Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/base/Base.h"
13 #include <deque>
15 namespace Ocean
16 {
18 /**
19  * This class implements a vector with shifted elements.
20  * The elements are shifted by a shift offset index so that the elements can be accessed by adding this shift offset to the normal element index.<br>
21  * The shift offset can either be positive or negative.
22  * @tparam T Data type of the elements that are stored
23  * @ingroup base
24  */
25 template <typename T>
27 {
28  public:
30  /**
31  * Definition of the data type of each element of this object.
32  */
33  typedef T Type;
35  /**
36  * Definition of an element index.
37  */
38  typedef std::ptrdiff_t Index;
40  /**
41  * Definition of a data iterator.
42  */
43  typedef typename std::deque<T>::iterator Iterator;
45  /**
46  * Definition of a const data iterator.
47  */
48  typedef typename std::deque<T>::const_iterator ConstIterator;
50  public:
52  /**
53  * Creates a new shift vector object.
54  */
55  ShiftVector() = default;
57  /**
58  * Copy constructor.
59  * @param object Vector object to be copied
60  */
61  ShiftVector(const ShiftVector<T>& object);
63  /**
64  * Move constructor.
65  * @param object Vector object to be moved
66  */
67  ShiftVector(ShiftVector<T>&& object) noexcept;
69  /**
70  * Creates a new shift vector object.
71  * @param firstIndex The index of the first element of this vector
72  */
73  explicit ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex);
75  /**
76  * Creates a new shift vector object.
77  * @param firstIndex The index of the first element of this vector
78  * @param size Number of elements to be created
79  */
80  ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const size_t size);
82  /**
83  * Creates a new shift vector object.
84  * @param firstIndex The index of the first element of this vector
85  * @param size Number of elements to be created
86  * @param element Pattern element that will be copied as often as requested
87  */
88  ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const size_t size, const T& element);
90  /**
91  * Creates a new shift vector object and copies a specified number of elements.
92  * @param firstIndex The index of the first element of this vector
93  * @param elements The elements to be copied
94  * @param size Number of elements to be copied
95  */
96  ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const T* elements, const size_t size);
98  /**
99  * Returns the index of the first element of this object.
100  * @return Index of first element
101  */
102  inline Index firstIndex() const;
104  /**
105  * Returns the index of the last (including) element of this object.
106  * @return Index of last element
107  * @see endIndex().
108  */
109  inline Index lastIndex() const;
111  /**
112  * Returns the index of the element behind the last (excluding) element of this object.
113  * Thus, there does not exist an element with the returning index.<br>
114  * @return Index of ending element
115  * @see lastIndex()
116  */
117  inline Index endIndex() const;
119  /**
120  * Sets the index of the first element of this vector.
121  * The elements of this vector will be untouched, however the individual elements receive a new index due to the new shift offset.
122  * @param index The index of the first element
123  */
124  inline void setFirstIndex(const Index index);
126  /**
127  * Returns the element located at the first index.
128  * Beware: Ensure that this object holds at least one element before accessing the element.
129  * @return The first element
130  * @see firstIndex().
131  */
132  inline const T& front() const;
134  /**
135  * Returns the element located at the first index.
136  * Beware: Ensure that this object holds at least one element before accessing the element.
137  * @return The first element
138  * @see firstIndex().
139  */
140  inline T& front();
142  /**
143  * Returns the element located at the last (including) index.
144  * Beware: Ensure that this object holds at least one element before accessing the element.
145  * @return The last element
146  * @see lastIndex().
147  */
148  inline const T& back() const;
150  /**
151  * Returns the element located at the last (including) index.
152  * Beware: Ensure that this object holds at least one element before accessing the element.
153  * @return The first element
154  * @see lastIndex().
155  */
156  inline T& back();
158  /**
159  * Returns the number of elements that are stored by this object.
160  * @return Number of elements
161  */
162  inline size_t size() const;
164  /**
165  * Changes the number of elements of this vector.
166  * If the new size is greater than the current size, than new elements are inserted with default initialization of the data type handled by this vector.
167  * @param size New element number
168  */
169  inline void resize(const size_t size);
171  /**
172  * Changes the number of elements of this vector.
173  * If the new size is greater than the current size, than new elements are inserted and initialized as copies of the given pattern element.<br>
174  * @param size New element number
175  * @param element The pattern element that is copied to each new internal element if necessary
176  */
177  inline void resize(const size_t size, const T& element);
179  /**
180  * Adds a new element to the end of this vector.
