Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/cv/CV.h"
12 #include "ocean/cv/CVUtilities.h"
14 namespace Ocean
15 {
17 namespace CV
18 {
20 /**
21  * This class implements several sum square differences functions based e.g., on template parameters.
22  * @ingroup cv
23  */
24 class OCEAN_CV_EXPORT SumSquareDifferencesBase
25 {
26  public:
28  /**
29  * Returns the sum of square differences between two square patches.
30  * @param image0 The first image in which the first patch is located, must be valid
31  * @param image1 The second image in which the second patch is located, must be valid
32  * @param width0 Width of the first frame in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
33  * @param width1 Width of the second frame in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
34  * @param centerX0 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, width0 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
35  * @param centerY0 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, height0 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
36  * @param centerX1 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, width1 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
37  * @param centerY1 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, height1 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
38  * @param image0PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each first image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
39  * @param image1PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each second image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
40  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for tPatchSize * tPatchSize * tChannels elements
41  * @tparam tChannels Specifies the number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
42  * @tparam tPatchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
43  */
44  template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
45  static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patch8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* const image0, const uint8_t* const image1, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements);
47  /**
48  * Returns the sum of square differences between two square patches.
49  * @param patch0 The top-left corner of the first image patch, must be valid
50  * @param patch1 The top-left corner of the second image patch, must be valid
51  * @param patch0StrideElements The number of elements between two row starts in the first patch, in elements, with range [tPatchSize * tChannels, infinity)
52  * @param patch1StrideElements The number of elements between two row starts in the second patch, in elements, with range [tPatchSize * tChannels, infinity)
53  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for tPatchSize * tPatchSize * tChannels elements
54  * @tparam tChannels Specifies the number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
55  * @tparam tPatchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
56  */
57  template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
58  static uint32_t patch8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* patch0, const uint8_t* patch1, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements, const unsigned int patch1StrideElements);
60  /**
61  * Returns the sum of square differences between a square image patch and a buffer.
62  * @param image0 The image in which the image patch is located, must be valid
63  * @param width0 Width of the first frame in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
64  * @param centerX0 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, width0 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
65  * @param centerY0 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, height0 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
66  * @param image0PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each first image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
67  * @param buffer1 The memory buffer with `tChannels * tPatchSize * tPatchSize` elements, must be valid
68  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for tPatchSize * tPatchSize * tChannels elements, with range [0, infinity)
69  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
70  * @tparam tPatchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
71  */
72  template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
73  static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patchBuffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* image0, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const uint8_t* buffer1);
75  /**
76  * Returns the sum of square differences between a square image patch and a buffer.
77  * @param patch0 The top left start position of the image patch, must be valid
78  * @param buffer1 The memory buffer, must be valid
79  * @param patch0StrideElements The number of elements between two rows for the image patch, in elements, with range [tChannels, tPatchSize, infinity)
80  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for tPatchSize * tPatchSize * tChannels elements, with range [0, infinity)
81  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
82  * @tparam tPatchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
83  */
84  template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
85  static uint32_t patchBuffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* patch0, const uint8_t* buffer1, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements);
87  /**
88  * Returns the sum of square differences between two individual buffers.
89  * @param buffer0 The first buffer, with `tBufferSize` elements, must be valid
90  * @param buffer1 The second buffer, with `tBufferSize` elements, must be valid
91  * @return The resulting sum of square differences, with range [0, infinity)
92  * @tparam tBufferSize The number of elements in each buffer, with range [1, infinity)
93  */
94  template <unsigned int tBufferSize>
95  static inline uint32_t buffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* const buffer0, const uint8_t* const buffer1);
97  /**
98  * Returns the sum of square differences between two square image patches which can be partially outside of the images.
