Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/cv/CV.h"
13 #include "ocean/base/Frame.h"
15 #include "ocean/math/Numeric.h"
17 #include <limits>
18 #include <type_traits>
20 namespace Ocean
21 {
23 namespace CV
24 {
26 /**
27  * This class provides functions to create an integral image from a gray scale image.
28  * @ingroup cv
29  */
30 class OCEAN_CV_EXPORT IntegralImage
31 {
32  public:
34  /**
35  * The following comfort class provides comfortable functions simplifying prototyping applications but also increasing binary size of the resulting applications.
36  * Best practice is to avoid using these functions if binary size matters,<br>
37  * as for every comfort function a corresponding function exists with specialized functionality not increasing binary size significantly.<br>
38  */
39  class OCEAN_CV_EXPORT Comfort
40  {
41  public:
43  /**
44  * Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) with zeros to the left and top image border.
45  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
46  * The resulting lined integral image has the following scheme:
47  * <pre>
48  * ------------ ---------
49  * |000000000000| |
50  * |0|----------| |
51  * |0| | padding |
52  * |0| Integral | |
53  * |0| | |
54  * ------------ ---------
55  * </pre>
56  * The resolution of the integral image is: (width + 1)x(height + 1).
57  * @param frame The frame for which the integral image will be returned, must be valid
58  * @return The resulting integral image, invalid if the pixel format of the given frame is not supported
59  */
60  static Frame createLinedImage(const Frame& frame);
62  /**
63  * Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the resulting integral image.
64  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
65  * The resulting integral image has a (non interfering) border.<br>
66  * The bordered integral image has the following scheme:
67  * <pre>
68  * ------------------------- ---------
69  * |0000000000000000000000000| |
70  * |0|-----------------------| |
71  * |0| | | | |
72  * |0| 0 | 0 | 0 | |
73  * |0| | | | |
74  * |0|-----|-----------|-----| |
75  * |0| | | > | |
76  * |0| | | > | |
77  * |0| 0 | Integral | > | padding |
78  * |0| | | > | |
79  * |0| | | > | |
80  * |0|-----|-----------|-----| |
81  * |0| | | | |
82  * |0| 0 | V | V | |
83  * |0| | | | |
84  * -----------------------------------
85  * </pre>
86  * Columns or rows with '0' receive a null value.<br>
87  * Rows with '>' receive the last valid integral value from the left.<br>
88  * Rows with 'v' receive the last valid integral value from the top.<br>
89  * Further, additionally to the border, the integral image contains one column at the left border and one row at the top border with zeros.<br>
90  * The resolution of the integral image is: (width + 1 + 2 * border)x(height + 1 + 2 * border).
91  * @param frame The image for which the integral image will be returned, with size width x height, must be valid
92  * @param border The thickness of the border in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
93  * @return The resulting integral image, invalid if the pixel format of the given frame is not supported
94  */
95  static Frame createBorderedImage(const Frame& frame, const unsigned int border);
97  protected:
99  /**
100  * Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) with zeros to the left and top image border.
101  * @param frame The frame for which the integral image will be returned, must be valid
102  * @return The resulting integral image, invalid if the pixel format of the given frame is not supported
103  * @tparam T The data type of each frame element
104  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral element
105  */
106  template <typename T, typename TIntegral>
107  static Frame createLinedImage(const Frame& frame);
109  /**
110  * Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the resulting integral image.
111  * @param frame The frame for which the integral image will be returned, must be valid
112  * @param border The thickness of the border in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
113  * @return The resulting integral image, invalid if the pixel format of the given frame is not supported
114  * @tparam T The data type of each frame element
115  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral element
116  */
117  template <typename T, typename TIntegral>
118  static Frame createBorderedImage(const Frame& frame, const unsigned int border);
119  };
121  public:
123  /**
124  * Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image.
125  * The resulting integral image will have the same resolution as the given image (without any extra borders).<br>
126  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
127  * The resulting integral image has the following scheme:
128  * <pre>
129  * ---------- ---------
130  * | | |
131  * | Integral | padding |
132  * | | |
133  * ---------- ---------
134  * </pre>
135  * The resolution of the integral image is: width x height.
136  * @param source The source frame for which the integral image will be created, must be valid
137  * @param integral The target integral image, must be valid
138  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
139  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
140  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
141  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
142  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
143  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
144  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
145  * @see createLinedImage().
146  */
147  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
148  static void createImage(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
150  /**
151  * Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) with zeros to the left and top image border.
152  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
153  * The resulting lined integral image has the following scheme:
154  * <pre>
155  * ------------ ---------
156  * |000000000000| |
157  * |0|----------| |
158  * |0| | padding |
159  * |0| Integral | |
160  * |0| | |
161  * ------------ ---------
162  * </pre>
163  * The resolution of the integral image is: (width + 1)x(height + 1).
164  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
165  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (width + 1)x(height + 1), must be valid
166  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
167  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
168  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
169  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
170  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
171  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
172  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
173  * @see createImage(), createBorderedImage().
174  */
175  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
176  static void createLinedImage(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
178  /**
179  * Creates an integral image with squared pixel intensities from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) with zeros to the left and top image border.
180  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
181  * The resulting lined integral image has the following scheme:
182  * <pre>
183  * -------------- ---------
184  * |00000000000000| |
185  * |0|------------| |
186  * |0| | padding |
187  * |0| Integral^2 | |
188  * |0| | |
189  * -------------- ---------
190  * </pre>
191  * The resolution of the integral image is: (width + 1)x(height + 1).
192  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
193  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (width + 1)x(height + 1), must be valid
194  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
195  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
196  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
197  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
198  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
199  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
200  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
201  * @see createLinedImageAndSquared(), createImage(), createBorderedImage().
202  */
203  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
204  static void createLinedImageSquared(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
206  /**
207  * Creates an integral image and squared integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) with zeros to the left and top image border.
208  * The resulting integral image provides access to pixel intensities and squared pixel intensities.<br>
209  * Beware: As the same data type is used for both integral data, the depth of the data type must be large enough, or the image resolution must be small enough to avoid overflows.<br>
210  * Pixel intensities and squared pixel intensities are interleaved so that both values can be looked-up at the same memory location.<br>
211  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
212  * The resulting lined integral image has the following scheme:
213  * <pre>
214  * ------------------------------------ ---------
215  * |000000000000000000000000000000000000| |
216  * |00|---------------------------------| |
217  * |00| | padding |
218  * |00| I0 I1 I0^2 I1^2 I0 I1 I0^2 I1^2 | |
219  * |00| | |
220  * ------------------------------------ ---------
221  * With I0 integral value of the first channel,
222  * I1 integral value of the second channel,
223  * I0^2 integral squared value of the first channel,
224  * I1^2 integral squared value of the second channel.
225  * </pre>
226  * The resolution of the integral image is: ((width + 1) * 2)x(height + 1).
227  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
228  * @param integralAndSquared The resulting integral (and squared integral) image, with size ((width + 1) * 2)x(height + 1), must be valid
229  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
230  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
231  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
232  * @param integralAndSquaredPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
233  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
234  * @tparam TIntegralAndSquared The data type of each integral (and squared integral) pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
235  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
236  * @see createLinedImage(), createLinedImageSquared().
237  */
238  template <typename T, typename TIntegralAndSquared, unsigned int tChannels>
239  static void createLinedImageAndSquared(const T* source, TIntegralAndSquared* integralAndSquared, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralAndSquaredPaddingElements);
241  /**
242  * Creates an integral image and squared integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) with zeros to the left and top image border.
243  * The result are two individual integral images, one for the pixel intensities and one for the squared pixel intensities.<br>
244  * The resulting lined integral images have the following scheme:
245  * <pre>
246  * Integral image: Integral squared image:
247  * ---------------- --------- ------------------------ ---------
248  * |0000000000000000| | |000000000000000000000000| |
249  * |00|-------------| | |00|---------------------| |
250  * |00| | padding | |00| | padding |
251  * |00| I0 I1 I0 I1 | | |00| I0^2 I1^2 I0^2 I1^2 | |
252  * |00| | | |00| | |
253  * ---------------- --------- ------------------------ ---------
254  * With I0 integral value of the first channel,
255  * I1 integral value of the second channel,
256  * I0^2 integral squared value of the first channel,
257  * I1^2 integral squared value of the second channel.
258  * </pre>
259  * The resolution of the integral image are: (width + 1)x(height + 1).
260  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
261  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (width + 1)x(height + 1), must be valid
262  * @param integralSquared The resulting squared integral image, with size (width + 1)x(height + 1), must be valid
263  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
264  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
265  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
266  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
267  * @param integralSquaredPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral squared frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
268  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
269  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
270  * @tparam TIntegralSquared The data type of each squared integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
271  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
272  * @see createLinedImage(), createLinedImageSquared().
