Source code for kats.utils.simulator

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

This module implements a simulator for generating synthetic time series data.

from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from kats.consts import TimeSeriesData
from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset
from scipy.stats import norm  # @manual

# A TimedeltaLike object represents a time offset.
# E.g., length of 1 day can be represented by timedelta(days=1),or by
# a timestamp offset 86400, or by the offset alias "1D" defined in pandas
TimedeltaLike = Union[timedelta, float, str]

[docs]class Simulator: """TimeSeriesData simulator, to generate synthetic timeseries data. The Simulator currently supports generating synthetic time series using the STL, ARIMA models and also adds level and trend changepoints. Attributes: n: length of the time series. freq: desired frequency (e.g. daily, weekly) of a time series. start: start date of the time series. """ def __init__( self, n: int = 100, freq: str = "D", start: Any = None, ) -> None: self.n = n self.freq = freq self.start = start # create time self.time = pd.date_range( start=start, freq=freq, periods=n, ) # create the simulated time series self.timeseries = np.zeros(self.n)
[docs] def arima_sim( self, ar: List[float], ma: List[float], mu: float = 0, sigma: float = 1, burnin: int = 10, d: int = 0, t: int = 0, ) -> TimeSeriesData: """Simulate data from ARIMA model. Data generation includes two steps: (1). Simulate data from ARMA(p', q) model The configuration of ARMA(p', q) model is: X_t = alpha_1 * X_{t-1} + ... + alpha_p * X_{t-p'} + 1 * epsilon_t + theta_1 * epsilon_{t-1} + ... + theta_q * epsilon_{t-q} (2). Add drift d d is the order of differencing p = p' - d for ARIMA(p, d, q) Args: ar: [alpha_1, ..., alpha_p'], coefficients of AR parameters. p = len(alpha) ma: [theta_1, ..., theta_q], coefficients of MA parameters. q = len(theta) epsilon: error terms follows normal distribution(mu, sigma). mu: mean of normal distribution for epsilon. sigma: standard dev of normal distribution for epsilon. burnin: number of data that will be dropped because lack of lagged data in the beginning. d: number of unit roots for non-stationary data. t: linear trend constant. Returns: ts: TimeSeries generated. Examples: >>> sim = Simulator(n=100, freq="MS", start = pd.to_datetime("2011-01-01 00:00:00")) >>> np.random.seed(100) >>> ts = sim.arima_sim(ar=[0.1, 0.05], ma = [0.04, 0.1], d = 1) """ # validate params if sigma < 0 or sigma == 0: raise ValueError( "Standard deviation of normal distribution must be positive" ) # Step 1: simulate ARMA(p, q) # get the max order of p' and q p_max = len(ar) # add theta_0=1 to ma coefficients ma = np.append(1, ma) q_max = len(ma) # simulate epsilon pq_max = max(p_max, q_max) epsilon = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, (self.n + pq_max + burnin, 1)) # simulated data x = np.zeros((self.n + pq_max + burnin, 1)) # initialization x[0] = epsilon[0] for i in range(1, x.shape[0]): AR =[0 : min(i, p_max)], np.flip(x[i - min(i, p_max) : i], 0)) MA = ma[0 : min(i + 1, q_max)], np.flip(epsilon[i - min(i, q_max - 1) : i + 1], 0), ) x[i] = AR + MA + t # Step 2: add drift, unit roots if d != 0: ARMA = x[-self.n :] m = ARMA.shape[0] temp = np.zeros((m + 1, 1)) for _ in range(d): for j in range(m): temp[j + 1] = ARMA[j] + temp[j] ARMA = temp[1:] # replacing data x[-self.n :] = temp[1:] # generate time time = pd.date_range( start=self.start, freq=self.freq, periods=self.n, ) ts = TimeSeriesData(time=time, value=pd.Series(x[-self.n :].reshape(-1))) return ts
[docs] def add_trend( self, magnitude: float, trend_type: str = "linear", multiply: bool = False ): """Add a trend component to the target time series for STL-based simulator. trend_type - shape of the trend. {"linear","sigmoid"} Args: magnitude: slope of the trend, float. trend_type: linear or sigmoid, string. multiply: True if the trend is multiplicative, otherwise additive. Returns: The timeseries generated. """ def component_gen(timepoints): if trend_type == "sigmoid" or trend_type == "S": return magnitude * self.sigmoid(timepoints - 0.5) else: # 'linear' trend by default return magnitude * timepoints return self._add_component(component_gen, multiply)
