Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/base/Base.h"
12 #include "ocean/base/Messenger.h"
13 #include "ocean/base/Singleton.h"
14 #include "ocean/base/Value.h"
16 #include <cfloat>
17 #include <numeric>
19 namespace Ocean
20 {
22 /**
23  * This class implements a high performance timer.
24  * Use this timer to measure time durations with high accuracy.<br>
25  * The measurement can be very helpful to detect performance bottlenecks.<br>
26  * Use the HighPerformanceTimer::precision() to retrieve the possible accuracy of this high performance timer.<br>
27  * The implementation is platform dependent.
28  * @ingroup base
29  */
30 class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT HighPerformanceTimer
31 {
32  public:
34  /**
35  * Definition of CPU ticks.
36  */
37  typedef int64_t Ticks;
39  public:
41  /**
42  * Creates a new timer and starts the time measurement.
43  */
46  /**
47  * (Re-)starts the time measurement.
48  */
49  inline void start();
51  /**
52  * Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in seconds.
53  * @return Measured seconds
54  */
55  double seconds() const;
57  /**
58  * Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in milliseconds.
59  * @return Measured milliseconds
60  */
61  double mseconds() const;
63  /**
64  * Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in microseconds.
65  * @return Measured microseconds
66  */
67  double yseconds() const;
69  /**
70  * Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in nanoseconds.
71  * @return Measured nanoseconds
72  */
73  double nseconds() const;
75  /**
76  * Returns the precision of the timer.
77  * @return Countable ticks per seconds
78  */
79  static Ticks precision();
81  /**
82  * Returns the recent CPU ticks.
83  * @return Recent CPU ticks
84  */
85  static Ticks ticks();
87  /**
88  * Converts a given CPU tick into seconds regarding the resolution of the timer.
89  * @param ticks The ticks to convert
90  * @return The Number of seconds matching with the given CPU ticks
91  */
92  static inline double ticks2seconds(const Ticks ticks);
94  protected:
96  /**
97  * Returns the resolution of the timer in ticks per second
98  * @return Ticks per second
99  */
102  protected:
104  /// The number of CPU ticks when starting the timer.
105  Ticks ticksStart_ = Ticks(0);
106 };
110 /**
111  * Returns the recent CPU ticks which will contain a random offset which is constant through the execution of the process.
112  * @return Recent CPU ticks with random offset
113  */
118 /**
119  * This class implements a simple module gathering high performance timer statistics.
120  * The class is not thread-safe.
121  * @ingroup base
122  */
123 class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT HighPerformanceStatistic
124 {
125  public:
127  /**
128  * Definition of a vector storing performance measurements.
129  */
130  typedef std::vector<double> Measurements;
132  /**
133  * This class defines a scoped high performance statistic module.
134  * Use this scoped module in combination with a high performance statistic object to add a new performance measurement during the existence of this module.
135  * @ingroup base
136  */
137  class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT ScopedStatistic
138  {
139  public:
141  /**
142  * Creates a new scoped statistic object and starts a new measurement.
143  * @param performance High performance statistic object receiving the scoped measurement.
144  */
145  inline explicit ScopedStatistic(HighPerformanceStatistic& performance);
147  /**
148  * Destructs a scoped statistic object and stops the measurement.
149  */
150  inline ~ScopedStatistic();
152  /**
153  * Explicitly releases the object and does not wait until the scope ends.
154  */
155  inline void release();
157  private:
159  /**
160  * Deleted copy constructor.
161  */
164  /**
165  * Deleted copy operator.
166  * @return Reference to this object
167  */
170  private:
172  /// High performance statistic object receiving the measurement value.
173  HighPerformanceStatistic* statisticPerformance;
174  };
176  public:
178  /**
179  * Creates a new statistic module.
180  */
183  /**
184  * Returns the first measurement time in seconds.
185  * @return First measurement time, in [sec]
186  */
187  inline double first() const;
189  /**
190  * Returns the first measurement time in milliseconds.
191  * @return First measurement time, in [ms]
192  */
193  inline double firstMseconds() const;
195  /**
196  * Returns the second measurement time in seconds.
197  * @return Second measurement time, in [sec]
198  */
199  inline double second() const;
201  /**
202  * Returns the second measurement time in milliseconds.
203  * @return Second measurement time, in [ms]
204  */
205  inline double secondMseconds() const;
207  /**
208  * Returns the best measurement time in seconds.
209  * @return Best measurement time, in [sec]
210  */
211  inline double best() const;
213  /**
214  * Returns the best measurement time in milliseconds.
215  * @return Best measurement time, in [ms]
216  */
217  inline double bestMseconds() const;
219  /**
220  * Returns the worst measurement time in seconds.
