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Nonlinear Optimization

Ocean offers a robust suite of tools for optimizing various parameters such as camera poses, 3D object points, transformations like homographies, and even full bundle adjustments. This page provides an overview of some of the most popular nonlinear optimization functions available in Ocean, all implemented under the Geometry::NonLinearOptimization... classes.

Overview of Nonlinear Optimizers

Ocean's nonlinear optimizers are implemented using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, which features adjustable and dynamic optimization step sizes. Additionally, all optimizers support various robust estimators to handle different data conditions:

  • Square Estimator: Optimal for data free of outliers and noise.
  • Linear Estimator: Suitable for basic applications where a simple linear approach is sufficient.
  • Huber Estimator: Ideal for scenarios where the data contains slight outliers or moderate noise.
  • Tukey Estimator: A robust estimator capable of automatically identifying and filtering outliers.
  • Cauchy Estimator: Offers properties similar to the Huber estimator, suitable for mildly noisy data.

Key Nonlinear Optimization Functions

Optimize Camera Pose

#include "ocean/geometry/NonLinearOptimizationPose.h"

AnyCameraPinhole camera(PinholeCamera(1920u, 1080u, Numeric::deg2rad(60)));

HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_roughCamera = ...; // a rough 6-DOF camera pose which (e.g., from a previous frame or a good guess etc.)

Vectors3 objectPoints = ...; // known 3D object points located in world
Vectors2 imagePoints = ...; // the observations of the object points in the camera, one for each 3D object point

ConstArrayAccessor<Vector3> objectPointAccessor(objectPoints); // a wrapper to access the object points
ConstArrayAccessor<Vector2> imagePointAccessor(imagePoints);

HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_optimizedCamera;
if (Geometry::NonLinearOptimizationPose::optimizePose(camera, world_T_roughCamera, objectPointAccessor, imagePointAccessor, world_T_optimizedCamera))
Log::info() << "The precise 6-DOF camera pose is: " << world_T_optimizedCamera;

For cases where covariances of point correspondences are known, a variation of this function can optimize the pose considering the known uncertainty.

Optimize Camera Orientation

Optimize Object Points

Optimize Camera Parameters

Optimize Object Transformation for Stereo Cameras

Optimize Homography

Optimize 3D Plane

  • NonLinearOptimizationPlane::optimizePlane(): Optimizes a 3D plane to best fit a given set of 3D object points. This function allows the use of different estimators to fine-tune the results, especially useful when dealing with outliers in the 3D object points.
#include "ocean/geometry/NonLinearOptimizationPlane.h"

Plane3 roughPlane = ...; // the already known rough 3D plane

Vectors3 objectPoints = ...; // the 3D object points all lying inside the 3D plane

ConstArrayAccessor<Vector3> objectPointAccessor(objectPoints); // a wrapper to access the object points

unsigned int iterations = 20u;
Geometry::Estimator::EstimatorType estimator = Geometry::Estimator::ET_HUBER; // let's use the robust Huber estimator because out data may contain some noise/outliers

Plane3 optimizedPlane;
if (Geometry::NonLinearOptimizationPlane::optimizePlane(roughPlane, objectPointAccessor, optimizedPlane, iterations, estimator))
Log::info() << "The optimized 3D plane can be described by " << optimizedPlane.pointOnPlane() << " " << optimizedPlane.normal();