99  * @param image0 The image in which the first patch is located, must be valid
100  * @param image1 The image in which the second patch is located, must be valid
101  * @param width0 The width of the first image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
102  * @param height0 The height of the first image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
103  * @param width1 The width of the second image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
104  * @param height1 The height of the second image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
105  * @param centerX0 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [0, width0 - 1]
106  * @param centerY0 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [0, height0 - 1]
107  * @param centerX1 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [0, width1 - 1]
108  * @param centerY1 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [0, height1 - 1]
109  * @param image0PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the first image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
110  * @param image1PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the second image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
111  * @return Pair holding the resulting ssd and the number of pixels which contributed to the ssd, an ssd of -1 if a patch0 pixel does not have a corresponding patch1 pixel
112  * @tparam tChannels The number of frame channels, with range [1, infinity)
113  * @tparam tPatchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
114  */
115  template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
116  static inline IndexPair32 patchAtBorder8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* image0, const uint8_t* image1, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements);
118  /**
119  * Returns the sum of square differences between two patches within an image, patch pixels outside the image will be mirrored back into the image.
120  * @param image0 The image in which the first patch is located, must be valid
121  * @param image1 The image in which the second patch is located, must be valid
122  * @param patchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
123  * @param width0 The width of the first image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
124  * @param height0 The height of the first image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
125  * @param width1 The width of the second image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
126  * @param height1 The height of the second image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
127  * @param centerX0 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize/2, width - tPatchSize/2 - 1]
128  * @param centerY0 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize/2, height - tPatchSize/2 - 1]
129  * @param centerX1 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [tPatchSize/2, width - tPatchSize/2 - 1]
130  * @param centerY1 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [tPatchSize/2, height - tPatchSize/2 - 1]
131  * @param image0PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the first image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
132  * @param image1PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the second image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
133  * @return The resulting sum of square differences, with range [0, infinity)
134  * @tparam tChannels Specifies the number of channels for the given frames
135  */
136  template <unsigned int tChannels>
137  static uint32_t patchMirroredBorder8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* image0, const uint8_t* image1, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements);
139  /**
140  * Returns the sum of square differences between two square patches.
141  * @param image0 The first image in which the first patch is located, must be valid
142  * @param image1 The second image in which the second patch is located, must be valid
143  * @param width0 Width of the first frame in pixels, with range [patchSize, infinity)
144  * @param width1 Width of the second frame in pixels, with range [patchSize, infinity)
145  * @param channels Specifies the number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
146  * @param patchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
147  * @param centerX0 Horizontal center position of the (patchSize x patchSize) block in the first frame, with range [patchSize / 2, width0 - patchSize / 2 - 1]
148  * @param centerY0 Vertical center position of the (patchSize x patchSize) block in the first frame, with range [patchSize / 2, height0 - patchSize / 2 - 1]
149  * @param centerX1 Horizontal center position of the (patchSize x patchSize) block in the second frame, with range [patchSize / 2, width1 - patchSize / 2 - 1]
150  * @param centerY1 Vertical center position of the (patchSize x patchSize) block in the second frame, with range [patchSize / 2, height1 - patchSize / 2 - 1]
151  * @param image0PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each first image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
152  * @param image1PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each second image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
153  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for `patchSize * patchSize * channels` elements
154  */
155  static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patch8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* const image0, const uint8_t* const image1, const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements);
157  /**
158  * Returns the sum of square differences between two square patches.
159  * @param patch0 The top-left corner of the first image patch, must be valid
160  * @param patch1 The top-left corner of the second image patch, must be valid
161  * @param channels Specifies the number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
162  * @param patchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
163  * @param patch0StrideElements The number of elements between two row starts in the first patch, in elements, with range [patchSize * channels, infinity)
164  * @param patch1StrideElements The number of elements between two row starts in the second patch, in elements, with range [patchSize * channels, infinity)
165  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for `patchSize * patchSize * channels` elements
166  */
167  static uint32_t patch8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* patch0, const uint8_t* patch1, const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements, const unsigned int patch1StrideElements);
169  /**
170  * Returns the sum of square differences between a square image patch and a buffer.