181  * The internal shift offset is untouched.<br>
182  * @param element New element to be added
183  */
184  inline void pushBack(const T& element);
186  /**
187  * Adds a new element to the end of this vector.
188  * The internal shift offset is untouched.<br>
189  * @param element New element to be added
190  */
191  inline void pushBack(T&& element);
193  /**
194  * Adds a new element to the front of this vector.
195  * The internal shift offset will be decremented by 1 so that the indices of the existing elements remain unchanged.<br>
196  * @param element New element to be added
197  */
198  inline void pushFront(const T& element);
200  /**
201  * Adds a new element to the front of this vector.
202  * The internal shift offset will be decremented by 1 so that the indices of the existing elements remain unchanged.<br>
203  * @param element New element to be added
204  */
205  inline void pushFront(T&& element);
207  /**
208  * Removes an element from the end of this vector.
209  * The internal shift offset is untouched.<br>
210  */
211  inline void popBack();
213  /**
214  * Removes an element form the front of this vector.
215  * The internal shift offset will be incremented by 1 so that the indices of the remaining elements remain unchanged.<br>
216  */
217  inline void popFront();
219  /**
220  * Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
221  * If the position is outside the current range of the vector (in negative or positive direction) than this vector will be extended accordingly.<br>
222  * Whenever the vector will be extended, all intermediate elements (elements at new indices not equal to the given index) are initialized with the default constructor of the data type of this vector.<br>
223  * Beware: If elements have to be added at the front, than the index of the first element will also be adjusted.<br>
224  * @param index The index of the element
225  * @param element The element to be inserted at the given index
226  */
227  inline void insert(const Index index, const T& element);
229  /**
230  * Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
231  * If the position is outside the current range of the vector (in negative or positive direction) than this vector will be extended accordingly.<br>
232  * Whenever the vector will be extended, all intermediate elements (elements at new indices not equal to the given index) are initialized with the given intermediate element instance.<br>
233  * Beware: If elements have to be added at the front, than the index of the first element will also be adjusted.<br>
234  * @param index The index of the element
235  * @param element The element to be inserted at the given index
236  * @param intermediateElement The element that is copied to all intermediate elements (elements at new indices not equal to the given index)
237  */
238  inline void insert(const Index index, const T& element, const T& intermediateElement);
240  /**
241  * Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
242  * If the position is outside the current range of the vector (in negative or positive direction) than this vector will be extended accordingly.<br>
243  * Whenever the vector will be extended, all intermediate elements (elements at new indices not equal to the given index) are initialized with the default constructor of the data type of this vector.<br>
244  * Beware: If elements have to be added at the front, than the index of the first element will also be adjusted.<br>
245  * @param index The index of the element
246  * @param element The element to be inserted at the given index
247  */
248  inline void insert(const Index index, T&& element);
250  /**
251  * Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
252  * If the position is outside the current range of the vector (in negative or positive direction) than this vector will be extended accordingly.<br>
253  * Whenever the vector will be extended, all intermediate elements (elements at new indices not equal to the given index) are initialized with the given intermediate element instance.<br>
254  * Beware: If elements have to be added at the front, than the index of the first element will also be adjusted.<br>
255  * @param index The index of the element
256  * @param element The element to be inserted at the given index
257  * @param intermediateElement The element that is copied to all intermediate elements (elements at new indices not equal to the given index)
258  */
259  inline void insert(const Index index, T&& element, const T& intermediateElement);
261  /**
262  * Returns whether a specific index is valid for this vector and matches to the current offset layout.
263  * @param index The index to be checked
264  * @return True, if succeeded
265  */
266  inline bool isValidIndex(const Index index) const;
268  /**
269  * Returns whether this object holds no element.
270  * @return True, if so
271  */
272  inline bool isEmpty() const;
274  /**
275  * Clears this object, the specified index shift will be untouched.
276  */
277  inline void clear();
279  /**
280  * Returns a vector storing the elements.
281  * @return Vector holding the elements
282  */
283  std::vector<T> data() const;
285  /**
286  * Returns the iterator for the first data element.
287  * @return Iterator for the first data element
288  */
289  inline Iterator begin();
291  /**
292  * Returns the iterator for the first data element.
293  * @return Iterator for the first data element
294  */
295  inline ConstIterator begin() const;
297  /**
298  * Returns the end iterator.