273  */
274  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, unsigned int tChannels>
275  static void createLinedImageAndSquared(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, TIntegralSquared* integralSquared, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements, const unsigned int integralSquaredPaddingElements);
277  /**
278  * Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the resulting integral image.
279  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
280  * The resulting integral image has a (non interfering) border.<br>
281  * The bordered integral image has the following scheme:
282  * <pre>
283  * ------------------------- ---------
284  * |0000000000000000000000000| |
285  * |0|-----------------------| |
286  * |0| | | | |
287  * |0| 0 | 0 | 0 | |
288  * |0| | | | |
289  * |0|-----|-----------|-----| |
290  * |0| | | > | |
291  * |0| | | > | |
292  * |0| 0 | Integral | > | padding |
293  * |0| | | > | |
294  * |0| | | > | |
295  * |0|-----|-----------|-----| |
296  * |0| | | | |
297  * |0| 0 | V | V | |
298  * |0| | | | |
299  * -----------------------------------
300  * </pre>
301  * Columns or rows with '0' receive a null value.<br>
302  * Rows with '>' receive the last valid integral value from the left.<br>
303  * Rows with 'v' receive the last valid integral value from the top.<br>
304  * Further, additionally to the border, the integral image contains one column at the left border and one row at the top border with zeros.<br>
305  * Therefore, the entire integral image width is: 1 + 2 * border + originalWidth,<br>
306  * and the entire height is: 1 + 2 * border + originalHeight.<br>
307  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
308  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (width + 1 + 2 * border)x(height + 1 + 2 * border), must be valid
309  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
310  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
311  * @param border The thickness of the border in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
312  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
313  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
314  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
315  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
316  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
317  * @see createLinedImage().
318  */
319  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
320  static void createBorderedImage(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
322  /**
323  * Creates a bordered squared integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the resulting integral image.
324  * In case, the given frame has more than one channel, the channels of the resulting integral image will be interleaved (not stored as individual planes).<br>
325  * The resulting integral image has a (non interfering) border.<br>
326  * The bordered integral image has the following scheme:
327  * <pre>
328  * -------------------------- ---------
329  * |00000000000000000000000000| |
330  * |0|------------------------| |
331  * |0| | | | |
332  * |0| 0 | 0 | 0 | |
333  * |0| | | | |
334  * |0|-----|------------|-----| |
335  * |0| | | > | |
336  * |0| | | > | |
337  * |0| 0 | Integral^2 | > | padding |
338  * |0| | | > | |
339  * |0| | | > | |
340  * |0|-----|------------|-----| |
341  * |0| | | | |
342  * |0| 0 | V | V | |
343  * |0| | | | |
344  * ------------------------------------
345  * </pre>
346  * Columns or rows with '0' receive a null value.<br>
347  * Rows with '>' receive the last valid integral value from the left.<br>
348  * Rows with 'v' receive the last valid integral value from the top.<br>
349  * Further, additionally to the border, the integral image contains one column at the left border and one row at the top border with zeros.<br>
350  * Therefore, the entire integral image width is: 1 + 2 * border + originalWidth,<br>
351  * and the entire height is: 1 + 2 * border + originalHeight.<br>
352  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
353  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (width + 1)x(height + 1), must be valid
354  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
355  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
356  * @param border The thickness of the border in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
357  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
358  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
359  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
360  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
361  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
362  * @see createLinedImage().
363  */
364  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
365  static void createBorderedImageSquared(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
367  /**
368  * Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border with mirrored image content to the resulting integral image.
369  * The resulting integral image has an extra border created from the original frame with mirrored border pixels.<br>
370  * Additionally, independent from the border size, the integral image contains one column at the left border and one row at the top border with zeros.<br>
371  * Therefore, the entire integral image width is: 1 + 2 * border + originalWidth,<br>
372  * and the entire height is: 1 + 2 * border + originalHeight.<br>
373  * The bordered integral image has the following scheme:
374  * <pre>
375  * ------------------------- ---------
376  * |0000000000000000000000000| |
377  * |0|-----------------------| |
378  * |0| | | | |
379  * |0| m | mirrored | m | |
380  * |0| | | | |
381  * |0|-----|-----------|-----| |
382  * |0| | | | |
383  * |0| | | | |
384  * |0| m | Integral | m | padding |
385  * |0| | | | |
386  * |0| | | | |
387  * |0|-----|-----------|-----| |
388  * |0| | | | |
389  * |0| m | mirrored | m | |
390  * |0| | | | |
391  * -----------------------------------
392  * </pre>
393  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
394  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (1 + border + width)x(1 + border + height), must be valid
395  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
396  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
397  * @param border The thickness of the border in pixel, with range [1, min(width, height)]
398  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
399  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
400  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
401  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
402  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
403  */
404  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
405  static void createBorderedImageMirror(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
407  /**
408  * Creates a bordered squared integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border with mirrored image content to the resulting integral image.
409  * The resulting integral image has an extra border created from the original frame with mirrored border pixels.<br>
410  * Additionally, independent from the border size, the integral image contains one column at the left border and one row at the top border with zeros.<br>
411  * Therefore, the entire integral image width is: 1 + 2 * border + originalWidth,<br>
412  * and the entire height is: 1 + 2 * border + originalHeight.<br>
413  * The bordered integral image has the following scheme:
414  * <pre>
415  * ------------------------------- ---------
416  * |0000000000000000000000000000000| |
417  * |0|-----------------------------| |
418  * |0| | | | |
419  * |0| m^2 | mirrored^2 | m^2 | |
420  * |0| | | | |
421  * |0|-------|-------------|-------| |
422  * |0| | | | |
423  * |0| | | | |
424  * |0| m^2 | Integral^2 | m^2 | padding |
425  * |0| | | | |
426  * |0| | | | |
427  * |0|-------|-------------|-------| |
428  * |0| | | | |
429  * |0| m^2 | mirrored^2 | m^2 | |
430  * |0| | | | |
431  * -----------------------------------------
432  * </pre>
433  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
434  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (1 + border + width)x(1 + border + height), must be valid
435  * @param width The width of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
436  * @param height The height of the source frame in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
437  * @param border The thickness of the border in pixel, with range [1, min(width, height)]
438  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
439  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
440  * @tparam T The data type of each pixel element of the source frame e.g., 'uint8_t' or 'float'
441  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of each integral pixel element, e.g., 'unsigned int' or 'double'
442  * @tparam tChannels The number of channels the source frame has, with range [1, infinity)
443  */
444  template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
445  static void createBorderedImageSquaredMirror(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
447  /**
448  * Determines the sum of elements within a window from an integral image.
449  * The lined integral image must have the following scheme:
450  * <pre>
451  * integralStrideElements
452  * |<------------------------>|
453  *
454  * ---------------- ---------
455  * |0000000000000000| |
456  * |0|--------------| |
457  * |0| | padding |
458  * |0| Integral | |
459  * |0| | |
460  * ----------------- ---------
461  *
462  * |<------------>|
463  * original width
464  *
465  * |<-------------->|
466  * lined integral width
467  * </pre>
468  * @param linedIntegral The lined integral image, must be valid
469  * @param linedIntegralStrideElements The number of elements between two row start positions in the lined integral image, in elements, may contain padding elements at the end of each row, with range [originalImageWidth + 1, infinity)
470  * @param windowLeft The left starting point of the window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageWidth - 1]
471  * @param windowTop The top starting point of the window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageHeight - 1]
472  * @param windowWidth The width of the window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageWidth - windowLeft]
473  * @param windowHeight The height of the window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageHeight - windowTop]
474  * @return The resulting sum of elements
475  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of the elements in the integral image
476  */
477  template <typename TIntegral>
478  static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE TIntegral linedIntegralSum(const TIntegral* const linedIntegral, const unsigned int linedIntegralStrideElements, const unsigned int windowLeft, const unsigned int windowTop, const unsigned int windowWidth, const unsigned int windowHeight);
480  /**
481  * Determines the variance of elements within a window from two integral images.
