Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
11 #include "ocean/base/Base.h"
12 #include "ocean/base/Callback.h"
14 namespace Ocean
15 {
17 /**
18  * This class implements a base class for all accessors.
19  * Accessors provide access to any kind of data elements which are stored in any kind of data structure by any kind of access method.<br>
20  * @ingroup base
21  */
22 class Accessor
23 {
24  public:
26  /**
27  * Default destructor
28  */
29  virtual ~Accessor() = default;
31  /**
32  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
33  * @return The number of elements
34  */
35  virtual size_t size() const = 0;
37  /**
38  * Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
39  * @return True, if so
40  */
41  inline bool isEmpty() const;
43  /**
44  * Returns all elements of a given accessor (as a block).
45  * @param accessor The accessor from which all elements are extracted
46  * @return The elements as a block
47  */
48  template <typename TAccessor>
49  static std::vector<typename TAccessor::Type> accessor2elements(const TAccessor& accessor);
51  /**
52  * Returns all elements of a given accessor as a map with key and elements.
53  * @param accessor The accessor from which all elements are extracted
54  * @return The elements as a map
55  */
56  template <typename TAccessor>
57  static std::unordered_map<typename TAccessor::KeyType, typename TAccessor::Type> accessor2map(const TAccessor& accessor);
59  /**
60  * Returns a subset of all elements of a given accessor (as a block).
61  * @param accessor The accessor from which all sub elements are extracted.
62  * @param subset The individual indices of the subset's elements
63  * @return Subset elements as a block
64  */
65  template <typename TAccessor, typename TIndex>
66  static std::vector<typename TAccessor::Type> accessor2subsetElements(const TAccessor& accessor, const std::vector<TIndex>& subset);
68  protected:
70  /**
71  * Protected default constructor.
72  */
73  Accessor() = default;
75  /**
76  * Protected copy constructor.
77  * @param accessor Accessor to copy
78  */
79  Accessor(const Accessor& accessor) = default;
81  /**
82  * Deleted assign operator.
83  * @param accessor Accessor which would be assigned
84  * @return Reference to this object
85  */
86  Accessor& operator=(const Accessor& accessor) = delete;
87 };
89 /**
90  * This class implements a base class for accessors allowing a constant reference access.
91  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
92  * @tparam TKey The data type of the keys of the accessor
93  * @ingroup base
94  */
95 template <typename T, typename TKey>
96 class ConstAccessor : public Accessor
97 {
98  public:
100  /**
101  * Definition of the element type of this accessor.
102  */
103  typedef T Type;
105  /**
106  * Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
107  */
108  typedef TKey KeyType;
110  public:
112  /**
113  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
114  * Beware: There is not guarantee that the data of an accessor is stored as one memory block, thus be prepared that the resulting pointer is nullptr.
115  * @return The pointer to the memory block of this accessor, if available
116  */
117  virtual const T* data() const;
119  /**
120  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
121  * @param key The key of the element to be checked
122  * @return True, if the element exists
123  */
124  virtual bool canAccess(const TKey& key) const = 0;
126  /**
127  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
128  * @param element The resulting first element by copying the element (by using the assign operator)
129  * @param key The resulting key of the first element
130  * @return True, if at least one element exists
131  */
132  virtual bool firstElement(T& element, TKey& key) const = 0;
134  /**
135  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
136  * @param previousKey The previous key for which the next following element is requested
137  * @param nextElement The resulting next element by copying the element (by using the assign operator)
138  * @param nextKey The resulting key of the next element
139  * @return True, if a next element exists
140  */
141  virtual bool nextElement(const TKey& previousKey, T& nextElement, TKey& nextKey) const = 0;
143  /**
144  * Returns one element of this accessor object by a given key.
145  * @param key The key of element to be accessed, must be valid
146  * @return The requested element
147  */
148  virtual const T& operator[](const TKey& key) const = 0;
150  protected:
152  /**
153  * Protected default constructor.
154  */
155  ConstAccessor() = default;
156 };
158 /**
159  * This class implements a base class for accessors allowing a non-constant reference access.
160  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
161  * @tparam TKey The data type of the keys of the accessor
162  * @ingroup base
163  */
164 template <typename T, typename TKey>
165 class NonconstAccessor : public ConstAccessor<T, TKey>
166 {
167  // we want to keep the const data function from the base class
170  public:
172  /**
173  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
174  * Beware: There is not guarantee that the data of an accessor is stored as one memory block, thus be prepared that the resulting pointer is nullptr.
175  * @return The pointer to the memory block of this accessor, if available
176  */
177  virtual T* data();
179  /**
180  * Returns one element of this accessor object by a given key.
181  * @param key The key of element to be accessed, must be valid
182  * @return The requested element
183  */
184  virtual T& operator[](const TKey& key) = 0;
186  protected:
188  /**
189  * Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
190  */
191  NonconstAccessor() = default;
192 };
194 /**
195  * This class implements a base class for all accessors allowing to access temporary elements.
196  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
197  * @tparam TKey The data type of the keys of the accessor
198  * @ingroup base
199  */
200 template <typename T, typename TKey>
202 {
203  public:
205  /**
206  * Definition of the element type of this accessor.
207  */
208  typedef T Type;
210  public:
212  /**
213  * Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
214  * @param key The key of element to be accessed, must be valid
215  * @return The requested element
216  */
217  virtual T operator[](const TKey& key) const = 0;
219  /**
220  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
221  * @param key The key of the element to be checked
222  * @return True, if the element exists
223  */
224  virtual bool canAccess(const TKey& key) const = 0;
226  protected:
228  /**
229  * Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
230  */
231  TemporaryAccessor() = default;
232 };
234 /**
235  * This class implements a base class for all indexed-based accessors allowing a constant reference access only.
236  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
237  * @ingroup base
238  */
239 template <typename T>
240 class ConstIndexedAccessor : public ConstAccessor<T, size_t>
241 {
242  public:
244  /**
245  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
246  * @see ConstAccessor::canAccess().
247  */
248  virtual bool canAccess(const size_t& index) const;
250  /**
251  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
252  * @see ConstAccessor:firstElement().
253  */
254  virtual bool firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const;
256  /**
257  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
258  * @see ConstAccessor::nextElement().
259  */
260  virtual bool nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const;
262  /**
263  * Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
264  * @param index The index of element to be accessed, with range [0, size())
265  * @return The requested element
266  */
267  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const = 0;
269  protected:
271  /**
272  * Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
273  */
274  ConstIndexedAccessor() = default;
275 };
277 /**
278  * This class implements a base class for all indexed-based accessors allowing a non-constant reference access.
279  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
280  * @ingroup base
281  */
282 template <typename T>
283 class NonconstIndexedAccessor : public NonconstAccessor<T, size_t>
284 {
285  public:
287  /**
288  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
289  * @see ConstAccessor::canAccess().
290  */
291  virtual bool canAccess(const size_t& index) const;
293  /**
294  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
295  * @see ConstAccessor:firstElement().
296  */
297  virtual bool firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const;
299  /**
300  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
301  * @see ConstAccessor::nextElement().
302  */
303  virtual bool nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const;
305  /**
306  * Returns the pointer to this object if this accessor holds at least one element (if this accessor is not empty).
307  * This function can be used to simplify code fragments in which an optional pointer to a non-const accessor is used depending on the factor whether the accessor holds elements or not.
308  * @return The accessor's pointer, otherwise nullptr
309  */
312  /**
313  * Returns one element of this accessor object by a given key.
314  * @param index The index of element to be accessed, with range [0, size())
315  * @return The requested element
316  */
317  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const = 0;
319  /**
320  * Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
321  * @param index The index of element to be accessed, with range [0, size())
322  * @return The requested element
323  */
324  virtual T& operator[](const size_t& index) = 0;
326  protected:
328  /**
329  * Creates a new accessor object.
330  */
332 };
334 /**
335  * This class implements a base class for all indexed-based accessors allowing to access temporary elements.
336  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
337  * @ingroup base
338  */
339 template <typename T>
341 {
342  public:
344  /**
345  * Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
346  * @param index The index of element to be accessed, with range [0, size())
347  * @return The requested element
348  */
349  virtual T operator[](const size_t& index) const = 0;
351  /**
352  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
353  * @param index The index of the element to be checked
354  * @return True, if the element exists
355  */
356  virtual bool canAccess(const size_t& index) const;
358  protected:
360  /**
361  * Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
362  */
364 };
366 /**
367  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant array of elements.
368  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
369  *
370  * The application of the this class is demonstrated in the following code example (compare the code example for ConstTemplateArrayAccessor):
371  * @code
372  * // the parameter type is a base class of ConstArrayAccessor<Object> allowing a more flexible application of this function
373  * void iterate(const ConstIndexedAccessor<Object>& accessor)
374  * {
375  * for (size_t n = 0; n < accessor.size(); ++n)
376  * {
377  * // access the object by application of the !virtual! index operator
378  * const Object& object = accessor[n];
379  *
380  * // ... do something with the object ...
381  * }
382  * }
383  *
384  * void main()
385  * {
386  * std::vector<Object> objects;
387  *
388  * // ... add some objects ...
389  *
390  * // iterate over all objects
391  * iterate(ConstArrayAccessor<Object>(objects));
392  * }
393  * @endcode
394  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
395  * @see ConstTemplateArrayAccessor, ConstElementAccessor.
396  * @ingroup base
397  */
398 template <typename T>
400 {
401  public:
403  /**
404  * Creates a new empty accessor.
405  */
406  ConstArrayAccessor() = default;
408  /**
409  * Move constructor.