171  * @param image0 The image in which the image patch is located, must be valid
172  * @param channels The number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
173  * @param patchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
174  * @param width0 Width of the first frame in pixels, with range [tPatchSize, infinity)
175  * @param centerX0 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, width0 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
176  * @param centerY0 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [tPatchSize / 2, height0 - tPatchSize / 2 - 1]
177  * @param image0PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each first image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
178  * @param buffer1 The memory buffer with `tChannels * tPatchSize * tPatchSize` elements, must be valid
179  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for tPatchSize * tPatchSize * tChannels elements, with range [0, infinity)
180  */
181  static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patchBuffer8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* image0, unsigned int channels, unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const uint8_t* buffer1);
183  /**
184  * Returns the sum of square differences between a square image patch and a buffer.
185  * @param patch0 The top left start position of the image patch, must be valid
186  * @param buffer1 The memory buffer, must be valid
187  * @param channels The number of channels for the given frames, with range [1, infinity)
188  * @param patchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
189  * @param patch0StrideElements The number of elements between two rows for the image patch, in elements, with range [tChannels, tPatchSize, infinity)
190  * @return The resulting sum of square differences for tPatchSize * tPatchSize * tChannels elements, with range [0, infinity)
191  */
192  static inline uint32_t patchBuffer8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* patch0, const uint8_t* buffer1, unsigned int channels, unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements);
194  /**
195  * Returns the sum of square differences between two individual buffers.
196  * @param buffer0 The first buffer, with `size` elements, must be valid
197  * @param buffer1 The second buffer, with `size` elements, must be valid
198  * @param bufferSize The number of elements in each buffer, with range [1, infinity)
199  * @return The sum of square differences between both buffers, with range [0, infinity)
200  */
201  static uint32_t buffer8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* const buffer0, const uint8_t* const buffer1, const unsigned int bufferSize);
203  /**
204  * Returns the sum of square differences between two square image patches which can be partially outside of the images.
205  * @param image0 The image in which the first patch is located, must be valid
206  * @param image1 The image in which the second patch is located, must be valid
207  * @param channels The number of frame channels, with range [1, infinity)
208  * @param patchSize The size of the square patch (the edge length) in pixel, with range [1, infinity), must be odd
209  * @param width0 The width of the first image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
210  * @param height0 The height of the first image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
211  * @param width1 The width of the second image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
212  * @param height1 The height of the second image, in pixels, with range [tPatchSize/2 + 1, infinity)
213  * @param centerX0 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [0, width0 - 1]
214  * @param centerY0 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the first frame, with range [0, height0 - 1]
215  * @param centerX1 Horizontal center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [0, width1 - 1]
216  * @param centerY1 Vertical center position of the (tPatchSize x tPatchSize) block in the second frame, with range [0, height1 - 1]
217  * @param image0PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the first image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
218  * @param image1PaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the second image, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
219  * @return Pair holding the resulting ssd and the number of pixels which contributed to the ssd, an ssd of -1 if a patch0 pixel does not have a corresponding patch1 pixel
220  */