221  * @return Worst measurement time, in [sec]
222  */
223  inline double worst() const;
225  /**
226  * Returns the worst measurement time in milliseconds.
227  * @return Worst measurement time, in [ms]
228  */
229  inline double worstMseconds() const;
231  /**
232  * Returns the last measurement time in seconds.
233  * @return Last measurement time, in [sec]
234  */
235  inline double last() const;
237  /**
238  * Returns the last (most recent measurement time in milliseconds.
239  * @return Last measurement time, in [ms]
240  */
241  inline double lastMseconds() const;
243  /**
244  * Returns the average measurement time in seconds.
245  * @return Average measurement time, in [sec]
246  */
247  double average() const;
249  /**
250  * Returns the average measurement time in milliseconds.
251  * @return Average measurement time, in [ms]
252  */
253  inline double averageMseconds() const;
255  /**
256  * Returns the average number of CPU cycles needed for one operation.
257  * @param operations The number of operation that has been invoked during each measurement, with range [1, infinity)
258  * @param clockRate The number of clock cycles per second of the CPU, e.g., 3.8GHz, with range [1, infinity)
259  * @return The average number of CPU cycles needed, with range (0, infinity), -1 if no valid measurement exists
260  */
261  inline double averageCyclesPerOperation(const double operations, const double clockRate = 3800000000.0) const;
263  /**
264  * Returns the median measurement time in seconds.
265  * @return Median measurement time, in [sec]
266  */
267  double median() const;
269  /**
270  * Returns the median measurement time in milliseconds.
271  * @return Median measurement time, in [ms]
272  */
273  double medianMseconds() const;
275  /**
276  * Returns a specific percentile (e.g., P50 = median, P90, P95, etc.) measurement time in seconds.
277  * @param value The percentile to be returned, with range [0, 1]
278  * @return The measurement for the specified percentile, in seconds
279  */
280  double percentile(double value) const;
282  /**
283  * Returns a specific percentile (e.g., P50 = median, P90, P95, etc.) measurement time in milliseconds.
284  * @param value The percentile to be returned, with range [0, 1]
285  * @return The measurement for the specified percentile, in milliseconds
286  */
287  double percentileMseconds(double value) const;
289  /**
290  * Returns the total measurement time in seconds.
291  * @return Total measurement time, in [sec]
292  */
293  inline double total() const;
295  /**
296  * Returns the total measurement time in milliseconds.
297  * @return Total measurement time, in [ms]
298  */
299  inline double totalMseconds() const;
301  /**
302  * Returns the current (still) running measurement time in seconds.
303  * @return Current still running measurement time, in [sec]
304  */
305  inline double running() const;
307  /**
308  * Returns the current (still) running measurement time in milliseconds.
309  * @return Current still running measurement time, in [ms]
310  */
311  inline double runningMseconds() const;
313  /**
314  * Returns the number of measurements.
315  * @return Measurement numbers
316  */
317  inline size_t measurements() const;
319  /**
320  * Returns whether currently a measurement is running.
321  * @return True, if so
322  */
323  inline bool isRunning() const;
325  /**
326  * Starts a new measurement.
327  */
328  void start();
330  /**
331  * Starts a new measurement if the given value is True, otherwise nothing happens.
332  * @param value True; to start a new measurement; False, to ignore this call
333  */
334  void startIf(const bool value);
336  /**
337  * Stops a measurement.
338  */
339  void stop();
341  /**
342  * Stops a measurement.
343  * @param value True; to stop the measurement; False, to ignore this call
344  */
345  void stopIf(const bool value);
347  /**
348  * Skips a started measurement.
349  * The measurement will not be voted.
350  */
351  void skip();
353  /**
354  * Skips a started measurement.
355  * The measurement will not be voted.
356  * @param value True; to skip the measurement; False, to ignore this call
357  */
358  void skipIf(const bool value);
360  /**
361  * Resets all gathered statistics.
362  */
363  void reset();
365  /**
366  * Returns a string with the relevant performance information of this statistic object.
367  * @param precision The number of decimal places displayed, with range [1, infinity)
368  * @return The resulting string
369  */
370  std::string toString(const unsigned int precision = 2u) const;
372  /**
373  * Returns whether at least one measurement has been done.
374  * @return True, if so
375  */
376  explicit inline operator bool() const;
378  /**
379  * Adds measurements from another object to this statistic object.
380  * @param right The statistic object of which the measurements will be added to this object
381  * @return Reference to this object
382  */
385  private:
387  /// High performance timer.
390  /// The individual measurements in order as measured.