410  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
411  */
412  inline ConstArrayAccessor(ConstArrayAccessor<T>&& accessor) noexcept;
414  /**
415  * Creates a new accessor object.
416  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
417  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
418  * @param size The number of elements that can be accessed, may be 0 if elements is nullptr
419  */
420  inline ConstArrayAccessor(const T* elements, const size_t size);
422  /**
423  * Creates a new accessor object.
424  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
425  * @param elements A vector holding all elements
426  */
427  explicit inline ConstArrayAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements);
429  /**
430  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
431  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
432  */
433  virtual const T* data() const;
435  /**
436  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
437  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
438  */
439  virtual size_t size() const;
441  /**
442  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
443  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
444  */
445  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
447  /**
448  * Move operator.
449  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
450  * @return Reference to this accessor
451  */
452  inline ConstArrayAccessor<T>& operator=(ConstArrayAccessor<T>&& accessor) noexcept;
454  protected:
456  /// The elements of this accessor.
457  const T* elements_ = nullptr;
459  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
460  size_t size_ = 0;
461 };
463 /**
464  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to std::shared_ptr<T> elements returned as const T* pointers.
465  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
466  * This class is mainly a helper class to avoid extracting pointer from a shared_ptr objects and using a normal `ConstArrayAccessor`.
467  *
468  * The application of the this class is demonstrated in the following code example:
469  * @code
470  * void iterate(const ConstIndexedAccessor<const Object*>& accessor)
471  * {
472  * for (size_t n = 0; n < accessor.size(); ++n)
473  * {
474  * // access the object by application of the !virtual! index operator
475  * const Object* object = accessor[n];
476  *
477  * // ... do something with the object ...
478  * }
479  * }
480  *
481  * void main()
482  * {
483  * std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Object>> objects;
484  *
485  * // ... add some objects ...
486  *
487  * // iterate over all objects
488  * iterate(SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor<Object>(objects));
489  * }
490  * @endcode
491  * @tparam T The data type of the shared_ptr's element_type
492  * @see ConstArrayAccessor.
493  * @ingroup base
494  */
495 template <typename T>
497 {
498  public:
500  /**
501  * Definition of the shared pointer object.
502  */
503  using SharedPointer = std::shared_ptr<T>;
505  /**
506  * Definition of a vector holding the shared pointer objects.
507  */
508  using SharedPointers = std::vector<SharedPointer>;
510  public:
512  /**
513  * Creates a new empty accessor.
514  */
517  /**
518  * Move constructor.
519  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
520  */
523  /**
524  * Creates a new accessor object.
525  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
526  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
527  * @param size The number of elements that can be accessed, may be 0 if elements is nullptr
528  */
529  inline SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor(const SharedPointer* elements, const size_t size);
531  /**
532  * Creates a new accessor object.
533  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
534  * @param elements A vector holding all elements
535  */
536  explicit inline SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor(const SharedPointers& elements);
538  /**
539  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
540  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
541  */
542  virtual size_t size() const;
544  /**
545  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
546  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
547  */
548  virtual const T* const & operator[](const size_t& index) const;
550  /**
551  * Move operator.
552  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
553  * @return Reference to this accessor
554  */
557  protected:
559  /// The pointers to the actual elements wrapped in the shared pointers.
560  std::vector<const T*> elements_;
561 };
563 /**
564  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant array of elements.
565  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
566  * This class is not derived from Accessor (or any other Accessor class) to avoid virtual functions ensuring higher element-access performances.<br>
567  * Thus, this class will mainly be applied in template functions where the type of the accessor is defined at compile time.
568  *
569  * The application of the this class is demonstrated in the following code example (compare the code example for ConstArrayAccessor):
570  * @code
571  * // the parameter type is a template type allowing for fast but not flexible application of this function
572  * template <typename TAccessor>
573  * void iterate(const TAccessor& accessor)
574  * {
575  * for (size_t n = 0; n < accessor.size(); ++n)
576  * {
577  * // access the object by application of the !inlined! index operator
578  * const Object& object = accessor[n];
579  *
580  * // ... do something with the object ...
581  * }
582  * }
583  *
584  * void main()
585  * {
586  * std::vector<Object> objects;
587  *
588  * // ... add some objects ...
589  *
590  * // iterate over all objects
591  * iterate(ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<Object>(objects));
592  * }
593  * @endcode
594  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
595  * @see ConstArrayAccessor, NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor.
596  * @ingroup base
597  */
598 template <typename T>
600 {
601  public:
603  /**
604  * Definition of the element type of this accessor.
605  */
606  typedef T Type;
608  /**
609  * Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
610  */
611  typedef size_t KeyType;
613  public:
615  /**
616  * Creates a new empty accessor.
617  */
620  /**
621  * Move constructor.
622  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
623  */
624  inline ConstTemplateArrayAccessor(ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>&& accessor) noexcept;
626  /**
627  * Creates a new accessor object.
628  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
629  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
630  * @param size The number of elements that can be accessed, may be 0 if elements is nullptr
631  */
632  inline ConstTemplateArrayAccessor(const T* elements, const size_t size);
634  /**
635  * Creates a new accessor object.
636  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
637  * @param elements A vector holding all elements
638  */
639  explicit inline ConstTemplateArrayAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements);
641  /**
642  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
643  * @see ConstAccessor::data().
644  */
645  inline const T* data() const;
647  /**
648  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
649  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
650  */
651  inline size_t size() const;
653  /**
654  * Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
655  * @see Accessor::isEmpty().
656  */
657  inline bool isEmpty() const;
659  /**
660  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
661  * @see ConstAccessor::canAccess().
662  */
663  inline bool canAccess(const size_t& index) const;
665  /**
666  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
667  * @see ConstAccessor:firstElement().
668  */
669  inline bool firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const;
671  /**
672  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
673  * @see ConstAccessor::nextElement().
674  */
675  inline bool nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const;
677  /**
678  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
679  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
680  */
681  inline const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
683  /**
684  * Move operator.
685  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
686  * @return Reference to this accessor
687  */
690  protected:
692  /// The elements of this accessor.
693  const T* elements_ = nullptr;
695  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
696  size_t size_ = 0;
697 };
699 /**
700  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to an array of elements.
701  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
702  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
703  * @ingroup base
704  */
705 template <typename T>
707 {
708  public:
710  /**
711  * Creates a new empty accessor.
712  */
715  /**
716  * Move constructor.
717  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
718  */
719  inline NonconstArrayAccessor(NonconstArrayAccessor<T>&& accessor) noexcept;
721  /**
722  * Creates a new accessor object.
723  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
724  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
725  * @param size The number of elements that can be accessed, may be 0 if elements is nullptr
726  */
727  inline NonconstArrayAccessor(T* elements, const size_t size);
729  /**
730  * Creates a new accessor object.
731  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
732  * @param elements A vector holding all elements
733  */
734  explicit inline NonconstArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>& elements);
736  /**
737  * Creates a new accessor object.
738  * This constructor simplifies the creation of an optional NonconstArrayAccessor object by allowing to provide an empty vector object while defining an explicit resize value.<br>
739  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
740  * @param elements A vector holding all elements
741  * @param resizeSize An explicit resize value that will invoke a resizing of the given vector before the vector is connected with the accessor, with range [1, infinity), 0 to avoid any resizing
742  */
743  inline NonconstArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>& elements, const size_t resizeSize);
745  /**
746  * Creates a new accessor object.
747  * This constructor simplifies the creation of an optional NonconstArrayAccessor object.<br>
748  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
749  * @param elements An optional vector holding all elements, nullptr to create an empty invalid accessor
750  * @param resizeSize An optional possibility to resize the provided elements vector (if defined - otherwise nothing happens), with range [1, infinity), 0 to avoid any resizing
751  */
752  explicit inline NonconstArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>* elements, const size_t resizeSize = 0);
754  /**
755  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
756  * @see NonconstAccessor::data().
757  */
758  virtual T* data();
760  /**
761  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
762  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
763  */
764  virtual size_t size() const;
766  /**
767  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
768  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
769  */
770  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
772  /**
773  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
774  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
775  */
776  virtual T& operator[](const size_t& index);
778  /**
779  * Move operator.
780  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
781  * @return Reference to this accessor
782  */
783  inline NonconstArrayAccessor<T>& operator=(NonconstArrayAccessor<T>&& accessor) noexcept;
785  protected:
787  /// The elements of this accessor.
788  T* elements_ = nullptr;
790  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
791  size_t size_ = 0;
792 };
794 /**
795  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to an array of elements.
796  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
797  * This class is not derived from Accessor (or any other Accessor class) to avoid virtual functions ensuring higher element-access performances.<br>
798  * Thus, this class will mainly be applied in template functions where the type of the accessor is defined at compile time.
799  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
800  * @see NonconstArrayAccessor, ConstTemplateArrayAccessor.
801  * @ingroup base
802  */
803 template <typename T>
805 {
806  public:
808  /**
809  * Definition of the element type of this accessor.
810  */
811  typedef T Type;
813  /**
814  * Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
815  */
816  typedef size_t KeyType;
818  public:
820  /**
821  * Creates a new empty accessor.
822  */
825  /**
826  * Move constructor.
827  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
828  */
831  /**
832  * Creates a new accessor object.
833  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
834  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
835  * @param size The number of elements that can be accessed, may be 0 if elements is nullptr
836  */
837  inline NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor(T* elements, const size_t size);
839  /**
840  * Creates a new accessor object.