482  * Variance is calculated based on the following equation:
483  * <pre>
484  * Var(x) = E[(x - E[x])^2] = E[x^2] - E[x]^2
485  * </pre>
486  * The variance is determined based on the standard lined integral image and the lined integral image for squared values.<br>
487  * The lined integral image must have the following scheme:
488  * <pre>
489  * integralStrideElements integralSquaredStrideElements
490  * |<------------------------>| |<------------------------------>|
491  *
492  * ---------------- --------- -------------------- -----------
493  * |0000000000000000| | |00000000000000000000| |
494  * |0|--------------| | |0|------------------| |
495  * |0| | padding | |0| | padding |
496  * |0| Integral | | |0| Integral^2 | |
497  * |0| | | |0| | |
498  * ----------------- --------- -------------------- -----------
499  *
500  * |<------------>| |<---------------->|
501  * original width original width
502  *
503  * |<-------------->| |<------------------>|
504  * lined integral width lined integral squared width
505  * </pre>
506  * @param linedIntegral The lined integral image, must be valid
507  * @param linedIntegralSquared The lined integral image with squared values, must be valid
508  * @param integralStrideElements The number of elements between two row starts in the lined integral image, in elements, may contain padding elements at the end of each row, with range [2, infinity)
509  * @param integralStrideSquaredElements The number of elements between two row starts in the lined integral squared image, in elements, may contain padding elements at the end of each row, with range [2, infinity)
510  * @param windowLeft The left starting point of the window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageWidth - 1]
511  * @param windowTop The top starting point of the window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageHeight - 1]
512  * @param windowWidth The width of the window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageWidth - windowLeft]
513  * @param windowHeight The height of the window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageHeight - windowTop]
514  * @param mean Optional resulting mean value and (`tReturnMean = true`), nullptr otherwise (and `tReturnMean = false`)
515  * @return The resulting variance, with range [0, infinity)
516  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of the elements in the integral image
517  * @tparam TIntegralSquared The data type of the elements in the integral squared image
518  * @tparam TVariance The data type of the resulting variance (also used for intermediate calculations)
519  * @tparam tReturnMean True, to return the mean value (`mean` must be defined); False, to skip calculating of mean (`mean` must be nullptr)
520  */
521  template <typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, typename TVariance, bool tReturnMean = false>
522  static inline TVariance linedIntegralVariance(const TIntegral* linedIntegral, const TIntegralSquared* linedIntegralSquared, const unsigned int integralStrideElements, const unsigned int integralStrideSquaredElements, const unsigned int windowLeft, const unsigned int windowTop, const unsigned int windowWidth, const unsigned int windowHeight, TVariance* mean = nullptr);
524  /**
525  * Determines the variance of elements within two windows from two integral images.
526  * The two windows are treated as one joined area.<br>
527  * Variance is calculated based on the following equation:
528  * <pre>
529  * Var(x) = E[(x - E[x])^2] = E[x^2] - E[x]^2
530  * </pre>
531  * The variance is determined based on the standard lined integral image and the lined integral image for squared values.<br>
532  * The lined integral image must have the following scheme:
533  * <pre>
534  * integralStrideElements integralSquaredStrideElements
535  * |<------------------------>| |<------------------------------>|
536  *
537  * ---------------- --------- -------------------- -----------
538  * |0000000000000000| | |00000000000000000000| |
539  * |0|--------------| | |0|------------------| |
540  * |0| | padding | |0| | padding |
541  * |0| Integral | | |0| Integral^2 | |
542  * |0| | | |0| | |
543  * ----------------- --------- -------------------- -----------
544  *
545  * |<------------>| |<---------------->|
546  * original width original width
547  *
548  * |<-------------->| |<------------------>|
549  * lined integral width lined integral squared width
550  * </pre>
551  * @param linedIntegral The lined integral image, must be valid
552  * @param linedIntegralSquared The lined integral image with squared values, must be valid
553  * @param integralStrideElements The number of elements between two row starts in the lined integral image, in elements, may contain padding elements at the end of each row, with range [2, infinity)
554  * @param integralStrideSquaredElements The number of elements between two row starts in the lined integral squared image, in elements, may contain padding elements at the end of each row, with range [2, infinity)
555  * @param windowALeft The left starting point of the first window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageWidth - 1]
556  * @param windowATop The top starting point of the first window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageHeight - 1]
557  * @param windowAWidth The width of the first window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageWidth - windowALeft]
558  * @param windowAHeight The height of the first window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageHeight - windowATop]
559  * @param windowBLeft The left starting point of the second window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageWidth - 1]
560  * @param windowBTop The top starting point of the second window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageHeight - 1]
561  * @param windowBWidth The width of the second window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageWidth - windowBLeft]
562  * @param windowBHeight The height of the second window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageHeight - windowBTop]
563  * @param mean Optional resulting mean value and (`tReturnMean = true`), nullptr otherwise (and `tReturnMean = false`)
564  * @return The resulting variance, with range [0, infinity)
565  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of the elements in the integral image
566  * @tparam TIntegralSquared The data type of the elements in the integral squared image
567  * @tparam TVariance The data type of the resulting variance (also used for intermediate calculations)
568  * @tparam tReturnMean True, to return the mean value (`mean` must be defined); False, to skip calculating of mean (`mean` must be nullptr)
569  */
570  template <typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, typename TVariance, bool tReturnMean = false>
571  static inline TVariance linedIntegralVariance(const TIntegral* linedIntegral, const TIntegralSquared* linedIntegralSquared, const unsigned int integralStrideElements, const unsigned int integralStrideSquaredElements, const unsigned int windowALeft, const unsigned int windowATop, const unsigned int windowAWidth, const unsigned int windowAHeight, const unsigned int windowBLeft, const unsigned int windowBTop, const unsigned int windowBWidth, const unsigned int windowBHeight, TVariance* mean = nullptr);
573  /**
574  * Determines the variance of elements within three windows from two integral images.
575  * The three windows are treated as one joined area.<br>
576  * @param linedIntegral The lined integral image, must be valid
577  * @param linedIntegralSquared The lined integral image with squared values, must be valid
578  * @param integralStrideElements The number of elements between two row starts in the lined integral image, in elements, may contain padding elements at the end of each row, with range [2, infinity)
579  * @param integralStrideSquaredElements The number of elements between two row starts in the lined integral squared image, in elements, may contain padding elements at the end of each row, with range [2, infinity)
580  * @param windowALeft The left starting point of the first window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageWidth - 1]
581  * @param windowATop The top starting point of the first window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageHeight - 1]
582  * @param windowAWidth The width of the first window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageWidth - windowALeft]
583  * @param windowAHeight The height of the first window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageHeight - windowATop]
584  * @param windowBLeft The left starting point of the second window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageWidth - 1]
585  * @param windowBTop The top starting point of the second window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageHeight - 1]
586  * @param windowBWidth The width of the second window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageWidth - windowBLeft]
587  * @param windowBHeight The height of the second window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageHeight - windowBTop]
588  * @param windowCLeft The left starting point of the third window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageWidth - 1]
589  * @param windowCTop The top starting point of the third window, in pixel, with range [0, originalImageHeight - 1]
590  * @param windowCWidth The width of the third window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageWidth - windowCLeft]
591  * @param windowCHeight The height of the third window, in pixel, with range [1, originalImageHeight - windowCTop]
592  * @param mean Optional resulting mean value and (`tReturnMean = true`), nullptr otherwise (and `tReturnMean = false`)
593  * @return The resulting variance, with range [0, infinity)
594  * @tparam TIntegral The data type of the elements in the integral image
595  * @tparam TIntegralSquared The data type of the elements in the integral squared image
596  * @tparam TVariance The data type of the resulting variance (also used for intermediate calculations)
597  * @tparam tReturnMean True, to return the mean value (`mean` must be defined); False, to skip calculating of mean (`mean` must be nullptr)
598  */
599  template <typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, typename TVariance, bool tReturnMean = false>
600  static inline TVariance linedIntegralVariance(const TIntegral* linedIntegral, const TIntegralSquared* linedIntegralSquared, const unsigned int integralStrideElements, const unsigned int integralStrideSquaredElements, const unsigned int windowALeft, const unsigned int windowATop, const unsigned int windowAWidth, const unsigned int windowAHeight, const unsigned int windowBLeft, const unsigned int windowBTop, const unsigned int windowBWidth, const unsigned int windowBHeight, const unsigned int windowCLeft, const unsigned int windowCTop, const unsigned int windowCWidth, const unsigned int windowCHeight, TVariance* mean = nullptr);
602  private:
606 #if defined(__aarch64__)
608  /**
609  * Creates an integral image from 8 bit images with 1 channel and adds an extra line with zeros to the left and top image border and applies NEON instructions.
610  * @param source The image for which the integral image will be determined, with size width x height, must be valid
611  * @param integral The resulting integral image, with size (width + 1)x(height + 1), must be valid
612  * @param width The width of the given image in pixel, with range [8, 4096^2]
613  * @param height The height of the given image in pixel, with range [1, 4096^2 / width]
614  * @param sourcePaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the source frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
615  * @param integralPaddingElements The number of padding elements at the end of each row of the integral frame, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
616  * @see createLinedImage8BitPerChannel<tChannels>().
617  */
618  static void createLinedImage1Channel8BitNEON(const uint8_t* source, uint32_t* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements);
620 #endif // defined(__aarch64__)
624  /**
625  * Returns the square value of the given parameter.