393  /// Best measurement time in seconds.
394  double best_ = DBL_MAX;
396  /// Worst measurement time in seconds.
397  double worst_ = -DBL_MAX;
399  /// Entire measurement time in seconds.
400  double total_ = 0.0;
402  /// State determining whether one measurement is active currently.
403  bool started_ = false;
404 };
406 /**
407  * The HighPerformanceBenchmark object allows to benchmark algorithms with individual categories.
408  * Benchmarking needs to be started before it can be used.<br>
409  * The class is thread-safe.
410  * This class creates flat and/or hierarchical reports. In the case of the former, the categories are sorted by their CPU time. For hierarchical
411  * reports, the category names can be expanded using a delimiter, for example `Foo::Bar` where `Bar` is a sub-category of `Foo`. In this report the
412  * top-level categories (like `Foo`) will be sorted by their total CPU time which is accumulated over all of their sub-categories (like `Foo::Bar`).
413  *
414  * Usage Example:
415  * <pre>
416  * void SomeClass::computeSomething(...)
417  * {
418  * HighPerformanceBenchmark::ScopedCategory scopedBenchmark("AlgorithmName");
419  * function0();
420  * function1();
421  * ...
422  * }
423  *
424  * void SomeClass::function0(...)
425  * {
426  * HighPerformanceBenchmark::ScopedCategory scopedBenchmark("AlgorithmName::Function0");
427  * ...
428  * }
429  *
430  * void SomeClass::function1(...)
431  * {
432  * HighPerformanceBenchmark::ScopedCategory scopedBenchmark("AlgorithmName::Function1");
433  * utilityFunction0();
434  * ...
435  * }
436  *
437  * void Utility::utilityFunction0(...)
438  * {
439  * HighPerformanceBenchmark::ScopedCategory scopedBenchmark("UtilityFunction0");
440  * ...
441  * }
442  *
443  * int main()
444  * {
445  * HighPerformanceBenchmark::get().start();
446  *
447  * while (keepLooping)
448  * {
449  * SomeClass::computeSomething();
450  * }
451  *
452  * HighPerformanceBenchmark::get().stop();
453  *
454  * // Get the normal or hierarchical performance report
455  * const std::vector<std::string> report = HighPerformanceBenchmark::get().report();
456  * const std::vector<std::string> reportWithHierarchies = HighPerformanceBenchmark::get().reportWithHierarchies();
457  * }
458  * </pre>
459  *
460  * which will result in something similar to the following for the normal report:
461  * <pre>
462  * Name | ...
463  * AlgorithmName | ...
464  * UtilityFunction0 | ...
465  * AlgorithmName::Function0 | ...
466  * AlgorithmName::Function1 | ...
467  * </pre>
468  * and for the hierarchical report the output will be similar to this (sub-categories will be appear indented):
469  * <pre>
470  * Name | ...
471  * AlgorithmName | ...
472  * Function0 | ...
473  * Function1 | ...
474  * UtilityFunction0 | ...
475  * </pre>
476  * Of course, the actual order of the categories depends on their proportional contribution to the overall measured CPU time
477  * @ingroup base
478  */
479 class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT HighPerformanceBenchmark : public Singleton<HighPerformanceBenchmark>
480 {
481  friend class Singleton<HighPerformanceBenchmark>;
483  public:
485  /**
486  * Definition of a vector holding measurements in seconds.
487  */
488  typedef std::vector<double> MeasurementsSeconds;
490  /**
491  * Definition of a map mapping category names to measurements.
492  */
493  typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, MeasurementsSeconds> MeasurementMap;
495  /// Forward declaration
496  class Category;
498  /// Typedef for a vector of categories
499  typedef std::vector<Category> Categories;
501  /**
502  * This class defines a hierarchical category
503  * This class is used to group categories based on their names into a hierarchy. A hierarchy of categories is created by appending the name of a
504  * sub-category to the name of category, using a delimiter between both names, for example "Foo::Bar" is a sub-category of "Foo". This process can
505  * be repeated recursively ("Foo::Bar::Baz"). Categories without a delimiter in their name - or which cannot be matched otherwise - will be
506  * considered top-level categories ("Foo").
507  * @ingroup base
508  */
509  class Category
510  {
511  public:
513  /**
514  * Deleted default constructor.
515  */
516  Category() = delete;
518  /**
519  * Constructor
520  * @param categoryName The name of the category, must be valid
521  * @param measurementsSeconds The measurements in seconds that have been made by `HighPerformanceBenchmark` for this category, must be valid and non-empty
522  * @param categoryNameDelimiter The delimiter that separate the levels of hierarchy in the category names.
