Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/devices/Devices.h"
14 #include "ocean/base/Callback.h"
15 #include "ocean/base/Value.h"
17 namespace Ocean
18 {
20 namespace Devices
21 {
23 // Forward declaration.
24 class Measurement;
26 /**
27  * Definition of a smart object reference for a measurement.
28  * @see Measurement.
29  * @ingroup devices
30  */
33 /**
34  * This class implements the base class for all devices providing measurement samples.
35  * Each measurement holds a container holding several most recent samples provided by the device.<br>
36  * Thus, depending on the number of stored samples a specific sample can be requested.<br>
37  * @ingroup devices
38  */
39 class OCEAN_DEVICES_EXPORT Measurement : virtual public Device
40 {
41  public:
43  /**
44  * Definition of an object id.
45  */
46  typedef unsigned int ObjectId;
48  /**
49  * Definition of a vector holding object ids.
50  */
51  typedef std::vector<ObjectId> ObjectIds;
53  /**
54  * Definition of an unordered set holding object ids.
55  */
56  typedef std::unordered_set<ObjectId> ObjectIdSet;
58  /**
59  * Definition of an unordered map mapping keys to values.
60  */
61  typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> Metadata;
63  /**
64  * Definition of a sample holding a measurement.
65  */
67  {
68  friend class ObjectRef<Sample>;
70  public:
72  /**
73  * Returns the sample timestamp.
74  * @return Sample timestamp
75  */
76  inline const Timestamp& timestamp() const;
78  /**
79  * Returns the sample object ids specifying possible different measurement units.
80  * @return Object ids
81  */
82  inline const ObjectIds& objectIds() const;
84  /**
85  * Returns the metadata of this sample.
86  * @return The sample's meta data
87  */
88  inline const Metadata& metadata() const;
90  protected:
92  /**
93  * Creates a new measurement sample.
94  * @param timestamp Sample timestamp
95  * @param objectIds Object ids corresponding to different measurement units of one tracker
96  * @param metadata Optional metadata of the new sample
97  */
98  Sample(const Timestamp& timestamp, const ObjectIds& objectIds, const Metadata& metadata = Metadata());
100  /**
101  * Creates a new measurement sample.
102  * @param timestamp Sample timestamp
103  * @param objectIds Object ids corresponding to different measurement units of one tracker
104  * @param metadata Optional metadata of the new sample
105  */
106  Sample(const Timestamp& timestamp, ObjectIds&& objectIds, Metadata&& metadata = Metadata());
108  /**
109  * Destructs a sample.
110  */
111  virtual ~Sample();
113  protected:
115  /// Sample timestamp
118  /// Measurement unit object ids.
121  /// The metadata of this sample.
123  };
125  /**
126  * Definition of an object reference for samples.
127  */
130  /**
131  * Definition of a callback function to subscribe for new measurement sample events.
132  * The first parameter is the Measurement object sending the sample
133  * The second parameter is the sample
134  */
137  /**
138  * Definition of individual interpolation strategies for samples.
139  */
141  {
142  /// An invalid strategy.
144  /// The sample with nearest/closest timestamp is used.
146  /// The sample is interpolated based on two samples.
148  };
150  /**
151  * This class manages the lifetime of an event subscription for sample events.
152  */
153  class OCEAN_DEVICES_EXPORT SampleEventSubscription
154  {
155  friend class Measurement;
157  public:
159  /**
160  * Default constructor for a not active subscription.
161  */
164  /**
165  * Move constructor.
166  * @param sampleEventSubscription The object to be moved
167  */
168  inline SampleEventSubscription(SampleEventSubscription&& sampleEventSubscription);
170  /**
171  * Destructs the subscription object and unsubscribes the object event.
172  */
173  inline ~SampleEventSubscription();
175  /**
176  * Makes this subscription object weak so that is does not hold a reference to the actual measurement object.
177  */
178  inline void makeWeak();
180  /**
181  * Explicitly releases the subscription.
182  */
183  void release();
185  /**
186  * Returns whether this subscription object holds an active subscription.