626  * @param value The value to be squared
627  * @return Square value
628  * @tparam T The data type of the value to be squared
629  * @tparam TSquared The data type of the squared value
630  */
631  template <typename T, typename TSquared>
632  static inline TSquared sqr(const T& value);
633 };
635 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
636 void IntegralImage::createImage(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
637 {
638  static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == std::is_signed<TIntegral>::value, "The integral image must have the same sign-properties as the source image!");
639  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
640  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
642  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr);
643  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
645  ocean_assert(sizeof(T) >=4 || double(NumericT<T>::maxValue()) * double(width * height) <= double(NumericT<TIntegral>::maxValue()));
647  const T* const sourceFirstRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
648  const T* const sourceEnd = source + (width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements) * height;
649  const TIntegral* integralPreviousRow = integral;
651  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels];
652  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
653  {
654  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
655  }
657  // the first row
659  while (source != sourceFirstRowEnd)
660  {
661  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
662  {
663  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(*source++);
664  }
666  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
667  {
668  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
669  }
670  }
672  source += sourcePaddingElements;
673  integral += integralPaddingElements;
676  // the remaining rows
678  while (source != sourceEnd)
679  {
680  const T* const sourceRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
682  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
683  {
684  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
685  }
687  while (source != sourceRowEnd)
688  {
689  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
690  {
691  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(*source++);
692  }
694  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
695  {
696  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
697  }
698  }
700  source += sourcePaddingElements;
701  integral += integralPaddingElements;
702  integralPreviousRow += integralPaddingElements;
703  }
704 }
706 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
707 void IntegralImage::createLinedImage(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
708 {
709  static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == std::is_signed<TIntegral>::value, "The integral image must have the same sign-properties as the source image!");
710  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
711  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
713  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr);
714  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
716  ocean_assert((std::is_floating_point<T>::value) || (double(NumericT<T>::maxValue()) * double(width * height) <= double(NumericT<TIntegral>::maxValue())));
718 #if defined(OCEAN_HARDWARE_NEON_VERSION) && OCEAN_HARDWARE_NEON_VERSION >= 10 && defined(__aarch64__)
720  if (std::is_same<T, uint8_t>::value && std::is_same<TIntegral, uint32_t>::value && tChannels == 1u && width >= 8u)
721  {
722  createLinedImage1Channel8BitNEON((const uint8_t*)source, (uint32_t*)integral, width, height, sourcePaddingElements, integralPaddingElements);
723  return;
724  }
726 #endif // OCEAN_HARDWARE_NEON_VERSION >= 10 && defined(__aarch64__)
728  /*
729  * This is the resulting lined integral image.
730  * ------------
731  * |000000000000|
732  * |0|----------|
733  * |0| |
734  * |0| Integral |
735  * |0| |
736  * |------------
737  */
739  // entire top line will be set to zero
740  memset(integral, 0x00, (width + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
742 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
743  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < width + 1u; ++n)
744  {
745  ocean_assert(integral[n] == TIntegral(0));
746  }
747 #endif
749  // we calculate the first row of the integral image
751  const T* const sourceFirstRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
752  const T* const sourceEnd = source + (width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements) * height;
754  integral += (width + 1u) * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
755  const TIntegral* integralPreviousRow = integral;
757  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels] = {TIntegral(0)};
759  // left pixel
760  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
761  {
762  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
763  }
765  // the remaining pixels of the first row
767  while (source != sourceFirstRowEnd)
768  {
769  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
770  {
771  previousIntegral[n] += *source++;
772  }
774  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
775  {
776  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
777  }
778  }
780  source += sourcePaddingElements;
781  integral += integralPaddingElements;
784  // we calculate the remaining rows
786  while (source != sourceEnd)
787  {
788  const T* const sourceRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
790  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
791  {
792  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
793  }
795  // left pixel
796  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
797  {
798  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
799  }
801  integralPreviousRow += tChannels;
803  while (source != sourceRowEnd)
804  {
805  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
806  {
807  previousIntegral[n] += *source++;
808  }
810  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
811  {
812  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
813  }
814  }
816  source += sourcePaddingElements;
817  integral += integralPaddingElements;
818  integralPreviousRow += integralPaddingElements;
819  }
820 }
822 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
823 void IntegralImage::createLinedImageSquared(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
824 {
825  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
826  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
828  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr);
829  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
831  ocean_assert((std::is_floating_point<T>::value) || (NumericD::sqr(double(NumericT<T>::maxValue())) * double(width * height) <= double(NumericT<TIntegral>::maxValue())));
833  // entire top line will be set to zero
834  memset(integral, 0x00, (width + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
836 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
837  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < width + 1u; ++n)
838  {
839  ocean_assert(integral[n] == TIntegral(0));
840  }
841 #endif
843  // we calculate the first row of the integral image
845  const T* const sourceFirstRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
846  const T* const sourceEnd = source + (width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements) * height;
848  integral += (width + 1u) * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
849  const TIntegral* integralPreviousRow = integral;
851  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels] = {TIntegral(0)};
853  // left pixel
854  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
855  {
856  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
857  }
859  // the remaining pixels of the first row
861  while (source != sourceFirstRowEnd)
862  {
863  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
864  {
865  previousIntegral[n] += *source * *source;
866  ++source;
867  }
869  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
870  {
871  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
872  }
873  }
875  source += sourcePaddingElements;
876  integral += integralPaddingElements;
879  // we calculate the remaining rows
881  while (source != sourceEnd)
882  {
883  const T* const sourceRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
885  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
886  {
887  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
888  }
890  // left pixel
891  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
892  {
893  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
894  }
896  integralPreviousRow += tChannels;
898  while (source != sourceRowEnd)
899  {
900  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
901  {
902  previousIntegral[n] += *source * *source;
903  ++source;
904  }
906  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
907  {
908  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
909  }
910  }
912  source += sourcePaddingElements;
913  integral += integralPaddingElements;
914  integralPreviousRow += integralPaddingElements;
915  }
916 }
918 template <typename T, typename TIntegralAndSquared, unsigned int tChannels>
919 void IntegralImage::createLinedImageAndSquared(const T* source, TIntegralAndSquared* integralAndSquared, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralAndSquaredPaddingElements)
920 {
921  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegralAndSquared), "Invalid integral elements!");
922  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
924  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integralAndSquared != nullptr);
925  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
927  ocean_assert((std::is_floating_point<T>::value) || (NumericD::sqr(double(NumericT<T>::maxValue())) * double(width * height) <= double(NumericT<TIntegralAndSquared>::maxValue())));
929  // entire top line will be set to zero
930  memset(integralAndSquared, 0x00, (width + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegralAndSquared) * 2u);
932 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
933  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < (width + 1u) * 2u; ++n)
934  {
935  ocean_assert(integralAndSquared[n] == TIntegralAndSquared(0));
936  }
937 #endif
939  // we calculate the first row of the integral image
941  const T* const sourceFirstRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
942  const T* const sourceEnd = source + (width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements) * height;
944  integralAndSquared += (width + 1u) * tChannels * 2u + integralAndSquaredPaddingElements;
945  const TIntegralAndSquared* integralAndSquaredPreviousRow = integralAndSquared;
947  TIntegralAndSquared previousIntegral[tChannels] = {TIntegralAndSquared(0)};
948  TIntegralAndSquared previousIntegralSquared[tChannels] = {TIntegralAndSquared(0)};
950  // left pixel integral and squared integral
951  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels * 2u; ++n)
952  {
953  *integralAndSquared++ = TIntegralAndSquared(0);
954  }
956  // the remaining pixels of the first row
958  while (source != sourceFirstRowEnd)
959  {
960  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
961  {
962  previousIntegral[n] += *source;
963  previousIntegralSquared[n] += *source * *source;
964  ++source;
965  }
967  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
968  {
969  *integralAndSquared++ = previousIntegral[n];
970  }
972  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
973  {
974  *integralAndSquared++ = previousIntegralSquared[n];
975  }
976  }
978  source += sourcePaddingElements;
979  integralAndSquared += integralAndSquaredPaddingElements;
981  // we calculate the remaining rows
983  while (source != sourceEnd)
984  {
985  const T* const sourceRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
987  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
988  {
989  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegralAndSquared(0);
990  }
