Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/devices/Devices.h"
12 #include "ocean/devices/Device.h"
16 namespace Ocean
17 {
19 namespace Devices
20 {
22 /**
23  * This class implements a device reference with an internal reference counter.
24  * @see Device
25  * @ingroup devices
26  */
29 /**
30  * This class implements a smart device reference.
31  * @tparam T Type of the derived object that has to be encapsulated by the smart reference object
32  * @ingroup devices
33  */
34 template <typename T>
35 class SmartDeviceRef : public SmartObjectRef<T, Device>
36 {
37  private:
39  /**
40  * Redefinition of the release callback function defined in ObjectRef.
41  */
44  public:
46  /**
47  * Creates an empty smart device reference.
48  */
51  /**
52  * Creates a new smart device reference by a given device reference.
53  * @param deviceRef Device reference to copy
54  */
55  SmartDeviceRef(const DeviceRef& deviceRef);
57  /**
58  * Creates a new SmartDeviceRef by a given object.
59  * This given object will be released by the smart device reference itself.
60  * @param object Internal object
61  */
62  explicit SmartDeviceRef(Device* object);
64  /**
65  * Copies a smart device reference.
66  * @param reference Reference to copy
67  */
68  template <typename T2> SmartDeviceRef(const SmartDeviceRef<T2>& reference);
70  /**
71  * Assigns a smart device reference.
72  * @param deviceRef reference Reference to assign
73  * @return Reference to this object
74  */
75  SmartDeviceRef& operator=(const DeviceRef& deviceRef);
76 };
78 /**
79  * This class implements a manager for device references.
80  * @ingroup devices
81  */
82 class OCEAN_DEVICES_EXPORT DeviceRefManager : public Singleton<DeviceRefManager>
83 {
84  friend class Device;
85  friend class Singleton<DeviceRefManager>;
86  friend class ObjectRef<Device>;
87  friend class Manager;
89  public:
91  /**
92  * Definition of a callback function for devices.
93  */
96  protected:
98  /**
99  * Definition of a pair combining a device reference with a state specifying whether the medium is used exclusively.
100  */
101  typedef std::pair<DeviceRef, bool> DevicePair;
103  /**
104  * Map mapping urls to device references.
105  */
106  typedef std::multimap<std::string, DevicePair> DeviceMap;
108  /**
109  * Definition of device callback functions.
110  */
113  public:
115  /**
116  * Registers a new device.
117  * @param device Device object to manage
118  * @param exclusive State specifying whether the device will be used exclusively
119  * @return Device reference
120  */
121  DeviceRef registerDevice(Device* device, const bool exclusive);
123  /**
124  * Returns a device by a given device name.
125  * If the device does not exist an empty reference is returned.
126  * @param name The name of the new device
127  * @return Device reference of the requested device
128  */
129  DeviceRef device(const std::string& name) const;
131  /**
132  * Returns a specified device by it's device type.
133  * @param type Device type
134  * @return Requested device
135  */
138  /**
139  * Returns whether no device is registered currently.
140  * @return True, if so
141  */
142  inline bool isEmpty() const;
144  /**
145  * Returns whether no device is registered created by a specific library.
146  * @param library The name of the library to check, must be valid
147  * @return True, if so
148  */
149  bool isEmpty(const std::string& library) const;
151  /**
152  * Returns the name of all existing devices which belong to a specific library.
153  * @param library The name of the library to which the devices belong, must be valid
154  * @return The names of all currently existing devices
155  */
156  std::vector<std::string> devicesFromLibrary(const std::string& library) const;
158  /**
159  * Adds a callback function which is called whenever a new device is created or deleted.
160  * The callback function will be called immediately for all already existing devices.
161  * @param callback The callback function, must be valid
162  */
165  /**
166  * Removes a previously added callback function for device events.
167  * @param callback The callback function, must be valid
168  */
169  inline void removeDeviceCallbackFunction(const DeviceCallback& callback);
171  protected:
173  /**
174  * Destructs the manager.
175  */
176  virtual ~DeviceRefManager();
178  /**
179  * Returns whether a specified device is registered as exclusive.
180  * @param device Device to check
181  * @return True, if so
182  */
183  bool isExclusive(const Device* device);
185  /**
186  * Unregisters a device.
187  */
188  void unregisterDevice(const Device* device);
190  protected:
192  /// Map holding all device references.