221  static IndexPair32 patchAtBorder8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* image0, const uint8_t* image1, const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements);
222 };
224 template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
225 OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patch8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* const image0, const uint8_t* const image1, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
226 {
227  static_assert(tPatchSize % 2u == 1u, "Invalid image patch size, need an odd value!");
228  static_assert(tChannels > 0u, "Invalid number of frame channels!");
230  ocean_assert(image0 != nullptr && image1 != nullptr);
232  constexpr unsigned int tPatchSize_2 = tPatchSize / 2u;
234  ocean_assert(centerX0 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerY0 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerX0 < width0 - tPatchSize_2);
235  ocean_assert(centerX1 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerY1 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerX1 < width1 - tPatchSize_2);
237  ocean_assert(width0 >= tPatchSize);
238  ocean_assert(width1 >= tPatchSize);
240  const unsigned int image0StrideElements = width0 * tChannels + image0PaddingElements;
241  const unsigned int image1StrideElements = width1 * tChannels + image1PaddingElements;
243  return patch8BitPerChannelTemplate<tChannels, tPatchSize>(image0 + (centerY0 - tPatchSize_2) * image0StrideElements + (centerX0 - tPatchSize_2) * tChannels, image1 + (centerY1 - tPatchSize_2) * image1StrideElements + (centerX1 - tPatchSize_2) * tChannels, image0StrideElements, image1StrideElements);
244 }
246 template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
247 uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patch8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* patch0, const uint8_t* patch1, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements, const unsigned int patch1StrideElements)
248 {
249  static_assert(tPatchSize != 0u, "Invalid image patch size, need an odd value!");
250  static_assert(tChannels != 0u, "Invalid number of frame channels!");
252  ocean_assert(patch0 != nullptr && patch1 != nullptr);
254  ocean_assert(patch0StrideElements >= tPatchSize * tChannels);
255  ocean_assert(patch1StrideElements >= tPatchSize * tChannels);
257  uint32_t result = 0u;
258  int16_t value = 0;
260  for (unsigned int y = 0u; y < tPatchSize; ++y)
261  {
262  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tPatchSize * tChannels; ++n)
263  {
264  value = int16_t(patch0[n]) - int16_t(patch1[n]);
265  result += value * value;
266  }
268  patch0 += patch0StrideElements;
269  patch1 += patch1StrideElements;
270  }
272  return result;
273 }
275 template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
276 OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patchBuffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* image0, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const uint8_t* buffer1)
277 {
278  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid number of frame channels!");
279  static_assert(tPatchSize % 2u == 1u, "Invalid patch size!");
281  ocean_assert(image0 != nullptr && buffer1 != nullptr);
283  constexpr unsigned int tPatchSize_2 = tPatchSize / 2u;
285  ocean_assert(centerX0 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerY0 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerX0 < width0 - tPatchSize_2);
287  ocean_assert(width0 >= tPatchSize);
289  const unsigned int image0StrideElements = width0 * tChannels + image0PaddingElements;
291  return patchBuffer8BitPerChannelTemplate<tChannels, tPatchSize>(image0 + (centerY0 - tPatchSize_2) * image0StrideElements + (centerX0 - tPatchSize_2) * tChannels, buffer1, image0StrideElements);
292 }
294 template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
295 uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patchBuffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* patch0, const uint8_t* buffer1, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements)
296 {
297  return patch8BitPerChannelTemplate<tChannels, tPatchSize>(patch0, buffer1, patch0StrideElements, tChannels * tPatchSize);
298 }
300 template <unsigned int tBufferSize>
301 inline uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::buffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* const buffer0, const uint8_t* const buffer1)
302 {
303  static_assert(tBufferSize != 0u, "Invalid number of frame channels!");
305  ocean_assert(buffer0 != nullptr && buffer1 != nullptr);
307  int16_t difference;
308  uint32_t ssd = 0u;
310  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tBufferSize; ++n)