991  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
992  {
993  previousIntegralSquared[n] = TIntegralAndSquared(0);
994  }
996  // left pixel integral and squared integral
997  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels * 2u; ++n)
998  {
999  *integralAndSquared++ = TIntegralAndSquared(0);
1000  }
1002  integralAndSquaredPreviousRow += tChannels * 2u;
1004  while (source != sourceRowEnd)
1005  {
1006  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1007  {
1008  previousIntegral[n] += *source;
1009  previousIntegralSquared[n] += *source * *source;
1010  ++source;
1011  }
1013  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1014  {
1015  *integralAndSquared++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralAndSquaredPreviousRow++;
1016  }
1017  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1018  {
1019  *integralAndSquared++ = previousIntegralSquared[n] + *integralAndSquaredPreviousRow++;
1020  }
1021  }
1023  source += sourcePaddingElements;
1024  integralAndSquared += integralAndSquaredPaddingElements;
1025  integralAndSquaredPreviousRow += integralAndSquaredPaddingElements;
1026  }
1027 }
1029 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, unsigned int tChannels>
1030 void IntegralImage::createLinedImageAndSquared(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, TIntegralSquared* integralSquared, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements, const unsigned int integralSquaredPaddingElements)
1031 {
1032  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
1033  static_assert(sizeof(TIntegral) <= sizeof(TIntegralSquared), "Invalid integral elements!");
1034  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
1036  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr && integralSquared != nullptr);
1037  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
1039  ocean_assert((std::is_floating_point<T>::value) || (double(NumericT<T>::maxValue()) * double(width * height) <= double(NumericT<TIntegral>::maxValue()) && NumericD::sqr(double(NumericT<T>::maxValue())) * double(width * height) <= double(NumericT<TIntegralSquared>::maxValue())));
1041  // entire top line will be set to zero
1042  memset(integral, 0x00, (width + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1043  memset(integralSquared, 0x00, (width + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegralSquared));
1045 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
1046  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < width + 1u; ++n)
1047  {
1048  ocean_assert(integral[n] == TIntegral(0));
1049  ocean_assert(integralSquared[n] == TIntegralSquared(0));
1050  }
1051 #endif
1053  // we calculate the first row of the integral image
1055  const T* const sourceFirstRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
1056  const T* const sourceEnd = source + (width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements) * height;
1058  integral += (width + 1u) * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1059  integralSquared += (width + 1u) * tChannels + integralSquaredPaddingElements;
1060  const TIntegral* integralPreviousRow = integral;
1061  const TIntegralSquared* integralSquaredPreviousRow = integralSquared;
1063  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels] = {TIntegral(0)};
1064  TIntegralSquared previousIntegralSquared[tChannels] = {TIntegralSquared(0)};
1066  // left pixel integral
1067  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1068  {
1069  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
1070  }
1071  // left pixel squared integral
1072  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1073  {
1074  *integralSquared++ = TIntegralSquared(0);
1075  }
1077  // the remaining pixels of the first row
1079  while (source != sourceFirstRowEnd)
1080  {
1081  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1082  {
1083  previousIntegral[n] += *source;
1084  previousIntegralSquared[n] += *source * *source;
1085  ++source;
1086  }
1088  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1089  {
1090  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1091  }
1093  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1094  {
1095  *integralSquared++ = previousIntegralSquared[n];
1096  }
1097  }
1099  source += sourcePaddingElements;
1100  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1101  integralSquared += integralSquaredPaddingElements;
1103  // we calculate the remaining rows
1105  while (source != sourceEnd)
1106  {
1107  const T* const sourceRowEnd = source + width * tChannels;
1109  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1110  {
1111  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
1112  }
1113  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1114  {
1115  previousIntegralSquared[n] = TIntegralSquared(0);
1116  }
1118  // left pixel integral
1119  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1120  {
1121  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
1122  }
1123  // left pixel squared integral
1124  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1125  {
1126  *integralSquared++ = TIntegralSquared(0);
1127  }
1129  integralPreviousRow += tChannels;
1130  integralSquaredPreviousRow += tChannels;
1132  while (source != sourceRowEnd)
1133  {
1134  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1135  {
1136  previousIntegral[n] += *source;
1137  previousIntegralSquared[n] += *source * *source;
1138  ++source;
1139  }
1141  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1142  {
1143  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1144  }
1145  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1146  {
1147  *integralSquared++ = previousIntegralSquared[n] + *integralSquaredPreviousRow++;
1148  }
1149  }
1151  source += sourcePaddingElements;
1153  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1154  integralSquared += integralSquaredPaddingElements;
1156  integralPreviousRow += integralPaddingElements;
1157  integralSquaredPreviousRow += integralSquaredPaddingElements;
1158  }
1159 }
1161 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
1162 void IntegralImage::createBorderedImage(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
1163 {
1164  static_assert(std::is_signed<T>::value == std::is_signed<TIntegral>::value, "The integral image must have the same sign-properties as the source image!");
1165  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
1166  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
1168  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr);
1169  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
1170  ocean_assert(border >= 1u);
1172  /**
1173  * This is the resulting bordered integral image.
1174  * Columns or rows with '0' receive a null value.
1175  * Rows with '>' receive the last valid integral value from the left
1176  * Rows with 'v' receive the last valid integral value from the top
1177  * -------------------------
1178  * |0000000000000000000000000|
1179  * |0|-----------------------|
1180  * |0| | | |
1181  * |0| 0 | 0 | 0 |
1182  * |0| | | |
1183  * |0|-----|-----------|-----|
1184  * |0| | | > |
1185  * |0| | | > |
1186  * |0| 0 | Integral | > |
1187  * |0| | | > |
1188  * |0| | | > |
1189  * |0|-----|-----------|-----|
1190  * |0| | | |
1191  * |0| 0 | V | V |
1192  * |0| | | |
1193  * -------------------------
1194  */
1196  const unsigned int integralWidth = width + (border * 2u) + 1u;
1198  const unsigned int sourceStrideElements = width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements;
1199  const unsigned int integralStrideElements = integralWidth * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1201  // entire top border (plus the extra zero-row) will be set to zero
1203  if (integralPaddingElements == 0u)
1204  {
1205  memset(integral, 0x00, integralWidth * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral) * (border + 1u));
1207 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
1208  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < integralWidth; ++n)
1209  {
1210  ocean_assert(integral[n] == TIntegral(0));
1211  }
1212 #endif
1214  integral += integralStrideElements * (border + 1u);
1215  }
1216  else
1217  {
1218  for (unsigned int y = 0u; y < border + 1u; ++y)
1219  {
1220  memset(integral, 0x00, integralWidth * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1222 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
1223  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < integralWidth; ++n)
1224  {
1225  ocean_assert(integral[n] == TIntegral(0));
1226  }
1227 #endif
1229  integral += integralStrideElements;
1230  }
1231  }
1233  // computing the first row of the integral image
1235  // setting left border (plus the extra zero-column) to zero
1236  memset(integral, 0x00, (border + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1237  integral += (border + 1u) * tChannels;
1239  const T* const sourceFirstRowEnd = source + tChannels * width;
1240  const T* const sourceEnd = source + sourceStrideElements * height;
1241  const TIntegral* integralPreviousRow = integral;
1243  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels] = {0u};
1245  while (source != sourceFirstRowEnd)
1246  {
1247  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1248  {
1249  previousIntegral[n] += *source++;
1250  }
1252  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1253  {
1254  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1255  }
1256  }
1258  // setting right border to last value
1260  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < border; ++n)
1261  {
1262  for (unsigned int c = 0u; c < tChannels; ++c)
1263  {
1264  *integral++ = previousIntegral[c];
1265  }
1266  }
1268  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1269  source += sourcePaddingElements;
1271  // computing the following rows of the integral image
1273  while (source != sourceEnd)
1274  {
1275  ocean_assert(source < sourceEnd);
1277  // setting left border (plus the extra zero-column) to zero
1278  memset(integral, 0x00, (border + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1279  integral += (border + 1u) * tChannels;
1281  const T* const sourceRowEnd = source + tChannels * width;
1283  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1284  {
1285  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
1286  }
1288  while (source != sourceRowEnd)
1289  {
1290  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1291  {
1292  previousIntegral[n] += *source++;
1293  }
1295  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1296  {
1297  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1298  }
1299  }
1301  // setting right border to last value
1303  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1304  {
1305  previousIntegral[n] = *(integral - tChannels + n);
1306  }
1308  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < border; ++n)
1309  {
1310  for (unsigned int c = 0u; c < tChannels; ++c)
1311  {
1312  *integral++ = previousIntegral[c];
1313  }
1314  }
1316  source += sourcePaddingElements;
1317  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1318  integralPreviousRow += (border * 2u + 1u) * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1319  }
1321  // bottom border will be set to the last column of the integral image
1323  integralPreviousRow -= (border + 1u) * tChannels;
1325  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < border; ++n)
1326  {
1327  memcpy(integral, integralPreviousRow, integralWidth * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1328  integral += integralStrideElements;
1329  }
1330 }
1332 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
1333 void IntegralImage::createBorderedImageSquared(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
1334 {
1335  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
1336  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
1338  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr);
1339  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
1340  ocean_assert(border >= 1u);
1342  /**
1343  * This is the resulting bordered integral image.
1344  * Columns or rows with '0' receive a null value.