299  * @return Iterator for the end
300  */
301  inline Iterator end();
303  /**
304  * Returns the end iterator.
305  * @return Iterator for the end
306  */
307  inline ConstIterator end() const;
309  /**
310  * Assign operator.
311  * @param object Vector object to be copied
312  * @return Reference to this object
313  */
316  /**
317  * Move operator.
318  * @param object Vector object to be moved
319  * @return Reference to this object
320  */
323  /**
324  * Returns one element of this object.
325  * @param index The index of the element to be returned, with range [firstIndex(), lastIndex()]
326  * @return Requested element
327  */
328  inline const T& operator[](const Index index) const;
330  /**
331  * Returns one element of this object.
332  * @param index The index of the element to be returned, with range [firstIndex(), lastIndex()]
333  * @return Requested element
334  */
335  inline T& operator[](const Index index);
337  /**
338  * Returns whether this object holds at least one element.
339  * @return True, if so
340  */
341  explicit inline operator bool() const;
343  /**
344  * Compares two shift vector objects whether they are equal.
345  * Two shift vector object are equal if they have the same firstIndex() parameter, if they have the same size and if all elements are equal.<br>
346  * @param object Second shift vector object to be compared
347  * @return True, if so
348  */
349  bool operator==(const ShiftVector<T>& object) const;
351  /**
352  * Compares two shift vector object whether they are not equal.
353  * @param object Second shift vector object to be compared
354  * @return True, if so
355  */
356  inline bool operator!=(const ShiftVector<T>& object) const;
358  protected:
360  /// The index of the first element.
363  /// Elements of this object.
364  std::deque<T> elements_;
365 };
367 template <typename T>
369  firstIndex_(object.firstIndex_),
370  elements_(object.elements_)
371 {
372  // nothing to do here
373 }
375 template <typename T>
377 {
378  *this = std::move(object);
379 }
381 template <typename T>
383  firstIndex_(firstIndex)
384 {
385  // nothing to do here
386 }
388 template <typename T>
389 ShiftVector<T>::ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const size_t size) :
390  firstIndex_(firstIndex),
391  elements_(size)
392 {
393  // nothing to do here
394 }
396 template <typename T>
397 ShiftVector<T>::ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const size_t size, const T& element) :
398  firstIndex_(firstIndex),
399  elements_(size, element)
400 {
401  // nothing to do here
402 }
404 template <typename T>
405 ShiftVector<T>::ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const T* elements, const size_t size) :
406  firstIndex_(firstIndex),
407  elements_(size)
408 {
409  for (size_t n = 0; n < size; ++n)
410  {
411  elements_[n] = elements[n];
412  }
413 }
415 template <typename T>
417 {
418  return firstIndex_;
419 }
421 template <typename T>
423 {
424  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
426  if (elements_.empty())
427  {
428  return firstIndex_ - 1;
429  }
431  return firstIndex_ + Index(elements_.size()) - 1;
432 }
434 template <typename T>
436 {
437  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
439  if (elements_.empty())
440  {
441  return firstIndex_;
442  }
444  return firstIndex_ + Index(elements_.size());
445 }
447 template <typename T>
448 inline void ShiftVector<T>::setFirstIndex(const Index index)
449 {
450  firstIndex_ = index;
451 }
453 template <typename T>
454 inline const T& ShiftVector<T>::front() const
455 {
456  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
457  ocean_assert((*this)[firstIndex()] == elements_.front());
459  return elements_.front();
460 }
462 template <typename T>
464 {
465  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
466  ocean_assert((*this)[firstIndex()] == elements_.front());
468  return elements_.front();
469 }
471 template <typename T>
472 inline const T& ShiftVector<T>::back() const
473 {
474  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
475  ocean_assert((*this)[lastIndex()] == elements_.back());
477  return elements_.back();
478 }
480 template <typename T>
482 {
483  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
484  ocean_assert((*this)[lastIndex()] == elements_.back());
486  return elements_.back();
487 }
489 template <typename T>
490 inline size_t ShiftVector<T>::size() const
491 {
492  return elements_.size();
493 }
495 template <typename T>
496 inline void ShiftVector<T>::resize(const size_t size)
497 {
498  elements_.resize(size);
499 }
501 template <typename T>
502 inline void ShiftVector<T>::resize(const size_t size, const T& element)
503 {
504  elements_.resize(size, element);
505 }
507 template <typename T>
508 inline void ShiftVector<T>::pushBack(const T& element)
509 {
510  elements_.push_back(element);
511 }
513 template <typename T>
514 inline void ShiftVector<T>::pushBack(T&& element)
515 {
516  elements_.push_back(element);
517 }
519 template <typename T>
520 inline void ShiftVector<T>::pushFront(const T& element)
521 {
522  elements_.push_front(element);
523  firstIndex_--;
524 }
526 template <typename T>
527 inline void ShiftVector<T>::pushFront(T&& element)
528 {
529  elements_.push_front(element);
530  firstIndex_--;
531 }
533 template <typename T>
535 {
536  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
