154 static bool initialize(
const std::string& messageOutputType);
182 static void debug(
const std::string& message);
194 static void warning(
const std::string& message);
200 static void error(
const std::string& message);
This class implements a base native interface.
Definition BaseJni.h:142
static std::string popMessages()
Pops all messages that a currently waiting in the message queue.
static bool initialize(const std::string &messageOutputType)
Initializes the Ocean framework.
static bool setWorkerPoolCapacity(const unsigned int capacity)
Sets or changes the maximal capacity of the worker pool.
static void warning(const std::string &message)
Java native interface function to forward a warning message to the framework.
static void error(const std::string &message)
Java native interface function to forward an error message to the framework.
static void debug(const std::string &message)
Java native interface function to forward a debug message to the framework.
static bool forceProcessorCoreNumber(const unsigned int cores)
Forces a specific number of processor cores.
static bool initialize(const Messenger::MessageOutput messageOutputType, const std::string &outputFile)
Initializes the Ocean framework.
static void information(const std::string &message)
Java native interface function to forward an information message to the framework.
Definition of different message output types.
Definition Messenger.h:120
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_setWorkerPoolCapacity(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jint capacity)
Sets or changes the maximal capacity of the worker pool.
jstring Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_popMessages(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
Pops all messages that a currently waiting in the message queue.
void Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_exit(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jint exitValue)
Exits the application by invoking the exit() command.
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_initialize(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jstring messageOutputType)
Java native interface function to initialize the Ocean Framework.
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_forceProcessorCoreNumber(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jint cores)
Forces a specific number of processor cores.
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_initializeWithMessageOutput(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jint messageOutputType, jstring outputFile)
Java native interface function to initialize the Ocean Framework.
void Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_information(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jstring message)
Java native interface function to forward an information message to the framework.
void Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_debug(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jstring message)
Java native interface function to forward a debug message to the framework.
void Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_error(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jstring message)
Java native interface function to forward an information message to the framework.
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_setCurrentActivity(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jobject activity)
Java native interface function to set the current activity.
void Java_com_meta_ocean_base_BaseJni_warning(JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jstring message)
Java native interface function to forward an information message to the framework.
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition Accessor.h:15