Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/base/Base.h"
12 #include "ocean/base/Lock.h"
13 #include "ocean/base/Messenger.h"
14 #include "ocean/base/Singleton.h"
15 #include "ocean/base/String.h"
16 #include "ocean/base/Triple.h"
17 #include "ocean/base/Value.h"
19 #include <unordered_map>
21 namespace Ocean
22 {
24 /**
25  * This class implements a manager for command arguments.
26  * Arguments can be configured, parsed, and acquired.
27  * @ingroup base
28  */
29 class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT CommandArguments
30 {
31  public:
33  /**
34  * Definition of a string with either `char` or `wchar_t`.
35  */
36  template <typename T>
37  using ArgumentT = std::basic_string<T>;
39  /**
40  * Definition of a vector holding strings with either `char` or `wchar_t`.
41  */
42  template <typename T>
43  using ArgumentsT = std::vector<ArgumentT<T>>;
45  /**
46  * This class implements a simple singleton holding the raw application's command arguments.
47  */
48  class OCEAN_BASE_EXPORT Manager : public Singleton<Manager>
49  {
50  friend class Singleton<Manager>;
52  public:
54  /**
55  * Sets/registers the command arguments of the application.
56  * @param arguments The arguments to set, ensure that the pointer is valid as long as the application exists, must be valid
57  * @param size The number of provided command arguments, with range [1, infinity)
58  */
59  bool setRawArguments(const char* const* arguments, const size_t size);
61  /**
62  * Sets/registers the command arguments of the application.
63  * @param arguments The arguments to set, ensure that the pointer is valid as long as the application exists, must be valid
64  * @param size The number of provided command arguments, with range [1, infinity)
65  */
66  bool setRawArguments(const wchar_t* const* arguments, const size_t size);
68  /**
69  * Returns the command arguments of the application.
70  * @return The application's command arguments, nullptr if the arguments have not been set via setArguments().
71  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
72  * @see setArguments().
73  */
74  template <typename TChar = char>
75  const TChar* const* rawArguments() const;
77  /**
78  * Returns the number of command arguments of the application.
79  * @return The application's number of command arguments, 0 if arguments have not been set via setArguments().
80  * @see setArguments().
81  */
82  size_t size() const;
84  protected:
86  /**
87  * Protected default constructor.
88  */
91  protected:
93  /// The command arguments, nullptr if no arguments are defined.
94  const char* const* argumentsChar_ = nullptr;
96  /// The command arguments, nullptr if no arguments are defined.
97  const wchar_t* const* argumentsWchar_ = nullptr;
99  /// The number of command arguments, with range [0, infinity).
100  size_t size_ = 0;
102  /// The manager's lock.
103  mutable Lock lock_;
104  };
106  protected:
108  /**
109  * This class defines a named value with long and short name, with default parameter and description.
110  */
111  class Parameter
112  {
113  public:
115  /**
116  * Creates a new parameter object.
117  * @param longName The long name of the parameter, must be valid
118  * @param shortName The short name of the parameter, can be empty
119  * @param description The optional description of the parameter, can be empty
120  * @param defaultValue The optional default value, invalid otherwise
121  */
122  Parameter(const std::string& longName, const std::string& shortName, const std::string& description, const Value& defaultValue);
124  /**
125  * Returns the long name of this parameter
126  * @return The parameter's long name
127  */
128  inline const std::string& longName() const;
130  /**
131  * Returns the short name of this parameter
132  * @return The parameter's short name, can be empty
133  */
134  inline const std::string& shortName() const;
136  /**
137  * Returns the description of this parameter.
138  * @return The parameter's description
139  */
140  inline const std::string& description() const;
142  /**
143  * Returns the default value of this parameter.
144  * @return The parameter's default name, can be invalid
145  */
146  inline const Value& defaultValue() const;
148  protected:
150  /// The long name of the parameter.
151  std::string longName_;
153  /// The short name of the parameter, can be empty.
154  std::string shortName_;
156  /// The description of this parameter, can be empty.
157  std::string description_;
159  /// The default value of this parameter, can be invalid.
161  };
163  /**
164  * Definition of a map mapping long parameter names to parameter objects.
165  */
166  typedef std::map<std::string, Parameter> ParameterMap;
168  /**
169  * Definition of a map mapping short parameter names to long parameter names.
170  */
171  typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> ShortToLongMap;
173  /**
174  * Definition of a map mapping long parameter names to values.
