Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/base/Base.h"
13 #include <sstream>
14 #include <string>
16 namespace Ocean
17 {
19 /**
20  * This class provides string convert functionalities.
21  * @ingroup base
22  */
23 class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT String
24 {
25  public:
27  /**
28  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
29  * @param value The value to convert
30  * @return Converted string
31  */
32  static std::string toAString(const char value);
34  /**
35  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
36  * @param value The value to convert
37  * @return Converted string
38  */
39  static std::string toAString(const unsigned char value);
41  /**
42  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a fixed notation.
43  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
44  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
45  * @return Converted string
46  */
47  static std::string toAString(const double value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
49  /**
50  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a fixed notation.
51  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
52  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
53  * @return Converted string
54  */
55  static std::string toAString(const float value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
57  /**
58  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a scientific notation.
59  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
60  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
61  * @return Converted string
62  */
63  static std::string toAStringScientific(const double value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
65  /**
66  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a scientific notation.
67  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
68  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
69  * @return Converted string
70  */
71  static std::string toAStringScientific(const float value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
73  /**
74  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
75  * @param value The value to convert
76  * @return Converted string
77  */
78  static std::string toAString(const int value);
80  /**
81  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
82  * @param value The value to convert
83  * @return Converted string
84  */
85  static std::string toAString(const unsigned int value);
87  /**
88  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
89  * @param value The value to convert
90  * @return Converted string
91  */
92  static std::string toAString(const long value);
94  /**
95  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
96  * @param value The value to convert
97  * @return Converted string
98  */
99  static std::string toAString(const long long value);
101  /**
102  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
103  * @param value The value to convert
104  * @return Converted string
105  */
106  static std::string toAString(const unsigned long long value);
108  /**
109  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
110  * @param value The value to convert
111  * @return Converted string
112  */
113  static std::string toAString(const long unsigned int value);
115  /**
116  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
117  * @param value The value to convert
118  * @return Converted string
119  */
120  static std::string toAString(const short value);
122  /**
123  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
124  * @param value The value to convert
125  * @return Converted string
126  */
127  static std::string toAString(const unsigned short value);
129  /**
130  * Converts a value to a string with a minimal number of characters.
131  * Zero (prefix) are used to fill the missing part.
132  * @param value The value to be converted
133  * @param minimalChars Number of minimal characters to be created
134  * @return Converted string
135  */
136  static std::string toAString(const unsigned int value, const unsigned int minimalChars);
138  /**
139  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
140  * @param value The value to convert
141  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
142  * @return Converted string
143  */
144  static std::string toAStringHex(const char value, const bool upperCases = true);
146  /**
147  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
148  * @param value The value to convert
149  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
150  * @return Converted string
151  */
152  static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned char value, const bool upperCases = true);
154  /**
155  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
156  * @param value The value to convert
157  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
158  * @return Converted string
159  */
160  static std::string toAStringHex(const double value, const bool upperCases = true);
162  /**
163  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
164  * @param value The value to convert
165  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
166  * @return Converted string
167  */
168  static std::string toAStringHex(const float value, const bool upperCases = true);
170  /**
171  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
172  * @param value The value to convert
173  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
174  * @return Converted string
175  */
176  static std::string toAStringHex(const int value, const bool upperCases = true);
178  /**
179  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
180  * @param value The value to convert
181  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
182  * @return Converted string
183  */
184  static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned int value, const bool upperCases = true);
186  /**
187  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
188  * @param value The value to convert
189  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
190  * @return Converted string
191  */
192  static std::string toAStringHex(const long long value, const bool upperCases = true);
194  /**
195  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
196  * @param value The value to convert
197  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
198  * @return Converted string
199  */
200  static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned long long value, const bool upperCases = true);
202  /**
203  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
204  * @param value The value to convert
205  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
206  * @return Converted string
207  */
208  static std::string toAStringHex(const long unsigned int value, const bool upperCases = true);
210  /**
211  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
212  * @param value The value to convert
213  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
214  * @return Converted string
215  */
216  static std::string toAStringHex(const short value, const bool upperCases = true);
218  /**
219  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
220  * @param value The value to convert
221  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
222  * @return Converted string
223  */
224  static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned short value, const bool upperCases = true);
226  /**
227  * Converts memory to a string with hexadecimal notation.