841  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
842  * @param elements A vector holding all elements
843  */
844  explicit inline NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>& elements);
846  /**
847  * Creates a new accessor object.
848  * This constructor simplifies the creation of an optional NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor object by allowing to provide an empty vector object while defining an explicit resize value.<br>
849  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
850  * @param elements A vector holding all elements
851  * @param resizeSize An explicit resize value that will invoke a resizing of the given vector before the vector is connected with the accessor, with range [1, infinity), 0 to avoid any resizing
852  */
853  inline NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>& elements, const size_t resizeSize);
855  /**
856  * Creates a new accessor object.
857  * This constructor simplifies the creation of an optional NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor object.<br>
858  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
859  * @param elements An optional vector holding all elements, nullptr to create an empty invalid accessor
860  * @param resizeSize An optional possibility to resize the provided elements vector (if defined - otherwise nothing happens), with range [1, infinity), 0 to avoid any resizing
861  */
862  explicit inline NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>* elements, const size_t resizeSize = 0);
864  /**
865  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
866  * @see ConstAccessor::data().
867  */
868  inline const T* data() const;
870  /**
871  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
872  * @see NonconstAccessor::data().
873  */
874  inline T* data();
876  /**
877  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
878  * @see NonconstAccessor::size().
879  */
880  inline size_t size() const;
882  /**
883  * Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
884  * @see NonconstAccessor::isEmpty().
885  */
886  inline bool isEmpty() const;
888  /**
889  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
890  * @see NonconstAccessor::canAccess().
891  */
892  inline bool canAccess(const size_t& index) const;
894  /**
895  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
896  * @see ConstAccessor:firstElement().
897  */
898  inline bool firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const;
900  /**
901  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
902  * @see ConstAccessor::nextElement().
903  */
904  inline bool nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const;
906  /**
907  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
908  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
909  */
910  inline const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
912  /**
913  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
914  * @see NonconstAccessor::operator[].
915  */
916  inline T& operator[](const size_t& index);
918  /**
919  * Move operator.
920  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
921  * @return Reference to this accessor
922  */
925  protected:
927  /// The elements of this accessor.
928  T* elements_ = nullptr;
930  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
931  size_t size_ = 0;
932 };
934 /**
935  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant array of elements while all elements are identical (all elements point to one unique object).
936  * This accessor can be used to simulate a large array with several identical entries.
937  * @see ConstArrayAccessor.
938  * @ingroup base
939  */
940 template <typename T>
942 {
943  public:
945  /**
946  * Creates a new empty accessor.
947  */
948  ConstElementAccessor() = default;
950  /**
951  * Move constructor.
952  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
953  */
954  inline ConstElementAccessor(ConstElementAccessor<T>&& accessor) noexcept;
956  /**
957  * Creates a new accessor object.
958  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.
959  * @param size The number of elements that can be accessed, with range [1, infinity)
960  * @param element The element that can be accessed though any index
961  */
962  inline ConstElementAccessor(const size_t size, const T& element);
964  /**
965  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
966  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
967  */
968  virtual size_t size() const;
970  /**
971  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
972  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
973  */
974  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
976  /**
977  * Move operator.
978  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
979  * @return Reference to this accessor
980  */
981  inline ConstElementAccessor<T>& operator=(ConstElementAccessor<T>&& accessor) noexcept;
983  protected:
985  /// The element of this accessor.
986  const T* element_ = nullptr;
988  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
989  size_t size_ = 0;
990 };
992 /**
993  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant (unordered) map of elements.
994  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
995  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
996  * @tparam TKey The data type of the keys of the accessor
997  * @ingroup base
998  */
999 template <typename T, typename TKey>
1000 class ConstMapAccessor : public ConstAccessor<T, TKey>
1001 {
1002  public:
1004  /**
1005  * Creates a new empty accessor.
1006  */
1007  ConstMapAccessor() = default;
1009  /**
1010  * Move constructor.
1011  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
1012  */
1013  inline ConstMapAccessor(ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>&& accessor) noexcept;
1015  /**
1016  * Creates a new accessor object.
1017  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1018  * @param elements A map holding all elements
1019  */
1020  explicit inline ConstMapAccessor(const std::unordered_map<TKey, T>& elements);
1022  /**
1023  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
1024  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
1025  */
1026  virtual size_t size() const;
1028  /**
1029  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
1030  * @see ConstAccessor::canAccess().
1031  */
1032  virtual bool canAccess(const TKey& key) const;
1034  /**
1035  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
1036  * @see ConstAccessor::firstElement().
1037  */
1038  virtual bool firstElement(T& element, TKey& key) const;
1040  /**
1041  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
1042  * @see ConstAccessor::nextElement().
1043  */
1044  virtual bool nextElement(const TKey& previousKey, T& nextElement, TKey& nextKey) const;
1046  /**
1047  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
1048  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
1049  */
1050  virtual const T& operator[](const TKey& key) const;
1052  /**
1053  * Move operator.
1054  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
1055  * @return Reference to this accessor
1056  */
1057  inline ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>& operator=(ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>&& accessor) noexcept;
1059  protected:
1061  /// The elements of this accessor.
1062  const std::unordered_map<TKey, T>* elementMap_ = nullptr;
1063 };
1065 /**
1066  * This class implements an accessor providing direct access to an (unordered) map of elements.
1067  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
1068  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
1069  * @tparam TKey The data type of the keys of the accessor
1070  * @ingroup base
1071  */
1072 template <typename T, typename TKey>
1073 class NonconstMapAccessor : public NonconstAccessor<T, TKey>
1074 {
1075  public:
1077  /**
1078  * Creates a new empty accessor.
1079  */
1080  NonconstMapAccessor() = default;
1082  /**
1083  * Creates a new accessor object.
1084  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1085  * @param elements A map holding all elements
1086  */
1087  explicit inline NonconstMapAccessor(std::unordered_map<TKey, T>& elements);
1089  /**
1090  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
1091  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
1092  */
1093  virtual size_t size() const;
1095  /**
1096  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
1097  * @see ConstAccessor::canAccess().
1098  */
1099  virtual bool canAccess(const TKey& key) const;
1101  /**
1102  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
1103  * @see ConstAccessor::firstElement().
1104  */
1105  virtual bool firstElement(T& element, TKey& key) const;
1107  /**
1108  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
1109  * @see ConstAccessor::nextElement().
1110  */
1111  virtual bool nextElement(const TKey& previousKey, T& nextElement, TKey& nextKey) const;
1113  /**
1114  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
1115  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
1116  */
1117  virtual const T& operator[](const TKey& key) const;
1119  /**
1120  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
1121  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
1122  */
1123  virtual T& operator[](const TKey& key);
1125  protected:
1127  /// The elements of this accessor.
1128  std::unordered_map<TKey, T>* elementMap_ = nullptr;
1129 };
1131 /**
1132  * This class implements an indexed-based constant accessor providing access to a subset of elements stored in an array.
1133  * The subset is defined by a set of indices defining also the order of the accessible elements.<br>
1134  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements or the subset indices, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
1135  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
1136  * @tparam TIndex The data type of the indices defining the subset of elements
1137  * @ingroup base
1138  */
1139 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
1141 {
1142  public:
1144  /**
1145  * Definition of the data type of the indices.
1146  */
1147  typedef TIndex IndexType;
1149  public:
1151  /**
1152  * Creates a new empty accessor.
1153  */
1156  /**
1157  * Move constructor.
1158  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
1159  */
1162  /**
1163  * Creates a new accessor object.
1164  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1165  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
1166  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of given elements
1167  * @param subsetSize The number of indices (not the number of elements) that define the subset, may be 0 if indices is nullptr
1168  */
1169  inline ConstArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const TIndex* subsetIndices, const size_t subsetSize);
1171  /**
1172  * Creates a new accessor object.
1173  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1174  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
1175  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of given elements
1176  */
1177  inline ConstArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices);
1179  /**
1180  * Creates a new accessor object.
1181  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1182  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
1183  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of given elements
1184  */
1185  inline ConstArraySubsetAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices);
1187  /**
1188  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
1189  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
1190  */
1191  virtual size_t size() const;
1193  /**
1194  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
1195  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
1196  */
1197  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
1199  /**
1200  * Move operator.
1201  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
1202  * @return Reference to this object
1203  */
1206  protected:
1208  /// The elements of this accessor.
1209  const T* elements_ = nullptr;
1211  /// The subset indices of this accessor.
1212  const TIndex* subsetIndices_ = nullptr;
1214  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
1215  size_t subsetSize_ = 0;
1216 };
1218 /**
1219  * This class implements an indexed-based constant accessor providing access to a subset of elements stored in an array.
1220  * The subset is defined by a set of indices defining also the order of the accessible elements.<br>
1221  * An instance of this accessor does not copy the elements or the subset indices, thus the caller has to ensure that the actual elements exist as long as the instance of the accessor exists.<br>
1222  * This class is not derived from Accessor (or any other Accessor class) to avoid virtual functions ensuring higher element-access performances.<br>
1223  * Thus, this class will mainly be applied in template functions where the type of the accessor is defined at compile time.
1224  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
1225  * @tparam TIndex The data type of the indices defining the subset of elements
1226  * @see ConstTemplateArrayAccessor.
1227  * @ingroup base
1228  */
1229 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
1231 {
1232  public:
1234  /**
1235  * Definition of the element type of this accessor.
1236  */
1237  typedef T Type;
1239  /**
1240  * Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
1241  */
1242  typedef size_t KeyType;
1244  /**
1245  * Definition of the data type of the indices.
