Exca - Execution and caching

This is an explanation to why exca was built. If you are only intereseted in how to use it, you can move to tutorials and how-to pages.

Here are the challenges we want to face:

  1. config validation and remote computation

  2. hierarchical computation and modularity

  3. experiment/computation caching

Challenge #1: Early configuration validation

srun --cpus-per-task=4 --time=60 python -m mytask --z=12

>> srun: job 34633429 queued and waiting for resources
>> srun: job 34633429 has been allocated resources
>> usage: mytask.py [-h] [--x X] [--y Y]
>> mytask.py: error: unrecognized arguments: --z=12
>> srun: error: learnfair0478: task 0: Exited with exit code 2

Or similarly:

mytask.py: error: argument --y: invalid int value: 'blublu'

Observations and consequences

  • Configurations should be validated before running on the cluster!

    • need some tool for validation → verify configurations locally first → in Python → submit from Python as well (avoid boilerplate additional bash command)

  • Resource configuration (srun params) and computation configurations (mytask params) come in 2 different places (and sometimes formats) → specify resource configuration within the same configuration as the computation configuration? (while keeping them distinct in some way?!)

Parameter validation with Pydantic

Pydantic (21k★ on github) works like dataclasses, but with (fast) validation:

import pydantic

class MyTask(pydantic.BaseModel):
    model_config = pydantic.ConfigDict(extra="forbid")  # pydantic boilerplate
    x: int
    y: str = "blublu"

mytask = MyTask(x=12)
mytask.x  # this is 12

# MyTask(x="blublu")  
# >> ValidationError: 1 validation error for MyTask (x hould be a valid integer)

Pydantic supports hierarchical configurations:

class Parent(pydantic.BaseModel):
    task: MyTask

obj = Parent(task={"x": 12})  # parses the dict into a MyTask class
obj.task.x  # this is 12

Note: discarded options

  • dataclasses: no dynamic type check

  • omegaconf: can typecheck (when using dataclasses) but is slow and not well-maintained

  • attrs: probably usable (but smaller community 5k★ Vs 21k★)

Local/remote submission with exca

Convenient pattern (more on this later): tie computation to the config class:

class MyTask(pydantic.BaseModel):
    x: int
    y: str = "blublu"
    model_config = pydantic.ConfigDict(extra="forbid")  # pydantic boilerplate

    def compute(self) -> int:
        return 2 * self.x

Then if we want to enable remote computation, we add a exca.TaskInfra subconfiguration:

class MyTask(pydantic.BaseModel):
    x: int
    y: str = "blublu"
    infra: exca.TaskInfra = exca.TaskInfra()
    # note: automatically sets extra="forbid"

    def compute(self) -> int:
        return 2 * self.x

By default, this changes nothing, but you can now parametrize the infra to run the compute method on slurm, eg:

config = f"""
x: 12
y: whatever
infra:  # resource parameters
  cluster: slurm
  folder: {tmp_path}
  cpus_per_task: 4

dictconfig = yaml.safe_load(config)
obj = MyTask(**dictconfig)  # validation happens locally
out = obj.compute()  # runs in a slurm job!
assert out == 24 

Note that the config now holds both the computation parameters (x and y) as well as the resources parameters (through infra) but they are separated through the hierarchical structure of the config.

Challenge #2: Complex experiments - hierarchical configurations

Do’s and don’ts with pydantic’s configurations

Parametrizing pattern

Seen in many codebases:

class ConvCfg(pydantic.BaseModel):
    layers: int = 12
    kernel: int = 5
    channels: int = 128

class ConvModel(torch.nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, layers: int, kernel: int, channels: int, other: int = 12) -> None:
        self.layers = layers
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.channels = channels
        self.other = other
        ...  # build layers, add forward method

# then in your code
cfg = ConvCfg(layers=10, kernel=5, channels=16)
model = ConvModel(layers=cfg.layers, kernel=cfg.kernel, channels=cfg.channels)


  • a lot of duplicated code/work

  • easy to mess up when propagating a new parameter as it needs 4 changes: the config, the model init parameters, the content of the init, the instantiation of the model from the config (any typo? any mismatch generating a silent bug?)