228  * @param data The memory to convert, can be nullptr if size == 0
229  * @param size The size of the memory in bytes, with range [0, infinity)
230  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
231  * @return Converted string
232  */
233  static std::string toAStringHex(const uint8_t* data, const size_t size, const bool upperCases = true);
235  /**
236  * Converts memory to a string with hexadecimal notation in a reverse order.
237  * @param data The memory to convert, can be nullptr if size == 0
238  * @param size The size of the memory in bytes, with range [0, infinity)
239  * @param upperCases True, to use upper case characters; False, to use lower case characters
240  * @return Converted string
241  */
242  static std::string toAStringHexReverse(const uint8_t* data, const size_t size, const bool upperCases = true);
244  /**
245  * Converts a string to a string with lower characters only.
246  * @param value String value to convert, only containing ASCII characters
247  * @return Converted string.
248  */
249  static std::string toLower(const std::string& value);
251  /**
252  * Converts a string to a string with upper characters only.
253  * @param value String value to convert, only containing ASCII characters
254  * @return Converted string.
255  */
256  static std::string toUpper(const std::string& value);
258  /**
259  * Trims the front of a string.
260  * @param value String to be trimmed at the front
261  * @param character Trimming character
262  * @return Trimmed string
263  */
264  static std::string trimFront(const std::string& value, const char character = ' ');
266  /**
267  * Trims the back of a string.
268  * @param value String to be trimmed at the back
269  * @param character Trimming character
270  * @return Trimmed string
271  */
272  static std::string trimBack(const std::string& value, const char character = ' ');
274  /**
275  * Trims the front and the back of a string.
276  * @param value String to be trimmed
277  * @param character Trimming character
278  * @return Trimmed string
279  */
280  static std::string trim(const std::string& value, const char character = ' ');
282  /**
283  * Replaces a sub-string inside a string with a different string.
284  * @param value The string in which the replacement will take place, can be empty
285  * @param oldString The sub-string to be replaced, empty to replace nothing
286  * @param newString The sub-string which will be placed at the location of the old string, can be empty
287  * @param onlyFirstOccurrence True, to stop after the first replacement; False, to continue with the remaining string
288  * @return The resulting string with replaced sub-string(s)
289  */
290  static std::string replace(std::string&& value, const std::string& oldString, const std::string& newString, const bool onlyFirstOccurrence);
292  /**
293  * Replaces characters with a specified value by a new character.
294  * @param value The string in which the character will be replaced
295  * @param oldCharacter The character which will be replaced
296  * @param newCharacter The character which will be set at the position of the old characters
297  * @return The resulting string which replaced characters
298  * @see exchangeCharacters(), removeCharacters().
299  */
300  static std::string replaceCharacters(const std::string& value, const char oldCharacter, const char newCharacter);
302  /**
303  * Exchanges two characters within a string.
304  * @param value The string in which the character will be exchanged
305  * @param character0 One of both characters to exchange
306  * @param character1 The second character to exchange
307  * @return The resulting string with exchanged characters
308  * @see replaceCharacters(), removeCharacters().
309  */
310  static std::string exchangeCharacters(const std::string& value, const char character0, const char character1);
312  /**
313  * Removes characters with a specified value from a string.
314  * @param value The string from which the characters will be removed
315  * @param character The character which will be removed
316  * @return The resulting string without the specified character
317  * @see replaceCharacters(), exchangeCharacters().
318  */
319  static std::string removeCharacters(const std::string& value, const char character);
321  /**
322  * Inserts a specified character into a string in regular intervals.
323  * The specified character will neither be added to the front of the string nor to the end of the string.<br>
324  * This function can be used e.g., to add (thousands) separators to integer values.