1246  */
1247  typedef TIndex IndexType;
1249  public:
1251  /**
1252  * Creates a new empty accessor.
1253  */
1256  /**
1257  * Move constructor.
1258  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
1259  */
1262  /**
1263  * Creates a new accessor object.
1264  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1265  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
1266  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of given elements
1267  * @param subsetSize The number of indices (not the number of elements) that define the subset, may be 0 if indices is nullptr
1268  */
1269  inline ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const TIndex* subsetIndices, const size_t subsetSize);
1271  /**
1272  * Creates a new accessor object.
1273  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1274  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
1275  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of given elements
1276  */
1277  inline ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices);
1279  /**
1280  * Creates a new accessor object.
1281  * Beware: The given elements are not copied, they must not be deleted before the accessor is disposed.<br>
1282  * @param elements The elements that can be accessed, may be nullptr if size is equal 0
1283  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of given elements
1284  */
1285  inline ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices);
1287  /**
1288  * Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without gaps.
1289  * @see ConstAccessor::data().
1290  */
1291  inline const T* data() const;
1293  /**
1294  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
1295  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
1296  */
1297  inline size_t size() const;
1299  /**
1300  * Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
1301  * @return True, if so
1302  */
1303  inline bool isEmpty() const;
1305  /**
1306  * Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
1307  * @see ConstAccessor::canAccess().
1308  */
1309  inline bool canAccess(const size_t& index) const;
1311  /**
1312  * Returns the first element of this accessor.
1313  * @see ConstAccessor:firstElement().
1314  */
1315  inline bool firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const;
1317  /**
1318  * Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
1319  * @see ConstAccessor::nextElement().
1320  */
1321  inline bool nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const;
1323  /**
1324  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
1325  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
1326  */
1327  inline const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
1329  /**
1330  * Move operator.
1331  * @param accessor Accessor to be moved
1332  * @return Reference to this object
1333  */
1336  protected:
1338  /// The elements of this accessor.
1339  const T* elements_ = nullptr;
1341  /// The subset indices of this accessor.
1342  const TIndex* subsetIndices_ = nullptr;
1344  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
1345  size_t subsetSize_ = 0;
1346 };
1348 /**
1349  * This class implements an indexed-based constant accessor providing access to a subset of elements stored in a specified indexed-based child accessor.
1350  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
1351  * @tparam TIndex The data type of the indices defining the subset of elements
1352  * @ingroup base
1353  */
1354 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
1356 {
1357  public:
1359  /**
1360  * Creates a new accessor which uses an accessor as base.
1361  * @param child The child accessor
1362  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of elements in the child accessor
1363  * @param subsetSize The number of indices (not the number of elements) that define the subset, may be 0 if indices is nullptr
1364  */
1365  inline ConstIndexedAccessorSubsetAccessor(const ConstIndexedAccessor<T>& child, const TIndex* subsetIndices, const size_t subsetSize);
1367  /**
1368  * Creates a new accessor which uses an accessor as base.
1369  * @param child The child accessor
1370  * @param subsetIndices The indices that define a subset of the elements to be accessed, the maximal index must be smaller than the number of elements in the child accessor
1371  */
1372  inline ConstIndexedAccessorSubsetAccessor(const ConstIndexedAccessor<T>& child, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices);
1374  /**
1375  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
1376  * @see Accessor::size().
1377  */
1378  virtual size_t size() const;
1380  /**
1381  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
1382  * @param index The index of element to be accessed, with range [0, size())
1383  * @return The requested element
1384  */
1385  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
1387  protected:
1389  // The child accessor of this accessor.
1392  /// The subset indices of this accessor.
1393  const TIndex* subsetIndices_ = nullptr;
1395  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
1396  size_t subsetSize_ = 0;
1397 };
1399 /**
1400  * This class implements an accessor providing access to a elements by using a callback function.
1401  * @tparam T The data type of the elements of the accessor
1402  * @ingroup base
1403  */
1404 template <typename T>
1406 {
1407  public:
1409  /**
1410  * Definition of a callback function providing access to individual elements.
1411  * The first parameter is the index of the elements to be accessed
1412  * The return parameter is the constant reference to the requested element
1413  */
1416  public:
1418  /**
1419  * Creates a new empty accessor.
1420  */
1423  /**
1424  * Creates a new accessor object.
1425  * @param callback The callback function providing access to individual elements
1426  * @param size The number of elements of this accessor
1427  */
1428  inline ConstCallbackIndexedAccessor(const CallbackFunction& callback, const size_t size);
1430  /**
1431  * Returns one element of this accessor object.
1432  * @see ConstAccessor::operator[].
1433  */
1434  virtual const T& operator[](const size_t& index) const;
1436  /**
1437  * Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
1438  * @see ConstAccessor::size().
1439  */
1440  virtual size_t size() const;
1442  protected:
1444  /// The callback function of this accessor.
1447  /// The number of elements that can be accessed.
1448  size_t size_ = 0;
1449 };
1451 /**
1452  * This class implements an accessor that guarantees memory access to the elements of an indexed accessor object until the scope ends.
1453  * The memory access ensures that the entire data of the indexed accessor objects is provided as one memory block without any gaps.<br>
1454  * Beware: The data of the given indexed accessor may be copied (if necessary) to ensure the functionality.<br>
1455  * Thus, the accessible elements of this object may be clones/copies of the actual provided accessor object.
1456  */
1457 template <typename T>
1459 {
1460  public:
1462  /**
1463  * Creates a new scoped accessor object by a given indexed accessor object.
1464  * @param accessor The accessor object providing the data for this scoped object, ensure that the provided accessor exists at least until the scope ends
1465  * @tparam TAccessor The data type of the accessor providing the data, must be of type ConstIndexedAccessor<T>, or ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T, size_t> or ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, size_t>
1466  */
1467  template <typename TAccessor>
1468  inline explicit ScopedConstMemoryAccessor(const TAccessor& accessor);
1470  /**
1471  * Returns the pointer to the memory block providing the data of the accessor.
1472  * @return The memory block's pointer, nullptr if the accessor does not provide any data
1473  */
1474  inline const T* data() const;
1476  /**
1477  * Returns the number of elements the accessor provides.
1478  * @return The accessor's number of elements, with range [0, infinity)
1479  */
1480  inline size_t size() const;
1482  /**
1483  * Returns one element of this accessor.
1484  * @param index The index of the element, with range [0, size())
1485  * @return The requested element
1486  */
1487  inline const T& operator[](const size_t index) const;
1489  /**
1490  * Returns whether this object provides access to at least one element of the accessor.
1491  * @return True, if so
1492  */
1493  explicit inline operator bool() const;
1495  protected:
1497  /// The pointer to the memory block of the accessor.
1498  const T* data_ = nullptr;
1500  /// The number of elements the accessor provides.
1501  size_t size_ = 0;
1503  /// The individual elements of the accessor, if necessary.
1504  std::vector<T> intermediateValues_;
1505 };
1507 /**
1508  * This class implements an accessor that guarantees memory access to the elements of an indexed accessor object until the scope ends.
1509  * The memory access ensures that the entire data of the indexed accessor objects is provided as one memory block without any gaps.<br>
1510  * Beware: The data of the given indexed accessor may be copied (if necessary) to ensure the functionality.<br>
1511  * Thus, the accessible elements of this object may be clones/copies of the actual provided accessor object.
1512  * The connected indexed accessor object will hold the data of this accessor object after this object is disposed.
1513  */
1514 template <typename T>
1516 {
1517  public:
1519  /**
1520  * Creates a new scoped accessor object by a given indexed accessor object.
1521  * @param accessor The accessor object providing the data for this scoped object, the provided accessor needs to exist at least until the scope ends
1522  */
1523  explicit inline ScopedNonconstMemoryAccessor(NonconstIndexedAccessor<T>& accessor);
1525  /**
1526  * Creates a new scoped accessor object by an optional indexed accessor object or creates an internal temporary memory with specified size.
1527  * @param accessor The accessor object providing the data for this scoped object, the provided accessor needs to exist at least until the scope ends, nullptr to create an internal temporary memory without connected accessor
1528  * @param temporarySize The explicit size of the internal memory if no accessor is provided, does not have any meaning if an accessor is provided
1529  */
1530  explicit inline ScopedNonconstMemoryAccessor(NonconstIndexedAccessor<T>* accessor, const size_t temporarySize = 0);
1532  /**
1533  * Destructs the scoped accessor object.
1534  * Further, the intermediate values of this object may be copied back to the accessor object, if necessary.
1535  */
1538  /**
1539  * Returns the pointer to the memory block providing the data of the accessor.
1540  * @return The memory block's pointer, nullptr if the accessor does not provide any data
1541  */
1542  inline T* data();
1544  /**
1545  * Returns the number of elements the accessor provides.
1546  * @return The accessor's number of elements, with range [0, infinity)
1547  */
1548  inline size_t size() const;
1550  /**
1551  * Returns one element of this accessor.
1552  * @param index The index of the element, with range [0, size())
1553  * @return The requested element
1554  */
1555  inline T& operator[](const size_t index);
1557  /**
1558  * Returns whether this object provides access to at least one element of the accessor.
1559  * @return True, if so
1560  */
1561  explicit inline operator bool() const;
1563  protected:
1565  /// The given accessor object providing the data for this object, nullptr if no accessor object was provided during creation.
1568  /// The pointer to the memory block of the accessor.
1569  T* data_ = nullptr;
1571  /// The number of elements the accessor provides.
