Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/math/Math.h"
13 #include "ocean/base/Frame.h"
17 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
18  #pragma warning(push)
19  #pragma warning(disable: 4244) // 'argument': conversion from 'const __int64' to 'int', possible loss of data
20 #elif defined(__clang__)
21  #pragma clang diagnostic push
22  #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wconversion"
23 #endif
25 #include <Eigen/Dense>
27 #if defined(_MSC_VER)
28  #pragma warning(pop)
29 #elif defined(__clang__)
30  #pragma clang diagnostic pop
31 #endif
33 namespace Ocean
34 {
36 namespace CV
37 {
39 /**
40  * This class provides several helper classes allowing to convert between Ocean data structures and Eigen data structures.
41  * @ingroup cv
42  */
44 {
45  public:
47  /**
48  * Converts a frame to an Eigen matrix with column major memory layout (default in Eigen).
49  * @param frame The frame to be converted, must be a 1 channel 'unsigned char' or 'float' frame, must be valid
50  * @param matrix The resulting matrix receiving a copy of the frame data
51  * @return True, if succeeded
52  */
53  template <typename T>
54  static bool frame2matrix(const Frame& frame, Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor>& matrix);
56  /**
57  * Converts a frame to an Eigen matrix with row major memory layout.
58  * @param frame The frame to be converted, must be a 1 channel 'unsigned char' or 'float' frame, must be valid
59  * @param matrix The resulting matrix receiving a copy of the frame data
60  * @return True, if succeeded
61  */
62  template <typename T>
63  static bool frame2matrix(const Frame& frame, Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>& matrix);
65  /**
66  * Converts an Ocean 2D vector to a corresponding Eigen vector
67  * @param ocnVector The Ocean vector that will be converted
68  * @return The Eigen vector with the same values as the Ocean vector
69  * @tparam TType The type of the vector elements, must be either `int`, `float`, or `double`
70  */
71  template <typename TType>
72  static Eigen::Matrix<TType, 2, 1> toEigenVector(const VectorT2<TType>& ocnVector);
74  /**
75  * Converts an Ocean 3D vector to a corresponding Eigen vector
76  * @param ocnVector The Ocean vector that will be converted
77  * @return The Eigen vector with the same values as the Ocean vector
78  * @tparam TType The type of the vector elements, must be either `int`, `float`, or `double`
79  */
80  template <typename TType>
81  static Eigen::Matrix<TType, 3, 1> toEigenVector(const VectorT3<TType>& ocnVector);
83  /**
84  * Converts an Ocean 4D vector to a corresponding Eigen vector
85  * @param ocnVector The Ocean vector that will be converted
86  * @return The Eigen vector with the same values as the Ocean vector
87  * @tparam TType The type of the vector elements, must be either `int`, `float`, or `double`
88  */
89  template <typename TType>
90  static Eigen::Matrix<TType, 4, 1> toEigenVector(const VectorT4<TType>& ocnVector);
92  /**
93  * Converts an Eigen 2D vector to a corresponding Ocean vector
94  * @param eigenVector The Eigen vector that will be converted
95  * @return The Ocean vector with the same value as the Eigen vector
96  * @tparam TType The type of the vector elements, must be either `int`, `float`, or `double`
97  */
98  template <typename TType>
99  static VectorT2<TType> toOceanVector(const Eigen::Matrix<TType, 2, 1>& eigenVector);
101  /**
102  * Converts an Eigen 3D vector to a corresponding Ocean vector
103  * @param eigenVector The Eigen vector that will be converted
104  * @return The Ocean vector with the same value as the Eigen vector
105  * @tparam TType The type of the vector elements, must be either `int`, `float`, or `double`
106  */
107  template <typename TType>
108  static VectorT3<TType> toOceanVector(const Eigen::Matrix<TType, 3, 1>& eigenVector);
110  /**
111  * Converts an Eigen 4D vector to a corresponding Ocean vector
112  * @param eigenVector The Eigen vector that will be converted
113  * @return The Ocean vector with the same value as the Eigen vector
114  * @tparam TType The type of the vector elements, must be either `int`, `float`, or `double`
115  */
116  template <typename TType>
117  static VectorT4<TType> toOceanVector(const Eigen::Matrix<TType, 4, 1>& eigenVector);
119  /**
120  * Converts an Ocean quaternion to an Eigen quaternion
121  * @param ocnQuaternion The Ocean quaternion that will be converted to an Eigen quaternion
122  * @return The resulting Eigen quaternion
123  * @tparam TType The type of the quaternion elements, must be either `float` or `double`
124  */
125  template <typename TType>
126  static Eigen::Quaternion<TType> toEigenQuaternion(const QuaternionT<TType>& ocnQuaternion);