325  * @param value The string to which the character will be inserted
326  * @param character The character to be inserted
327  * @param interval The number of string characters that will stay together (between each block the specified character will be inserted), with range [0, infinity)
328  * @param startAtFront True, to start at the front of the string; False, to start at the back of the string
329  * @return The modified string
330  * @tparam TChar The data type of the character of the string
331  */
332  template <typename TChar>
333  static std::basic_string<TChar> insertCharacter(const std::basic_string<TChar>& value, const TChar& character, size_t interval, bool startAtFront);
335  /**
336  * Returns whether a given string stores a boolean value.
337  * A boolean value must be 'true' or 'false'.<br>
338  * Any beginning or ending white space will violate the value conditions, therefore provide a trimmed string value.
339  * @param stringValue String to be checked
340  * @param matchCase True, if the sting must match the lower case, otherwise any case is accepted
341  * @param acceptInteger True, if '1' and '0' will be accepted as 'true' and 'false'
342  * @param value Optional the value is returned
343  * @return True, if so
344  */
345  static bool isBoolean(const std::string& stringValue, const bool matchCase = true, const bool acceptInteger = false, bool* value = nullptr);
347  /**
348  * Returns whether a given string stores a 32bit integer value.
349  * An integer value may have a prefix sign ('+' or '-') followed by digits.<br>
350  * Any beginning or ending white space will violate the value conditions, therefore provide a trimmed string value.
351  * @param stringValue String to be checked
352  * @param value Optional the value is returned
353  * @return True, if so
354  */
355  static bool isInteger32(const std::string& stringValue, int32_t* value = nullptr);
357  /**
358  * Returns whether a given string stores an unsigned 64bit integer value.
359  * An integer value may have a prefix sign ('+') followed by digits.<br>
360  * Any beginning or ending white space will violate the value conditions, therefore provide a trimmed string value.
361  * @param stringValue String to be checked
362  * @param value Optional the value is returned
363  * @return True, if so
364  */
365  static bool isUnsignedInteger64(const std::string& stringValue, uint64_t* value = nullptr);
367  /**
368  * Returns whether a given string stores an hexadecimal value with up to 64 bits.
369  * The hexadecimal value may have a prefix "0x" and may contain up to 16 characters of digits or letters ['a', 'f'] or ['A' - 'F'].
370  * Any beginning or ending white space will violate the value conditions, therefore provide a trimmed string value.
371  * @param hexString The hexadecimal value given as string, must be valid
372  * @param length The number of characters the given string contains, with range [1, 18]
373  * @param needPrefix True, to accept hexadecimal values only if they start with "0x"; False, to accept also hexadecimal values with the prefix
374  * @param value Optional resulting decimal value of the given hexadecimal value; nullptr, if the value is not of interest
375  * @return True, if so
376  */
377  static bool isHexValue64(const char* hexString, size_t length, const bool needPrefix = false, unsigned long long* value = nullptr);
379  /**
380  * Returns whether a given string stores a number value.
381  * Any beginning or ending white space will violate the value conditions, therefore provide a trimmed string value.
382  * @param stringValue String to be checked
383  * @param acceptInteger True, if also strict integers will be accepted
384  * @param value Optional the value is returned
385  * @return True, if so
386  */
387  static bool isNumber(const std::string& stringValue, const bool acceptInteger = false, double* value = nullptr);
389  /**
390  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
391  * @param value The value to convert
392  * @return Converted string
393  */
394  static std::string toAString(const wchar_t value);
396  /**
397  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
398  * @param value The value to convert, may be nullptr
399  * @return Converted string
400  */
401  static std::string toAString(const char* value);
403  /**
404  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
405  * @param value The value to convert, may be nullptr
406  * @return Converted string
407  */
408  static std::string toAString(const wchar_t* value);
410  /**
411  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
412  * @param value The value to convert
413  * @return Converted string
414  */
415  static std::string toAString(const std::string& value);
417  /**
418  * Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
419  * @param value The value to convert
420  * @return Converted string
421  */
422  static std::string toAString(const std::wstring& value);
424  /**
425  * Converts a value to a wstring.