1572  size_t size_ = 0;
1574  /// The individual elements of the accessor, if necessary.
1575  std::vector<T> intermediateValues_;
1576 };
1578 inline bool Accessor::isEmpty() const
1579 {
1580  return size() == 0;
1581 }
1583 template <typename TAccessor>
1584 std::vector<typename TAccessor::Type> Accessor::accessor2elements(const TAccessor& accessor)
1585 {
1586  std::vector<typename TAccessor::Type> result;
1587  result.reserve(accessor.size());
1589  for (size_t n = 0; n < accessor.size(); ++n)
1590  {
1591  result.emplace_back(accessor[n]);
1592  }
1594  return result;
1595 }
1597 template <typename TAccessor>
1598 std::unordered_map<typename TAccessor::KeyType, typename TAccessor::Type> Accessor::accessor2map(const TAccessor& accessor)
1599 {
1600  std::unordered_map<typename TAccessor::KeyType, typename TAccessor::Type> result;
1602  typename TAccessor::Type element;
1603  typename TAccessor::KeyType key;
1605  if (accessor.firstElement(element, key))
1606  {
1607  do
1608  {
1609  result[key] = element;
1610  }
1611  while (accessor.nexteElement(key, element, key));
1612  }
1614  return result;
1615 }
1617 template <typename TAccessor, typename TIndex>
1618 std::vector<typename TAccessor::Type> Accessor::accessor2subsetElements(const TAccessor& accessor, const std::vector<TIndex>& subset)
1619 {
1620  std::vector<typename TAccessor::Type> result;
1621  result.reserve(subset.size());
1623  for (size_t n = 0; n < subset.size(); ++n)
1624  {
1625  result.emplace_back(accessor[subset[n]]);
1626  }
1628  return result;
1629 }
1631 template <typename T, typename TKey>
1633 {
1634  return nullptr;
1635 }
1637 template <typename T, typename TKey>
1639 {
1640  return nullptr;
1641 }
1643 template <typename T>
1644 bool ConstIndexedAccessor<T>::canAccess(const size_t& index) const
1645 {
1646  return index < this->size();
1647 }
1649 template <typename T>
1650 bool ConstIndexedAccessor<T>::firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const
1651 {
1652  if (this->size() == 0)
1653  {
1654  return false;
1655  }
1657  element = (*this)[0];
1658  index = 0;
1660  return true;
1661 }
1663 template <typename T>
1664 bool ConstIndexedAccessor<T>::nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& element, size_t& nextIndex) const
1665 {
1666  if (previousIndex + 1 < this->size())
1667  {
1668  nextIndex = previousIndex + 1;
1669  element = (*this)[nextIndex];
1671  return true;
1672  }
1674  return false;
1675 }
1677 template <typename T>
1678 bool NonconstIndexedAccessor<T>::canAccess(const size_t& index) const
1679 {
1680  return index < this->size();
1681 }
1683 template <typename T>
1684 bool NonconstIndexedAccessor<T>::firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const
1685 {
1686  if (this->size() == 0)
1687  {
1688  return false;
1689  }
1691  element = (*this)[0];
1692  index = 0;
1693  return true;
1694 }
1696 template <typename T>
1697 bool NonconstIndexedAccessor<T>::nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const
1698 {
1699  if (previousIndex + 1 < this->size())
1700  {
1701  nextIndex = previousIndex + 1;
1702  nextElement = (*this)[nextIndex];
1703  return true;
1704  }
1706  return false;
1707 }
1709 template <typename T>
1711 {
1712  if (this->isEmpty())
1713  {
1714  return nullptr;
1715  }
1716  else
1717  {
1718  return this;
1719  }
1720 }
1722 template <typename T>
1723 bool TemporaryIndexedAccessor<T>::canAccess(const size_t& index) const
1724 {
1725  return index < this->size();
1726 }
1728 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
1729 inline ConstIndexedAccessorSubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::ConstIndexedAccessorSubsetAccessor(const ConstIndexedAccessor<T>& child, const TIndex* subsetIndices, const size_t subsetSize) :
1730  child_(child),
1731  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices),
1732  subsetSize_(subsetSize)
1733 {
1734  // nothing to do here
1735 }
1737 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
1739  child_(child),
1740  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices.data()),
1741  subsetSize_(subsetIndices.size())
1742 {
1743  // nothing to do here
1744 }
1746 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
1748 {
1749  return subsetSize_;
1750 }
1752 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
1754 {
1755  ocean_assert(index < subsetSize_);
1757  return child_[subsetIndices_[index]];
1758 }
1760 template <typename T>
1762 {
1763  *this = std::move(accessor);
1764 }
1766 template <typename T>
1767 inline ConstArrayAccessor<T>::ConstArrayAccessor(const T* elements, const size_t size) :
1768  elements_(elements),
1769  size_(size)
1770 {
1771  // nothing to do here
1772 }
1774 template <typename T>
1775 inline ConstArrayAccessor<T>::ConstArrayAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements) :
1776  elements_(elements.data()),
1777  size_(elements.size())
1778 {
1779  // nothing to do here
1780 }
1782 template <typename T>
1784 {
1785  return elements_;
1786 }
1788 template <typename T>
1790 {
1791  return size_;
1792 }
1794 template <typename T>
1795 const T& ConstArrayAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
1796 {
1797  ocean_assert(index < size_);
1798  ocean_assert(elements_ != nullptr);
1800  return elements_[index];
1801 }
1803 template <typename T>
1805 {
1806  if (this != &accessor)
1807  {
1808  elements_ = accessor.elements_;
1809  size_ = accessor.size_;
1811  accessor.elements_ = nullptr;
1812  accessor.size_ = 0;
1813  }
1815  return *this;
1816 }
1818 template <typename T>
1820  elements_(size)
1821 {
1822  for (size_t n = 0; n < size; ++n)
1823  {
1824  elements_[n] = elements[n]->get();
1825  }
1826 }
1828 template <typename T>
1830  elements_(elements.size())
1831 {
1832  for (size_t n = 0; n < elements.size(); ++n)
1833  {
1834  elements_[n] = elements[n].get();
1835  }
1836 }
1838 template <typename T>
1840 {
1841  return elements_.size();
1842 }
1844 template <typename T>
1845 const T* const & SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
1846 {
1847  ocean_assert(index < elements_.size());
1849  return elements_[index];
1850 }
1852 template <typename T>
1854 {
1855  *this = std::move(accessor);
1856 }
1858 template <typename T>
1859 inline ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::ConstTemplateArrayAccessor(const T* elements, const size_t size) :
1860  elements_(elements),
1861  size_(size)
1862 {
1863  // nothing to do here
1864 }
1866 template <typename T>
1867 inline ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::ConstTemplateArrayAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements) :
1868  elements_(elements.data()),
1869  size_(elements.size())
1870 {
1871  // nothing to do here
1872 }
1874 template <typename T>
1876 {
1877  return elements_;
1878 }
1880 template <typename T>
1882 {
1883  return size_;
1884 }
1886 template <typename T>
1888 {
1889  return size_ == 0;
1890 }
1892 template <typename T>
1893 inline bool ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::canAccess(const size_t& index) const
1894 {
1895  return index < size_;
1896 }
1898 template <typename T>
1899 inline bool ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const
1900 {
1901  if (size_ == 0)
1902  {
1903  return false;
1904  }
1906  element = elements_[0];
1907  index = 0;
1908  return true;
1909 }
1911 template <typename T>
1912 inline bool ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const
1913 {
1914  if (previousIndex + 1 >= size_)
1915  {
1916  return false;
1917  }
1919  nextIndex = previousIndex + 1;
1920  nextElement = elements_[nextIndex];
1921  return true;
1922 }
1924 template <typename T>
1925 inline const T& ConstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
1926 {
1927  ocean_assert(index < size_);
1928  return elements_[index];
1929 }
1931 template <typename T>
1933 {
1934  if (this != &accessor)
1935  {
1936  elements_ = accessor.elements_;
1937  size_ = accessor.size_;
1939  accessor.elements_ = nullptr;
1940  accessor.size_ = 0;
1941  }
1943  return *this;
1944 }
1946 template <typename T>
1948 {
1949  *this = std::move(accessor);
1950 }
1952 template <typename T>
1953 inline NonconstArrayAccessor<T>::NonconstArrayAccessor(T* elements, const size_t size) :
1954  elements_(elements),
1955  size_(size)
1956 {
1957  // nothing to do here
1958 }
1960 template <typename T>
1961 inline NonconstArrayAccessor<T>::NonconstArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>& elements) :
1962  elements_(elements.data()),
1963  size_(elements.size())
1964 {
1965  // nothing to do here
1966 }
1968 template <typename T>
1969 inline NonconstArrayAccessor<T>::NonconstArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>& elements, const size_t resizeSize) :
1970  elements_(nullptr),
1971  size_(0)
1972 {
1973  if (resizeSize != 0)
1974  {
1975  elements.resize(resizeSize);
1976  }
1978  elements_ = elements.data();
1979  size_ = elements.size();
1980 }
1982 template <typename T>
1983 inline NonconstArrayAccessor<T>::NonconstArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>* elements, const size_t resizeSize) :
1984  elements_(nullptr),
1985  size_(0)
1986 {
1987  if (elements)
1988  {
1989  if (resizeSize != 0)
1990  {
1991  elements->resize(resizeSize);
1992  }
1994  elements_ = elements->data();
1995  size_ = elements->size();
1996  }
1997 }
1999 template <typename T>
2000 const T& NonconstArrayAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
2001 {
2002  ocean_assert(index < size_);
2003  ocean_assert(elements_);
2005  return elements_[index];
2006 }
2008 template <typename T>
2010 {
2011  ocean_assert(index < size_);
2012  ocean_assert(elements_);
2014  return elements_[index];
2015 }
2017 template <typename T>
2019 {
2020  return elements_;
2021 }
2023 template <typename T>
2025 {
2026  return size_;
2027 }
2029 template <typename T>
2031 {
2032  if (this != &accessor)
2033  {
2034  elements_ = accessor.elements_;
2035  size_ = accessor.size_;
2037  accessor.elements_ = nullptr;
2038  accessor.size_ = 0;
2039  }
2041  return *this;
2042 }
2044 template <typename T>
2046 {
