Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/cv/fonts/Fonts.h"
13 #include "ocean/base/Frame.h"
17 namespace Ocean
18 {
20 namespace CV
21 {
23 namespace Fonts
24 {
26 /// Forward declaration.
27 class Font;
29 /**
30  * Definition of a shared font pointer.
31  * @see Font.
32  * @ingroup cvfonts
33  */
34 typedef std::shared_ptr<Font> SharedFont;
36 /**
37  * This class is the base class for all font implementations.
38  * Each font object must be acquired via the `FontManager` singleton.
39  * @see FontManager.
40  * @ingroup cvfonts
41  */
43 {
44  public:
46  /**
47  * This class stores font-specific layout information about each individual character.
48  * The class does not store the actual visual information (appearance) of each character.<br>
49  * The visual information of all characters is stored in a lookup image.
50  */
51  class Character
52  {
53  public:
55  /**
56  * Creates a new invalid character object.
57  */
58  inline Character();
60  /**
61  * Creates the a new character object.
62  * @param characterIndex The index of the new character, with range [0, infinity)
63  * @param framePositionX The character's left pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.width() - 1]
64  * @param framePositionY The character's top pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.height() - 1]
65  * @param linePositionY The character's vertical start pixel inside the target text line, in pixels, with range [0, framePositionY]
66  * @param width The character's width, in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.width()]
67  * @param height The character's hieght, in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.height()]
68  * @param bearingX The character's horizontal offset, in pixels, with range (-infinity, infinity)
69  * @param bearingY The character's vertical offset, in pixels, with range (-infinity, infinity)
70  * @param advanceX The horizontal distance between this character and the next character (between the origins of both characters), in pixels, with range [0, infinity)
71  */
72  inline Character(const unsigned int characterIndex, const unsigned int framePositionX, const unsigned int framePositionY, const unsigned int linePositionY, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const int bearingX, const int bearingY, const unsigned int advanceX);
74  /**
75  * Returns the index of this character.
76  * @return The character's index, with range [0, infinity)
77  */
78  inline unsigned int characterIndex() const;
80  /**
81  * Returns the horizontal start pixel of the character inside 'charactersFrame'.
82  * @return The character's left pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.width() - 1]
83  */
84  inline unsigned int framePositionX() const;
86  /**
87  * Returns the vertical start pixel of the character inside 'charactersFrame'.
88  * @return The character's top pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.height() - 1]
89  */
90  inline unsigned int framePositionY() const;
92  /**
93  * Returns the vertical start pixel of the character inside the target text line.
94  * This vertical start position may be different from 'framePositionY()' in case the 'charactersFrame_' contains some extra border around each character.
95  * @return The character's top pixel in the target text line, in pixel, with range [0, framePositionY()]
96  */
97  inline unsigned int linePositionY() const;
99  /**
100  * The width of the character.
101  * @return The character's width, in pixels, with rang [0, charactersFrame_.width()]
102  */
103  inline unsigned int width() const;
105  /**
106  * The height of the character.
107  * @return The character's hieght, in pixels, with rang [0, charactersFrame_.height()]
108  */
109  inline unsigned int height() const;
111  /**
112  * Returns the horizontal offset of the character in relation to the origin.
113  * @return The character's horizontal offset, in pixels, with range (-infinity, infinity)
114  */
115  inline int bearingX() const;
117  /**
118  * Returns the vertical offset of the character in relation to the origin.
119  * @return The character's vertical offset, in pixels, with range (-infinity, infinity)
120  */
121  inline int bearingY() const;
123  /**
124  * Returns the horizontal distance between this character and the next character (between the origins of both characters).
125  * @return The character's horizontal distance, in pixels, with range [0, infinity)
126  */
127  inline unsigned int advanceX() const;
129  /**
130  * Sets the vertical start pixel of the character inside 'charactersFrame'.