175  */
176  typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, Value> ValueMap;
178  public:
180  /**
181  * Creates a new object.
182  */
185  /**
186  * Creates a new object with a description of the application
187  * @param applicationDescription A description text for the application using these command arguments.
188  */
189  CommandArguments(const std::string& applicationDescription);
191  /**
192  * Registers a new named parameter which can be parsed as command argument.
193  * @param longName The long name of the parameter, must be valid, must start with a alphabetic character
194  * @param shortName Optional short name of the parameter, can be empty, must start with a alphabetic character if defined
195  * @param description Optional description of the parameter, can be empty
196  * @param defaultValue Optional default value of the parameter, can be invalid
197  * @return True, if the named parameter did not exist before
198  */
199  bool registerParameter(const std::string& longName, const std::string& shortName = std::string(), const std::string& description = std::string(), const Value& defaultValue = Value());
201  /**
202  * Registers nameless parameters for the summary.
203  * @param description The description for nameless parameters, must not be empty
204  * @return True, if succeeded
205  */
206  bool registerNamelessParameters(std::string&& description);
208  /**
209  * Parses A given command line.
210  * The entire command line may contain several commands separated by space characters.<br>
211  * Command elements which contain space characters must be surrounded by quotation marks.<br>
212  * However, all surrounding quotation marks will be removed during the parsing process.<br>
213  * The first argument should not be the filename (and path) of the executable.
214  * @param commandLine The command line to be parsed, must be valid
215  * @return True, if succeeded
216  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
217  */
218  template <typename TChar>
219  inline bool parse(const TChar* commandLine);
221  /**
222  * Parses the several command arguments.
223  * @param arguments The arguments to be parsed, an be nullptr if `size == 0`
224  * @param size The number of arguments, with size [0, infinity)
225  * @param skipFirstArgument True, to skip the first argument (as this is commonly the path of the executable); False, to parse the first parameter as well
226  * @return True, if succeeded
227  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
228  */
229  template <typename TChar>
230  bool parse(const TChar* const* arguments, const size_t size, const bool skipFirstArgument = true);
232  /**
233  * Parses the command arguments already separated into individual arguments.
234  * @param separatedArguments The individual arguments to be parsed
235  * @return True, if succeeded
236  */
237  bool parse(const ArgumentsT<char>& separatedArguments);
239  /**
240  * Parses the command arguments already separated into individual arguments.
241  * @param separatedArguments The individual arguments to be parsed
242  * @return True, if succeeded
243  */
244  bool parse(const ArgumentsT<wchar_t>& separatedArguments);
246  /**
247  * Returns the value of a specific parameter which has been parsed.
248  * Below an example of how to use this function:
249  * @code
250  * CommandArguments commandArguments;
251  * commandArguments.registerParameter("input", "i", "The input file");
252  *
253  * const Value inputFile = commandArguments.value<std::string>("input");
254  * if (inputFile.isString())
255  * {
256  * const std::string inputFileString = inputFile.stringValue();
257  * // ...
258  * }
259  * @endcode
260  * @param longName The long name of the parameter for which the value will be returned, must be valid
261  * @param allowDefaultValue True, to return the default value in case no actual value has been parsed; False, to return an invalid value if no actual value has been parsed
262  * @param namelessValueIndex Optional explicit index of a nameless value which is used in case the named value does not exist, -1 to avoid using a nameless value
263  * @return The value of the parameter, an invalid value if the value has not been parsed
264  */
265  Value value(const std::string& longName, const bool allowDefaultValue = true, const size_t namelessValueIndex = size_t(-1)) const;
267  /**
268  * Returns the value of a specific parameter which has been parsed.
269  * Below an example of how to use this function:
270  * @code
271  * CommandArguments commandArguments;
272  * commandArguments.registerParameter("input", "i", "The input file");
273  * commandArguments.registerParameter("factor", "f", "The factor parameter");
274  *
275  * const std::string inputFile = commandArguments.value<std::string>("input", std::string(), false);
276  * const double factor = commandArguments.value<double>("factor", -1.0, false);
277  * @endcode
278  * @param longName The long name of the parameter for which the value will be returned, must be valid
279  * @param invalidValue The resulting value in case the parameter was not parsed
280  * @param allowDefaultValue True, to return the default value in case no actual value has been parsed; False, to return an invalid value if no actual value has been parsed
281  * @param namelessValueIndex Optional explicit index of a nameless value which is used in case the named value does not exist, -1 to avoid using a nameless value
282  * @return The value of the parameter, the invalid value if the value has not been parsed
283  */
284  template <typename T>
285  T value(const std::string& longName, const T& invalidValue, const bool allowDefaultValue, const size_t namelessValueIndex = size_t(-1)) const;
287  /**
288  * Checks whether a specific parameter value has been parsed, or whether a default value is defined.