523  */
524  Category(const std::string& categoryName, const MeasurementsSeconds& measurementsSeconds, const std::string& categoryNameDelimiter);
526  /**
527  * Adds a sub-category to this category
528  * @param subCategoryName The name of the category that will be added as a sub-category to this category, must be valid
529  * @param measurementsSeconds The measurements in seconds that have been made by `HighPerformanceBenchmark` for the new sub-category, must be valid and non-empty
530  */
531  bool addSubCategory(const std::string& subCategoryName, const MeasurementsSeconds& measurementsSeconds);
533  /**
534  * Returns the sub-categories of this category
535  * @return The sub-categories
536  */
537  const Categories& subCategories() const;
539  /**
540  * Returns the name of this category
541  * @return The name
542  */
543  const std::string& categoryName() const;
545  /**
546  * Computes the sum of all measurements in this category and all of its sub-categories
547  * @return The sum
548  */
551  /**
552  * Creates a performance report as a matrix of string tokens
553  * The token matrix is a means to determine the max. column widths in the final report. This alignment step does not happen here, cf. `HighPerformanceBenchmark::reportWithHierarchies()`
554  * @param tokenMatrix The resulting matrix of tokens.
555  * @param referenceSeconds The optional number of seconds that should be used to compute the percentage of CPU runtime of this categories (and it's sub-categories); for values <= 0.0 the percentage will be computed internally for this category only, range: (-infinity, infinity)
556  * @param numberIndentationSpace The optional number of spaces that should be prepended to the names of the categories in the final report (to visualize the hierarchy)
557  * @param categoryNameDelimiter The delimiter that separate the levels of hierarchy in the category names.
558  * @param addColumnDescriptions True, adds a row to the resulting token matrix that contains human-readable descriptions of the columns of the matrix, otherwise no descriptions will be added
559  * @param valuesAsStrings True, all cells will be of type string; False, column descriptions and category names will be reported as string and all other values as double or integer.
560  * @param includeSubCategories True, all sub-categories of the this category will be added to the token matrix as well; False, they will be ignored
561  * @return True, if the generation of the token matrix was successful, otherwise false
562  * @sa HighPerformanceBenchmark::reportWithHierarchies()
563  */
564  bool reportAsTokenMatrix(std::vector<std::vector<Value>>& tokenMatrix, const double referenceSeconds = 0.0, const unsigned numberIndentationSpace = 0u, const std::string& categoryNameDelimiter = "::", const bool addColumnDescriptions = false, const bool valuesAsStrings = true, const bool includeSubCategories = true) const;
566  /**
567  * Recursively sorts a list of categories by their total CPU times in descending order
568  * @param categories The categories that will be sorted
569  */
570  static void sort(Categories& categories);
572  /**
573  * Compares the recursive CPU times of two categories
574  * @param category0 The first category that will be used in this comparison, must be valid
575  * @param category1 The second category that will be used in this comparison, must be valid
576  * @return True if the CPU time of the first category is equal or larger than the second, otherwise false
577  */
578  static bool greaterCpuTime(const Category& category0, const Category& category1);
580  protected:
582  /// The human-readable name of this category, e.g., "Foo"
583  std::string categoryName_;
585  /// The sorted measurements for this category
588  /// The delimiter that is used to separate different levels of the hierarchy in the human-readable category name, e.g. "::"
591  /// The list of sub-categories, e.g. "Foo::Bar", "Foo::Bar::Test", "Foo::Baz", etc.
592  std::vector<Category> subCategories_;
593  };
595  public:
597  /**
598  * This class implements a scoped benchmark category.
599  * There must not exist more than one object for each category at the same time.
600  */
601  class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT ScopedCategory
602  {
603  public:
605  /**
606  * Creates a new scoped category with specific name.
607  * Benchmarking will be active as long as the object exists (the execution time of the category will be increased as long as the object exists).
608  * @param name The name of the category, must be valid
609  */
610  explicit inline ScopedCategory(std::string name);
612  /**
613  * Destructs the scoped category.
614  * Benchmarking for this category will end.
615  */
616  inline ~ScopedCategory();
618  /**
619  * Explicitly skips benchmarking for this category before the actual scope ends, e.g., if a function did not finish due to an error.
620  */
621  inline void skip();
623  /**
624  * Explicitly ends benchmarking for this category before the actual scope ends.
625  */
626  inline void release();
628  /**
629  * Changes the benchmarking category, releases the current category and creates a new one.
630  * @param name The new name of the category, empty to release the current category without creating a new one
631  */
632  inline void change(std::string name);
634  protected:
636  /**
637  * Not existing copy constructor.