311  {
312  difference = int16_t(buffer0[n]) - int16_t(buffer1[n]);
313  ssd += uint32_t(difference * difference);
314  }
316  return ssd;
317 }
319 template <unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tPatchSize>
320 inline IndexPair32 SumSquareDifferencesBase::patchAtBorder8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* image0, const uint8_t* image1, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
321 {
322  static_assert(tChannels != 0u, "Invalid number of frame channels!");
323  static_assert(tPatchSize % 2u == 1u, "Invalid image patch size, must be odd!");
325  ocean_assert(image0 != nullptr && image1 != nullptr);
327  const unsigned int tPatchSize_2 = tPatchSize / 2u;
329  ocean_assert(width0 >= tPatchSize_2 + 1u && height0 >= tPatchSize_2 + 1u);
330  ocean_assert(width1 >= tPatchSize_2 + 1u && height1 >= tPatchSize_2 + 1u);
332  ocean_assert(centerX0 < width0 && centerY0 < height0);
333  ocean_assert(centerX1 < width1 && centerY1 < height1);
335  ocean_assert(centerX0 - tPatchSize_2 < width0 - (tPatchSize - 1u) == (centerX0 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerX0 < width0 - tPatchSize_2));
336  ocean_assert(centerY0 - tPatchSize_2 < height0 - (tPatchSize - 1u) == (centerY0 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerY0 < height0 - tPatchSize_2));
337  ocean_assert(centerX1 - tPatchSize_2 < width1 - (tPatchSize - 1u) == (centerX1 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerX1 < width1 - tPatchSize_2));
338  ocean_assert(centerY1 - tPatchSize_2 < height1 - (tPatchSize - 1u) == (centerY1 >= tPatchSize_2 && centerY1 < height1 - tPatchSize_2));
340  if (centerX0 - tPatchSize_2 < width0 - (tPatchSize - 1u) && centerY0 - tPatchSize_2 < height0 - (tPatchSize - 1u) && centerX1 - tPatchSize_2 < width1 - (tPatchSize - 1u) && centerY1 - tPatchSize_2 < height1 - (tPatchSize - 1u))
341  {
342  const uint32_t ssd = patch8BitPerChannelTemplate<tChannels, tPatchSize>(image0, image1, width0, width1, centerX0, centerY0, centerX1, centerY1, image0PaddingElements, image1PaddingElements);
344  return IndexPair32(ssd, tPatchSize * tPatchSize);
345  }
347  const unsigned int offsetLeft0 = min(centerX0, tPatchSize_2);
348  const unsigned int offsetTop0 = min(centerY0, tPatchSize_2);
349  const unsigned int offsetRight0 = min(width0 - centerX0 - 1u, tPatchSize_2);
350  const unsigned int offsetBottom0 = min(height0 - centerY0 - 1u, tPatchSize_2);
352  const unsigned int offsetLeft1 = min(centerX1, tPatchSize_2);
353  const unsigned int offsetTop1 = min(centerY1, tPatchSize_2);
354  const unsigned int offsetRight1 = min(width1 - centerX1 - 1u, tPatchSize_2);
355  const unsigned int offsetBottom1 = min(height1 - centerY1 - 1u, tPatchSize_2);
357  if (offsetLeft1 < offsetLeft0 || offsetRight1 < offsetRight0 || offsetTop1 < offsetTop0 || offsetBottom1 < offsetBottom0)
358  {
359  // at least one pixel in patch0 does not have a corresponding pixel in patch1 which lies inside image1s
360  return IndexPair32((unsigned int)(-1), 0u);
361  }
363  const unsigned int image0StrideElements = width0 * tChannels + image0PaddingElements;
364  const unsigned int image1StrideElements = width1 * tChannels + image1PaddingElements;
366  const unsigned int columns = offsetRight0 + 1u + offsetLeft0;
367  const unsigned int rows = offsetBottom0 + 1u + offsetTop0;
369  const uint8_t* patch0 = image0 + (centerY0 - offsetTop0) * image0StrideElements + (centerX0 - offsetLeft0) * tChannels;
370  const uint8_t* patch1 = image1 + (centerY1 - offsetTop0) * image1StrideElements + (centerX1 - offsetLeft0) * tChannels; // usage of offsetTop0 and offsetLeft0 is intended
372  unsigned int ssd = 0u;
374  for (unsigned int y = 0u; y < rows; ++y)
375  {
376  for (unsigned int x = 0u; x < columns; ++x)
377  {
378  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
379  {
380  ssd += sqrDistance(patch0[x * tChannels + n], patch1[x * tChannels + n]);
381  }
382  }
384  patch0 += image0StrideElements;
385  patch1 += image1StrideElements;
386  }
388  return IndexPair32(ssd, rows * columns);
389 }
391 template <unsigned int tChannels>
392 uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patchMirroredBorder8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t* image0, const uint8_t* image1, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
393 {
394  static_assert(tChannels != 0u, "Invalid number of data channels!");
396  ocean_assert(image0 != nullptr && image1 != nullptr);
397  ocean_assert(patchSize % 2u == 1u);
399  const unsigned int patchSize_2 = patchSize / 2u;
401  ocean_assert(width0 >= patchSize_2);
402  ocean_assert(width1 >= patchSize_2);