2047  *this = std::move(accessor);
2048 }
2050 template <typename T>
2052  elements_(elements),
2053  size_(size)
2054 {
2055  // nothing to do here
2056 }
2058 template <typename T>
2060  elements_(elements.data()),
2061  size_(elements.size())
2062 {
2063  // nothing to do here
2064 }
2066 template <typename T>
2067 inline NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>& elements, const size_t resizeSize) :
2068  elements_(nullptr),
2069  size_(0)
2070 {
2071  if (resizeSize != 0)
2072  {
2073  elements.resize(resizeSize);
2074  }
2076  elements_ = elements.data();
2077  size_ = elements.size();
2078 }
2080 template <typename T>
2081 inline NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor(std::vector<T>* elements, const size_t resizeSize) :
2082  elements_(nullptr),
2083  size_(0)
2084 {
2085  if (elements)
2086  {
2087  if (resizeSize != 0)
2088  {
2089  elements->resize(resizeSize);
2090  }
2092  elements_ = elements->data();
2093  size_ = elements->size();
2094  }
2095 }
2097 template <typename T>
2099 {
2100  return elements_;
2101 }
2103 template <typename T>
2105 {
2106  return elements_;
2107 }
2109 template <typename T>
2111 {
2112  return size_;
2113 }
2115 template <typename T>
2117 {
2118  return size_ == 0;
2119 }
2121 template <typename T>
2122 inline bool NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::canAccess(const size_t& index) const
2123 {
2124  return index < size_;
2125 }
2127 template <typename T>
2128 inline bool NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const
2129 {
2130  if (size_ == 0)
2131  {
2132  return false;
2133  }
2135  element = elements_[0];
2136  index = 0;
2137  return true;
2138 }
2140 template <typename T>
2141 inline bool NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const
2142 {
2143  if (previousIndex + 1 >= size_)
2144  {
2145  return false;
2146  }
2148  nextIndex = previousIndex + 1;
2149  nextElement = elements_[nextIndex];
2150  return true;
2151 }
2153 template <typename T>
2154 inline const T& NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
2155 {
2156  ocean_assert(index < size_);
2157  return elements_[index];
2158 }
2160 template <typename T>
2161 inline T& NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index)
2162 {
2163  ocean_assert(index < size_);
2164  return elements_[index];
2165 }
2167 template <typename T>
2169 {
2170  if (this != &accessor)
2171  {
2172  elements_ = accessor.elements_;
2173  size_ = accessor.size_;
2175  accessor.elements_ = nullptr;
2176  accessor.size_ = 0;
2177  }
2179  return *this;
2180 }
2182 template <typename T>
2184 {
2185  *this = std::move(accessor);
2186 }
2188 template <typename T>
2189 inline ConstElementAccessor<T>::ConstElementAccessor(const size_t size, const T& element) :
2190  element_(&element),
2191  size_(size)
2192 {
2193  ocean_assert(size_ != 0);
2194  ocean_assert(element_ != nullptr);
2195 }
2197 template <typename T>
2199 {
2200  return size_;
2201 }
2203 template <typename T>
2204 const T& ConstElementAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
2205 {
2206  ocean_assert_and_suppress_unused(index < size_, index);
2207  ocean_assert(element_ != nullptr);
2209  return *element_;
2210 }
2212 template <typename T>
2214 {
2215  if (this != &accessor)
2216  {
2217  element_ = accessor.element_;
2218  size_ = accessor.size_;
2220  accessor.element_ = nullptr;
2221  accessor.size_ = 0;
2222  }
2224  return *this;
2225 }
2227 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2229 {
2230  *this = std::move(accessor);
2231 }
2233 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2234 inline ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::ConstMapAccessor(const std::unordered_map<TKey, T>& elements) :
2235  elementMap_(&elements)
2236 {
2237  // nothing to do here
2238 }
2240 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2242 {
2243  return elementMap_ ? elementMap_->size() : 0;
2244 }
2246 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2247 bool ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::canAccess(const TKey& key) const
2248 {
2249  if (elementMap_ == nullptr)
2250  {
2251  return false;
2252  }
2254  return elementMap_->find(key) != elementMap_->end();
2255 }
2257 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2258 bool ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::firstElement(T& element, TKey& key) const
2259 {
2260  if (elementMap_ == nullptr || elementMap_->empty())
2261  {
2262  return false;
2263  }
2265  key = elementMap_->begin()->first;
2266  element = elementMap_->begin()->second;
2268  return true;
2269 }
2271 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2272 bool ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::nextElement(const TKey& previousKey, T& element, TKey& nextKey) const
2273 {
2274  if (elementMap_ == nullptr)
2275  {
2276  return false;
2277  }
2279  const typename std::unordered_map<TKey, T>::const_iterator i = elementMap_->find(previousKey);
2280  if (i == elementMap_->cend() || (++i) == elementMap_->cend())
2281  {
2282  return false;
2283  }
2285  nextKey = i->first;
2286  element = i->second;
2288  return true;
2289 }
2291 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2292 const T& ConstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::operator[](const TKey& key) const
2293 {
2294  ocean_assert(elementMap_);
2295  ocean_assert(elementMap_->find(key) != elementMap_->end());
2297  return elementMap_->find(key)->second;
2298 }
2300 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2302 {
2303  if (this != &accessor)
2304  {
2305  elementMap_ = accessor.elementMap_;
2306  accessor.elementMap_ = nullptr;
2307  }
2309  return *this;
2310 }
2312 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2313 inline NonconstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::NonconstMapAccessor(std::unordered_map<TKey, T>& elements) :
2314  elementMap_(&elements)
2315 {
2316  // nothing to do here
2317 }
2319 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2320 bool NonconstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::canAccess(const TKey& key) const
2321 {
2322  if (elementMap_ == nullptr)
2323  {
2324  return false;
2325  }
2327  return elementMap_->find(key) != elementMap_->end();
2328 }
2330 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2331 bool NonconstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::firstElement(T& element, TKey& key) const
2332 {
2333  if (elementMap_ == nullptr || elementMap_->empty())
2334  {
2335  return false;
2336  }
2338  key = elementMap_->begin()->first;
2339  element = elementMap_->begin()->second;
2341  return true;
2342 }
2344 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2345 bool NonconstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::nextElement(const TKey& previousKey, T& element, TKey& nextKey) const
2346 {
2347  if (elementMap_ == nullptr)
2348  {
2349  return false;
2350  }
2352  const typename std::unordered_map<TKey, T>::const_iterator i = elementMap_->find(previousKey);
2353  if (i == elementMap_->cend() || (++i) == elementMap_->cend())
2354  {
2355  return false;
2356  }
2358  nextKey = i->first;
2359  element = i->second;
2361  return true;
2362 }
2364 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2366 {
2367  return elementMap_ ? elementMap_->size() : 0;
2368 }
2370 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2371 const T& NonconstMapAccessor<T, TKey>::operator[](const TKey& key) const
2372 {
2373  ocean_assert(elementMap_);
2374  ocean_assert(elementMap_->find(key) != elementMap_->end());
2376  return elementMap_->find(key)->second;
2377 }
2379 template <typename T, typename TKey>
2381 {
2382  ocean_assert(elementMap_);
2383  ocean_assert(elementMap_->find(key) != elementMap_->end());
2385  return elementMap_->find(key)->second;
2386 }
2388 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2390 {
2391  *this = std::move(accessor);
2392 }
2394 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2395 inline ConstArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::ConstArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const TIndex* subsetIndices, const size_t subsetSize) :
2396  elements_(elements),
2397  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices),
2398  subsetSize_(subsetSize)
2399 {
2400  // nothing to do here
2401 }
2403 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2404 inline ConstArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::ConstArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices) :
2405  elements_(elements),
2406  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices.data()),
2407  subsetSize_(subsetIndices.size())
2408 {
2409  // nothing to do here
2410 }
2412 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2413 inline ConstArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::ConstArraySubsetAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices) :
2414  elements_(elements.data()),
2415  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices.data()),
2416  subsetSize_(subsetIndices.size())
2417 {
2418 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
2419  ocean_assert(subsetIndices.size() <= elements.size());
2420  for (size_t n = 0; n < subsetIndices.size(); ++n)
2421  {
2422  ocean_assert(subsetIndices[n] < elements.size());
2423  }
2424 #endif
2425 }
2427 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2429 {
2430  return subsetSize_;
2431 }
2433 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2434 const T& ConstArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
2435 {
2436  ocean_assert(index < subsetSize_);
2437  ocean_assert(elements_ && subsetIndices_);
2439  return elements_[subsetIndices_[index]];
2440 }
2442 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2444 {
2445  if (this != &accessor)
2446  {
2447  elements_ = accessor.elements_;
2448  subsetIndices_ = accessor.subsetIndices_;
2449  subsetSize_ = accessor.subsetSize_;
2451  accessor.elements_ = nullptr;
2452  accessor.subsetIndices_ = nullptr;
2453  accessor.subsetSize_ = 0;
2454  }
2456  return *this;