638  * @param scopedCategory The object that would be copied
639  */
640  ScopedCategory(const ScopedCategory& scopedCategory) = delete;
642  /**
643  * Not existing copy constructor.
644  * @param scopedCategory The object that would be copied
645  */
646  ScopedCategory& operator=(const ScopedCategory& scopedCategory) = delete;
648  protected:
650  /// The name of the benchmark category.
651  std::string name_;
653  /// The CPU ticks when the benchmark of this category started.
655  };
657  public:
659  /**
660  * Starts benchmarking.
661  * @return True, if succeeded
662  * @see stop(), isRunning().
663  */
664  bool start();
666  /**
667  * Stops benchmarking.
668  * @return True, if succeeded
669  * @see start(), isRunning().
670  */
671  bool stop();
673  /**
674  * Rests all benchmark categories and measurements.
675  */
676  void reset();
678  /**
679  * Returns whether benchmarking is currently active; False by default.
680  * @return True, if so
681  */
682  bool isRunning() const;
684  /**
685  * Returns the map with category names and measurement objects.
686  * @return The measurement map
687  */
690  /**
691  * Creates a performance report as a readable string.
692  * @param referenceCategory Optional reference category for to add relative performance values to the report
693  * @return The report as readable string, one string for each line in the report
694  */
695  std::vector<std::string> report(const std::string& referenceCategory = std::string()) const;
697  /**
698  * Creates a performance report for a hierarchy of categories as a human-readable string.
699  *
700  * A hierarchy of categories is created by appending the name of a sub-category to the name of category, using a delimiter between both names,
701  * for example "Foo::Bar" is a sub-category of "Foo". This process can be repeated recursively ("Foo::Bar::Baz"). Categories without a delimiter
702  * in their name - or which cannot be matched otherwise - will be considered top-level categories ("Foo").
703  *
704  * The final report will list either 1) all top-level categories with their subsumed sub-categories (which will be indented) or 2) a specific
705  * top-level category. All categories and sub-categories will be sorted by their total CPU-time in descending order.
706  * @param report The resulting report as a readable string, one string for each line in the report
707  * @param referenceCategory The optional reference category for to add relative performance values to the report
708  * @param categoryNameDelimiter The optional delimiter that is used to separate levels of categories in a hierarchy
709  * @return True, if the generation of the report was successful, otherwise false
710  */
711  bool reportWithHierarchies(std::vector<std::string>& report, const std::string& referenceCategory = std::string(), const std::string& categoryNameDelimiter = "::") const;
713  /**
714  * Returns the number of measurements of a specific category.
715  * @param category The category for which the number of measurements will be returned
716  * @return The number of measurements, with range [0, infinity)
717  */
718  size_t measurements(const std::string& category);
720  /**
721  * Creates a hierarchy of categories based on their names from a map of measurements
722  * @param measurementMap The map of measurements (category -> measurements) for which a hierarchy of categories will be created
723  * @param categoryNameDelimiter The delimiter that is used to separate levels of categories in a hierarchy
724  * @return The hierarchy
725  */
726  static Categories createCategoryHierarchy(const MeasurementMap& measurementMap, const std::string& categoryNameDelimiter);
728  /**
729  * Given a hierarchy of categories with measurements, create a matrix with the performance information
730  * The output of this function is a matrix where each cell contains the information that the final report will contain. This intermediate container makes it easy to print the report with aligned columns.
731  * @param categories The hierarchy of categories for which a token matrix will created, must be valid and not empty.
732  * @param referenceCategory The optional reference category for to add relative performance values to the report
733  * @param categoryNameDelimiter The optional delimiter that is used to separate levels of categories in a hierarchy
734  * @param valuesAsStrings True, all cells will be of type string; False, column descriptions and category names will be reported as string and all other values as double or integer.
735  * @param tokenMatrix The resulting token matrix for all categories.
736  * @return True, if the generation of the token matrix was successful, otherwise false.
737  */
738  static bool createTokenMatrixFromCategoryHierarchy(const Categories& categories, const std::string referenceCategory, const std::string& categoryNameDelimiter, const bool valuesAsStrings, std::vector<std::vector<Value>>& tokenMatrix);
740  protected:
742  /**
743  * Adds a benchmark measurement for a specified category.
744  * @param name The name of the category
745  * @param measurement The benchmark measurement in seconds, with range [0, infinity)
746  */
747  void addMeasurement(const std::string& name, const double measurement);
749  protected:
751  /**
752  * Default constructor.
753  */
756  /**
757  * Destructs an object.