404  ocean_assert(centerX0 < width0 && centerY0 < height0);
405  ocean_assert(centerX1 < width1 && centerY1 < height1);
407  const unsigned int image0StrideElements = width0 * tChannels + image0PaddingElements;
408  const unsigned int image1StrideElements = width1 * tChannels + image1PaddingElements;
410  const int left0 = int(centerX0 - patchSize_2);
411  const int top0 = int(centerY0 - patchSize_2);
413  const int left1 = int(centerX1 - patchSize_2);
414  const int top1 = int(centerY1 - patchSize_2);
416  const uint8_t* i0 = image0 + top0 * int(image0StrideElements) + int(left0) * int(tChannels);
417  const uint8_t* i1 = image1 + top1 * int(image1StrideElements) + int(left1) * int(tChannels);
419  int32_t value;
420  uint32_t ssd = 0u;
422  unsigned int y0 = centerY0 - patchSize_2;
423  unsigned int y1 = centerY1 - patchSize_2;
425  const uint8_t* const i0End = i0 + patchSize * image0StrideElements;
427  while (i0 != i0End)
428  {
429  ocean_assert(i0 < i0End);
431  const uint8_t* c0 = i0 + CVUtilities::mirrorOffset(y0, height0) * int(image0StrideElements);
432  const uint8_t* c1 = i1 + CVUtilities::mirrorOffset(y1, height1) * int(image1StrideElements);
434  unsigned int x0 = centerX0 - patchSize_2;
435  unsigned int x1 = centerX1 - patchSize_2;
437  const uint8_t* const c0RowEnd = c0 + patchSize * tChannels;
439  while (c0 != c0RowEnd)
440  {
441  ocean_assert(c0 < c0RowEnd);
443  if (x0 < width0 && x1 < width1)
444  {
445  // both pixels lie inside the frame
447  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
448  {
449  value = *c0++ - *c1++;
450  ssd += value * value;
451  }
452  }
453  else if (x0 < width0)
454  {
455  // x0 lies inside the frame
457  ocean_assert(x1 >= width1);
459  const uint8_t* m1 = c1 + CVUtilities::mirrorOffset(x1, width1) * int(tChannels);
461  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
462  {
463  value = *c0++ - *m1++;
464  ssd += value * value;
465  }
467  c1 += tChannels;
468  }
469  else if (x1 < width1)
470  {
471  // x1 lies inside the frame
473  ocean_assert(x0 >= width0);
475  const uint8_t* m0 = c0 + CVUtilities::mirrorOffset(x0, width0) * int(tChannels);
477  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
478  {
479  value = *m0++ - *c1++;
480  ssd += value * value;
481  }
483  c0 += tChannels;
484  }
485  else
486  {
487  // neither x0 nor x1 lie inside the frame
489  ocean_assert(x0 >= width0 && x1 >= width1);
491  const uint8_t* m1 = c1 + CVUtilities::mirrorOffset(x1, width1) * int(tChannels);
492  const uint8_t* m0 = c0 + CVUtilities::mirrorOffset(x0, width0) * int(tChannels);
494  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
495  {
496  value = *m0++ - *m1++;
497  ssd += value * value;
498  }
500  c0 += tChannels;
501  c1 += tChannels;
502  }
504  ++x0;
505  ++x1;
506  }
508  i0 += image0StrideElements;
509  i1 += image1StrideElements;
511  ++y0;
512  ++y1;
513  }
515  return ssd;
516 }
518 OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patch8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* image0, const uint8_t* image1, const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
519 {
520  ocean_assert(image0 != nullptr && image1 != nullptr);
522  ocean_assert(patchSize % 2u == 1u);
523  ocean_assert(channels > 0u);
525  const unsigned int patchSize_2 = patchSize / 2u;
527  ocean_assert(centerX0 >= patchSize_2 && centerY0 >= patchSize_2 && centerX0 < width0 - patchSize_2);
528  ocean_assert(centerX1 >= patchSize_2 && centerY1 >= patchSize_2 && centerX1 < width1 - patchSize_2);
530  ocean_assert(width0 >= patchSize_2);
531  ocean_assert(width1 >= patchSize_2);
533  const unsigned int image0StrideElements = width0 * channels + image0PaddingElements;
534  const unsigned int image1StrideElements = width1 * channels + image1PaddingElements;
536  return patch8BitPerChannel(image0 + (centerY0 - patchSize_2) * image0StrideElements + (centerX0 - patchSize_2) * channels, image1 + (centerY1 - patchSize_2) * image1StrideElements + (centerX1 - patchSize_2) * channels, channels, patchSize, image0StrideElements, image1StrideElements);
537 }
539 OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patchBuffer8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* image0, unsigned int channels, unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const uint8_t* buffer1)
540 {
541  ocean_assert(image0 != nullptr && buffer1 != nullptr);
543  ocean_assert(channels >= 1u);
544  ocean_assert(patchSize % 2u == 1u);
546  const unsigned int patchSize_2 = patchSize / 2u;
548  ocean_assert(centerX0 >= patchSize_2 && centerY0 >= patchSize_2 && centerX0 < width0 - patchSize_2);