131  * @param framePositionY The vertical start position, in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.height() - 1]
132  * @param linePositionY The character's top pixel in the target text line, in pixel, with range [0, framePositionY]
133  */
134  inline void setPositionY(const unsigned int framePositionY, const unsigned int linePositionY);
136  protected:
138  /// The character's index, with range [0, infinity).
139  unsigned int characterIndex_;
141  /// The character's left pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.width() - 1].
142  unsigned int framePositionX_;
144  /// The character's top pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_.height() - 1].
145  unsigned int framePositionY_;
147  /// The character's top pixel in the target text line, in pixel, with range [0, font.height() - 1]
148  unsigned int linePositionY_;
150  /// The character's width, in pixels, with rang [0, charactersFrame_.width()].
151  unsigned int width_;
153  /// The character's hieght, in pixels, with rang [0, charactersFrame_.height()].
154  unsigned int height_;
156  /// The character's horizontal offset, in pixels, with range (-infinity, infinity).
159  //// The character's vertical offset, in pixels, with range (-infinity, infinity).
162  /// The horizontal distance between this character and the next character (between the origins of both characters), in pixels, with range [0, infinity).
163  unsigned int advanceX_;
164  };
166  /// Definition of a vector holding information about characters.
167  typedef std::vector<Character> Characters;
169  /// Definition of a shared pointers holding characters.
170  typedef std::shared_ptr<Characters> SharedCharacters;
172  public:
174  /**
175  * Destructs the font object.
176  */
177  virtual ~Font() = default;
179  /**
180  * Draws a text into a given frame.
181  * @param frame The frame in which the text will be drawn, must have `dataType() == DT_UNSIGNED_INTEGER_8`, must be valid
182  * @param text The text to be drawn, can be empty
183  * @param left The horizontal start position of the text, with range (-infinity, infinity)
184  * @param top The vertical start positoin of the text, with range (-infinity, infinity)
185  * @param foregroundColor The foreground color to be used, must match with the pixel format of the given frame
186  * @param backgroundColor Optional explicit background color of the text, nullptr to draw the text without background color
187  * @return True, if succeeded
188  */
189  virtual bool drawText(Frame& frame, const std::string& text, const int left, const int top, const uint8_t* foregroundColor, const uint8_t* backgroundColor = nullptr) const = 0;
191  /**
192  * Returns the bounding box in which a given text will fit.
193  * In case the text contains multiple lines, the maximal bounding box is determined.
194  * @param text The text for which the extent will be determined, can be empty
195  * @param width The width of the bounding box, in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
196  * @param height The height of the bounding box, in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
197  * @param left Optional resulting explicit horizontal start location of the bounding box (e.g., if parts of a character are drawn to the left of character's origin), nullptr otherwise
198  * @param top Optional resulting explicit vertical start location of the bounding box, nullptr otherwise
199  * @return True, if succeeded
200  */
201  virtual bool textExtent(const std::string& text, unsigned int& width, unsigned int& height, int* left = nullptr, int* top = nullptr) const = 0;
203  /**
204  * Returns the bounding boxes in which each individual line of a given text will fit.
205  * @param text The text for which the individual line extents will be determined, can be empty
206  * @param lineBoundingBoxes The resulting bounding boxes, one for each text line
207  * @return True, if succeeded
208  */
209  virtual bool textExtent(const std::string& text, PixelBoundingBoxesI& lineBoundingBoxes) const = 0;
211  /**
212  * Returns a frame containing all characters.
213  * @param frame The resulting frame containing all characters, the frame will own the memory
214  * @param characters Optional resulting layout information for each individual character
215  * @return True, if succeeded
216  */
217  virtual bool characterFrame(Frame& frame, SharedCharacters* characters = nullptr) const = 0;
219  /**
220  * Returns the size of the font in dots.
221  * @return The font's size in dots, with range [0, infinity)
222  */
223  inline unsigned int size() const;
225  /**
226  * Returns the height of the font in pixels.
