Source code for torchray.benchmark.logging

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

This module provides function that to be log information (e.g., benchmark
results) to a MongoDB database.

See :mod:`examples.standard_suite` for an example of how to use MongoDB for
logging benchmark results.

To start a MongoDB server, use

.. code:: shell

    $ python -m torchray.benchmark.server

import io
import pickle

import bson
import numpy as np
import pymongo
import torch

from torchray.utils import get_config

__all__ = [


[docs]def mongo_connect(database): """ Connect to MongoDB server and and return a :class:`pymongo.database.Database` object. Args: database (str): name of database. Returns: :class:`pymongo.database.Database`: database. """ try: config = get_config() hostname = f"{config['mongo']['hostname']}:{config['mongo']['port']}" client = pymongo.MongoClient(hostname) client.server_info() database = client[database] return database except pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError as error: raise Exception( f"Cannot connect MonogDB at {hostname}") from error
[docs]def mongo_save(database, collection_key, id_key, data): """Save results to MongoDB database. Args: database (:class:`pymongo.database.Database`): MongoDB database to save results to. collection_key (str): name of collection. id_key (str): id key with which to store :attr:`data`. data (:class:`bson.binary.Binary` or dict): data to store in :attr:`db`. """ collection = database[collection_key].with_options( write_concern=pymongo.WriteConcern(w=1)) tries_left = _MONGO_MAX_TRIES while tries_left > 0: tries_left -= 1 try: collection.replace_one( {'_id': id_key}, data, upsert=True ) return except (pymongo.errors.WriteConcernError, pymongo.errors.WriteError): if tries_left == 0: print( f"Warning: could not write entry to mongodb after" f" {_MONGO_MAX_TRIES} attempts." ) raise
[docs]def mongo_load(database, collection_key, id_key): """Load data from MongoDB database. Args: database (:class:`pymongo.database.Database`): MongoDB database to save results to. collection_key (str): name of collection. id_key (str): id key to look up data. Returns: retrieved data (returns None if no data with :attr:`id_key` is found). """ return database[collection_key].find_one({'_id': id_key})
[docs]def data_to_mongo(data): """Prepare data to be stored in a MongoDB database. Args: data (dict, :class:`torch.Tensor`, or :class:`np.ndarray`): data to prepare for storage in a MongoDB dataset (if dict, items are recursively prepared for storage). If the underlying data is not :class:`torch.Tensor` or :class:`np.ndarray`, then :attr:`data` is returned as is. Returns: :class:`bson.binary.Binary` or dict of :class:`bson.binary.Binary`: correctly formatted data to store in a MongoDB database. """ if isinstance(data, dict): return {k: data_to_mongo(v) for k, v in data.items()} if isinstance(data, torch.Tensor): bytes_data = io.BytesIO(), bytes_data) binary = bson.binary.Binary( return binary if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): return bson.binary.Binary(pickle.dumps(data, protocol=2), subtype=128) return data
[docs]def data_from_mongo(mongo_data, map_location=None): """Decode data stored in a MongoDB database. Args: mongo_data (:class:`bson.binary.Binary` or dict): data to decode (if dict, items are recursively decoded). If the underlying data type is not `:class:torch.Tensor` or something stored using :mod:`pickle`, then :attr:`mongo_data` is returned as is. map_location (function, :class:`torch.device`, str or dict): where to remap storage locations (see :func:`torch.load` for more details). Default: ``None``. Returns: decoded data. """ if isinstance(mongo_data, dict): return {k: data_from_mongo(v) for k, v in mongo_data.items()} if isinstance(mongo_data, bson.binary.Binary): try: bytes_data = io.BytesIO(mongo_data) return torch.load(bytes_data, map_location=map_location) # If the underlying data is a numpy array, it throws a ValueError here. except Exception: pass try: return pickle.loads(mongo_data) except Exception: pass return mongo_data
[docs]def last_lines(string, num_lines): """Extract the last few lines from a string. The function extracts the last attr:`n` lines from the string attr:`str`. If attr:`n` is a negative number, then it extracts the first lines instead. It also skips lines beginning with ``'Figure('``. Args: string (str): string. num_lines (int): number of lines to extract. Returns: str: substring. """ if string is None: return '' lines = string.strip().split('\n') lines = [l for l in lines if not l.startswith('Figure(')] if not lines: return '' if num_lines > 0: min_lines = min(num_lines, len(lines)) lines_ = lines[-min_lines:] if num_lines < len(lines): lines_ = ['[...]'] + lines_ if num_lines < 0: num_lines = -num_lines min_lines = min(num_lines, len(lines)) lines_ = lines[:min_lines] if num_lines < len(lines): lines_ = lines_ + ['[...]'] return '\n'.join(lines_)