426  * @param value The value to convert
427  * @return Converted string
428  */
429  static std::wstring toWString(const char value);
431  /**
432  * Converts a value to a wstring.
433  * @param value The value to convert, may be nullptr
434  * @return Converted string
435  */
436  static std::wstring toWString(const char* value);
438  /**
439  * Converts a value to a wstring.
440  * @param value The value to convert, may be nullptr
441  * @return Converted string
442  */
443  static std::wstring toWString(const wchar_t* value);
445  /**
446  * Converts a value to a wstring.
447  * @param value The value to convert, may be nullptr
448  * @return Converted string
449  */
450  static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned short* value);
452  /**
453  * Converts a value to a wstring.
454  * @param value The value to convert
455  * @return Converted string
456  */
457  static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned char value);
459  /**
460  * Converts a value to a wstring using a fixed notation.
461  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
462  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
463  * @return Converted string
464  */
465  static std::wstring toWString(const double value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
467  /**
468  * Converts a value to a wstring using a fixed notation.
469  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
470  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
471  * @return Converted string
472  */
473  static std::wstring toWString(const float value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
475  /**
476  * Converts a value to a wstring using a scientific notation.
477  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
478  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
479  * @return Converted string
480  */
481  static std::wstring toWStringScientific(const double value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
483  /**
484  * Converts a value to a wstring using a scientific notation.
485  * @param value The value to convert, with range (-infinity, infinity)
486  * @param precision Optional floating-point precision field, with range [1, infinity)
487  * @return Converted string
488  */
489  static std::wstring toWStringScientific(const float value, const unsigned int precision = 5u);
491  /**
492  * Converts a value to a wstring.
493  * @param value The value to convert
494  * @return Converted string
495  */
496  static std::wstring toWString(const int value);
498  /**
499  * Converts a value to a wstring.
500  * @param value The value to convert
501  * @return Converted string
502  */
503  static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned int value);
505  /**
506  * Converts a value to a wstring.
507  * @param value The value to convert
508  * @return Converted string
509  */
510  static std::wstring toWString(const long value);
512  /**
513  * Converts a value to a wstring.
514  * @param value The value to convert
515  * @return Converted string
516  */
517  static std::wstring toWString(const long long value);
519  /**
520  * Converts a value to a wstring.
521  * @param value The value to convert
522  * @return Converted string
523  */
524  static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned long long value);
526  /**
527  * Converts a value to a wstring.
528  * @param value The value to convert
529  * @return Converted string
530  */
531  static std::wstring toWString(const short value);
533  /**
534  * Converts a value to a wstring.
535  * @param value The value to convert
536  * @return Converted string
537  */
538  static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned short value);
540  /**
541  * Converts a value to a wstring.
542  * @param value The value to convert
543  * @return Converted string
544  */
545  static std::wstring toWString(const long unsigned int value);
547  /**
548  * Converts a value to a wstring.
549  * @param value The value to convert
550  * @return Converted string
551  */
552  static std::wstring toWString(const wchar_t value);
554  /**
555  * Converts a value to a wstring with a minimal number of characters.
556  * Zero (prefix) are used to fill the missing part.
557  * @param value The value to be converted
558  * @param minimalChars Number of minimal characters to be created
559  * @return Converted string
560  */
561  static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned int value, const unsigned int minimalChars);
563  /**
564  * Converts a value to a wstring.
565  * @param value The value to convert
566  * @return Converted string
567  */
568  static std::wstring toWString(const std::string& value);
570  /**
571  * Converts a value to a wstring.
572  * @param value The value to convert
573  * @return Converted string
574  */
575  static std::wstring toWString(const std::wstring& value);
577  /**
578  * Trims the front of a string.
579  * @param value String to be trimmed at the front
580  * @param character Trimming character
581  * @return Trimmed string
582  */
583  static std::wstring trimFront(const std::wstring& value, const wchar_t character = L' ');
585  /**
586  * Trims the back of a string.