289  * @param longName The long name of the parameter value to check, must be valid
290  * @param value Optional resulting value of the parameter
291  * @param allowDefaultValue True, to allow a default value to count as parsed value; False, to check for actually parsed values only
292  * @param namelessValueIndex Optional explicit index of a nameless value which is used in case the named value does not exist, -1 to avoid using a nameless value
293  * @return True, if succeeded
294  */
295  bool hasValue(const std::string& longName, Value* value = nullptr, const bool allowDefaultValue = true, const size_t namelessValueIndex = size_t(-1)) const;
297  /**
298  * Checks whether a specific parameter value has been parsed with specific data type, or whether a default value is defined.
299  * @param longName The long name of the parameter value to check, must be valid
300  * @param value The resulting value of the parameter
301  * @param allowDefaultValue True, to allow a default value to count as parsed value; False, to check for actually parsed values only
302  * @param namelessValueIndex Optional explicit index of a nameless value which is used in case the named value does not exist, -1 to avoid using a nameless value
303  * @return True, if succeeded
304  * @tparam T The data type of the value, 'Value' by default, can also be one of these specific values 'bool', 'int32_t', 'double' (while integers are accepted as well), 'std::string'
305  */
306  template <typename T>
307  bool hasValue(const std::string& longName, T& value, const bool allowDefaultValue = true, const size_t namelessValueIndex = size_t(-1)) const;
309  /**
310  * Returns all nameless values which have been parsed.
311  * @return The nameless values, in order as they have been parsed, if any
312  */
313  inline const std::vector<std::string>& namelessValues() const;
315  /**
316  * Creates a summary of all possible command arguments.
317  * @return The string containing the summary
318  */
319  std::string makeSummary();
321  /**
322  * Parses the command line and returns the individual command elements.
323  * The entire command line may contain several commands separated by space characters.<br>
324  * Command elements which contain space characters must be surrounded by quotation marks.<br>
325  * However, all surrounding quotation marks will be removed during the parsing process.<br>
326  * The first argument should not be the filename (and path) of the executable.
327  * @param commandLine Command line to be parsed
328  * @return The separated command arguments
329  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
330  */
331  template <typename TChar>
332  static ArgumentsT<TChar> separateArguments(const TChar* commandLine);
334  protected:
336  /**
337  * Returns whether a given string is the start of a long parameter name (whether it starts with "--").
338  * The string must be zero terminated.
339  * @param parameter The string to be checked, must be valid
340  * @return True, if so
341  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
342  */
343  template <typename TChar>
344  bool isLongParameter(const TChar* parameter);
346  /**
347  * Returns whether a given string is the start of a short parameter name (whether it starts with "--").
348  * The string must be zero terminated.
349  * @param parameter The string to be checked, must be valid
350  * @return True, if so
351  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
352  */
353  template <typename TChar>
354  bool isShortParameter(const TChar* parameter);
356  /**
357  * Returns a dash character.
358  * @return Dash character
359  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
360  */
361  template <typename TChar>
362  static inline TChar dashCharacter();
364  /**
365  * Returns a quote character.
366  * @return Quote character
367  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
368  */
369  template <typename TChar>
370  static inline TChar quoteCharacter();
372  /**
373  * Returns a space character.
374  * @return Space character
375  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
376  */
377  template <typename TChar>
378  static inline TChar spaceCharacter();
380  /**
381  * Returns a backslash character.
382  * @return Backslash character
383  * @tparam TChar The character type, `char` or `wchar_t`
384  */
385  template <typename TChar>
386  static inline TChar backslashCharacter();
388  protected:
390  /// The description text for the application using these command arguments.
393  /// The map mapping short parameter names to long parameter names.
396  /// The map mapping long parameter names to parameter objects.
399  /// The map mapping long parameter names to values.
402  /// The vector of values without name.
403  std::vector<std::string> namelessValues_;
405  /// Optional description for nameless parameters.