1345  * Rows with '>' receive the last valid integral value from the left
1346  * Rows with 'v' receive the last valid integral value from the top
1347  * --------------------------
1348  * |00000000000000000000000000|
1349  * |0|------------------------|
1350  * |0| | | |
1351  * |0| 0 | 0 | 0 |
1352  * |0| | | |
1353  * |0|-----|------------|-----|
1354  * |0| | | > |
1355  * |0| | | > |
1356  * |0| 0 | Integral^2 | > |
1357  * |0| | | > |
1358  * |0| | | > |
1359  * |0|-----|------------|-----|
1360  * |0| | | |
1361  * |0| 0 | V | V |
1362  * |0| | | |
1363  * --------------------------
1364  */
1366  const unsigned int integralWidth = width + (border * 2u) + 1u;
1368  const unsigned int sourceStrideElements = width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements;
1369  const unsigned int integralStrideElements = integralWidth * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1371  // entire top border (plus the extra zero-row) will be set to zero
1373  if (integralPaddingElements == 0u)
1374  {
1375  memset(integral, 0x00, integralWidth * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral) * (border + 1u));
1377 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
1378  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < integralWidth; ++n)
1379  {
1380  ocean_assert(integral[n] == TIntegral(0));
1381  }
1382 #endif
1384  integral += integralStrideElements * (border + 1u);
1385  }
1386  else
1387  {
1388  for (unsigned int y = 0u; y < border + 1u; ++y)
1389  {
1390  memset(integral, 0x00, integralWidth * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1392 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
1393  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < integralWidth; ++n)
1394  {
1395  ocean_assert(integral[n] == TIntegral(0));
1396  }
1397 #endif
1399  integral += integralStrideElements;
1400  }
1401  }
1403  // computing the first row of the integral image
1405  // setting left border (plus the extra zero-column) to zero
1406  memset(integral, 0x00, (border + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1407  integral += (border + 1u) * tChannels;
1409  const T * const sourceFirstRowEnd = source + tChannels * width;
1410  const T * const sourceEnd = source + sourceStrideElements * height;
1411  const TIntegral * integralPreviousRow = integral;
1413  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels] = {TIntegral(0)};
1415  while (source != sourceFirstRowEnd)
1416  {
1417  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1418  {
1419  previousIntegral[n] += *source * *source;
1420  source++;
1421  }
1423  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1424  {
1425  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1426  }
1427  }
1429  // setting right border to last value
1431  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < border; ++n)
1432  {
1433  for (unsigned int c = 0u; c < tChannels; ++c)
1434  {
1435  *integral++ = previousIntegral[c];
1436  }
1437  }
1439  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1440  source += sourcePaddingElements;
1442  // computing the following rows of the integral image
1444  while (source != sourceEnd)
1445  {
1446  ocean_assert(source < sourceEnd);
1448  // setting left border (plus the extra zero-column) to zero
1449  memset(integral, 0x00, (border + 1u) * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1450  integral += (border + 1u) * tChannels;
1452  const T * const sourceRowEnd = source + tChannels * width;
1454  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1455  {
1456  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
1457  }
1459  while (source != sourceRowEnd)
1460  {
1461  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1462  {
1463  previousIntegral[n] += *source * *source;
1464  source++;
1465  }
1467  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1468  {
1469  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1470  }
1471  }
1473  // setting right border to last value
1475  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1476  {
1477  previousIntegral[n] = *(integral - tChannels + n);
1478  }
1480  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < border; ++n)
1481  {
1482  for (unsigned int c = 0u; c < tChannels; ++c)
1483  {
1484  *integral++ = previousIntegral[c];
1485  }
1486  }
1488  source += sourcePaddingElements;
1489  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1490  integralPreviousRow += (border * 2u + 1u) * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1491  }
1493  // bottom border will be set to the last column of the integral image
1495  integralPreviousRow -= (border + 1u) * tChannels;
1497  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < border; ++n)
1498  {
1499  memcpy(integral, integralPreviousRow, integralWidth * tChannels * sizeof(TIntegral));
1500  integral += integralStrideElements;
1501  }
1502 }
1504 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
1505 void IntegralImage::createBorderedImageMirror(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
1506 {
1507  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
1508  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
1510  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr);
1511  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
1512  ocean_assert(border >= 1u && border <= min(width, height));
1514  /**
1515  * This is the resulting bordered integral image.
1516  * Columns or rows with '0' receive a null value.
1517  * -------------------------
1518  * |0000000000000000000000000|
1519  * |0|-----------------------|
1520  * |0| | | |
1521  * |0| m | mirrored | m |
1522  * |0| | | |
1523  * |0|-----|-----------|-----|
1524  * |0| | | |
1525  * |0| | | |
1526  * |0| m | Integral | m |
1527  * |0| | | |
1528  * |0| | | |
1529  * |0|-----|-----------|-----|
1530  * |0| | | |
1531  * |0| m | mirrored | m |
1532  * |0| | | |
1533  * -------------------------
1534  */
1536  const unsigned int integralWidth = width + border * 2u + 1u;
1538  const unsigned int sourceStrideElements = width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements;
1539  const unsigned int integralStrideElements = integralWidth * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1541  // entire first row (plus the extra zero-column) will be set to zero
1542  memset(integral, 0, integralWidth * sizeof(TIntegral) * tChannels);
1543  integral += integralStrideElements;
1545  const TIntegral* integralPreviousRow = integral + tChannels;
1546  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels] = {TIntegral(0)};
1548  const T* sourcePtr = source + sourceStrideElements * (border - 1u);
1550  // setting first column to zero
1552  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1553  {
1554  integral[n] = TIntegral(0);
1555  }
1556  integral += tChannels;
1558  // first row left border
1560  for (unsigned int x = (border - 1u); x != (unsigned int)(-1); --x)
1561  {
1562  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1563  {
1564  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sourcePtr[x * tChannels + n]);
1565  }
1567  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1568  {
1569  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1570  }
1571  }
1573  // first row center pixels
1575  const T* const sourceRowEnd0 = sourcePtr + width * tChannels;
1576  while (sourcePtr != sourceRowEnd0)
1577  {
1578  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1579  {
1580  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(*sourcePtr++);
1581  }
1583  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1584  {
1585  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1586  }
1587  }
1589  // first row right border
1591  for (unsigned int x = 0u; x < border; ++x)
1592  {
1593  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1594  {
1595  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(*(sourcePtr - int((x + 1u) * tChannels) + int(n)));
1596  }
1598  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1599  {
1600  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1601  }
1602  }
1604  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1606  // following rows
1608  int y = -int(border) + 1;
1610  while (y != int(height + border))
1611  {
1612  if (y < 0)
1613  {
1614  ocean_assert(-y - 1 >= 0 && -y - 1 < int(border));
1615  sourcePtr = source + int(sourceStrideElements) * (-y - 1);
1616  }
1617  else if (y < int(height))
1618  {
1619  sourcePtr = source + int(sourceStrideElements) * y;
1620  }
1621  else
1622  {
1623  sourcePtr = source + int(sourceStrideElements) * (2 * int(height) - y - 1);
1624  }
1626  // left column
1628  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1629  {
1630  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
1631  }
1633  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1634  {
1635  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
1636  }
1638  // left border
1640  for (unsigned int x = border - 1u; x != (unsigned int)(-1); --x)
1641  {
1642  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1643  {
1644  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sourcePtr[x * tChannels + n]);
1645  }
1647  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1648  {
1649  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1650  }
1651  }
1653  // center
1655  const T* const followingSourceRowEnd0 = sourcePtr + width * tChannels;
1656  while (sourcePtr != followingSourceRowEnd0)
1657  {
1658  ocean_assert(sourcePtr < followingSourceRowEnd0);
1660  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1661  {
1662  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(*sourcePtr++);
1663  }
1665  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1666  {
1667  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1668  }
1669  }
1671  // right border
1673  for (unsigned int x = 0u; x < border; ++x)
1674  {
1675  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1676  {
1677  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(*(sourcePtr - int((x + 1u) * tChannels) + int(n)));
1678  }
1680  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1681  {
1682  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1683  }
1684  }
1686  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1687  integralPreviousRow += tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1689  ++y;
1690  }
1691 }
1693 template <typename T, typename TIntegral, unsigned int tChannels>
1694 void IntegralImage::createBorderedImageSquaredMirror(const T* source, TIntegral* integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
1695 {
1696  static_assert(sizeof(T) <= sizeof(TIntegral), "Invalid integral elements!");
1697  static_assert(tChannels >= 1u, "Invalid channel number!");
1699  ocean_assert(source != nullptr && integral != nullptr);
1700  ocean_assert(width >= 1u && height >= 1u);
1701  ocean_assert(border >= 1u && border <= min(width, height));
1703  /**
1704  * This is the resulting bordered integral image.