587  * @param value String to be trimmed at the back
588  * @param character Trimming character
589  * @return Trimmed string
590  */
591  static std::wstring trimBack(const std::wstring& value, const wchar_t character = L' ');
593  /**
594  * Trims the front and the back of a string.
595  * @param value String to be trimmed
596  * @param character Trimming character
597  * @return Trimmed string
598  */
599  static std::wstring trim(const std::wstring& value, const wchar_t character = L' ');
601  /**
602  * Returns the specified text with all whitespace characters removed from the left and right side.
603  * Characters considered whitespace are:
604  * - ' ' (0x20) space (SPC)
605  * - '\\t' (0x09) horizontal tab (TAB)
606  * - '\\n' (0x0a) newline (LF)
607  * - '\\v' (0x0b) vertical tab (VT)
608  * - '\\f' (0x0c) feed (FF)
609  * - '\\r' (0x0d) carriage return (CR)
610  * - '\0' (0x00) the null terminator (NUL), for every null-terminator character at position '< std::string::size()'
611  * Further, the string trimmed string will not contain a null-terminator character in the middle of the string at position '< std::string::size()',<br>
612  * the only null terminator character will be at the end of the string at position 'std::string::size()'.
613  * @param text The text string to be trimmed
614  * @return Trimmed text string
615  * @see trimWhitespaceString
616  */
617  static std::string trimWhitespace(const std::string& text);
619  /**
620  * Returns the specified text with all whitespace characters removed from the left and right side.
621  ** Characters considered whitespace are:
622  * - ' ' (0x20) space (SPC)
623  * - '\\t' (0x09) horizontal tab (TAB)
624  * - '\\n' (0x0a) newline (LF)
625  * - '\\v' (0x0b) vertical tab (VT)
626  * - '\\f' (0x0c) feed (FF)
627  * - '\\r' (0x0d) carriage return (CR)
628  * - '\0' (0x00) the null terminator (NUL), for every null-terminator character at position '< std::string::size()'
629  * Further, the string trimmed string will not contain a null-terminator character in the middle of the string at position '< std::string::size()',<br>
630  * the only null terminator character will be at the end of the string at position 'std::string::size()'.
631  * @param text The text string to be trimmed
632  * @return Trimmed text string
633  * @see trimWhitespaceString
634  */
635  static std::wstring trimWhitespace(const std::wstring& text);
637  /**
638  * Replaces characters with a specified value by a new character.
639  * @param value The string in which the character will be replaced
640  * @param oldCharacter The character which will be replaced
641  * @param newCharacter The character which will be set at the position of the old characters
642  * @return The resulting string which replaced characters
643  * @see exchangeCharacters(), removeCharacters().
644  */
645  static std::wstring replaceCharacters(const std::wstring& value, const wchar_t oldCharacter, const wchar_t newCharacter);
647  /**
648  * Exchanges two characters within a string.
649  * @param value The string in which the character will be exchanged
650  * @param character0 One of both characters to exchange
651  * @param character1 The second character to exchange
652  * @return The resulting string with exchanged characters
653  * @see replaceCharacters(), removeCharacters().
654  */
655  static std::wstring exchangeCharacters(const std::wstring& value, const wchar_t character0, const wchar_t character1);
657  /**
658  * Removes characters with a specified value from a string.
659  * @param value The string from which the characters will be removed
660  * @param character The character which will be removed
661  * @return The resulting string without the specified character
662  * @see replaceCharacters(), exchangeCharacters().
663  */
664  static std::wstring removeCharacters(const std::wstring& value, const wchar_t character);
666  private:
668  /**
669  * Converts a value of an arbitrary primitive type into a string (supported types are: ordinal types, floating point types, bool, string, char arrays)
670  * @param value The value that is to be converted
671  * @return Text representation of value
672  * @tparam TChar Data type of the characters of the C++ String
673  * @tparam T Type of value
674  */
675  template <typename TChar, typename T>
676  static std::basic_string<TChar> toString(const T& value);
678  /**
679  * Returns the specified text with all whitespace characters removed from the left and right side.