2457 }
2459 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2461 {
2462  *this = std::move(accessor);
2463 }
2465 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2466 inline ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const TIndex* subsetIndices, const size_t subsetSize) :
2467  elements_(elements),
2468  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices),
2469  subsetSize_(subsetSize)
2470 {
2471  ocean_assert(subsetSize_ == 0 || (elements_ != nullptr && subsetIndices_ != nullptr));
2472 }
2474 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2475 inline ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor(const T* elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices) :
2476  elements_(elements),
2477  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices.data()),
2478  subsetSize_(subsetIndices.size())
2479 {
2480  ocean_assert(subsetSize_ == 0 || (elements_ != nullptr && subsetIndices_ != nullptr));
2481 }
2483 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2484 inline ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor(const std::vector<T>& elements, const std::vector<TIndex>& subsetIndices) :
2485  elements_(elements.data()),
2486  subsetIndices_(subsetIndices.data()),
2487  subsetSize_(subsetIndices.size())
2488 {
2489 #ifdef OCEAN_DEBUG
2490  ocean_assert(subsetIndices.size() <= elements.size());
2491  for (size_t n = 0; n < subsetIndices.size(); ++n)
2492  {
2493  ocean_assert(subsetIndices[n] < elements.size());
2494  }
2495 #endif
2496 }
2498 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2500 {
2501  return nullptr;
2502 }
2504 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2506 {
2507  return subsetSize_;
2508 }
2510 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2512 {
2513  return subsetSize_ == 0;
2514 }
2516 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2517 inline bool ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::canAccess(const size_t& index) const
2518 {
2519  return index < subsetSize_;
2520 }
2522 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2523 inline bool ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::firstElement(T& element, size_t& index) const
2524 {
2525  if (subsetSize_ == 0)
2526  {
2527  return false;
2528  }
2530  element = (*this)[0];
2531  index = 0;
2533  return true;
2534 }
2536 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2537 inline bool ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::nextElement(const size_t& previousIndex, T& nextElement, size_t& nextIndex) const
2538 {
2539  if (previousIndex + 1 >= subsetSize_)
2540  {
2541  return false;
2542  }
2544  nextIndex = previousIndex + 1;
2545  nextElement = (*this)[nextIndex];
2547  return true;
2548 }
2550 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2551 inline const T& ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor<T, TIndex>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
2552 {
2553  ocean_assert(index < subsetSize_);
2555  return elements_[subsetIndices_[index]];
2556 }
2558 template <typename T, typename TIndex>
2560 {
2561  if (this != &accessor)
2562  {
2563  elements_ = accessor.elements_;
2564  subsetIndices_ = accessor.subsetIndices_;
2565  subsetSize_ = accessor.subsetSize_;
2567  accessor.elements_ = nullptr;
2568  accessor.subsetIndices_ = nullptr;
2569  accessor.subsetSize_ = 0;
2570  }
2572  return *this;
2573 }
2575 template <typename T>
2577  callback_(callback),
2578  size_(size)
2579 {
2580  // nothing to do here
2581 }
2583 template <typename T>
2584 const T& ConstCallbackIndexedAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t& index) const
2585 {
2586  ocean_assert(index < size_);
2587  ocean_assert(callback_);
2589  return callback_(index);
2590 }
2592 template <typename T>
2594 {
2595  return size_;
2596 }
2598 template <typename T>
2599 template <typename TAccessor>
2601  data_(nullptr),
2602  size_(0)
2603 {
2604  data_ = accessor.data();
2605  size_ = accessor.size();
2607  if (data_ == nullptr && size_ != 0)
2608  {
2609  intermediateValues_.reserve(size_);
2611  for (size_t n = 0; n < size_; ++n)
2612  {
2613  intermediateValues_.emplace_back(accessor[n]);
2614  }
2616  data_ = intermediateValues_.data();
2617  }
2618 }
2620 template <typename T>
2621 inline const T* ScopedConstMemoryAccessor<T>::data() const
2622 {
2623  ocean_assert((data_ != nullptr && size_ != 0) || (data_ == nullptr && size_ == 0));
2625  return data_;
2626 }
2628 template <typename T>
2630 {
2631  ocean_assert((data_ != nullptr && size_ != 0) || (data_ == nullptr && size_ == 0));
2633  return size_;
2634 }
2636 template <typename T>
2637 inline const T& ScopedConstMemoryAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t index) const
2638 {
2639  ocean_assert(data_ && index < size());
2641  return data_[index];
2642 }
2644 template <typename T>
2646 {
2647  ocean_assert((data_ != nullptr && size_ != 0) || (data_ == nullptr && size_ == 0));
2649  return data_ != nullptr;
2650 }
2652 template <typename T>
2654  accessor_(&accessor),
2655  data_(nullptr),
2656  size_(0)
2657 {
2658  data_ = accessor.data();
2659  size_ = accessor.size();
2661  if (data_ == nullptr && size_ != 0)
2662  {
2663  // the provided accessor does not allow to access the elements as a joined memory block, so we create out own intermediate memory block
2665  intermediateValues_.reserve(size_);
2667  for (size_t n = 0; n < size_; ++n)
2668  {
2669  intermediateValues_.emplace_back(accessor[n]);
2670  }
2672  data_ = intermediateValues_.data();
2673  }
2674 }
2676 template <typename T>
2678  accessor_(accessor),
2679  data_(nullptr),
2680  size_(0)
2681 {
2682  if (accessor_)
2683  {
2684  data_ = accessor_->data();
2685  size_ = accessor_->size();
2687  if (data_ == nullptr && size_ != 0)
2688  {
2689  // the provided accessor does not allow to access the elements as a joined memory block, so we create out own intermediate memory block
2691  intermediateValues_.reserve(size_);
2693  for (size_t n = 0; n < size_; ++n)
2694  {
2695  intermediateValues_.emplace_back((*accessor_)[n]);
2696  }
2698  data_ = intermediateValues_.data();
2699  }
2700  }
2701  else
2702  {
2703  // no provided accessor so that we create our own intermediate memory block
2705  intermediateValues_.resize(temporarySize);
2707  data_ = intermediateValues_.data();
2708  size_ = intermediateValues_.size();
2709  }
2710 }
2712 template <typename T>
2714 {
2715  if (accessor_ && !intermediateValues_.empty())
2716  {
2717  ocean_assert(accessor_->data() == nullptr);
2718  ocean_assert(size_ == accessor_->size());
2720  for (size_t n = 0; n < size_; ++n)
2721  {
2722  (*accessor_)[n] = std::move(intermediateValues_[n]);
2723  }
2724  }
2725 }
2727 template <typename T>
2729 {
2730  ocean_assert((data_ != nullptr && size_ != 0) || (data_ == nullptr && size_ == 0));
2732  return data_;
2733 }
2735 template <typename T>
2737 {
2738  ocean_assert((data_ != nullptr && size_ != 0) || (data_ == nullptr && size_ == 0));
2740  return size_;
2741 }
2743 template <typename T>
2744 inline T& ScopedNonconstMemoryAccessor<T>::operator[](const size_t index)
2745 {
2746  ocean_assert(data_ && index < size());
2748  return data_[index];
2749 }
2751 template <typename T>
2753 {
2754  ocean_assert((data_ != nullptr && size_ != 0) || (data_ == nullptr && size_ == 0));
2756  return data_ != nullptr;
2757 }
2759 }
This class implements a base class for all accessors.
Definition: Accessor.h:23
Accessor(const Accessor &accessor)=default
Protected copy constructor.
static std::unordered_map< typename TAccessor::KeyType, typename TAccessor::Type > accessor2map(const TAccessor &accessor)
Returns all elements of a given accessor as a map with key and elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:1598
virtual size_t size() const =0
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
virtual ~Accessor()=default
Default destructor.
Accessor & operator=(const Accessor &accessor)=delete
Deleted assign operator.
static std::vector< typename TAccessor::Type > accessor2subsetElements(const TAccessor &accessor, const std::vector< TIndex > &subset)
Returns a subset of all elements of a given accessor (as a block).
Definition: Accessor.h:1618
Protected default constructor.
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:1578
static std::vector< typename TAccessor::Type > accessor2elements(const TAccessor &accessor)
Returns all elements of a given accessor (as a block).
Definition: Accessor.h:1584
This class implements a base class for accessors allowing a constant reference access.
Definition: Accessor.h:97
TKey KeyType
Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:108
virtual bool nextElement(const TKey &previousKey, T &nextElement, TKey &nextKey) const =0
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
virtual const T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without...
Definition: Accessor.h:1632
virtual const T & operator[](const TKey &key) const =0
Returns one element of this accessor object by a given key.
Protected default constructor.
virtual bool canAccess(const TKey &key) const =0
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
virtual bool firstElement(T &element, TKey &key) const =0
Returns the first element of this accessor.
T Type
Definition of the element type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:103
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant array of elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:400
Creates a new empty accessor.
ConstArrayAccessor< T > & operator=(ConstArrayAccessor< T > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:1804
const T * elements_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:457
virtual const T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without...
Definition: Accessor.h:1783
size_t size_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:460
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1789
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1795
This class implements an indexed-based constant accessor providing access to a subset of elements sto...