187  * @return True, if so
188  */
189  explicit inline operator bool() const;
191  /**
192  * Replaces the current event subscription with a new event subscription.
193  * @param sampleEventSubscription The subscription object to assign
194  * @return Reference to this object
195  */
198  protected:
200  /**
201  * Creates an active subscription object.
202  * @param measurement The measurement object to which the event subscription belongs
203  * @param subscriptionId The subscription id of the event, must be valid
204  */
205  SampleEventSubscription(const Measurement& measurement, const SubscriptionId subscriptionId);
207  /**
208  * Disabled assign operator.
209  * @param sampleEventSubscription The subscription object to assign
210  * @return Reference to this object
211  */
212  SampleEventSubscription& operator=(const SampleEventSubscription& sampleEventSubscription) = delete;
214  protected:
216  /// The measurement object to which the event subscription belongs.
219  /// The pointer to the measurement object to which the event subscription belongs.
220  Measurement* weakMeasurement_ = nullptr;
222  /// The subscription id.
223  SubscriptionId subscriptionId_ = invalidSubscriptionId();
224  };
226  protected:
228  /**
229  * Definition of a map holding the most recent samples
230  */
231  typedef std::map<Timestamp, SampleRef> SampleMap;
233  /**
234  * This class implements a helper class to simplify the mapping between internal object ids (of the actual tracking implementation) and extern object ids (of the device system).
235  * @tparam TInternalId The data type of the internal object id.
236  */
237  template <typename TInternalId>
239  {
240  protected:
242  /**
243  * Definition of an unordered map mapping internal object ids to external object ids.
244  */
245  typedef std::unordered_map<TInternalId, ObjectId> InternalObjectIdMap;
247  /**
248  * Definition of an unordered map mapping external object ids to internal object ids.
249  */
250  typedef std::unordered_map<ObjectId, TInternalId> ExternalObjectIdMap;
252  public:
254  /**
255  * Default constructor.
256  */
257  explicit inline ObjectMapper(Measurement& owner);
259  /**
260  * Returns whether this mapping object holds a specific internal object.
261  * @param internalObjectId The id of the internal object to be checked
262  * @return True, if so
263  */
264  bool hasInternalObject(const TInternalId& internalObjectId) const;
266  /**
267  * Returns whether this mapping object holds a specific external object.
268  * @param externalObjectId The id of the external object to be checked, must be valid
269  * @return True, if so
270  */
271  bool hasExternalObject(const Measurement::ObjectId& externalObjectId) const;
273  /**
274  * Adds a new internal pattern id.
275  * @param internalObjectId The new internal object id to add
276  * @param description The description of the new pattern
277  * @return The corresponding external object id
278  */
279  ObjectId newInternalObjectId(const TInternalId& internalObjectId, const std::string& description);
281  /**
282  * Removes a mapping between internal and external object.
283  * @param internalObjectId The id of the internal object for which the mapping will be removed
284  */
285  void removeInternalObject(const TInternalId& internalObjectId);
287  /**
288  * Converts the tracker's internal object id to an external object id.
289  * @param internalObjectId The internal object id to translate
290  * @return The resulting external object id
291  */
292  ObjectId externalObjectIdFromInternalObjectId(const TInternalId& internalObjectId) const;
294  /**
295  * Converts an external object id to the tracker tracker's internal object id.
296  * @param externalObjectId The external object id to translate
297  * @param invalidInternalId An invalid internal id
298  * @return The resulting internal object id
299  */
300  TInternalId internalObjectIdFromExternalObjectId(const ObjectId externalObjectId, const TInternalId& invalidInternalId) const;
302  protected:
304  /**
305  * Disabled copy constructor.
306  * @param objectMapper Object which would be copied
307  */
308  ObjectMapper(const ObjectMapper& objectMapper) = delete;
310  /**
311  * Disabled copy operator.
312  * @param objectMapper Object which would be copied
313  * @return Reference to this object
314  */
315  ObjectMapper& operator=(const ObjectMapper& objectMapper) = delete;
317  protected:
319  /// The owner of this mapper.