537  elements_.pop_back();
538 }
540 template <typename T>
542 {
543  ocean_assert(!elements_.empty());
544  elements_.pop_front();
545  firstIndex_++;
546 }
548 template <typename T>
549 inline void ShiftVector<T>::insert(const Index index, const T& element)
550 {
551  if (index < firstIndex_)
552  {
553  // add default objects
554  while (index + 1 < firstIndex_)
555  {
556  pushFront(T());
557  }
559  pushFront(element);
560  }
561  else
562  {
563  if (index >= (Index)(firstIndex_ + elements_.size()))
564  {
565  elements_.resize(index - firstIndex_ + 1);
566  }
568  elements_[index - firstIndex_] = element;
569  }
570 }
572 template <typename T>
573 inline void ShiftVector<T>::insert(const Index index, const T& element, const T& intermediateElement)
574 {
575  if (index < firstIndex_)
576  {
577  // add default objects
578  while (index + 1 < firstIndex_)
579  {
580  pushFront(intermediateElement);
581  }
583  pushFront(element);
584  }
585  else
586  {
587  if (index >= (Index)(firstIndex_ + elements_.size()))
588  {
589  elements_.resize(index - firstIndex_ + 1, intermediateElement);
590  }
592  elements_[index - firstIndex_] = element;
593  }
594 }
597 template <typename T>
598 inline void ShiftVector<T>::insert(const Index index, T&& element)
599 {
600  if (index < firstIndex_)
601  {
602  // add default objects
603  while (index + 1 < firstIndex_)
604  {
605  pushFront(T());
606  }
608  pushFront(element);
609  }
610  else
611  {
612  if (index >= (Index)(firstIndex_ + elements_.size()))
613  {
614  elements_.resize(index - firstIndex_ + 1);
615  }
617  elements_[index - firstIndex_] = std::move(element);
618  }
619 }
621 template <typename T>
622 inline void ShiftVector<T>::insert(const Index index, T&& element, const T& intermediateElement)
623 {
624  if (index < firstIndex_)
625  {
626  // add default objects
627  while (index + 1 < firstIndex_)
628  {
629  pushFront(intermediateElement);
630  }
632  pushFront(element);
633  }
634  else
635  {
636  if (index >= (Index)(firstIndex_ + elements_.size()))
637  {
638  elements_.resize(index - firstIndex_ + 1, intermediateElement);
639  }
641  elements_[index - firstIndex_] = element;
642  }
643 }
645 template <typename T>
646 inline bool ShiftVector<T>::isValidIndex(const Index index) const
647 {
648  return index >= firstIndex_ && index < Index(firstIndex_ + elements_.size());
649 }
651 template <typename T>
652 inline bool ShiftVector<T>::isEmpty() const
653 {
654  return elements_.empty();
655 }
657 template <typename T>
659 {
660  elements_.clear();
661 }
663 template <typename T>
664 std::vector<T> ShiftVector<T>::data() const
665 {
666  return std::vector<T>(elements_.begin(), elements_.end());
667 }
669 template <typename T>
671 {
672  return elements_.begin();
673 }
675 template <typename T>
677 {
678  return elements_.begin();
679 }
681 template <typename T>
683 {
684  return elements_.end();
685 }
687 template <typename T>
689 {
690  return elements_.end();
691 }
693 template <typename T>
695 {
696  firstIndex_ = object.firstIndex_;
697  elements_ = object.elements_;
699  return *this;
700 }
702 template <typename T>
704 {
705  if (this != &object)
706  {
707  firstIndex_ = object.firstIndex_;
708  object.firstIndex_ = 0;
710  elements_ = std::move(object.elements_);
711  }
713  return *this;
714 }
716 template <typename T>
717 inline const T& ShiftVector<T>::operator[](const Index index) const
718 {
719  ocean_assert(!isEmpty());
720  ocean_assert(isValidIndex(index));
721  ocean_assert(index >= firstIndex() && index <= lastIndex());
723  return elements_[index - firstIndex_];
724 }
726 template <typename T>
727 inline T& ShiftVector<T>::operator[](const Index index)
728 {
729  ocean_assert(!isEmpty());
730  ocean_assert(isValidIndex(index));
731  ocean_assert(index >= firstIndex() && index <= lastIndex());
733  return elements_[index - firstIndex_];
734 }
736 template <typename T>
737 inline ShiftVector<T>::operator bool() const
738 {
739  return !elements_.empty();
740 }
742 template <typename T>
744 {
745  return firstIndex_ == object.firstIndex_ && elements_ == object.elements_;
746 }
748 template <typename T>
749 inline bool ShiftVector<T>::operator!=(const ShiftVector<T>& object) const
750 {
751  return !(*this == object);
752 }
754 }
This class implements a vector with shifted elements.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:27
T Type
Definition of the data type of each element of this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:33
ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex)
Creates a new shift vector object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:382
void resize(const size_t size, const T &element)
Changes the number of elements of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:502
bool isValidIndex(const Index index) const
Returns whether a specific index is valid for this vector and matches to the current offset layout.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:646
const T & operator[](const Index index) const
Returns one element of this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:717
ShiftVector< T > & operator=(ShiftVector< T > &&object) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:703
ShiftVector(ShiftVector< T > &&object) noexcept
Move constructor.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:376