407 };
409 inline const std::string& CommandArguments::Parameter::longName() const
410 {
411  return longName_;
412 }
414 inline const std::string& CommandArguments::Parameter::shortName() const
415 {
416  return shortName_;
417 }
419 inline const std::string& CommandArguments::Parameter::description() const
420 {
421  return description_;
422 }
425 {
426  return defaultValue_;
427 }
429 template <typename TChar>
430 inline bool CommandArguments::parse(const TChar* commandLine)
431 {
432  if (commandLine == nullptr)
433  {
434  return false;
435  }
437  return parse(separateArguments(commandLine));
438 }
440 template <>
441 inline bool CommandArguments::parse<wchar_t>(const wchar_t* commandLine)
442 {
443  if (commandLine == nullptr)
444  {
445  return false;
446  }
448  const ArgumentsT<wchar_t> wSeparatedArugments = separateArguments(commandLine);
450  ArgumentsT<char> separatedArugments;
451  separatedArugments.reserve(wSeparatedArugments.size());
453  for (const ArgumentT<wchar_t>& argument : wSeparatedArugments)
454  {
455  separatedArugments.emplace_back(String::toAString(argument));
456  }
458  return parse(separatedArugments);
459 }
461 template <typename TChar>
462 bool CommandArguments::parse(const TChar* const* arguments, const size_t size, const bool skipFirstArgument)
463 {
464  if (size == 0)
465  {
466  return true;
467  }
469  if (arguments == nullptr)
470  {
471  ocean_assert(false && "Invalid arguments!");
472  return false;
473  }
475  ArgumentsT<char> separatedArguments;
476  separatedArguments.reserve(size);
478  const size_t nStart = skipFirstArgument ? 1 : 0;
480  for (size_t n = nStart; n < size; ++n)
481  {
482  separatedArguments.emplace_back(String::toAString(arguments[n]));
483  }
485  return parse(separatedArguments);
486 }
488 template <typename T>
489 T CommandArguments::value(const std::string& longName, const T& invalidValue, const bool allowDefaultValue, const size_t namelessValueIndex) const
490 {
491  T validValue;
492  if (hasValue<T>(longName, validValue, allowDefaultValue, namelessValueIndex))
493  {
494  return validValue;
495  }
497  return invalidValue;
498 }
500 template <>
501 inline bool CommandArguments::hasValue(const std::string& longName, bool& boolValue, const bool allowDefaultValue, const size_t namelessValueIndex) const
502 {
503  Value value;
504  if (!hasValue(longName, &value, allowDefaultValue, namelessValueIndex))
505  {
506  return false;
507  }
509  if (!value.isBool())
510  {
511  return false;
512  }
514  boolValue = value.boolValue();
516  return true;
517 }
519 template <>
520 inline bool CommandArguments::hasValue(const std::string& longName, int32_t& intValue, const bool allowDefaultValue, const size_t namelessValueIndex) const
521 {
522  Value value;
523  if (!hasValue(longName, &value, allowDefaultValue, namelessValueIndex))
524  {
525  return false;
526  }
528  if (!value.isInt())
529  {
530  return false;
531  }
533  intValue = value.intValue();
535  return true;
536 }
538 template <>
539 inline bool CommandArguments::hasValue(const std::string& longName, double& doubleValue, const bool allowDefaultValue, const size_t namelessValueIndex) const
540 {
541  Value value;
542  if (!hasValue(longName, &value, allowDefaultValue, namelessValueIndex))
543  {
544  return false;
545  }
547  if (!value.isFloat64(true /*allowIntAndFloat*/))
548  {
549  return false;
550  }
552  doubleValue = value.float64Value(true /*allowIntAndFloat*/);
554  return true;
555 }
557 template <>
558 inline bool CommandArguments::hasValue(const std::string& longName, std::string& stringValue, const bool allowDefaultValue, const size_t namelessValueIndex) const
559 {
560  Value value;
561  if (!hasValue(longName, &value, allowDefaultValue, namelessValueIndex))
562  {
563  return false;
564  }
566  if (!value.isString())
567  {
568  return false;
569  }
571  stringValue = value.stringValue();
573  return true;
574 }
576 inline const std::vector<std::string>& CommandArguments::namelessValues() const
577 {
578  return namelessValues_;
579 }
581 template <typename TChar>
583 {
584  ArgumentsT<TChar> applicationArguments;
586  if (!commandLine)
587  {
588  return applicationArguments;
589  }
591  ArgumentT<TChar> line(commandLine);
593  while (!line.empty())
594  {
595  const typename ArgumentT<TChar>::size_type posQuote = line.find(quoteCharacter<TChar>());
596  const typename ArgumentT<TChar>::size_type posSpace = line.find(spaceCharacter<TChar>());
598  if (posQuote == 0)
599  {
600  // pase string command
602  typename ArgumentT<TChar>::size_type posEndQuote = line.find(quoteCharacter<TChar>(), 1);
604  while (posEndQuote != ArgumentT<TChar>::npos)
605  {
606  if (line[posEndQuote - 1] == backslashCharacter<TChar>())
