Source code for torchray.attribution.rise

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

This module provides an implementation of the *RISE* method of [RISE]_ for
saliency visualization. This is given by the :func:`rise` function, which
can be used as follows:

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
    :language: python


    .. [RISE] V. Petsiuk, A. Das and K. Saenko
              *RISE: Randomized Input Sampling for Explanation of Black-box
              BMVC 2018,

__all__ = ['rise', 'rise_class']

import numpy as np

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .common import resize_saliency

def _upsample_reflect(x, size, interpolate_mode="bilinear"):
    r"""Upsample 4D :class:`torch.Tensor` with reflection padding.

        x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): 4D tensor to interpolate.
        size (int or list or tuple of ints): target size
        interpolate_mode (str): mode to pass to
            :function:`torch.nn.functional.interpolate` function call
            (default: "bilinear").

        :class:`torch.Tensor`: upsampled tensor.
    # Check and get input size.
    assert len(x.shape) == 4
    orig_size = x.shape[2:]

    # Check target size.
    if not isinstance(size, tuple) and not isinstance(size, list):
        assert isinstance(size, int)
        size = (size, size)
    assert len(size) == 2

    # Ensure upsampling.
    for i, o_s in enumerate(orig_size):
        assert o_s <= size[i]

    # Get size of input cell when interpolated.
    cell_size = [int(np.ceil(s / orig_size[i])) for i, s in enumerate(size)]

    # Get size of interpolated input with padding.
    pad_size = [int(cell_size[i] * (orig_size[i] + 2))
                for i in range(len(orig_size))]

    # Pad input with reflection padding.
    x_padded = F.pad(x, (1, 1, 1, 1), mode="reflect")

    # Interpolated padded input.
    x_up = F.interpolate(x_padded,

    # Slice interpolated input to size.
    x_new = x_up[:,
                 cell_size[0]:cell_size[0] + size[0],
                 cell_size[1]:cell_size[1] + size[1]]

    return x_new

[docs]def rise_class(*args, target, **kwargs): r"""Class-specific RISE. This function has the all the arguments of :func:`rise` with the following additional argument and returns a class-specific saliency map for the given :attr:`target` class(es). Args: target (int, :class:`torch.Tensor`, list, or :class:`np.ndarray`): target label(s) that can be cast to :class:`torch.long`. """ saliency = rise(*args, **kwargs) assert len(saliency.shape) == 4 if not isinstance(target, torch.Tensor): target = torch.tensor(target, dtype=torch.long, device=saliency.device) assert isinstance(target, torch.Tensor) assert target.dtype == torch.long assert len(target) == len(saliency) class_saliency =[saliency[i, t].unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) for i, t in enumerate(target)], dim=0) output_shape = list(saliency.shape) output_shape[1] = 1 assert list(class_saliency.shape) == output_shape return class_saliency
[docs]def rise(model, input, target=None, seed=0, num_masks=8000, num_cells=7, filter_masks=None, batch_size=32, p=0.5, resize=False, resize_mode='bilinear'): r"""RISE. Args: model (:class:`torch.nn.Module`): a model. input (:class:`torch.Tensor`): input tensor. seed (int, optional): manual seed used to generate random numbers. Default: ``0``. num_masks (int, optional): number of RISE random masks to use. Default: ``8000``. num_cells (int, optional): number of cells for one spatial dimension in low-res RISE random mask. Default: ``7``. filter_masks (:class:`torch.Tensor`, optional): If given, use the provided pre-computed filter masks. Default: ``None``. batch_size (int, optional): batch size to use. Default: ``128``. p (float, optional): with prob p, a low-res cell is set to 0; otherwise, it's 1. Default: ``0.5``. resize (bool or tuple of ints, optional): If True, resize saliency map to size of :attr:`input`. If False, don't resize. If (width, height) tuple, resize to (width, height). Default: ``False``. resize_mode (str, optional): If resize is not None, use this mode for the resize function. Default: ``'bilinear'``. Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: RISE saliency map. """ with torch.no_grad(): # Get device of input (i.e., GPU). dev = input.device # Initialize saliency mask and mask normalization term. input_shape = input.shape saliency_shape = list(input_shape) height = input_shape[2] width = input_shape[3] out = model(input) num_classes = out.shape[1] saliency_shape[1] = num_classes saliency = torch.zeros(saliency_shape, device=dev) # Number of spatial dimensions. nsd = len(input.shape) - 2 assert nsd == 2 # Spatial size of low-res grid cell. cell_size = tuple([int(np.ceil(s / num_cells)) for s in input_shape[2:]]) # Spatial size of upsampled mask with buffer (input size + cell size). up_size = tuple([input_shape[2 + i] + cell_size[i] for i in range(nsd)]) # Save current random number generator state. state = torch.get_rng_state() # Set seed. torch.manual_seed(seed) if filter_masks is not None: assert len(filter_masks) == num_masks num_chunks = (num_masks + batch_size - 1) // batch_size for chunk in range(num_chunks): # Generate RISE random masks on the fly. mask_bs = min(num_masks - batch_size * chunk, batch_size) if filter_masks is None: # Generate low-res, random binary masks. grid = (torch.rand(mask_bs, 1, *((num_cells,) * nsd), device=dev) < p).float() # Upsample low-res masks to input shape + buffer. masks_up = _upsample_reflect(grid, up_size) # Save final RISE masks with random shift. masks = torch.empty(mask_bs, 1, *input_shape[2:], device=dev) shift_x = torch.randint(0, cell_size[0], (mask_bs,), device='cpu') shift_y = torch.randint(0, cell_size[1], (mask_bs,), device='cpu') for i in range(mask_bs): masks[i] = masks_up[i, :, shift_x[i]:shift_x[i] + height, shift_y[i]:shift_y[i] + width] else: masks = filter_masks[ chunk * batch_size:chunk * batch_size + mask_bs] # Accumulate saliency mask. for i, inp in enumerate(input): out = torch.sigmoid(model(inp.unsqueeze(0) * masks)) if len(out.shape) == 4: # TODO: Consider handling FC outputs more flexibly. assert out.shape[2] == 1 assert out.shape[3] == 1 out = out[:, :, 0, 0] sal = torch.matmul(, 1), masks.view(mask_bs, height * width)) sal = sal.view((num_classes, height, width)) saliency[i] = saliency[i] + sal # Normalize saliency mask. saliency /= num_masks # Restore original random number generator state. torch.set_rng_state(state) # Resize saliency mask if needed. saliency = resize_saliency(input, saliency, resize, mode=resize_mode) return saliency