T & operator[](const Index index)
Returns one element of this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:727
void insert(const Index index, T &&element, const T &intermediateElement)
Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:622
const T & back() const
Returns the element located at the last (including) index.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:472
bool operator==(const ShiftVector< T > &object) const
Compares two shift vector objects whether they are equal.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:743
size_t size() const
Returns the number of elements that are stored by this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:490
ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const T *elements, const size_t size)
Creates a new shift vector object and copies a specified number of elements.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:405
Index endIndex() const
Returns the index of the element behind the last (excluding) element of this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:435
void resize(const size_t size)
Changes the number of elements of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:496
void insert(const Index index, T &&element)
Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:598
ShiftVector(const ShiftVector< T > &object)
Copy constructor.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:368
ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const size_t size, const T &element)
Creates a new shift vector object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:397
void pushBack(const T &element)
Adds a new element to the end of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:508
std::deque< T > elements_
Elements of this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:364
ConstIterator begin() const
Returns the iterator for the first data element.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:676
T & front()
Returns the element located at the first index.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:463
void pushFront(T &&element)
Adds a new element to the front of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:527
void popFront()
Removes an element form the front of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:541
bool operator!=(const ShiftVector< T > &object) const
Compares two shift vector object whether they are not equal.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:749
void pushFront(const T &element)
Adds a new element to the front of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:520
Creates a new shift vector object.
void clear()
Clears this object, the specified index shift will be untouched.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:658
Index firstIndex_
The index of the first element.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:361
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether this object holds no element.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:652
ConstIterator end() const
Returns the end iterator.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:688
std::ptrdiff_t Index
Definition of an element index.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:38
std::deque< T >::const_iterator ConstIterator
Definition of a const data iterator.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:48
void setFirstIndex(const Index index)
Sets the index of the first element of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:448
Iterator begin()
Returns the iterator for the first data element.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:670
std::deque< T >::iterator Iterator
Definition of a data iterator.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:43
void popBack()
Removes an element from the end of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:534
Index lastIndex() const
Returns the index of the last (including) element of this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:422
ShiftVector< T > & operator=(const ShiftVector< T > &object)
Assign operator.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:694
Iterator end()
Returns the end iterator.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:682
T & back()
Returns the element located at the last (including) index.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:481
void insert(const Index index, const T &element)
Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:549
ShiftVector(const Index firstIndex, const size_t size)
Creates a new shift vector object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:389
std::vector< T > data() const
Returns a vector storing the elements.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:664
void insert(const Index index, const T &element, const T &intermediateElement)
Inserts (or overwrites) an element at a specific position of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:573
void pushBack(T &&element)
Adds a new element to the end of this vector.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:514
const T & front() const
Returns the element located at the first index.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:454
Index firstIndex() const
Returns the index of the first element of this object.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:416
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15