[docs] def add_noise( self, magnitude: float = 1.0, multiply: bool = False, ): """Add noise to the generated time series for STL-based simulator. Noise type is normal - noise will be generated from iid normal distribution; may consider adding noise generated by ARMA in the future if there're use cases. Args: magnitude: float. multiply: True if the noise is multiplicative, otherwise additive. Returns: Generated timeseries. """ def component_gen(timepoints): return magnitude * np.random.randn(len(timepoints)) return self._add_component(component_gen, multiply)
[docs] def add_seasonality( self, magnitude: float = 0.0, period: TimedeltaLike = "1D", multiply: bool = False, ) -> TimeSeriesData: """Add a seasonality component to the time series for STL-based simulator. Args: magnitude: slope of the trend, float. period: period of seasonality, timedelta. multiply: True if the seasonality is multiplicative, otherwise additive. Returns: Generated timeseries. """ period = self._convert_period(period) def component_gen(timepoints): return magnitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * timepoints) return self._add_component(component_gen, multiply, time_scale=period)
@staticmethod def sigmoid(x: float) -> float: return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-10 * x)) @staticmethod def _convert_period(period): """ Convert TimedeltaLike object to time offset in seconds """ return to_offset(period).nanos / 1e9 def _add_component( self, component_gen: Callable, multiply: bool, time_scale: Optional[float] = None, ): """ Add a new component to the target time series. The component is defined by component_gen. """ timestamps = self.time.values.astype(np.float64) / 1e9 if time_scale is None: time_scale = timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0] + np.finfo(float).eps timepoints = (timestamps - timestamps[0]) / time_scale component = component_gen(timepoints) if multiply: self.timeseries *= 1 + component else: self.timeseries += component return self
[docs] def stl_sim(self) -> TimeSeriesData: """Simulate time series data with seasonality, trend, and noise. Args: None. Returns: Generated timeseries. Example usage: >>> sim = Simulator(n=100, freq="1D", start = pd.to_datetime("2011-01-01")) >>> sim.add_trend(magnitude=10) >>> sim.add_seasonality(5, period=timedelta(days=7)) >>> sim.add_noise(magnitude=2) >>> sim_ts = sim.stl_sim() """ ts = TimeSeriesData(time=self.time, value=pd.Series(self.timeseries)) return ts
def _adjust_length(self, length: int): """ if given length is not compatible with other parameters, adjust the length """ self.n = length self.time = pd.date_range( start=self.start, freq=self.freq, periods=self.n, ) def _get_level_shift_y_val( self, random_seed: int = 100, cp_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, level_arr: Optional[List[float]] = None, noise: float = 30, seasonal_period: int = 7, seasonal_magnitude: float = 3.0, anomaly_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, z_score_arr: Optional[List[float]] = None, ) -> pd.Series: """ generates values of a time series with multiple level shifts """ if cp_arr is None: cp_arr = [100, 200, 350] if level_arr is None: level_arr = [1.35, 1.05, 1.35, 1.2] if anomaly_arr is None: anomaly_arr = [] if z_score_arr is None: z_score_arr = [] np.random.seed(seed=random_seed) # if cp_arr is not sorted, sort it cp_arr = sorted(cp_arr) # length of trend array should be one larger than cp array # so that there is a trend corresponding to every segment if len(level_arr) - len(cp_arr) != 1: raise ValueError( f""" Length of level array should be one greater than cp array. But we got cp_arr: {len(cp_arr)}, level_arr: {len(level_arr)} """ ) if len(cp_arr) > 0 and cp_arr[-1] >= self.n: raise ValueError(f"Last cp {cp_arr[-1]} is greater than length {self.n}") cp_arr.append(self.n) cp_arr.insert(0, 0) y_val = np.ones(self.n) for i in range(len(cp_arr) - 1): cp_begin = cp_arr[i] cp_end = cp_arr[i + 1] y_val[cp_begin:cp_end] = norm.rvs( loc=level_arr[i], scale=noise, size=(cp_end - cp_begin) ) # add anomalies if len(anomaly_arr) != len(z_score_arr): raise ValueError( f""" Length of anomaly array should be equal to z_score array. But we got anomaly_arr: {len(anomaly_arr)}, z_score_arr: {len(z_score_arr)} """ ) for arr_idx, y_idx in enumerate(anomaly_arr): if y_idx < 0 or y_idx >= self.n: raise ValueError(f"Anamaly point {y_idx} is out of range") # find out the mean value of this segment seg_idx = 0 while y_idx > cp_arr[seg_idx]: seg_idx += 1 y_val[y_idx] = level_arr[seg_idx - 1] + z_score_arr[arr_idx] * noise # add seasonality y_val += seasonal_magnitude * np.sin( (np.pi / seasonal_period) * np.arange(self.n) ) return pd.Series(y_val)
[docs] def level_shift_sim( self, random_seed: int = 100, cp_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, level_arr: Optional[List[float]] = None, noise: float = 30.0, seasonal_period: int = 7, seasonal_magnitude: float = 3.0, anomaly_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, z_score_arr: Optional[List[float]] = None, ) -> TimeSeriesData: """Produces a time series with level shifts. The positions of the level shifts are indicated by the beginning and end changepoints. the duration of the first change is [first_cp_begin, first_cp_end], the duration of the second change point is [second_cp_begin, self.n] Args: cp_arr: Array of changepoint locations. level_arr: Array containing levels for each segment. Since the number of segments is one more than the number of changepoints, hence, the level arr should be longer than the cp_arr by one. noise: std. dev of random Gaussian noise added. seasonal_period: periodicity of the time series. seasonal_magnitude: amplitude of the seasonality. Set this to 0, if you want a time series without seasonality. anomaly_arr: locations where we introduce an anomalous point. z_score_arr: same length as anomaly arr. This is the z-score of the anomaly introduced at the location indicated by the anomaly_arr. Returns: Generated timeseries. Example Usage: >>> sim2 = Simulator(n=450, start="2018-01-01") >>> ts2 = sim2.level_shift_sim( cp_arr=[100, 200], level_arr=[3, 20, 2], noise=3, seasonal_period=7, seasonal_magnitude=3, anomaly_arr = [50, 150, 250], z_score_arr = [10, -10, 20], ) """ if cp_arr is None: cp_arr = [100, 200, 350] if level_arr is None: level_arr = [1.35, 1.05, 1.35, 1.2] if anomaly_arr is None: anomaly_arr = [] if z_score_arr is None: z_score_arr = [] # we need atleast points till second cp if len(cp_arr) > 0 and self.n < np.max(cp_arr): self._adjust_length(np.max(cp_arr)) ts = TimeSeriesData( time=self.time, value=self._get_level_shift_y_val( random_seed, cp_arr, level_arr, noise, seasonal_period, seasonal_magnitude, anomaly_arr, z_score_arr, ), ) return ts
[docs] def level_shift_multivariate_indep_sim( self, cp_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, level_arr: Optional[List[float]] = None, noise: float = 30.0, seasonal_period: int = 7, seasonal_magnitude: float = 3.0, anomaly_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, z_score_arr: Optional[List[float]] = None, dim: int = 3, ) -> TimeSeriesData: """Produces a multivariate time series with level shifts. The positions of the level shifts are indicated by the beginning and end changepoints. the duration of the first change is [first_cp_begin, first_cp_end], the duration of the second change point is [second_cp_begin, self.n] The number of dimensions are indicated by dim. Args: cp_arr: Array of changepoint locations. level_arr: Array containing levels for each segment. Since the number of segments is one more than the number of changepoints, hence, the level arr should be longer than the cp_arr by one. noise: std. dev of random Gaussian noise added. seasonal_period: periodicity of the time series. seasonal_magnitude: amplitude of the seasonality. Set this to 0, if you want a time series without seasonality. anomaly_arr: locations where we introduce an anomalous point. z_score_arr: same length as anomaly arr. This is the z-score of the anomaly introduced at