680  * Characters considered whitespace are:
681  * - ' ' (0x20) space (SPC)
682  * - '\\t' (0x09) horizontal tab (TAB)
683  * - '\\n' (0x0a) newline (LF)
684  * - '\\v' (0x0b) vertical tab (VT)
685  * - '\\f' (0x0c) feed (FF)
686  * - '\\r' (0x0d) carriage return (CR)
687  * - '\0' (0x00) the null terminator (NUL), for every null-terminator character at position '< std::string::size()'
688  * Further, the string trimmed string will not contain a null-terminator character in the middle of the string at position '< std::string::size()',<br>
689  * the only null terminator character will be at the end of the string at position 'std::string::size()'.
690  * @param text The text string to be trimmed
691  * @tparam TChar Character data type of specified string, either use char or wchar_t
692  * @return Trimmed text string
693  */
694  template <typename TChar>
695  static std::basic_string<TChar> trimWhitespaceString(const std::basic_string<TChar>& text);
696 };
698 template <>
699 inline std::string String::toString(const bool& value)
700 {
701  return value ? std::string("true") : std::string("false");
702 }
704 template <>
705 inline std::wstring String::toString(const bool& value)
706 {
707  return value ? std::wstring(L"true") : std::wstring(L"false");
708 }
710 template <typename TChar>
711 std::basic_string<TChar> String::insertCharacter(const std::basic_string<TChar>& value, const TChar& character, size_t interval, bool startAtFront)
712 {
713  ocean_assert(interval != 0);
715  std::basic_string<TChar> result(value);
717  if (startAtFront)
718  {
719  size_t position = interval;
721  while (position < result.length())
722  {
723  result.insert(position, 1, character);
724  position += interval + 1;
725  }
726  }
727  else
728  {
729  std::ptrdiff_t position = std::ptrdiff_t(result.length()) - std::ptrdiff_t(interval);
731  while (position >= 1)
732  {
733  result.insert(position, 1, character);
734  position -= std::ptrdiff_t(interval);
735  }
736  }
738  return result;
739 }
741 template <typename TChar, typename T>
742 std::basic_string<TChar> String::toString(const T& value)
743 {
744  std::basic_ostringstream<TChar> stream;
745  stream << value;
747  return stream.str();
748 }
750 }
This class provides string convert functionalities.
Definition: String.h:24
static std::string trimBack(const std::string &value, const char character=' ')
Trims the back of a string.
static std::string removeCharacters(const std::string &value, const char character)
Removes characters with a specified value from a string.
static std::wstring toWStringScientific(const double value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a wstring using a scientific notation.
static std::wstring toWString(const std::wstring &value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::basic_string< TChar > insertCharacter(const std::basic_string< TChar > &value, const TChar &character, size_t interval, bool startAtFront)
Inserts a specified character into a string in regular intervals.
Definition: String.h:711
static std::string toAStringHex(const long unsigned int value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string toAStringScientific(const double value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a scientific notation.
static std::string toAString(const long long value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::string trimFront(const std::string &value, const char character=' ')
Trims the front of a string.
static std::string toAString(const char value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::string toAStringHex(const double value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned int value, const unsigned int minimalChars)
Converts a value to a wstring with a minimal number of characters.
static std::wstring toWString(const short value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static bool isBoolean(const std::string &stringValue, const bool matchCase=true, const bool acceptInteger=false, bool *value=nullptr)
Returns whether a given string stores a boolean value.
static std::string toLower(const std::string &value)
Converts a string to a string with lower characters only.
static std::wstring toWString(const double value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a wstring using a fixed notation.
static std::string trimWhitespace(const std::string &text)
Returns the specified text with all whitespace characters removed from the left and right side.
static std::string toAString(const char *value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::string replaceCharacters(const std::string &value, const char oldCharacter, const char newCharacter)
Replaces characters with a specified value by a new character.
static std::string toAString(const std::string &value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring toWStringScientific(const float value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a wstring using a scientific notation.
static bool isInteger32(const std::string &stringValue, int32_t *value=nullptr)
Returns whether a given string stores a 32bit integer value.