758  */
761  protected:
763  /// The map mapping category names to their measurement objects.
766  /// True, if benchmarking is running, false by default.
769  /// The lock object.
770  mutable Lock lock_;
771 };
774  statisticPerformance(&performance)
775 {
777 }
780 {
781  release();
782 }
785 {
786  if (statisticPerformance)
787  {
788  statisticPerformance->stop();
789  statisticPerformance = nullptr;
790  }
791 }
794 {
795  ticksStart_ = ticks();
796 }
798 inline double HighPerformanceTimer::ticks2seconds(const Ticks ticks)
799 {
800  ocean_assert(precision() != Ticks(0));
801  return double(ticks) / double(precision());
802 }
804 inline double HighPerformanceStatistic::first() const
805 {
806  if (measurements_.empty())
807  {
808  return -1.0;
809  }
811  return measurements_.front();
812 }
815 {
816  if (measurements_.empty())
817  {
818  return -1.0;
819  }
821  return measurements_.front() * 1000.0;
822 }
824 inline double HighPerformanceStatistic::second() const
825 {
826  if (measurements_.size() < 2)
827  {
828  return -1.0;
829  }
831  return measurements_[1];
832 }
835 {
836  if (measurements_.size() < 2)
837  {
838  return -1.0;
839  }
841  return measurements_[1] * 1000.0;
842 }
844 inline double HighPerformanceStatistic::best() const
845 {
846  if (measurements_.empty())
847  {
848  return -1.0;
849  }
851  return best_;
852 }
855 {
856  if (measurements_.empty())
857  {
858  return -1.0;
859  }
861  return best_ * 1000.0;
862 }
864 inline double HighPerformanceStatistic::worst() const
865 {
866  if (measurements_.empty())
867  {
868  return -1.0;
869  }
871  return worst_;
872 }
875 {
876  if (measurements_.empty())
877  {
878  return -1.0;
879  }
881  return worst_ * 1000.0;
882 }
884 inline double HighPerformanceStatistic::last() const
885 {
886  if (measurements_.empty())
887  {
888  return -1.0;
889  }
891  return measurements_.back();
892 }
895 {
896  if (measurements_.empty())
897  {
898  return -1.0;
899  }
901  return measurements_.back() * 1000.0;
902 }
905 {
906  return average() * 1000.0;
907 }
909 inline double HighPerformanceStatistic::averageCyclesPerOperation(const double operations, const double clockRate) const
910 {
911  ocean_assert(operations > 0.0 && clockRate > 0.0);
913  const double seconds = average();
914  if (seconds <= 0)
915  {
916  return -1;
917  }
919  const double operationsPerSecond = operations / seconds;
920  ocean_assert(operationsPerSecond > 0.0);
922  const double cyclesPerOperation = clockRate / operationsPerSecond;
924  return cyclesPerOperation;
925 }
927 inline double HighPerformanceStatistic::total() const
928 {
929  return total_;
930 }
933 {
934  return total() * 1000.0;
935 }
938 {
939  return measurements_.size();
940 }
943 {
944  return timer_.seconds();
945 }
948 {
949  return running() * 1000.0;
950 }
953 {
954  return started_;
955 }
957 inline HighPerformanceStatistic::operator bool() const
958 {
959  return !measurements_.empty();
960 }
963 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const HighPerformanceStatistic& highPerformanceStatistic)
964 {
965  stream << highPerformanceStatistic.toString();
967  return stream;
968 }
970 template <bool tActive>
971 MessageObject<tActive>& operator<<(MessageObject<tActive>& messageObject, const HighPerformanceStatistic& highPerformanceStatistic)
972 {
973  messageObject << highPerformanceStatistic.toString();
975  return messageObject;
976 }
978 template <bool tActive>
979 MessageObject<tActive>& operator<<(MessageObject<tActive>&& messageObject, const HighPerformanceStatistic& highPerformanceStatistic)
980 {
981  messageObject << highPerformanceStatistic.toString();
983  return messageObject;
984 }
987  name_(std::move(name)),
988  startTicks_(HighPerformanceTimer::ticks())
989 {
990  // nothing to do here
991 }
994 {
995  release();
996 }
999 {
1000  name_.clear();
1001 }
1004 {
1005  if (!name_.empty())
1006  {
1008  ocean_assert(startTicks_ <= stopTicks);
1010  const HighPerformanceTimer::Ticks ticks = stopTicks - startTicks_;
1012  const double measurement = HighPerformanceTimer::ticks2seconds(ticks);
1013  HighPerformanceBenchmark::get().addMeasurement(name_, measurement);
1015  name_.clear();
1016  }
1017 }
1020 {
1021  if (name_ == name)
1022  {
1023  return;
1024  }
1026  release();
1028  if (!name.empty())
1029  {
1030  name_ = std::move(name);
1031  startTicks_ = HighPerformanceTimer::ticks();
1032  }
1033 }
1036  isRunning_(false)
1037 {
1038  // nothing to do here
1039 }
1042 {
1043  // nothing to do here
1044 }
1046 }
This class defines a hierarchical category This class is used to group categories based on their name...
