server.
For connection oriented transmission use a TCP client or server.
Also, this library provides the possibility to resolve network addresses or services.

See also
UDPClient, UDPServer, TCPClient, TCPServer, Resolver.

The streaming server is implemented as an on-demand streaming server.
Configuration tasks are done using a TCP connection, the data is streamed via a UDP connection.
The server is independent from the streaming data and supports different streaming channels.
Additionally, each channel accepts more than one subscriber allowing several clients to receive the same stream.

However, each streaming client can receive one provides channel only.
That means that you have to use more than one client to receive more than one data stream.

See also
StreamingServer, StreamingClient.

The library is platform independent.