227  * @return The font's height in pixel, with range [0, infinity)
228  */
229  inline unsigned int height() const;
231  /**
232  * Returns the dpi of the font.
233  * @return The font's dots per inch, with range [0, infinity)
234  */
235  inline unsigned int dpi() const;
237  /**
238  * Returns whether the font is valid and whether it can be used.
239  * @return True, if so
240  */
241  inline bool isValid() const;
243  protected:
245  /**
246  * Creates a new font.
247  */
248  inline Font();
250  protected:
252  /// The font's size in dots, with range [0, infinity).
253  unsigned int size_;
255  /// The font's height in pixel, with range [0, infinity).
256  unsigned int height_;
258  /// The font's dots per inch, with range [0, infinity).
259  unsigned int dpi_;
261  /// True, if the font is valid.
262  bool isValid_;
263 };
266  characterIndex_((unsigned int)(-1)),
267  framePositionX_(0u),
268  framePositionY_(0u),
269  linePositionY_(0u),
270  width_(0u),
271  height_(0u),
272  bearingX_(0),
273  bearingY_(0),
274  advanceX_(0u)
275 {
276  // nothing to do here
277 }
279 inline Font::Character::Character(const unsigned int characterIndex, const unsigned int framePositionX, const unsigned int framePositionY, const unsigned int linePositionY, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const int bearingX, const int bearingY, const unsigned int advanceX) :
280  characterIndex_(characterIndex),
281  framePositionX_(framePositionX),
282  framePositionY_(framePositionY),
283  linePositionY_(linePositionY),
284  width_(width),
285  height_(height),
286  bearingX_(bearingX),
287  bearingY_(bearingY),
288  advanceX_(advanceX)
289 {
290  // nothing to do here
291 }
293 inline unsigned int Font::Character::characterIndex() const
294 {
295  ocean_assert(characterIndex_ != (unsigned int)(-1));
296  return characterIndex_;
297 }
299 inline unsigned int Font::Character::framePositionX() const
300 {
301  return framePositionX_;
302 }
304 inline unsigned int Font::Character::framePositionY() const
305 {
306  return framePositionY_;
307 }
309 inline unsigned int Font::Character::linePositionY() const
310 {
311  return linePositionY_;
312 }
314 inline unsigned int Font::Character::width() const
315 {
316  return width_;
317 }
319 inline unsigned int Font::Character::height() const
320 {
321  return height_;
322 }
324 inline int Font::Character::bearingX() const
325 {
326  return bearingX_;
327 }
329 inline int Font::Character::bearingY() const
330 {
331  return bearingY_;
332 }
334 inline unsigned int Font::Character::advanceX() const
335 {
336  return advanceX_;
337 }
339 inline void Font::Character::setPositionY(const unsigned int framePositionY, const unsigned int linePositionY)
340 {
341  ocean_assert(linePositionY <= framePositionY);
343  framePositionY_ = framePositionY;
344  linePositionY_ = linePositionY;
345 }
347 inline Font::Font() :
348  size_(0u),
349  height_(0u),
350  dpi_(0u),
351  isValid_(false)
352 {
353  // nothing to do here
354 }
356 inline unsigned int Font::size() const
357 {
358  ocean_assert(isValid());
360  return size_;
361 }
363 inline unsigned int Font::height() const
364 {
365  ocean_assert(isValid());
367  return height_;
368 }
370 inline unsigned int Font::dpi() const
371 {
372  ocean_assert(isValid());
374  return dpi_;
375 }
377 inline bool Font::isValid() const
378 {
379  return isValid_;
380 }
382 }
384 }
386 }
This class stores font-specific layout information about each individual character.
Definition: Font.h:52
unsigned int framePositionX_
The character's left pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_....
Definition: Font.h:142
unsigned int framePositionY_
The character's top pixel in 'charactersFrame', in pixels, with range [0, charactersFrame_....
Definition: Font.h:145
void setPositionY(const unsigned int framePositionY, const unsigned int linePositionY)
Sets the vertical start pixel of the character inside 'charactersFrame'.