607  {
608  posEndQuote = line.find(quoteCharacter<TChar>(), posEndQuote + 1);
609  }
610  else
611  {
612  applicationArguments.push_back(line.substr(1, posEndQuote - 1));
613  line = line.substr(posEndQuote + 1);
614  break;
615  }
616  }
618  if (posEndQuote == ArgumentT<TChar>::npos)
619  {
620  Log::error() << "Invalid string command: " << String::toAString(line) << "The end quote is missing!";
621  return applicationArguments;
622  }
624  continue;
625  }
627  // parse string-less command
628  if (posSpace == ArgumentT<TChar>::npos)
629  {
630  ocean_assert(line.length() != 0);
632  applicationArguments.push_back(line);
633  break;
634  }
636  if (posSpace == 0)
637  {
638  line = line.substr(1);
639  }
640  else
641  {
642  applicationArguments.push_back(line.substr(0, posSpace));
643  line = line.substr(posSpace + 1);
644  }
645  }
647  return applicationArguments;
648 }
650 template <typename TChar>
651 bool CommandArguments::isLongParameter(const TChar* parameter)
652 {
653  ocean_assert(parameter != nullptr);
655  // we expect two '-' followed by at least one alphabetic character
657  return parameter[0] == dashCharacter<TChar>() && parameter[1] == dashCharacter<TChar>() && parameter[2] != dashCharacter<TChar>() && std::isalpha(int(parameter[2])) != 0;
658 }
660 template <typename TChar>
661 bool CommandArguments::isShortParameter(const TChar* parameter)
662 {
663  ocean_assert(parameter != nullptr);
665  // we expect one '-' followed by at least one alphabetic character
667  return parameter[0] == dashCharacter<TChar>() && std::isalpha(int(parameter[1])) != 0;
668 }
670 template <>
671 inline char CommandArguments::dashCharacter<char>()
672 {
673  return '-';
674 }
676 template <>
677 inline wchar_t CommandArguments::dashCharacter<wchar_t>()
678 {
679  return L'-';
680 }
682 template <>
683 inline char CommandArguments::quoteCharacter<char>()
684 {
685  return '"';
686 }
688 template <>
689 inline wchar_t CommandArguments::quoteCharacter<wchar_t>()
690 {
691  return L'"';
692 }
694 template <>
695 inline char CommandArguments::spaceCharacter<char>()
696 {
697  return ' ';
698 }
700 template <>
701 inline wchar_t CommandArguments::spaceCharacter<wchar_t>()
702 {
703  return L' ';
704 }
706 template <>
707 inline char CommandArguments::backslashCharacter<char>()
708 {
709  return '\\';
710 }
712 template <>
713 inline wchar_t CommandArguments::backslashCharacter<wchar_t>()
714 {
715  return L'\\';
716 }
718 }
This class implements a simple singleton holding the raw application's command arguments.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:49
size_t size() const
Returns the number of command arguments of the application.
bool setRawArguments(const wchar_t *const *arguments, const size_t size)
Sets/registers the command arguments of the application.
bool setRawArguments(const char *const *arguments, const size_t size)
Sets/registers the command arguments of the application.
Lock lock_
The manager's lock.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:103
Protected default constructor.
const TChar *const * rawArguments() const
Returns the command arguments of the application.
This class defines a named value with long and short name, with default parameter and description.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:112
Parameter(const std::string &longName, const std::string &shortName, const std::string &description, const Value &defaultValue)
Creates a new parameter object.
const std::string & description() const
Returns the description of this parameter.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:419
std::string longName_
The long name of the parameter.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:151
Value defaultValue_
The default value of this parameter, can be invalid.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:160
const Value & defaultValue() const
Returns the default value of this parameter.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:424
const std::string & shortName() const
Returns the short name of this parameter.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:414
const std::string & longName() const
Returns the long name of this parameter.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:409
std::string shortName_
The short name of the parameter, can be empty.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:154
std::string description_
The description of this parameter, can be empty.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:157
This class implements a manager for command arguments.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:30
std::string makeSummary()
Creates a summary of all possible command arguments.