195  /// The callback functions for device events.
198  /// Lock for the device map
199  mutable Lock lock_;
200 };
202 template <typename T>
204  SmartObjectRef<T, Device>()
205 {
206  // nothing to do here
207 }
209 template <typename T>
211  SmartObjectRef<T, Device>(deviceRef)
212 {
213  // nothing to do here
214 }
216 template <typename T>
218  SmartObjectRef<T, Device>(object, ReleaseCallback(DeviceRefManager::get(), &DeviceRefManager::unregisterDevice))
219 {
220  // nothing to do here
221 }
223 template <typename T>
224 template <typename T2>
226  SmartObjectRef<T, Device>(reference)
227 {
228  // nothing to do here
229 }
231 template <typename T>
233 {
235  return *this;
236 }
238 inline bool DeviceRefManager::isEmpty() const
239 {
240  const ScopedLock scopedLock(lock_);
242  return deviceMap_.empty();
243 }
246 {
247  ocean_assert(callback);
249 }
251 }
253 }
This class implements a container for callback functions.
Definition: Callback.h:3456
void removeCallback(const T &callback)
Removes a callback object.
Definition: Callback.h:4050
Definition of a class holding the major and minor device type.
Definition: devices/Device.h:62
This class is the base class for all devices of any type.
Definition: devices/Device.h:28
This class implements a manager for device references.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:83
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether no device is registered currently.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:238
Callback< void, Device *, bool > DeviceCallback
Definition of a callback function for devices.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:94
DeviceCallbacks deviceCallbacks_
The callback functions for device events.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:196
std::vector< std::string > devicesFromLibrary(const std::string &library) const
Returns the name of all existing devices which belong to a specific library.
void addDeviceCallbackFunction(const DeviceCallback &callback)
Adds a callback function which is called whenever a new device is created or deleted.
void removeDeviceCallbackFunction(const DeviceCallback &callback)
Removes a previously added callback function for device events.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:245
bool isExclusive(const Device *device)
Returns whether a specified device is registered as exclusive.
bool isEmpty(const std::string &library) const
Returns whether no device is registered created by a specific library.
DeviceRef registerDevice(Device *device, const bool exclusive)
Registers a new device.
virtual ~DeviceRefManager()
Destructs the manager.
Callbacks< DeviceCallback > DeviceCallbacks
Definition of device callback functions.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:111
std::pair< DeviceRef, bool > DevicePair
Definition of a pair combining a device reference with a state specifying whether the medium is used ...
Definition: DeviceRef.h:101
Lock lock_
Lock for the device map.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:199
DeviceRef device(const Device::DeviceType type) const
Returns a specified device by it's device type.
std::multimap< std::string, DevicePair > DeviceMap
Map mapping urls to device references.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:106
void unregisterDevice(const Device *device)
Unregisters a device.
DeviceRef device(const std::string &name) const
Returns a device by a given device name.
DeviceMap deviceMap_
Map holding all device references.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:193
This class implements as singleton-based manager which allows to access all available devices.
Definition: devices/Manager.h:32
This class implements a smart device reference.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:36
SmartDeviceRef(Device *object)
Creates a new SmartDeviceRef by a given object.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:217
SmartDeviceRef & operator=(const DeviceRef &deviceRef)
Assigns a smart device reference.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:232
SmartDeviceRef(const DeviceRef &deviceRef)
Creates a new smart device reference by a given device reference.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:210
SmartObjectRef< T, Device >::ReleaseCallback ReleaseCallback
Redefinition of the release callback function defined in ObjectRef.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:42
Creates an empty smart device reference.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:203
SmartDeviceRef(const SmartDeviceRef< T2 > &reference)
Copies a smart device reference.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:225
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition: Lock.h:31
This class implements a scoped lock object for recursive lock objects.
Definition: Lock.h:135
This template class is the base class for all singleton objects.
Definition: Singleton.h:71
This template class implements a smart object reference which is a specialization of an ObjectRef obj...
Definition: SmartObjectRef.h:90
SmartObjectRef< T, TBase > & operator=(const SmartObjectRef< T, TBase > &smartObjectRef)
Assign operator.
Definition: SmartObjectRef.h:280
ObjectRef< Device > DeviceRef
This class implements a device reference with an internal reference counter.
Definition: DeviceRef.h:27
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15