Definition: Font.h:339
unsigned int height_
The character's hieght, in pixels, with rang [0, charactersFrame_.height()].
Definition: Font.h:154
Creates a new invalid character object.
Definition: Font.h:265
unsigned int advanceX() const
Returns the horizontal distance between this character and the next character (between the origins of...
Definition: Font.h:334
unsigned int width_
The character's width, in pixels, with rang [0, charactersFrame_.width()].
Definition: Font.h:151
int bearingX() const
Returns the horizontal offset of the character in relation to the origin.
Definition: Font.h:324
unsigned int advanceX_
The horizontal distance between this character and the next character (between the origins of both ch...
Definition: Font.h:163
unsigned int height() const
The height of the character.
Definition: Font.h:319
unsigned int width() const
The width of the character.
Definition: Font.h:314
int bearingX_
The character's horizontal offset, in pixels, with range (-infinity, infinity).
Definition: Font.h:157
unsigned int characterIndex_
The character's index, with range [0, infinity).
Definition: Font.h:139
unsigned int framePositionX() const
Returns the horizontal start pixel of the character inside 'charactersFrame'.
Definition: Font.h:299
unsigned int framePositionY() const
Returns the vertical start pixel of the character inside 'charactersFrame'.
Definition: Font.h:304
int bearingY() const
Returns the vertical offset of the character in relation to the origin.
Definition: Font.h:329
unsigned int linePositionY() const
Returns the vertical start pixel of the character inside the target text line.
Definition: Font.h:309
int bearingY_
Definition: Font.h:160
unsigned int linePositionY_
The character's top pixel in the target text line, in pixel, with range [0, font.height() - 1].
Definition: Font.h:148
unsigned int characterIndex() const
Returns the index of this character.
Definition: Font.h:293
This class is the base class for all font implementations.
Definition: Font.h:43
unsigned int dpi_
The font's dots per inch, with range [0, infinity).
Definition: Font.h:259
virtual bool drawText(Frame &frame, const std::string &text, const int left, const int top, const uint8_t *foregroundColor, const uint8_t *backgroundColor=nullptr) const =0
Draws a text into a given frame.
virtual bool textExtent(const std::string &text, unsigned int &width, unsigned int &height, int *left=nullptr, int *top=nullptr) const =0
Returns the bounding box in which a given text will fit.
unsigned int size() const
Returns the size of the font in dots.
Definition: Font.h:356
virtual bool characterFrame(Frame &frame, SharedCharacters *characters=nullptr) const =0
Returns a frame containing all characters.
std::shared_ptr< Characters > SharedCharacters
Definition of a shared pointers holding characters.
Definition: Font.h:170
bool isValid_
True, if the font is valid.
Definition: Font.h:262
virtual bool textExtent(const std::string &text, PixelBoundingBoxesI &lineBoundingBoxes) const =0
Returns the bounding boxes in which each individual line of a given text will fit.
bool isValid() const
Returns whether the font is valid and whether it can be used.
Definition: Font.h:377
virtual ~Font()=default
Destructs the font object.
unsigned int height() const
Returns the height of the font in pixels.
Definition: Font.h:363
Creates a new font.
Definition: Font.h:347
std::vector< Character > Characters
Definition of a vector holding information about characters.
Definition: Font.h:167
unsigned int size_
The font's size in dots, with range [0, infinity).
Definition: Font.h:253
unsigned int height_
The font's height in pixel, with range [0, infinity).
Definition: Font.h:256
unsigned int dpi() const
Returns the dpi of the font.
Definition: Font.h:370
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition: Frame.h:1760
std::vector< PixelBoundingBoxI > PixelBoundingBoxesI
Definition of a vector holding bounding box objects with positive and negative coordinate values.
Definition: PixelBoundingBox.h:49
std::shared_ptr< Font > SharedFont
Definition of a shared font pointer.
Definition: Font.h:27
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15