1705  * Columns or rows with '0' receive a null value.
1706  * -------------------------------
1707  * |0000000000000000000000000000000|
1708  * |0|-----------------------------|
1709  * |0| | | |
1710  * |0| m^2 | mirrored^2 | m^2 |
1711  * |0| | | |
1712  * |0|-------|-------------|-------|
1713  * |0| | | |
1714  * |0| | | |
1715  * |0| m^2 | Integral^2 | m^2 |
1716  * |0| | | |
1717  * |0| | | |
1718  * |0|-------|-------------|-------|
1719  * |0| | | |
1720  * |0| m^2 | mirrored^2 | m^2 |
1721  * |0| | | |
1722  * -------------------------------
1723  */
1725  const unsigned int integralWidth = width + border * 2u + 1u;
1727  const unsigned int sourceStrideElements = width * tChannels + sourcePaddingElements;
1728  const unsigned int integralStrideElements = integralWidth * tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1730  // entire first row (plus the extra zero-column) will be set to zero
1731  memset(integral, 0, integralWidth * sizeof(TIntegral) * tChannels);
1732  integral += integralStrideElements;
1734  const TIntegral* integralPreviousRow = integral + tChannels;
1735  TIntegral previousIntegral[tChannels] = {TIntegral(0)};
1737  const T* sourcePtr = source + sourceStrideElements * (border - 1u);
1739  // setting first column to zero
1741  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1742  {
1743  integral[n] = TIntegral(0);
1744  }
1745  integral += tChannels;
1747  // first row left border
1749  for (unsigned int x = (border - 1u); x != (unsigned int)(-1); --x)
1750  {
1751  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1752  {
1753  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sqr<T, TIntegral>(sourcePtr[x * tChannels + n]));
1754  }
1756  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1757  {
1758  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1759  }
1760  }
1762  // first row center pixels
1764  const T* const sourceRowEnd0 = sourcePtr + width * tChannels;
1765  while (sourcePtr != sourceRowEnd0)
1766  {
1767  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1768  {
1769  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sqr<T, TIntegral>(*sourcePtr++));
1770  }
1772  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1773  {
1774  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1775  }
1776  }
1778  // first row right border
1780  for (unsigned int x = 0u; x < border; ++x)
1781  {
1782  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1783  {
1784  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sqr<T, TIntegral>(*(sourcePtr - int((x + 1u) * tChannels) + int(n))));
1785  }
1787  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1788  {
1789  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n];
1790  }
1791  }
1793  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1795  // following rows
1797  int y = -int(border) + 1;
1799  while (y != int(height + border))
1800  {
1801  if (y < 0)
1802  {
1803  ocean_assert(-y - 1 >= 0 && -y - 1 < int(border));
1804  sourcePtr = source + int(sourceStrideElements) * (-y - 1);
1805  }
1806  else if (y < int(height))
1807  {
1808  sourcePtr = source + int(sourceStrideElements) * y;
1809  }
1810  else
1811  {
1812  sourcePtr = source + int(sourceStrideElements) * (2 * int(height) - y - 1);
1813  }
1815  // left column
1817  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1818  {
1819  previousIntegral[n] = TIntegral(0);
1820  }
1822  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1823  {
1824  *integral++ = TIntegral(0);
1825  }
1827  // left border
1829  for (unsigned int x = border - 1u; x != (unsigned int)(-1); --x)
1830  {
1831  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1832  {
1833  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sqr<T, TIntegral>(sourcePtr[x * tChannels + n]));
1834  }
1836  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1837  {
1838  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1839  }
1840  }
1842  // center
1844  const T* const followingSourceRowEnd0 = sourcePtr + width * tChannels;
1845  while (sourcePtr != followingSourceRowEnd0)
1846  {
1847  ocean_assert(sourcePtr < followingSourceRowEnd0);
1849  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1850  {
1851  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sqr<T, TIntegral>(*sourcePtr++));
1852  }
1854  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1855  {
1856  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1857  }
1858  }
1860  // right border
1862  for (unsigned int x = 0u; x < border; ++x)
1863  {
1864  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1865  {
1866  previousIntegral[n] += TIntegral(sqr<T, TIntegral>(*(sourcePtr - int((x + 1u) * tChannels) + int(n))));
1867  }
1869  for (unsigned int n = 0u; n < tChannels; ++n)
1870  {
1871  *integral++ = previousIntegral[n] + *integralPreviousRow++;
1872  }
1873  }
1875  integral += integralPaddingElements;
1876  integralPreviousRow += tChannels + integralPaddingElements;
1878  ++y;
1879  }
1880 }
1882 template <typename TIntegral>
1883 inline TIntegral IntegralImage::linedIntegralSum(const TIntegral* const linedIntegral, const unsigned int linedIntegralStrideElements, const unsigned int windowLeft, const unsigned int windowTop, const unsigned int windowWidth, const unsigned int windowHeight)
1884 {
1885  ocean_assert(linedIntegral != nullptr);
1886  ocean_assert(windowLeft + windowWidth < linedIntegralStrideElements);
1887  ocean_assert(windowWidth != 0u);
1888  ocean_assert(windowHeight != 0u);
1890  const unsigned int windowRight = windowLeft + windowWidth;
1891  const unsigned int windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight;
1893  return linedIntegral[windowTop * linedIntegralStrideElements + windowLeft] - linedIntegral[windowTop * linedIntegralStrideElements + windowRight]
1894  - linedIntegral[windowBottom * linedIntegralStrideElements + windowLeft] + linedIntegral[windowBottom * linedIntegralStrideElements + windowRight];
1895 }
1897 template <typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, typename TVariance, bool tReturnMean>
1898 inline TVariance IntegralImage::linedIntegralVariance(const TIntegral* linedIntegral, const TIntegralSquared* linedIntegralSquared, const unsigned int integralStrideElements, const unsigned int integralStrideSquaredElements, const unsigned int windowLeft, const unsigned int windowTop, const unsigned int windowWidth, const unsigned int windowHeight, TVariance* mean)
1899 {
1900  static_assert(std::is_floating_point<TVariance>::value, "Invalid TVariance must be a floating point data type!");
1902  ocean_assert(linedIntegral != nullptr);
1903  ocean_assert(windowLeft + windowWidth < integralStrideElements);
1905  ocean_assert(linedIntegralSquared != nullptr);
1906  ocean_assert(windowLeft + windowWidth < integralStrideSquaredElements);
1908  ocean_assert(windowWidth != 0u);
1909  ocean_assert(windowHeight != 0u);
1911  if (windowWidth == 1u && windowHeight == 1u)
1912  {
1913  return TVariance(0);
1914  }
1916  const TIntegral sum = linedIntegralSum<TIntegral>(linedIntegral, integralStrideElements, windowLeft, windowTop, windowWidth, windowHeight);
1917  const TIntegralSquared squaredSum = linedIntegralSum<TIntegralSquared>(linedIntegralSquared, integralStrideSquaredElements, windowLeft, windowTop, windowWidth, windowHeight);
1919  const TVariance size = TVariance(windowWidth * windowHeight);
1921  if constexpr (tReturnMean)
1922  {
1923  ocean_assert(mean != nullptr);
1924  *mean = TVariance(sum) / size;
1925  }
1926  else
1927  {
1928  ocean_assert(mean == nullptr);
1929  }
1931  const TVariance variance = (TVariance(squaredSum) - TVariance(TIntegralSquared(sum) * TIntegralSquared(sum)) / size) / size;
1933  return std::max(TVariance(0), variance); // due to floating point precision, always ensure that the variance is non-negative
1934 }
1936 template <typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, typename TVariance, bool tReturnMean>
1937 inline TVariance IntegralImage::linedIntegralVariance(const TIntegral* linedIntegral, const TIntegralSquared* linedIntegralSquared, const unsigned int integralStrideElements, const unsigned int integralStrideSquaredElements, const unsigned int windowALeft, const unsigned int windowATop, const unsigned int windowAWidth, const unsigned int windowAHeight, const unsigned int windowBLeft, const unsigned int windowBTop, const unsigned int windowBWidth, const unsigned int windowBHeight, TVariance* mean)
1938 {
1939  static_assert(std::is_floating_point<TVariance>::value, "Invalid TVariance must be a floating point data type!");
1941  ocean_assert(linedIntegral != nullptr);
1942  ocean_assert(windowALeft + windowAWidth < integralStrideElements);
1943  ocean_assert(windowBLeft + windowBWidth < integralStrideElements);
1945  ocean_assert(linedIntegralSquared != nullptr);
1946  ocean_assert(windowALeft + windowAWidth < integralStrideSquaredElements);
1947  ocean_assert(windowBLeft + windowBWidth < integralStrideSquaredElements);
1949  ocean_assert(windowAWidth != 0u && windowAHeight != 0u);
1950  ocean_assert(windowBWidth != 0u && windowBHeight != 0u);
1952  const TIntegral sumA = linedIntegralSum<TIntegral>(linedIntegral, integralStrideElements, windowALeft, windowATop, windowAWidth, windowAHeight);
1953  const TIntegral sumB = linedIntegralSum<TIntegral>(linedIntegral, integralStrideElements, windowBLeft, windowBTop, windowBWidth, windowBHeight);