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:510
double computeRecursiveSumSeconds() const
Computes the sum of all measurements in this category and all of its sub-categories.
Category(const std::string &categoryName, const MeasurementsSeconds &measurementsSeconds, const std::string &categoryNameDelimiter)
static void sort(Categories &categories)
Recursively sorts a list of categories by their total CPU times in descending order.
std::string categoryNameDelimiter_
The delimiter that is used to separate different levels of the hierarchy in the human-readable catego...
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:589
bool addSubCategory(const std::string &subCategoryName, const MeasurementsSeconds &measurementsSeconds)
Adds a sub-category to this category.
bool reportAsTokenMatrix(std::vector< std::vector< Value >> &tokenMatrix, const double referenceSeconds=0.0, const unsigned numberIndentationSpace=0u, const std::string &categoryNameDelimiter="::", const bool addColumnDescriptions=false, const bool valuesAsStrings=true, const bool includeSubCategories=true) const
Creates a performance report as a matrix of string tokens The token matrix is a means to determine th...
const Categories & subCategories() const
Returns the sub-categories of this category.
MeasurementsSeconds sortedMeasurementsSeconds_
The sorted measurements for this category.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:586
std::vector< Category > subCategories_
The list of sub-categories, e.g. "Foo::Bar", "Foo::Bar::Test", "Foo::Baz", etc.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:592
static bool greaterCpuTime(const Category &category0, const Category &category1)
Compares the recursive CPU times of two categories.
Deleted default constructor.
std::string categoryName_
The human-readable name of this category, e.g., "Foo".
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:583
const std::string & categoryName() const
Returns the name of this category.
This class implements a scoped benchmark category.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:602
ScopedCategory & operator=(const ScopedCategory &scopedCategory)=delete
Not existing copy constructor.
std::string name_
The name of the benchmark category.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:651
void change(std::string name)
Changes the benchmarking category, releases the current category and creates a new one.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:1019
HighPerformanceTimer::Ticks startTicks_
The CPU ticks when the benchmark of this category started.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:654
ScopedCategory(std::string name)
Creates a new scoped category with specific name.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:986
void skip()
Explicitly skips benchmarking for this category before the actual scope ends, e.g....
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:998
void release()
Explicitly ends benchmarking for this category before the actual scope ends.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:1003
ScopedCategory(const ScopedCategory &scopedCategory)=delete
Not existing copy constructor.
Destructs the scoped category.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:993
The HighPerformanceBenchmark object allows to benchmark algorithms with individual categories.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:480
size_t measurements(const std::string &category)
Returns the number of measurements of a specific category.
std::unordered_map< std::string, MeasurementsSeconds > MeasurementMap
Definition of a map mapping category names to measurements.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:493
bool isRunning() const
Returns whether benchmarking is currently active; False by default.
bool isRunning_
True, if benchmarking is running, false by default.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:767
bool reportWithHierarchies(std::vector< std::string > &report, const std::string &referenceCategory=std::string(), const std::string &categoryNameDelimiter="::") const
Creates a performance report for a hierarchy of categories as a human-readable string.
MeasurementMap measurementMap_
The map mapping category names to their measurement objects.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:764
Destructs an object.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:1041
void reset()
Rests all benchmark categories and measurements.
static bool createTokenMatrixFromCategoryHierarchy(const Categories &categories, const std::string referenceCategory, const std::string &categoryNameDelimiter, const bool valuesAsStrings, std::vector< std::vector< Value >> &tokenMatrix)
Given a hierarchy of categories with measurements, create a matrix with the performance information T...
Lock lock_
The lock object.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:770
std::vector< std::string > report(const std::string &referenceCategory=std::string()) const
Creates a performance report as a readable string.
Default constructor.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:1035
void addMeasurement(const std::string &name, const double measurement)
Adds a benchmark measurement for a specified category.
std::vector< Category > Categories
Typedef for a vector of categories.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:496
static Categories createCategoryHierarchy(const MeasurementMap &measurementMap, const std::string &categoryNameDelimiter)
Creates a hierarchy of categories based on their names from a map of measurements.
std::vector< double > MeasurementsSeconds
Definition of a vector holding measurements in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:488
bool start()
Starts benchmarking.