  • some defaults may not be configurable

Here is a simpler pattern:

class ConvCfg(pydantic.BaseModel):
    layers: int = 12
    kernel: int = 5
    channels: int = 128

    def build(self) -> torch.nn.Module:
        # instantiate when needed
        # (do not slow down config initialization)
        return ConvModel(self)  

class ConvModel(torch.nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, cfg: ConvCfg) -> None:
        self.cfg = cfg
        ...  # build layers, add forward method

# then in your code
model = ConvCfg().build()

Cost: classes become coupled (then again, you don’t need importing ConvModel anymore)

Benefit: fixes all issues mentioned above with 1 set of defaults, in a single place

One step further - Discriminated unions

Pipelines often get complex, and require if-else conditions depending on configurations, for instance:

import typing as tp

class ModelCfg(pydantic.BaseModel):
    name: tp.Literal["conv", "transformer"] = "conv"  # special discriminator field
    # shared parameters
    layers: int = 12
    # convolution parameters
    kernel: int = 5
    channels: int = 128
    # transformer parameters
    embeddings: int = 128

    def build(self) -> torch.nn.Module:
        if self.name == "conv":
            return ConvModel(self)
            return TransformerModel(self)

This creates coupling between different models into a unique config where some parameters are ignored depending on the cases, and can become messier and messier with more models. Fortunately, pydantic’s discriminated unions easily address this issue:

class ConvCfg(pydantic.BaseModel):
    name: tp.Literal["conv"] = "conv"  # special discriminator field
    layers: int = 12
    kernel: int = 5
    channels: int = 128

    def build(self) -> torch.nn.Module:
        return ConvModel(self) #instantiate when needed


class TransformerCfg(pydantic.BaseModel):
    model_config = pydantic.ConfigDict(extra="forbid")  # pydantic boilerplate: safer
    name: tp.Literal["transformer"] = "transformer"  # special discriminator field
    layers: int = 12
    embeddings: int = 128

    def build(self) -> torch.nn.Module:
        return TransformerModel(self)


class Trainer(pydantic.BaseModel):
    model: ConvCfg | TransformerCfg = pydantic.Field(..., discriminator="name")
    optimizer: str = "Adam"
    infra: TaskInfra = TaskInfra()

    def run(self) -> float:
        model = self.model.build()  # build either one of the model
        # specific location for this very config:
        ckpt_path = self.infra.uid_folder() / "checkpoint.pt"
        if ckpt_path.exists():
           # load
        for batch in loader:
        return accuracy

string = """
  name: transformer  # specifies which model
  embeddings: 256  # only accepts transformer specific parameters
optimizer: SGD
trainer = Trainer(**yaml.safe_load(string))

isinstance(trainer.model, TransformerCfg)

Discriminated unions make it easier to make modular pipelines as one can swap part of the experiment by others very easily, and still get full parameter validation.

Challenge #3: Experiment/computation caching

exca can also handle caching of the computation result with no extra effort, so any computation already performed will only be recomputed if explicitely required.

A lot of additional benefits also come for free:

  • sub-configs can have their own infra.

  • running a grid search only requires a for loop.

  • computations can be packed into a job array.

  • computation can be performed in a dedicated working directory to avoid interfering with the code.

string = f"""
  name: transformer  # specifies which model
  embeddings: 256
optimizer: SGD
  gpus_per_node: 8
  cpus_per_task: 80
  slurm_constraint: volta32gb
  folder: {tmp_path}
  cluster: slurm
  slurm_partition: learnfair
      - . # copies current working directory into a dedicated workdir
      # - whatever_other_file_or_folder

trainer = Trainer(**yaml.safe_load(string))
with trainer.infra.job_array() as array:
    for layers in [12, 14, 15]:
        array.append(trainer.infra.clone_obj({"model.layers": layers}))
# leaving the context submits all trainings in a job array
# and is non-blocking

# show one of the slurm jobs

Overall with this way of experimenting, you easily get:

  • modular pipeline with simple building blocks

  • easy remote computation configuration

  • validated configuration before sending to remote cluster through a job array

  • cached results so that only missing elements of the array get sent