
fairseq2.data provides a Python API to build a C++ DataPipeline.

The dataloader will be able to leverage several threads, working around Python Global Interpreter Lock limitations, and also providing better performance than a pure Python dataloader.

Building a DataPipeline looks like this:

data = (
    .map(lambda x: str(x.split("\t")[1]).lower())
    .filter(lambda x: len(x) < 10)

Functions to build a DataPipeline:


fairseq2 native data pipeline.


API to create DataPipeline

list_files(pathname[, pattern])

List recursively all files under pathname that matches pattern.


Read every element in seq.


Read each file in a zip archive

text.read_text(pathname[, encoding, ...])

Open a text file and return a data pipeline reading lines one by one.

FileMapper([root_dir, cached_fd_count])

For a given file name, returns the file content as bytes.

Collater([pad_value, pad_to_multiple, overrides])

Concatenate a list of inputs into a single inputs.

CollateOptionsOverride(selector[, ...])

Overrides how the collater should create batch for a particular column.

Column syntax

The data items going through the pipeline don’t have to be flat tensors, but can be tuples, or python dictionaries. Several operators have a syntax to specify a specific column of the input data. Notably the DataPipelineBuilder.map() operator has a selector argument to choose the column to apply the function to.

If the data item is a tuple, then the selector "[3]" selects the third column. If the data item is a dictionary, then "foo" will select the value corresponding to the key "foo". You can nest selectors using . to separate key selectors, following a python-like syntax. For a data item {"foo": [{"x": 1, "y": 2}, {"x": 3, "y": 4, "z": 5}], "bar": 6}, the selector "foo[1].y" referes to the value 4.

Functions that accepts several selectors, accept them as a comma separated list of selectors. For example .map(lambda x: x * 10, selector="foo[1].y,bar") will multiply the values 4 and 6 by 10, but leave others unmodified.

Public classes used in fairseq2 API:


Represents an immutable UTF-8 string that supports zero-copy marshalling between Python and native code.


alias of Union[str, CString, os.PathLike[str]]


alias of Union[str, CString]


Raised when a dataset file can't be read.


Raised when an error occurs while reading from a data pipeline.


Raised when a corrupt record is encountered while reading a dataset.

VocabularyInfo(size, unk_idx, bos_idx, ...)

Describes the vocabulary used by a tokenizer

Helper methods:



Return True if s is of type str or CString.


Tools to tokenize text, converting it from bytes to tensors.


Represents a tokenizer to encode and decode text.


Decodes text from tokens or token indices.


Encodes text into tokens or token indices.

StrSplitter([sep, names, indices, exclude])

Split string on a given character.


Parses integers in a given base

StrToTensorConverter([size, dtype])

SentencePieceModel(pathname[, control_symbols])

SentencePieceEncoder(model[, prefix_tokens, ...])

SentencePieceDecoder(model[, reverse])


Return the vocabulary information of model.

LineEnding(value[, names, module, qualname, ...])