Source code for torchray.attribution.linear_approx

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

This module provides an implementation of the *linear approximation* method
for saliency visualization. The simplest interface is given by the
:func:`linear_approx` function:

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :language: python

Alternatively, it is possible to run the method "manually". Linear
approximation is a variant of the gradient method, applied at an intermediate

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/
   :language: python

Note that the function :func:`gradient_to_linear_approx_saliency` is used to
convert activations and gradients to a saliency map.

__all__ = ['gradient_to_linear_approx_saliency', 'linear_approx']

import torch
from .common import saliency

[docs]def gradient_to_linear_approx_saliency(x): """Returns the linear approximation of a tensor. The tensor :attr:`x` must have a valid gradient ``x.grad``. The function then computes the saliency map :math:`s`: given by: .. math:: s_{n1u} = \sum_{c} x_{ncu} \cdot dx_{ncu} Args: x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): activation tensor with a valid gradient. Returns: :class:`torch.Tensor`: Saliency map. """ viz = torch.sum(x * x.grad, 1, keepdim=True) return viz
[docs]def linear_approx(*args, gradient_to_saliency=gradient_to_linear_approx_saliency, **kwargs): """Linear approximation. The function takes the same arguments as :func:`.common.saliency`, with the defaults required to apply the linear approximation method, and supports the same arguments and return values. """ return saliency(*args, gradient_to_saliency=gradient_to_saliency, **kwargs)