the location indicated by the anomaly_arr. dim: number of dimensions of the timeseries. Returns: Generated timeseries. """ if cp_arr is None: cp_arr = [100, 200, 350] if level_arr is None: level_arr = [1.35, 1.05, 1.35, 1.2] if anomaly_arr is None: anomaly_arr = [] if z_score_arr is None: z_score_arr = [] # we need atleast points till second cp if self.n < np.max(cp_arr): self._adjust_length(np.max(cp_arr)) df_dict = {"time": self.time} for i in range(dim): yval = self._get_level_shift_y_val( 100 * (i + 1), cp_arr, level_arr, noise, seasonal_period, seasonal_magnitude, anomaly_arr, z_score_arr, ) df_dict[f"value{i+1}"] = yval ts_df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict) return TimeSeriesData(ts_df)
[docs] def trend_shift_sim( self, random_seed: int = 15, cp_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, trend_arr: Optional[List[float]] = None, intercept: float = 100.0, noise: float = 30.0, seasonal_period: int = 7, seasonal_magnitude: float = 3.0, anomaly_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, z_score_arr: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> TimeSeriesData: """Produces a time series with multiple trend shifts and seasonality. This can be used as synthetic data to test trend changepoints first_cp_begin is where the trend change begins, and continues till the end. Args: random_seed: Seed, to reproduce the same time series. cp_arr: Array of changepoint locations. trend_arr: Array containing trends for each segment. Since the number of segments is one more than the number of changepoints, hence, the trend arr should be longer than the cp_arr by one. noise: std. dev of random Gaussian noise added. seasonal_period: periodicity of the time series. seasonal_magnitude: amplitude of the seasonality. Set this to 0, if you want a time series without seasonality. anomaly_arr: locations where we introduce an anomalous point. z_score_arr: same length as anomaly arr. This is the z-score of the anomaly introduced at the location indicated by the anomaly_arr. Returns: Generated timeseries. Example usage: >>> sim2 = Simulator(n=450, start="2018-01-01") >>> ts2 = sim2.trend_shift_sim( cp_arr=[100, 200], trend_arr=[3, 20, 2], intercept=30, noise=30, seasonal_period=7, seasonal_magnitude=3, anomaly_arr = [50, 150, 250], z_score_arr = [10, -10, 20], ) """ # initializing the lists inside the function since # mutable lists as defaults is bad practice that linter flags if cp_arr is None: cp_arr = [100] if trend_arr is None: trend_arr = [3.0, 30.0] if anomaly_arr is None: anomaly_arr = [] if z_score_arr is None: z_score_arr = [] # if cp_arr is not sorted, sort it cp_arr = sorted(cp_arr) # length of trend array should be one larger than cp array # so that there is a trend corresponding to every segment if len(trend_arr) - len(cp_arr) != 1: raise ValueError( f""" Length of trend array should be one greater than cp array. But we got cp_arr: {len(cp_arr)}, trend_arr: {len(trend_arr)} """ ) if len(cp_arr) > 0 and cp_arr[-1] >= self.n: raise ValueError(f"Last cp {cp_arr[-1]} is greater than length {self.n}") cp_arr.append(self.n) cp_arr.insert(0, 0) y_val = np.full(self.n, intercept, dtype=float) for i in range(len(cp_arr) - 1): cp_begin = cp_arr[i] cp_end = cp_arr[i + 1] y_val[cp_begin:cp_end] = y_val[cp_begin:cp_end] + trend_arr[i] * np.arange( cp_begin, cp_end ) if i > 0: delta_val = y_val[cp_begin] - y_val[cp_begin - 1] y_val[cp_begin:cp_end] -= delta_val # add seasonality y_val += seasonal_magnitude * np.sin( (np.pi / seasonal_period) * np.arange(self.n) ) # add noise and anomalies noise_arr = norm.rvs(loc=0, scale=noise, size=self.n) if len(anomaly_arr) != len(z_score_arr): raise ValueError( f""" Length of anomaly array should be equal to z_score array. But we got anomaly_arr: {len(anomaly_arr)}, z_score_arr: {len(z_score_arr)} """ ) for arr_idx, y_idx in enumerate(anomaly_arr): if y_idx < 0 or y_idx >= self.n: raise ValueError(f"Anamaly point {y_idx} is out of range") noise_arr[y_idx] = z_score_arr[arr_idx] * noise y_val += noise_arr ts = TimeSeriesData(time=self.time, value=pd.Series(y_val)) return ts