ShortToLongMap shortToLongMap_
The map mapping short parameter names to long parameter names.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:394
bool registerNamelessParameters(std::string &&description)
Registers nameless parameters for the summary.
bool registerParameter(const std::string &longName, const std::string &shortName=std::string(), const std::string &description=std::string(), const Value &defaultValue=Value())
Registers a new named parameter which can be parsed as command argument.
bool isLongParameter(const TChar *parameter)
Returns whether a given string is the start of a long parameter name (whether it starts with "--").
Definition: CommandArguments.h:651
const std::vector< std::string > & namelessValues() const
Returns all nameless values which have been parsed.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:576
bool isShortParameter(const TChar *parameter)
Returns whether a given string is the start of a short parameter name (whether it starts with "--").
Definition: CommandArguments.h:661
bool hasValue(const std::string &longName, T &value, const bool allowDefaultValue=true, const size_t namelessValueIndex=size_t(-1)) const
Checks whether a specific parameter value has been parsed with specific data type,...
static ArgumentsT< TChar > separateArguments(const TChar *commandLine)
Parses the command line and returns the individual command elements.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:582
bool parse(const TChar *commandLine)
Parses A given command line.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:430
static TChar dashCharacter()
Returns a dash character.
bool hasValue(const std::string &longName, Value *value=nullptr, const bool allowDefaultValue=true, const size_t namelessValueIndex=size_t(-1)) const
Checks whether a specific parameter value has been parsed, or whether a default value is defined.
std::string descriptionNamelessParameters_
Optional description for nameless parameters.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:406
Value value(const std::string &longName, const bool allowDefaultValue=true, const size_t namelessValueIndex=size_t(-1)) const
Returns the value of a specific parameter which has been parsed.
ParameterMap parameterMap_
The map mapping long parameter names to parameter objects.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:397
std::string applicationDescription_
The description text for the application using these command arguments.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:391
std::vector< std::string > namelessValues_
The vector of values without name.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:403
Creates a new object.
bool parse(const ArgumentsT< wchar_t > &separatedArguments)
Parses the command arguments already separated into individual arguments.
static TChar quoteCharacter()
Returns a quote character.
CommandArguments(const std::string &applicationDescription)
Creates a new object with a description of the application.
std::basic_string< T > ArgumentT
Definition of a string with either char or wchar_t.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:37
std::vector< ArgumentT< T > > ArgumentsT
Definition of a vector holding strings with either char or wchar_t.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:43
static TChar backslashCharacter()
Returns a backslash character.
std::unordered_map< std::string, Value > ValueMap
Definition of a map mapping long parameter names to values.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:176
bool parse(const ArgumentsT< char > &separatedArguments)
Parses the command arguments already separated into individual arguments.
std::map< std::string, Parameter > ParameterMap
Definition of a map mapping long parameter names to parameter objects.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:166
ValueMap valueMap_
The map mapping long parameter names to values.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:400
static TChar spaceCharacter()
Returns a space character.
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > ShortToLongMap
Definition of a map mapping short parameter names to long parameter names.
Definition: CommandArguments.h:171
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition: Lock.h:31
static MessageObject error()
Returns the message for error messages.
Definition: Messenger.h:1074
This template class is the base class for all singleton objects.
Definition: Singleton.h:71
static std::string toAString(const char value)
Converts a value to a string with 8bit character.
This class implements a type independent value.
Definition: Value.h:23
bool isString() const
Returns whether this object holds a string value as internal data.
Definition: Value.h:395
bool isFloat64(const bool allowIntAndFloat=false) const
Returns whether this object holds a 64 bit float value as internal data.
Definition: Value.h:383
bool boolValue() const
Returns the internal value as a boolean.
int32_t intValue() const
Returns the internal value as integer.
double float64Value(const bool allowIntAndFloat=false) const
Returns the internal value as 64 bit float.
bool isInt() const
Returns whether this object holds an integer value as internal data.
Definition: Value.h:368
std::string stringValue() const
Returns the internal value as string.
bool isBool() const
Returns whether this object holds an boolean value as internal data.
Definition: Value.h:363
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15