322  /// The map mapping internal object ids to external object ids.
325  /// The map mapping external object ids to internal object ids.
327  };
329  /**
330  * Definition of an unordered map mapping descriptions to unique object ids.
331  */
332  typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, ObjectId> ObjectDescriptionToIdMap;
334  /**
335  * Definition of an unordered map mapping unique object ids to descriptions.
336  */
337  typedef std::unordered_map<ObjectId, std::string> ObjectIdToDescriptionMap;
339  /**
340  * Definition of a map mapping subscription ids to event sample callback functions.
341  */
342  typedef std::unordered_map<SubscriptionId, SampleCallback> SampleSubscriptionMap;
344  public:
346  /**
347  * Returns the capacity of the internal sample container.
348  * @return The sample container's capacity, with range [2, infinity)
349  * @see setSampleCapacity().
350  */
351  inline size_t sampleCapacity() const;
353  /**
354  * Sets the capacity of the internal sample container.
355  * @param capacity The number maximal number of samples to be stored, with range [2, infinity)
356  * @return True, if succeeded
357  */
358  bool setSampleCapacity(const size_t capacity);
360  /**
361  * Returns the most recent sample.
362  * @return Most recent sample as object reference
363  */
364  virtual SampleRef sample() const;
366  /**
367  * Returns the sample with a specific timestamp.
368  * If no sample exists with the given timestamp the most recent sample is returned.
369  * @param timestamp The timestamp of the sample to be returned
370  * @return Requested sample
371  */
372  virtual SampleRef sample(const Timestamp timestamp) const;
374  /**
375  * Returns the sample best matching with a specified timestamp.
376  * In case, the given timestamp does not fit to an existing sample, the resulting sample will be based on the specified interpolation strategy.
377  * @param timestamp The timestamp for which a sample will be determined, must be valid
378  * @param interpolationStrategy The interpolation strategy to be applied in case the timestamp does not fit with an existing sample
379  * @return The resulting sample, invalid if no sample could be determined
380  */
381  virtual SampleRef sample(const Timestamp& timestamp, const InterpolationStrategy interpolationStrategy) const;
383  /**
384  * Subscribes a callback event function for new measurement sample events.
385  * Do not subscribe or unsubscribe from inside an event thread.
386  * @param callback The callback function receiving the event calls, must be valid
387  * @return The resulting subscription object, dispose the object to unsubscribe from the event call
388  */
391  /**
392  * Returns the object id for an object description.
393  * @param description The description for which the object id will be returned
394  * @return The object id, an invalid id if the description is not known
395  * @see objectDescriptions().
396  */
397  ObjectId objectId(const std::string& description) const;
399  /**
400  * Returns descriptions of all objects currently available.
401  * @return All object descriptions
402  * @see objectId().
403  */
406  /**
407  * Returns the description of one object of this measurement.
408  * @param objectId The id of the object for which the description will be returned, must be valid
409  * @return The description of the object, empty if the object is unknown
410  */
411  std::string objectDescription(const ObjectId objectId) const;
413  /**
414  * Returns an invalid object id.
415  * @return Id of an invalid object
416  */
417  static constexpr ObjectId invalidObjectId();
419  protected:
421  /**
422  * Creates a new measurement object.
423  * @param name The name of the measurement device
424  * @param type Major and minor device type of the device
425  */
426  Measurement(const std::string& name, const DeviceType type);
428  /**
429  * Destructs a measurement object.
430  */
431  ~Measurement() override;
433  /**
434  * Posts a new measurement sample.
435  * @param newSample New sample to post
436  */
437  void postNewSample(const SampleRef& newSample);
439  /**
440  * Creates a unique object id for a new object (e.g., a tracking object like an image, a marker, or a location).
441  * @param description The description of the new object, must be valid
442  * @return The unique id which is unique across all devices
443  */
444  ObjectId addUniqueObjectId(const std::string& description);
446  /**
447  * Unsubscribes a sample event callback function.