128  /**
129  * Converts an Eigen quaternion to an Ocean quaternion
130  * @param eigenQuaternion The Eigen quaternion that will be converted to an Ocean quaternion
131  * @return The resulting Ocean quaternion
132  * @tparam TType The type of the quaternion elements, must be either `float` or `double`
133  */
134  template <typename TType>
135  static QuaternionT<TType> toOceanQuaternion(const Eigen::Quaternion<TType>& eigenQuaternion);
136 };
138 template <typename T>
139 bool EigenUtilities::frame2matrix(const Frame& frame, Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor>& matrix)
140 {
141  ocean_assert(frame.isValid() && frame.numberPlanes() == 1u && frame.channels() == 1u);
143  if (!frame.isValid() || frame.numberPlanes() != 1u || frame.channels() != 1u)
144  {
145  return false;
146  }
148  ocean_assert((matrix.Flags & Eigen::RowMajorBit) == 0);
150  Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor> rowMajorMatrix(frame.height(), frame.width());
152  constexpr unsigned int matrixPaddingElements = 0u;
155  {
156  CV::FrameConverter::cast<uint8_t, T>(frame.constdata<uint8_t>(), rowMajorMatrix.data(), frame.width(), frame.height(), 1u, frame.paddingElements(), matrixPaddingElements);
157  }
159  {
160  CV::FrameConverter::cast<float, T>(frame.constdata<float>(), rowMajorMatrix.data(), frame.width(), frame.height(), 1u, frame.paddingElements(), matrixPaddingElements);
161  }
162  else
163  {
164  ocean_assert(false && "Data type not supported!");
165  return false;
166  }
168  matrix = rowMajorMatrix;
170  ocean_assert((matrix.Flags & Eigen::RowMajorBit) == 0);
172  return true;
173 }
175 template <typename T>
176 bool EigenUtilities::frame2matrix(const Frame& frame, Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>& matrix)
177 {
178  ocean_assert(frame.isValid() && frame.numberPlanes() == 1u && frame.channels() == 1u);
180  if (!frame.isValid() || frame.numberPlanes() != 1u || frame.channels() != 1u)
181  {
182  return false;
183  }
185  ocean_assert((matrix.Flags & Eigen::RowMajorBit) != 0);
187  matrix.resize(frame.height(), frame.width());
189  constexpr unsigned int matrixPaddingElements = 0u;
192  {
193  CV::FrameConverter::cast<uint8_t, T>(frame.constdata<uint8_t>(), matrix.data(), frame.width(), frame.height(), 1u, frame.paddingElements(), matrixPaddingElements);
194  return true;
195  }
197  {
198  CV::FrameConverter::cast<float, T>(frame.constdata<float>(), matrix.data(), frame.width(), frame.height(), 1u, frame.paddingElements(), matrixPaddingElements);
199  return true;
200  }
202  ocean_assert(false && "Data type not supported!");
203  return false;
204 }
206 template <typename TType>
207 Eigen::Matrix<TType, 2, 1> EigenUtilities::toEigenVector(const VectorT2<TType>& ocnVector)
208 {
209  return Eigen::Matrix<TType, 2, 1>(ocnVector.data());
210 }
212 template <typename TType>
213 Eigen::Matrix<TType, 3, 1> EigenUtilities::toEigenVector(const VectorT3<TType>& ocnVector)
214 {
215  return Eigen::Matrix<TType, 3, 1>(ocnVector.data());
216 }
218 template <typename TType>
219 Eigen::Matrix<TType, 4, 1> EigenUtilities::toEigenVector(const VectorT4<TType>& ocnVector)
220 {
221  return Eigen::Matrix<TType, 4, 1>(ocnVector.data());
222 }
224 template <typename TType>
225 VectorT2<TType> EigenUtilities::toOceanVector(const Eigen::Matrix<TType, 2, 1>& eigenVector)
226 {
227  return VectorT2<TType>(eigenVector.data());
228 }
230 template <typename TType>
231 VectorT3<TType> EigenUtilities::toOceanVector(const Eigen::Matrix<TType, 3, 1>& eigenVector)
232 {
233  return VectorT3<TType>(eigenVector.data());
234 }
236 template <typename TType>
237 VectorT4<TType> EigenUtilities::toOceanVector(const Eigen::Matrix<TType, 4, 1>& eigenVector)
238 {
239  return VectorT4<TType>(eigenVector.data());
240 }
242 template <typename TType>
243 Eigen::Quaternion<TType> EigenUtilities::toEigenQuaternion(const QuaternionT<TType>& ocnQuaternion)
244 {
245  static_assert(std::is_same<TType, float>::value || std::is_same<TType, double>::value, "Invalid value for type TType");
247  return Eigen::Quaternion<TType>(ocnQuaternion.w(), ocnQuaternion.x(), ocnQuaternion.y(), ocnQuaternion.z());
248 }
250 template <typename TType>
251 QuaternionT<TType> EigenUtilities::toOceanQuaternion(const Eigen::Quaternion<TType>& eigenQuaternion)
252 {
253  static_assert(std::is_same<TType, float>::value || std::is_same<TType, double>::value, "Invalid value for type TType");
255  return QuaternionT<TType>(eigenQuaternion.w(), eigenQuaternion.x(), eigenQuaternion.y(), eigenQuaternion.z());
256 }
258 } // namespace CV
260 } // namespace Ocean
This class provides several helper classes allowing to convert between Ocean data structures and Eige...
