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The Renderer app extends the VRNativeApplication by demonstrating how to render a simple coordinate system into VR. This visual representation helps in understanding spatial orientation in VR environments.

Image: Hierarchy of Ocean's Quest environments

Within the onFramebufferInitialized() function, a 3D coordinate system is established. The scene remains static, meaning its appearance does not change over time. Optionally, the app also demonstrates how to integrate a custom render call, for instance, utilizing a third-party rendering engine. This feature provides flexibility for developers looking to customize the rendering process according to specific requirements or to leverage advanced rendering technologies.

Image: Screenshot of the Renderer Quest app

Use this app as a foundational template for developing lightweight VR applications with minimal dependencies. It offers a streamlined approach for those looking to create efficient and straightforward VR experiences.


The following instructions are for macOS but can be easily converted to other host operating systems. First, ensure that the

have been completed. And that the third-party libraries have been built according to these instructions.

Then run the following steps:

# Define environment variables required for Android and Quest apps as per setup instructions above:

# Adjust this to your location of the third-party libraries
export OCEAN_THIRDPARTY_PATH="${HOME}/install_ocean_thirdparty"

cd ${OCEAN_DEVELOPMENT_PATH}/build/gradle/application/ocean/demo/platform/meta/quest/openxr/renderer/quest

./gradlew assemble

# Install debug build of the app
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk

# Install release build of the app
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk


  • Coordinate System Visualization: Displays the Quest's world coordinate system with 1-meter long axes in front of the user. Each axis has an own color (red for x-axis, green for y-axis, blue for z-axis).
  • Custom OpenGL ES Engine Integration: Demonstrates how a custom OpenGL ES engine could be integrated into the rendering pipeline (disabled by default).


  • Immediate Visual Representation: Unlike the previous apps, this app provides immediate visual feedback by displaying the coordinate system upon app start.