static std::wstring trim(const std::wstring &value, const wchar_t character=L' ')
Trims the front and the back of a string.
static bool isNumber(const std::string &stringValue, const bool acceptInteger=false, double *value=nullptr)
Returns whether a given string stores a number value.
static std::string toAString(const unsigned short value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring replaceCharacters(const std::wstring &value, const wchar_t oldCharacter, const wchar_t newCharacter)
Replaces characters with a specified value by a new character.
static std::string trim(const std::string &value, const char character=' ')
Trims the front and the back of a string.
static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned short *value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::string toAStringHex(const char value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned long long value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned char value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static bool isHexValue64(const char *hexString, size_t length, const bool needPrefix=false, unsigned long long *value=nullptr)
Returns whether a given string stores an hexadecimal value with up to 64 bits.
static std::basic_string< TChar > toString(const T &value)
Converts a value of an arbitrary primitive type into a string (supported types are: ordinal types,...
Definition: String.h:742
static std::string toAString(const wchar_t value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static bool isUnsignedInteger64(const std::string &stringValue, uint64_t *value=nullptr)
Returns whether a given string stores an unsigned 64bit integer value.
static std::string toAString(const float value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a fixed notation.
static std::string toAStringHex(const long long value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string toAString(const unsigned int value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring toWString(const long value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::string toAStringHex(const short value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string toAString(const unsigned long long value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned int value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned short value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::string toAString(const unsigned int value, const unsigned int minimalChars)
Converts a value to a string with a minimal number of characters.
static std::string toAString(const short value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring toWString(const wchar_t value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::wstring toWString(const char *value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::string toAStringHex(const int value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string replace(std::string &&value, const std::string &oldString, const std::string &newString, const bool onlyFirstOccurrence)
Replaces a sub-string inside a string with a different string.
static std::string toAStringHex(const uint8_t *data, const size_t size, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts memory to a string with hexadecimal notation.
static std::wstring trimBack(const std::wstring &value, const wchar_t character=L' ')
Trims the back of a string.
static std::basic_string< TChar > trimWhitespaceString(const std::basic_string< TChar > &text)
Returns the specified text with all whitespace characters removed from the left and right side.
static std::wstring removeCharacters(const std::wstring &value, const wchar_t character)
Removes characters with a specified value from a string.
static std::string toAStringHex(const float value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string toUpper(const std::string &value)
Converts a string to a string with upper characters only.
static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned char value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string toAString(const double value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a fixed notation.
static std::string toAString(const long value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::string toAString(const wchar_t *value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring toWString(const long long value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::string toAString(const unsigned char value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned short value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::string toAStringHexReverse(const uint8_t *data, const size_t size, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts memory to a string with hexadecimal notation in a reverse order.
static std::string exchangeCharacters(const std::string &value, const char character0, const char character1)
Exchanges two characters within a string.
static std::string toAStringHex(const unsigned int value, const bool upperCases=true)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character as hexadecimal notation.
static std::wstring toWString(const long unsigned int value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::wstring toWString(const float value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a wstring using a fixed notation.
static std::wstring toWString(const wchar_t *value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::wstring toWString(const char value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::string toAString(const long unsigned int value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::string toAString(const int value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring toWString(const std::string &value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::wstring exchangeCharacters(const std::wstring &value, const wchar_t character0, const wchar_t character1)
Exchanges two characters within a string.
static std::wstring toWString(const int value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::wstring trimWhitespace(const std::wstring &text)
Returns the specified text with all whitespace characters removed from the left and right side.
static std::string toAStringScientific(const float value, const unsigned int precision=5u)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character using a scientific notation.
static std::string toAString(const std::wstring &value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
static std::wstring toWString(const unsigned long long value)
Converts a value to a wstring.
static std::wstring trimFront(const std::wstring &value, const wchar_t character=L' ')
Trims the front of a string.
System::String toString(const std::string &value)
Definition: platform/win/Utilities.h:299
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15