Definition: EigenUtilities.h:44
static VectorT2< TType > toOceanVector(const Eigen::Matrix< TType, 2, 1 > &eigenVector)
Converts an Eigen 2D vector to a corresponding Ocean vector.
Definition: EigenUtilities.h:225
static Eigen::Matrix< TType, 2, 1 > toEigenVector(const VectorT2< TType > &ocnVector)
Converts an Ocean 2D vector to a corresponding Eigen vector.
Definition: EigenUtilities.h:207
static Eigen::Quaternion< TType > toEigenQuaternion(const QuaternionT< TType > &ocnQuaternion)
Converts an Ocean quaternion to an Eigen quaternion.
Definition: EigenUtilities.h:243
static bool frame2matrix(const Frame &frame, Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::ColMajor > &matrix)
Converts a frame to an Eigen matrix with column major memory layout (default in Eigen).
Definition: EigenUtilities.h:139
static QuaternionT< TType > toOceanQuaternion(const Eigen::Quaternion< TType > &eigenQuaternion)
Converts an Eigen quaternion to an Ocean quaternion.
Definition: EigenUtilities.h:251
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition: Frame.h:1760
const T * constdata(const unsigned int planeIndex=0u) const
Returns a pointer to the read-only pixel data of a specific plane.
Definition: Frame.h:4136
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this frame is valid.
Definition: Frame.h:4416
unsigned int paddingElements(const unsigned int planeIndex=0u) const
Returns the optional number of padding elements at the end of each row for a specific plane.
Definition: Frame.h:4010
unsigned int width() const
Returns the width of the frame format in pixel.
Definition: Frame.h:3111
uint32_t numberPlanes() const
Returns the number of planes of the pixel format of this frame.
Definition: Frame.h:3151
PixelFormat pixelFormat() const
Returns the pixel format of the frame.
Definition: Frame.h:3121
Unsigned 8 bit integer data type (uint8_t).
Definition: Frame.h:41
Signed 32 bit float data type (float).
Definition: Frame.h:59
unsigned int height() const
Returns the height of the frame in pixel.
Definition: Frame.h:3116
unsigned int channels() const
Returns the number of individual channels the frame has.
Definition: Frame.h:3141
static bool formatIsGeneric(const PixelFormat pixelFormat, const DataType dataType, const uint32_t channels, const uint32_t planes=1u, const uint32_t widthMultiple=1u, const uint32_t heightMultiple=1u)
Checks whether a given pixel format is a specific layout regarding data channels and data type.
Definition: Frame.h:3374
This class implements a unit quaternion rotation.
Definition: Quaternion.h:100
const T & x() const
Returns the x value of the quaternion.
Definition: Quaternion.h:917
const T & w() const
Returns the w value of the quaternion.
Definition: Quaternion.h:905
const T & y() const
Returns the y value of the quaternion.
Definition: Quaternion.h:929
const T & z() const
Returns the z value of the quaternion.
Definition: Quaternion.h:941
This class implements a vector with two elements.
Definition: Vector2.h:96
const T * data() const noexcept
Returns an pointer to the vector elements.
Definition: Vector2.h:722
This class implements a vector with three elements.
Definition: Vector3.h:97
const T * data() const noexcept
Returns an pointer to the vector elements.
Definition: Vector3.h:842
This class implements a vector with four elements.
Definition: Vector4.h:97
const T * data() const noexcept
Returns an pointer to the vector elements.
Definition: Vector4.h:720
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15