1955  const TIntegralSquared squaredSumA = linedIntegralSum<TIntegralSquared>(linedIntegralSquared, integralStrideSquaredElements, windowALeft, windowATop, windowAWidth, windowAHeight);
1956  const TIntegralSquared squaredSumB = linedIntegralSum<TIntegralSquared>(linedIntegralSquared, integralStrideSquaredElements, windowBLeft, windowBTop, windowBWidth, windowBHeight);
1958  const unsigned int sizeA = windowAWidth * windowAHeight;
1959  const unsigned int sizeB = windowBWidth * windowBHeight;
1960  const TVariance size = TVariance(sizeA + sizeB);
1962  const TVariance squaredSum = TVariance(squaredSumA + squaredSumB);
1963  const TIntegralSquared sum = TIntegralSquared(sumA + sumB);
1965  if constexpr (tReturnMean)
1966  {
1967  ocean_assert(mean != nullptr);
1968  *mean = TVariance(sum) / size;
1969  }
1970  else
1971  {
1972  ocean_assert(mean == nullptr);
1973  }
1975  const TVariance variance = (squaredSum - TVariance(sum * sum) / size) / size;
1977  return std::max(TVariance(0), variance); // due to floating point precision, always ensure that the variance is non-negative
1978 }
1980 template <typename TIntegral, typename TIntegralSquared, typename TVariance, bool tReturnMean>
1981 inline TVariance IntegralImage::linedIntegralVariance(const TIntegral* linedIntegral, const TIntegralSquared* linedIntegralSquared, const unsigned int integralStrideElements, const unsigned int integralStrideSquaredElements, const unsigned int windowALeft, const unsigned int windowATop, const unsigned int windowAWidth, const unsigned int windowAHeight, const unsigned int windowBLeft, const unsigned int windowBTop, const unsigned int windowBWidth, const unsigned int windowBHeight, const unsigned int windowCLeft, const unsigned int windowCTop, const unsigned int windowCWidth, const unsigned int windowCHeight, TVariance* mean)
1982 {
1983  static_assert(std::is_floating_point<TVariance>::value, "Invalid TVariance must be a floating point data type!");
1985  ocean_assert(linedIntegral != nullptr);
1986  ocean_assert(windowALeft + windowAWidth < integralStrideElements);
1987  ocean_assert(windowBLeft + windowBWidth < integralStrideElements);
1988  ocean_assert(windowCLeft + windowCWidth < integralStrideElements);
1990  ocean_assert(linedIntegralSquared != nullptr);
1991  ocean_assert(windowALeft + windowAWidth < integralStrideSquaredElements);
1992  ocean_assert(windowBLeft + windowBWidth < integralStrideSquaredElements);
1993  ocean_assert(windowCLeft + windowCWidth < integralStrideSquaredElements);
1995  ocean_assert(windowAWidth != 0u && windowAHeight != 0u);
1996  ocean_assert(windowBWidth != 0u && windowBHeight != 0u);
1997  ocean_assert(windowCWidth != 0u && windowCHeight != 0u);
1999  const TIntegral sumA = CV::IntegralImage::linedIntegralSum<TIntegral>(linedIntegral, integralStrideElements, windowALeft, windowATop, windowAWidth, windowAHeight);
2000  const TIntegral sumB = CV::IntegralImage::linedIntegralSum<TIntegral>(linedIntegral, integralStrideElements, windowBLeft, windowBTop, windowBWidth, windowBHeight);
2001  const TIntegral sumC = CV::IntegralImage::linedIntegralSum<TIntegral>(linedIntegral, integralStrideElements, windowCLeft, windowCTop, windowCWidth, windowCHeight);
2003  const TIntegralSquared squaredSumA = CV::IntegralImage::linedIntegralSum<TIntegralSquared>(linedIntegralSquared, integralStrideSquaredElements, windowALeft, windowATop, windowAWidth, windowAHeight);
2004  const TIntegralSquared squaredSumB = CV::IntegralImage::linedIntegralSum<TIntegralSquared>(linedIntegralSquared, integralStrideSquaredElements, windowBLeft, windowBTop, windowBWidth, windowBHeight);
2005  const TIntegralSquared squaredSumC = CV::IntegralImage::linedIntegralSum<TIntegralSquared>(linedIntegralSquared, integralStrideSquaredElements, windowCLeft, windowCTop, windowCWidth, windowCHeight);
2007  const unsigned int sizeA = windowAWidth * windowAHeight;
2008  const unsigned int sizeB = windowBWidth * windowBHeight;
2009  const unsigned int sizeC = windowCWidth * windowCHeight;
2010  const TVariance size = TVariance(sizeA + sizeB + sizeC);
2012  const TVariance squaredSum = TVariance(squaredSumA + squaredSumB + squaredSumC);
2013  const TIntegralSquared sum = TIntegralSquared(sumA + sumB + sumC);
2015  if constexpr (tReturnMean)
2016  {
2017  ocean_assert(mean != nullptr);
2018  *mean = TVariance(sum) / size;
2019  }
2020  else
2021  {
2022  ocean_assert(mean == nullptr);
2023  }
2025  const TVariance variance = (squaredSum - TVariance(sum * sum) / size) / size;
2027  return std::max(TVariance(0), variance); // due to floating point precision, always ensure that the variance is non-negative
2028 }
2030 template <typename T, typename TSquared>
2031 inline TSquared IntegralImage::sqr(const T& value)
2032 {
2033  return TSquared(value * value);
2034 }
2036 }
2038 }
The following comfort class provides comfortable functions simplifying prototyping applications but a...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:40
static Frame createBorderedImage(const Frame &frame, const unsigned int border)
Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the resultin...
static Frame createBorderedImage(const Frame &frame, const unsigned int border)
Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the resultin...
static Frame createLinedImage(const Frame &frame)
Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) ...
static Frame createLinedImage(const Frame &frame)
Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) ...
This class provides functions to create an integral image from a gray scale image.
Definition: IntegralImage.h:31
static void createBorderedImageMirror(const T *source, TIntegral *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border with mirrored i...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:1505
static void createLinedImage1Channel8BitNEON(const uint8_t *source, uint32_t *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates an integral image from 8 bit images with 1 channel and adds an extra line with zeros to the l...
static void createLinedImageSquared(const T *source, TIntegral *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates an integral image with squared pixel intensities from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:823
static TVariance linedIntegralVariance(const TIntegral *linedIntegral, const TIntegralSquared *linedIntegralSquared, const unsigned int integralStrideElements, const unsigned int integralStrideSquaredElements, const unsigned int windowLeft, const unsigned int windowTop, const unsigned int windowWidth, const unsigned int windowHeight, TVariance *mean=nullptr)
Determines the variance of elements within a window from two integral images.
Definition: IntegralImage.h:1898
static void createImage(const T *source, TIntegral *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image.
Definition: IntegralImage.h:636
static void createBorderedImageSquaredMirror(const T *source, TIntegral *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates a bordered squared integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border with mi...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:1694
static TSquared sqr(const T &value)
Returns the square value of the given parameter.
Definition: IntegralImage.h:2031
static void createBorderedImage(const T *source, TIntegral *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates a bordered integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the resultin...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:1162
static void createLinedImageAndSquared(const T *source, TIntegralAndSquared *integralAndSquared, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralAndSquaredPaddingElements)
Creates an integral image and squared integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra lin...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:919
static OCEAN_FORCE_INLINE TIntegral linedIntegralSum(const TIntegral *const linedIntegral, const unsigned int linedIntegralStrideElements, const unsigned int windowLeft, const unsigned int windowTop, const unsigned int windowWidth, const unsigned int windowHeight)
Determines the sum of elements within a window from an integral image.
static void createBorderedImageSquared(const T *source, TIntegral *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int border, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates a bordered squared integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra border to the ...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:1333
static void createLinedImage(const T *source, TIntegral *integral, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int sourcePaddingElements, const unsigned int integralPaddingElements)
Creates an integral image from a given 1-plane image and adds an extra line (one column and one row) ...
Definition: IntegralImage.h:707
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition: Frame.h:1760
This class provides basic numeric functionalities.
Definition: Numeric.h:57
static constexpr T sqr(const T value)
Returns the square of a given value.
Definition: Numeric.h:1495
unsigned int sqr(const char value)
Returns the square value of a given value.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1029
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15