# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
The :mod:`pointing_game` modules implements the pointing game benchmark.
The basic benchmark is implemented by the :class:`PointingGame` class. However,
for benchmarking purposes it is recommended to use the wrapper class
:class:`PointingGameBenchmark` instead. This class supports *PASCAL VOC 2007
test* and *COCO 2014 val* with the modifications used in [EBP]_, including the
ability to run on their "difficult" subsets as defined in the original paper.
The class can be used as follows:
1. Obtain a dataset (usually COCO or PASCAL VOC) and choose a subset.
2. Initialize an instance of :class:`PointingGameBenchmark`.
3. For each image in the dataset:
1. For each class in the image:
1. Run the attribution method, usually resulting in a saliency map for
class :math:`c`.
2. Convert the result to a point, usually by finding the maximizer of the
saliency map.
3. Use the :func:`PointingGameBenchmark.evaluate` function to run the
test and accumulate the statistics.
4. Extract the :attr:`PointingGame.hits` and :attr:`PointingGame.misses` or
``print`` the instance to display the results.
import torch
from torchvision import datasets as ds
from . import datasets as ads
[docs]class PointingGame:
r"""Pointing game.
num_classes (int): number of classes in the dataset.
tolerance (int, optional): tolerance (in pixels) of margin around
ground truth annotation. Default: 15.
hits (:class:`torch.Tensor`): :attr:`num_classes`-dimensional vector of
hits counts.
misses (:class:`torch.Tensor`): :attr:`num_classes`-dimensional vector
of misses counts.
def __init__(self, num_classes, tolerance=15):
assert isinstance(num_classes, int)
assert isinstance(tolerance, int)
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.tolerance = tolerance
self.hits = torch.zeros((num_classes,), dtype=torch.float64)
self.misses = torch.zeros((num_classes,), dtype=torch.float64)
[docs] def evaluate(self, mask, point):
r"""Evaluate a point prediction.
The function tests whether the prediction :attr:`point` is within a
certain tolerance of the object ground-truth region :attr:`mask`
expressed as a boolean occupancy map.
Use the :func:`reset` method to clear all counters.
mask (:class:`torch.Tensor`): :math:`\{0,1\}^{H\times W}`.
point (tuple of ints): predicted point :math:`(u,v)`.
int: +1 if the point hits the object; otherwise -1.
# Get an acceptance region around the point. There is a hit whenever
# the acceptance region collides with the class mask.
v, u = torch.meshgrid((
dtype=torch.float32) - point[1])**2,
dtype=torch.float32) - point[0])**2,
accept = (v + u) < self.tolerance**2
# Test for a hit with the corresponding class.
hit = (mask & accept).view(-1).any()
return +1 if hit else -1
[docs] def aggregate(self, hit, class_id):
"""Add pointing result from one example."""
if hit == 0:
if hit == 1:
self.hits[class_id] += 1
elif hit == -1:
self.misses[class_id] += 1
assert False
[docs] def reset(self):
"""Reset hits and misses."""
self.hits = torch.zeros_like(self.hits)
self.misses = torch.zeros_like(self.misses)
def class_accuracies(self):
(:class:`torch.Tensor`): :attr:`num_classes`-dimensional vector
containing per-class accuracy.
return self.hits / (self.hits + self.misses).clamp(min=1)
def accuracy(self):
(:class:`torch.Tensor`): mean accuracy, computed by averaging
return self.class_accuracies.mean()
def __str__(self):
class_accuracies = self.class_accuracies
return '{:4.1f}% ['.format(100 * class_accuracies.mean()) + " ".join([
'{}:{:4.1f}%'.format(c, 100 * a)
for c, a in enumerate(class_accuracies)
]) + ']'
[docs]class PointingGameBenchmark(PointingGame):
"""Pointing game benchmark on standard datasets.
The pointing game should be initialized with a dataset, set to either:
* (:class:`torchvision.VOCDetection`) VOC 2007 *test* subset.
* (:class:`torchvision.CocoDetection`) COCO *val2014* subset.
dataset (:class:`torchvision.VisionDataset`): The dataset.
tolerance (int): the tolerance for the pointing game. Default: ``15``.
difficult (bool): whether to use the difficult subset.
Default: ``False``.
def __init__(self, dataset, tolerance=15, difficult=False):
if isinstance(dataset, ds.VOCDetection):
num_classes = 20
elif isinstance(dataset, ds.CocoDetection):
num_classes = 80
assert False, 'Only VOCDetection and CocoDetection are supported.'
super(PointingGameBenchmark, self).__init__(
num_classes=num_classes, tolerance=tolerance)
self.dataset = dataset
self.difficult = difficult
if difficult:
def load_flags(name):
import importlib.resources as res
except ImportError:
import importlib_resources as res
with res.open_text('torchray.benchmark', name) as file:
rows = [[x for x in row.split('\t')] for row in file]
return {
row[0]: [bool(int(x)) for x in row[1:]]
for row in rows
if isinstance(self.dataset, ds.VOCDetection):
self.difficult_flags = load_flags(
elif isinstance(self.dataset, ds.CocoDetection):
self.difficult_flags = load_flags(
[docs] def evaluate(self, label, class_id, point):
"""Evaluate an label-class-point triplet.
label (dict): a label in VOC or Coco detection format.
class_id (int): a class id.
point (iterable): a point specified as a pair of u, v coordinates.
int: +1 if the point hits the object, -1 if the point misses the
object, and 0 if the point is skipped during evaluation.
# Skip if testing on the EBP difficult subset and the image/class pair
# is an easy one.
if self.difficult:
if isinstance(self.dataset, ds.VOCDetection):
image_name = label['annotation']['filename'].split('.')[0]
elif isinstance(self.dataset, ds.CocoDetection):
image_id = label[0]['image_id']
image = self.dataset.coco.loadImgs(image_id)[0]
image_name = image['file_name'].split('.')[0]
if image_name in self.difficult_flags:
if not self.difficult_flags[image_name][class_id]:
return 0
# Get the mask for all occurrences of class_id.
if isinstance(self.dataset, ds.VOCDetection):
# Skip if all boxes for class_id are PASCAL difficult.
objs = label['annotation']['object']
if not isinstance(objs, list):
objs = [objs]
objs = [obj for obj in objs if
ads.VOC_CLASSES.index(obj['name']) == class_id
if all([bool(int(obj['difficult'])) for obj in objs]):
return 0
mask = ads.voc_as_mask(label, class_id)
elif isinstance(self.dataset, ds.CocoDetection):
mask = ads.coco_as_mask(self.dataset, label, class_id)
assert mask is not None
return super(PointingGameBenchmark, self).evaluate(mask, point)