448  * @param subscriptionId The id of the event subscription to unsubscribe
449  */
450  void unsubscribeSampleEvent(const SubscriptionId subscriptionId);
452  protected:
454  /// Sample lock.
457  /// Subscription lock.
460  private:
462  /// The most recent measurement samples.
465  /// The maximal number of samples this measurement object can hold.
468  /// Map holding all sample event subscriptions.
471  /// The subscription id of the next event subscription.
472  SubscriptionId nextSampleSubscriptionId_ = SubscriptionId(invalidSubscriptionId() + 1u);
474  /// The map mapping object descriptions to object ids.
477  /// The map mapping object ids to descriptions.
479 };
482 {
483  return timestamp_;
484 }
487 {
488  return objectIds_;
489 }
492 {
493  return metadata_;
494 }
496 template <typename TInternalId>
498  owner_(owner)
499 {
500  // nothing to do here
501 }
503 template <typename TInternalId>
504 bool Measurement::ObjectMapper<TInternalId>::hasInternalObject(const TInternalId& internalObjectId) const
505 {
506  return internalObjectIdMap_.find(internalObjectId) != internalObjectIdMap_.cend();
507 }
509 template <typename TInternalId>
511 {
512  ocean_assert(externalObjectId != invalidObjectId());
514  return externalObjectIdMap_.find(externalObjectId) != externalObjectIdMap_.cend();
515 }
517 template <typename TInternalId>
518 Measurement::ObjectId Measurement::ObjectMapper<TInternalId>::newInternalObjectId(const TInternalId& internalObjectId, const std::string& description)
519 {
520  const ObjectId externalObjectId = owner_.addUniqueObjectId(description);
522  internalObjectIdMap_.emplace(internalObjectId, externalObjectId);
523  externalObjectIdMap_.emplace(externalObjectId, internalObjectId);
525  return externalObjectId;
526 }
528 template <typename TInternalId>
529 void Measurement::ObjectMapper<TInternalId>::removeInternalObject(const TInternalId& internalObjectId)
530 {
531  const ObjectId externalObjectId = externalObjectIdFromInternalObjectId(internalObjectId);
533  internalObjectIdMap_.erase(internalObjectId);
534  externalObjectIdMap_.erase(externalObjectId);
535 }
537 template <typename TInternalId>
539 {
540  const typename InternalObjectIdMap::const_iterator i = internalObjectIdMap_.find(internalObjectId);
542  if (i == internalObjectIdMap_.cend())
543  {
544  ocean_assert(false && "This must never happen!");
545  return invalidObjectId();
546  }
548  return i->second;
549 }
551 template <typename TInternalId>
552 TInternalId Measurement::ObjectMapper<TInternalId>::internalObjectIdFromExternalObjectId(const ObjectId externalObjectId, const TInternalId& invalidInternalId) const
553 {
554  const typename ExternalObjectIdMap::const_iterator i = externalObjectIdMap_.find(externalObjectId);
556  if (i == externalObjectIdMap_.cend())
557  {
558  ocean_assert(false && "This must never happen!");
559  return invalidInternalId;
560  }
562  return i->second;
563 }
566 {
567  *this = std::move(sampleEventSubscription);
568 }
571 {
572  release();
573 }
576 {
577  measurement_.release();
578 }
580 inline Measurement::SampleEventSubscription::operator bool() const
581 {
582  return weakMeasurement_ != nullptr;
583 }
585 inline size_t Measurement::sampleCapacity() const
586 {
587  const ScopedLock scopedLock(samplesLock_);
589  return sampleCapacity_;
590 }
593 {
594  return ObjectId(-1);
595 }
597 }
599 }
This class implements a container for callback functions.
Definition: Callback.h:3456
Definition of a class holding the major and minor device type.
Definition: devices/Device.h:62
This class is the base class for all devices of any type.
Definition: devices/Device.h:28
unsigned int SubscriptionId
Definition of a subscription id for event callbacks.
Definition: devices/Device.h:151
This class implements a helper class to simplify the mapping between internal object ids (of the actu...