550  ocean_assert(width0 >= patchSize);
552  const unsigned int image0StrideElements = width0 * channels + image0PaddingElements;
554  return patchBuffer8BitPerChannel(image0 + (centerY0 - patchSize_2) * image0StrideElements + (centerX0 - patchSize_2) * channels, buffer1, channels, patchSize, image0StrideElements);
555 }
557 inline uint32_t SumSquareDifferencesBase::patchBuffer8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t* patch0, const uint8_t* buffer1, unsigned int channels, unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements)
558 {
559  return patch8BitPerChannel(patch0, buffer1, channels, patchSize, patch0StrideElements, channels * patchSize);
560 }
562 }
564 }
static int mirrorOffset(const unsigned int index, const unsigned int elements)
Definition: CVUtilities.h:446
This class implements several sum square differences functions based e.g., on template parameters.
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:25
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patch8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1, const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
Returns the sum of square differences between two square patches.
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:518
static IndexPair32 patchAtBorder8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t *image0, const uint8_t *image1, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
Returns the sum of square differences between two square image patches which can be partially outside...
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:320
static uint32_t patch8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t *patch0, const uint8_t *patch1, const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int patch0StrideElements, const unsigned int patch1StrideElements)
Returns the sum of square differences between two square patches.
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patchBuffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t *image0, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const uint8_t *buffer1)
Returns the sum of square differences between a square image patch and a buffer.
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:276
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patch8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t *const image0, const uint8_t *const image1, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
Returns the sum of square differences between two square patches.
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:225
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE uint32_t patchBuffer8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t *image0, unsigned int channels, unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const uint8_t *buffer1)
Returns the sum of square differences between a square image patch and a buffer.
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:539
static uint32_t buffer8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t *const buffer0, const uint8_t *const buffer1, const unsigned int bufferSize)
Returns the sum of square differences between two individual buffers.
static IndexPair32 patchAtBorder8BitPerChannel(const uint8_t *image0, const uint8_t *image1, const unsigned int channels, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
Returns the sum of square differences between two square image patches which can be partially outside...
static uint32_t buffer8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t *const buffer0, const uint8_t *const buffer1)
Returns the sum of square differences between two individual buffers.
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:301
static uint32_t patchMirroredBorder8BitPerChannelTemplate(const uint8_t *image0, const uint8_t *image1, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int width0, const unsigned int height0, const unsigned int width1, const unsigned int height1, const unsigned int centerX0, const unsigned int centerY0, const unsigned int centerX1, const unsigned int centerY1, const unsigned int image0PaddingElements, const unsigned int image1PaddingElements)
Returns the sum of square differences between two patches within an image, patch pixels outside the i...
Definition: SumSquareDifferencesBase.h:392
unsigned int sqrDistance(const char first, const char second)
Returns the square distance between two values.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1089
std::pair< Index32, Index32 > IndexPair32
Definition of a pair holding 32 bit indices.
Definition: Base.h:138
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15