Definition: Accessor.h:1141
size_t subsetSize_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:1215
ConstArraySubsetAccessor< T, TIndex > & operator=(ConstArraySubsetAccessor< T, TIndex > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:2443
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2428
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2434
Creates a new empty accessor.
const TIndex * subsetIndices_
The subset indices of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1212
const T * elements_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1209
TIndex IndexType
Definition of the data type of the indices.
Definition: Accessor.h:1147
This class implements an accessor providing access to a elements by using a callback function.
Definition: Accessor.h:1406
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2584
CallbackFunction callback_
The callback function of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1445
size_t size_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:1448
Creates a new empty accessor.
Callback< const T &, const size_t > CallbackFunction
Definition of a callback function providing access to individual elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:1414
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2593
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant array of elements while all e...
Definition: Accessor.h:942
const T * element_
The element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:986
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2204
Creates a new empty accessor.
size_t size_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:989
ConstElementAccessor< T > & operator=(ConstElementAccessor< T > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:2213
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2198
This class implements a base class for all indexed-based accessors allowing a constant reference acce...
Definition: Accessor.h:241
virtual bool canAccess(const size_t &index) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:1644
virtual bool nextElement(const size_t &previousIndex, T &nextElement, size_t &nextIndex) const
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
Definition: Accessor.h:1664
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const =0
Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
virtual bool firstElement(T &element, size_t &index) const
Returns the first element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1650
This class implements an indexed-based constant accessor providing access to a subset of elements sto...
Definition: Accessor.h:1356
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1747
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1753
const ConstIndexedAccessor< T > & child_
Definition: Accessor.h:1390
const TIndex * subsetIndices_
The subset indices of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1393
size_t subsetSize_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:1396
ConstIndexedAccessorSubsetAccessor(const ConstIndexedAccessor< T > &child, const TIndex *subsetIndices, const size_t subsetSize)
Creates a new accessor which uses an accessor as base.
Definition: Accessor.h:1729
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant (unordered) map of elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:1001
Creates a new empty accessor.
virtual bool firstElement(T &element, TKey &key) const
Returns the first element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2258
virtual bool nextElement(const TKey &previousKey, T &nextElement, TKey &nextKey) const
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2272
const std::unordered_map< TKey, T > * elementMap_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1062
ConstMapAccessor< T, TKey > & operator=(ConstMapAccessor< T, TKey > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:2301
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2241
virtual const T & operator[](const TKey &key) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2292
virtual bool canAccess(const TKey &key) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2247
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to a constant array of elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:600
T Type
Definition of the element type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:606
Creates a new empty accessor.
const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1925
bool firstElement(T &element, size_t &index) const
Returns the first element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1899
size_t KeyType
Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:611
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:1887
size_t size_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:696
const T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without...
Definition: Accessor.h:1875
ConstTemplateArrayAccessor< T > & operator=(ConstArrayAccessor< T > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:1932
size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1881
bool canAccess(const size_t &index) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:1893
const T * elements_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:693
bool nextElement(const size_t &previousIndex, T &nextElement, size_t &nextIndex) const
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
Definition: Accessor.h:1912
This class implements an indexed-based constant accessor providing access to a subset of elements sto...
Definition: Accessor.h:1231
const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2551
const T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without...
Definition: Accessor.h:2499
TIndex IndexType
Definition of the data type of the indices.
Definition: Accessor.h:1247
size_t subsetSize_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:1345
size_t KeyType
Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1242
T Type
Definition of the element type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1237
ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor< T, TIndex > & operator=(ConstTemplateArraySubsetAccessor< T, TIndex > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:2559
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:2511
Creates a new empty accessor.
bool canAccess(const size_t &index) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2517
const TIndex * subsetIndices_
The subset indices of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1342
bool firstElement(T &element, size_t &index) const
Returns the first element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2523
bool nextElement(const size_t &previousIndex, T &nextElement, size_t &nextIndex) const
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2537
const T * elements_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1339
size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2505
This class implements a base class for accessors allowing a non-constant reference access.
Definition: Accessor.h:166
virtual T & operator[](const TKey &key)=0
Returns one element of this accessor object by a given key.
Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
virtual T * data()
Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without...
Definition: Accessor.h:1638
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to an array of elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:707
T * elements_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:788
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2000
virtual T * data()
Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without...
Definition: Accessor.h:2018
NonconstArrayAccessor< T > & operator=(NonconstArrayAccessor< T > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:2030
size_t size_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:791
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2024
Creates a new empty accessor.
This class implements a base class for all indexed-based accessors allowing a non-constant reference ...
Definition: Accessor.h:284
virtual bool canAccess(const size_t &index) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:1678
virtual bool firstElement(T &element, size_t &index) const
Returns the first element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1684
virtual const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const =0
Returns one element of this accessor object by a given key.
NonconstIndexedAccessor< T > * pointer()
Returns the pointer to this object if this accessor holds at least one element (if this accessor is n...
Definition: Accessor.h:1710
virtual bool nextElement(const size_t &previousIndex, T &nextElement, size_t &nextIndex) const
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
Definition: Accessor.h:1697
virtual T & operator[](const size_t &index)=0
Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
Creates a new accessor object.
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to an (unordered) map of elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:1074
Creates a new empty accessor.
std::unordered_map< TKey, T > * elementMap_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1128
virtual bool canAccess(const TKey &key) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2320
virtual bool firstElement(T &element, TKey &key) const
Returns the first element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2331
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2365
virtual const T & operator[](const TKey &key) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2371
virtual bool nextElement(const TKey &previousKey, T &nextElement, TKey &nextKey) const
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2345
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to an array of elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:805
bool nextElement(const size_t &previousIndex, T &nextElement, size_t &nextIndex) const
Returns the next element which follows a given key of the previous element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2141
Creates a new empty accessor.
size_t KeyType
Definition of the key (or e.g., index) type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:816
size_t size_
The number of elements that can be accessed.
Definition: Accessor.h:931
bool firstElement(T &element, size_t &index) const
Returns the first element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2128
const T * data() const
Returns a pointer to the elements of this accessor if the data exists within one memory block without...
Definition: Accessor.h:2098
bool canAccess(const size_t &index) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:2122
NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor< T > & operator=(NonconstTemplateArrayAccessor< T > &&accessor) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: Accessor.h:2168
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether this accessor provides no elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:2116
T Type
Definition of the element type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:811
T * elements_
The elements of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:928
size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2110
const T & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2154
This class implements an accessor that guarantees memory access to the elements of an indexed accesso...
Definition: Accessor.h:1459
const T & operator[](const size_t index) const
Returns one element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2637
size_t size_
The number of elements the accessor provides.
Definition: Accessor.h:1501
const T * data_
The pointer to the memory block of the accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1498
const T * data() const
Returns the pointer to the memory block providing the data of the accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2621
std::vector< T > intermediateValues_
The individual elements of the accessor, if necessary.
Definition: Accessor.h:1504
size_t size() const
Returns the number of elements the accessor provides.
Definition: Accessor.h:2629
ScopedConstMemoryAccessor(const TAccessor &accessor)
Creates a new scoped accessor object by a given indexed accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2600
This class implements an accessor that guarantees memory access to the elements of an indexed accesso...
Definition: Accessor.h:1516
T * data_
The pointer to the memory block of the accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:1569
size_t size_
The number of elements the accessor provides.
Definition: Accessor.h:1572
ScopedNonconstMemoryAccessor(NonconstIndexedAccessor< T > &accessor)
Creates a new scoped accessor object by a given indexed accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2653
NonconstIndexedAccessor< T > * accessor_
The given accessor object providing the data for this object, nullptr if no accessor object was provi...
Definition: Accessor.h:1566
T * data()
Returns the pointer to the memory block providing the data of the accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2728
T & operator[](const size_t index)
Returns one element of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:2744
Destructs the scoped accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:2713
std::vector< T > intermediateValues_
The individual elements of the accessor, if necessary.
Definition: Accessor.h:1575
size_t size() const
Returns the number of elements the accessor provides.
Definition: Accessor.h:2736
This class implements an accessor providing direct access to std::shared_ptr<T> elements returned as ...
Definition: Accessor.h:497
SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor< T > & operator=(SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor< T > &&accessor)=default
Move operator.
SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor(SharedPointerConstArrayAccessor< T > &&accessor)=default
Move constructor.
std::vector< SharedPointer > SharedPointers
Definition of a vector holding the shared pointer objects.
Definition: Accessor.h:508
std::shared_ptr< T > SharedPointer
Definition of the shared pointer object.
Definition: Accessor.h:503
Creates a new empty accessor.
std::vector< const T * > elements_
The pointers to the actual elements wrapped in the shared pointers.
Definition: Accessor.h:560
virtual size_t size() const
Returns the number of accessible elements of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1839
virtual const T *const & operator[](const size_t &index) const
Returns one element of this accessor object.
Definition: Accessor.h:1845
This class implements a base class for all accessors allowing to access temporary elements.
Definition: Accessor.h:202
virtual T operator[](const TKey &key) const =0
Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
virtual bool canAccess(const TKey &key) const =0
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
T Type
Definition of the element type of this accessor.
Definition: Accessor.h:208
This class implements a base class for all indexed-based accessors allowing to access temporary eleme...
Definition: Accessor.h:341
virtual T operator[](const size_t &index) const =0
Returns one element of this accessor object by a given index.
virtual bool canAccess(const size_t &index) const
Returns whether this accessor has a specific element.
Definition: Accessor.h:1723
Creates a new indexed-based accessor object.
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15