Definition: Measurement.h:239
InternalObjectIdMap internalObjectIdMap_
The map mapping internal object ids to external object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:323
ObjectId newInternalObjectId(const TInternalId &internalObjectId, const std::string &description)
Adds a new internal pattern id.
Definition: Measurement.h:518
bool hasExternalObject(const Measurement::ObjectId &externalObjectId) const
Returns whether this mapping object holds a specific external object.
Definition: Measurement.h:510
ObjectMapper(Measurement &owner)
Default constructor.
Definition: Measurement.h:497
ObjectMapper(const ObjectMapper &objectMapper)=delete
Disabled copy constructor.
std::unordered_map< ObjectId, TInternalId > ExternalObjectIdMap
Definition of an unordered map mapping external object ids to internal object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:250
bool hasInternalObject(const TInternalId &internalObjectId) const
Returns whether this mapping object holds a specific internal object.
Definition: Measurement.h:504
ObjectId externalObjectIdFromInternalObjectId(const TInternalId &internalObjectId) const
Converts the tracker's internal object id to an external object id.
Definition: Measurement.h:538
TInternalId internalObjectIdFromExternalObjectId(const ObjectId externalObjectId, const TInternalId &invalidInternalId) const
Converts an external object id to the tracker tracker's internal object id.
Definition: Measurement.h:552
ExternalObjectIdMap externalObjectIdMap_
The map mapping external object ids to internal object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:326
std::unordered_map< TInternalId, ObjectId > InternalObjectIdMap
Definition of an unordered map mapping internal object ids to external object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:245
void removeInternalObject(const TInternalId &internalObjectId)
Removes a mapping between internal and external object.
Definition: Measurement.h:529
ObjectMapper & operator=(const ObjectMapper &objectMapper)=delete
Disabled copy operator.
Measurement & owner_
The owner of this mapper.
Definition: Measurement.h:320
This class manages the lifetime of an event subscription for sample events.
Definition: Measurement.h:154
SampleEventSubscription & operator=(const SampleEventSubscription &sampleEventSubscription)=delete
Disabled assign operator.
void release()
Explicitly releases the subscription.
void makeWeak()
Makes this subscription object weak so that is does not hold a reference to the actual measurement ob...
Definition: Measurement.h:575
Destructs the subscription object and unsubscribes the object event.
Definition: Measurement.h:570
MeasurementRef measurement_
The measurement object to which the event subscription belongs.
Definition: Measurement.h:217
Default constructor for a not active subscription.
SampleEventSubscription & operator=(SampleEventSubscription &&sampleEventSubscription)
Replaces the current event subscription with a new event subscription.
SampleEventSubscription(const Measurement &measurement, const SubscriptionId subscriptionId)
Creates an active subscription object.
Definition of a sample holding a measurement.
Definition: Measurement.h:67
virtual ~Sample()
Destructs a sample.
const ObjectIds & objectIds() const
Returns the sample object ids specifying possible different measurement units.
Definition: Measurement.h:486
ObjectIds objectIds_
Measurement unit object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:119
Metadata metadata_
The metadata of this sample.
Definition: Measurement.h:122
const Metadata & metadata() const
Returns the metadata of this sample.
Definition: Measurement.h:491
Sample(const Timestamp &timestamp, ObjectIds &&objectIds, Metadata &&metadata=Metadata())
Creates a new measurement sample.
const Timestamp & timestamp() const
Returns the sample timestamp.
Definition: Measurement.h:481
Sample(const Timestamp &timestamp, const ObjectIds &objectIds, const Metadata &metadata=Metadata())
Creates a new measurement sample.
Timestamp timestamp_
Sample timestamp.
Definition: Measurement.h:116
This class implements the base class for all devices providing measurement samples.
Definition: Measurement.h:40
ObjectId objectId(const std::string &description) const
Returns the object id for an object description.
unsigned int ObjectId
Definition of an object id.
Definition: Measurement.h:46
SampleEventSubscription subscribeSampleEvent(SampleCallback &&callback)
Subscribes a callback event function for new measurement sample events.
void postNewSample(const SampleRef &newSample)
Posts a new measurement sample.
virtual SampleRef sample() const
Returns the most recent sample.
static constexpr ObjectId invalidObjectId()
Returns an invalid object id.