MeasurementMap measurementMap() const
Returns the map with category names and measurement objects.
bool stop()
Stops benchmarking.
This class defines a scoped high performance statistic module.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:138
ScopedStatistic(HighPerformanceStatistic &performance)
Creates a new scoped statistic object and starts a new measurement.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:773
ScopedStatistic & operator=(const ScopedStatistic &)=delete
Deleted copy operator.
HighPerformanceStatistic * statisticPerformance
High performance statistic object receiving the measurement value.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:173
void release()
Explicitly releases the object and does not wait until the scope ends.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:784
Destructs a scoped statistic object and stops the measurement.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:779
ScopedStatistic(const ScopedStatistic &)=delete
Deleted copy constructor.
This class implements a simple module gathering high performance timer statistics.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:124
double running() const
Returns the current (still) running measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:942
std::vector< double > Measurements
Definition of a vector storing performance measurements.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:130
HighPerformanceTimer timer_
High performance timer.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:388
std::string toString(const unsigned int precision=2u) const
Returns a string with the relevant performance information of this statistic object.
double percentileMseconds(double value) const
Returns a specific percentile (e.g., P50 = median, P90, P95, etc.) measurement time in milliseconds.
double totalMseconds() const
Returns the total measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:932
double medianMseconds() const
Returns the median measurement time in milliseconds.
bool isRunning() const
Returns whether currently a measurement is running.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:952
double worstMseconds() const
Returns the worst measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:874
Measurements measurements_
The individual measurements in order as measured.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:391
double worst() const
Returns the worst measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:864
double worst_
Worst measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:397
void startIf(const bool value)
Starts a new measurement if the given value is True, otherwise nothing happens.
double first() const
Returns the first measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:804
void stop()
Stops a measurement.
double best_
Best measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:394
void reset()
Resets all gathered statistics.
double best() const
Returns the best measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:844
Creates a new statistic module.
double average() const
Returns the average measurement time in seconds.
double second() const
Returns the second measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:824
double total_
Entire measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:400
double secondMseconds() const
Returns the second measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:834
double runningMseconds() const
Returns the current (still) running measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:947
bool started_
State determining whether one measurement is active currently.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:403
double bestMseconds() const
Returns the best measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:854
void stopIf(const bool value)
Stops a measurement.
void skipIf(const bool value)
Skips a started measurement.
void start()
Starts a new measurement.
double averageCyclesPerOperation(const double operations, const double clockRate=3800000000.0) const
Returns the average number of CPU cycles needed for one operation.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:909
double last() const
Returns the last measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:884
double median() const
Returns the median measurement time in seconds.
double firstMseconds() const
Returns the first measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:814
HighPerformanceStatistic & operator+=(const HighPerformanceStatistic &right)
Adds measurements from another object to this statistic object.
double averageMseconds() const
Returns the average measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:904
double lastMseconds() const
Returns the last (most recent measurement time in milliseconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:894
double total() const
Returns the total measurement time in seconds.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:927
double percentile(double value) const
Returns a specific percentile (e.g., P50 = median, P90, P95, etc.) measurement time in seconds.
size_t measurements() const
Returns the number of measurements.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:937
void skip()
Skips a started measurement.
This class implements a high performance timer.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:31
int64_t Ticks
Definition of CPU ticks.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:37
double seconds() const
Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in seconds.
double mseconds() const
Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in milliseconds.
double nseconds() const
Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in nanoseconds.
static Ticks ticksPerSecond()
Returns the resolution of the timer in ticks per second.
static Ticks precision()
Returns the precision of the timer.
double yseconds() const
Returns the measured time since the timer has been started in microseconds.
static Ticks ticks()
Returns the recent CPU ticks.
static double ticks2seconds(const Ticks ticks)
Converts a given CPU tick into seconds regarding the resolution of the timer.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:798
Creates a new timer and starts the time measurement.
void start()
(Re-)starts the time measurement.
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:793
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition: Lock.h:31
This template class is the base class for all singleton objects.
Definition: Singleton.h:71
static HighPerformanceBenchmark & get()
Returns a reference to the unique object.
Definition: Singleton.h:115
void release(T *object)
This functions allows to release a DirectShow object if it does exist.
Definition: DSObject.h:266
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &stream, const HighPerformanceStatistic &highPerformanceStatistic)
Definition: HighPerformanceTimer.h:963
uint64_t HighPerformanceTimer_externalPrivacyConfirmTicks()
Returns the recent CPU ticks which will contain a random offset which is constant through the executi...