Definition: Measurement.h:592
std::unordered_map< std::string, Value > Metadata
Definition of an unordered map mapping keys to values.
Definition: Measurement.h:61
Strings objectDescriptions() const
Returns descriptions of all objects currently available.
ObjectId addUniqueObjectId(const std::string &description)
Creates a unique object id for a new object (e.g., a tracking object like an image,...
std::unordered_set< ObjectId > ObjectIdSet
Definition of an unordered set holding object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:56
SampleSubscriptionMap sampleSubscriptionMap_
Map holding all sample event subscriptions.
Definition: Measurement.h:469
virtual SampleRef sample(const Timestamp timestamp) const
Returns the sample with a specific timestamp.
SampleMap sampleMap_
The most recent measurement samples.
Definition: Measurement.h:463
Definition of individual interpolation strategies for samples.
Definition: Measurement.h:141
An invalid strategy.
Definition: Measurement.h:143
The sample with nearest/closest timestamp is used.
Definition: Measurement.h:145
virtual SampleRef sample(const Timestamp &timestamp, const InterpolationStrategy interpolationStrategy) const
Returns the sample best matching with a specified timestamp.
size_t sampleCapacity() const
Returns the capacity of the internal sample container.
Definition: Measurement.h:585
Callback< void, const Measurement *, const SampleRef & > SampleCallback
Definition of a callback function to subscribe for new measurement sample events.
Definition: Measurement.h:135
std::unordered_map< SubscriptionId, SampleCallback > SampleSubscriptionMap
Definition of a map mapping subscription ids to event sample callback functions.
Definition: Measurement.h:342
std::map< Timestamp, SampleRef > SampleMap
Definition of a map holding the most recent samples.
Definition: Measurement.h:231
std::vector< ObjectId > ObjectIds
Definition of a vector holding object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:51
ObjectDescriptionToIdMap objectDescriptionToIdMap_
The map mapping object descriptions to object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:475
ObjectRef< Sample > SampleRef
Definition of an object reference for samples.
Definition: Measurement.h:128
Lock samplesLock_
Sample lock.
Definition: Measurement.h:455
void unsubscribeSampleEvent(const SubscriptionId subscriptionId)
Unsubscribes a sample event callback function.
size_t sampleCapacity_
The maximal number of samples this measurement object can hold.
Definition: Measurement.h:466
~Measurement() override
Destructs a measurement object.
bool setSampleCapacity(const size_t capacity)
Sets the capacity of the internal sample container.
std::string objectDescription(const ObjectId objectId) const
Returns the description of one object of this measurement.
ObjectIdToDescriptionMap objectIdToDescriptionMap_
The map mapping object ids to descriptions.
Definition: Measurement.h:478
Measurement(const std::string &name, const DeviceType type)
Creates a new measurement object.
Lock subscriptionLock_
Subscription lock.
Definition: Measurement.h:458
std::unordered_map< std::string, ObjectId > ObjectDescriptionToIdMap
Definition of an unordered map mapping descriptions to unique object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:332
std::unordered_map< ObjectId, std::string > ObjectIdToDescriptionMap
Definition of an unordered map mapping unique object ids to descriptions.
Definition: Measurement.h:337
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition: Lock.h:31
This template class implements a object reference with an internal reference counter.
Definition: base/ObjectRef.h:58
This class implements a scoped lock object for recursive lock objects.
Definition: Lock.h:135
This class implements a timestamp.
Definition: Timestamp.h:36
std::vector< std::string > Strings
Definition of a vector holding strings.
Definition: Base.h:162
SmartDeviceRef< Measurement > MeasurementRef
Definition of a smart object reference for a measurement.
Definition: Measurement.h:24
void release(T *object)
This functions allows to release a DirectShow object if it does exist.
Definition: DSObject.h:266
const ObjectId invalidObjectId
Definition of an invalid object id.
Definition: rendering/Rendering.h:65
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15