Source code for kats.models.sarima

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Callable, Union, Any

import kats.models.model as m
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from kats.consts import TimeSeriesData, Params
from kats.utils.parameter_tuning_utils import (
from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX

[docs]class SARIMAParams(Params): """Parameter class for SARIMA model This is the parameter class for SARIMA model, it contains all necessary parameters as defined in SARIMA model implementation: Attributes: p: An integer for trend autoregressive (AR) order. d: An integer for trend difference order. q: An integer for trend moving average (MA) order. exog: Optional; An array of exogenous regressors. seasonal_order: Optional; A tuple for (P,D,Q,s) order of the seasonal component for AR order, difference order, MA order, and periodicity. Default is (0,0,0,0). trend: Optional; A string or an iterable for deterministic trend. Can be 'c' (constant), 't' (linear trend with time), 'ct' (both constant and linear trend), or an iterable of integers defining the non-zero polynomial exponents to include. Default is None (not to include trend). measurement_error: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to assume the observed time series were measured with error. Default is False. time_varying_regression: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not coefficients on the regressors (if provided) are allowed to vary over time. Default is False. mle_regression: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to estimate coefficients of regressors as part of maximum likelihood estimation or through Kalman filter. If time_varying_regression is True, this must be set to False. Default is True. simple_differencing: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to use partially conditional maximum likelihood estimation. See for more details. Default is False. enforce_stationarity: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to transform the AR parameters to enforce stationarity in AR component. Default is True. enforce_invertibility: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to transform the MA parameters to enforce invertibility in MA component. Default is True. hamilton_representation: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to use the Hamilton representation or the Harvey representation (if False). Default is False. concentrate_scale: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to concentrate the scale (variance of the error term) out of the likelihood. Default is False. trend_offset: Optional; An integer for the offset at which to start time trend value. Default is 1. use_exact_diffuse: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to use exact diffuse initialization for non-stationary states. Default is False. """ __slots__ = ["p", "d", "q"] def __init__( self, p: int, d: int, q: int, exog=None, seasonal_order: Tuple = (0, 0, 0, 0), trend=None, measurement_error: bool = False, time_varying_regression: bool = False, mle_regression: bool = True, simple_differencing: bool = False, enforce_stationarity: bool = True, enforce_invertibility: bool = True, hamilton_representation: bool = False, concentrate_scale: bool = False, trend_offset: int = 1, use_exact_diffuse: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__() self.p = p self.d = d self.q = q self.exog = exog self.seasonal_order = seasonal_order self.trend = trend self.measurement_error = measurement_error self.time_varying_regression = time_varying_regression self.mle_regression = mle_regression self.simple_differencing = simple_differencing self.enforce_stationarity = enforce_stationarity self.enforce_invertibility = enforce_invertibility self.hamilton_representation = hamilton_representation self.concentrate_scale = concentrate_scale self.trend_offset = trend_offset self.use_exact_diffuse = use_exact_diffuse logging.debug( "Initialized SARIMAParams with parameters. " "p:{p}, d:{d}, q:{q},seasonal_order:{seasonal_order}".format( p=p, d=d, q=q, seasonal_order=seasonal_order ) )
[docs] def validate_params(self): """Not implemented.""""Method validate_params() is not implemented.") pass
[docs]class SARIMAModel(m.Model): """Model class for SARIMA. This class provides fit, predict and plot methods for SARIMA model. Attributes: data: :class:`kats.consts.TimeSeriesData` object for input time series. params: :class:`SARIMAParams` for model parameters. """ def __init__( self, data: TimeSeriesData, params: SARIMAParams, ) -> None: super().__init__(data, params) if not isinstance(, pd.Series): msg = "Only support univariate time series, but get {type}.".format( type=type( ) logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.start_params = None self.transformed = None self.includes_fixed = None self.cov_type = None self.cov_kwds = None self.method = None self.maxiter = None self.full_output = None self.disp = None self.callback = None self.return_params = None self.optim_score = None self.optim_complex_step = None self.optim_hessian = None self.low_memory = None self.model = None self.include_history = False self.alpha = 0.05 self.fcst_df = None self.freq = None
[docs] def fit( self, start_params: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, transformed: bool = True, includes_fixed: bool = False, cov_type: Optional[str] = None, cov_kwds: Optional[Dict] = None, method: str = "lbfgs", maxiter: int = 50, full_output: bool = True, disp: bool = False, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, return_params: bool = False, optim_score: Optional[str] = None, optim_complex_step: bool = True, optim_hessian: Optional[str] = None, low_memory: bool = False, ) -> None: """Fit SARIMA model by maximum likelihood via Kalman filter. See reference for more details. Args: start_params: Optional; An array_like object for the initial guess of the solution for the loglikelihood maximization. transformed: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not start_params is already transformed. Default is True. includes_fixed: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not start_params includes the fixed parameters in addition to the free parameters. Default is False. cov_type: Optional; A string for the method for calculating the covariance matrix of parameter estimates. Can be 'opg' (outer product of gradient estimator), 'oim' (observed information matrix estimato), 'approx' (observed information matrix estimator), 'robust' (approximate (quasi-maximum likelihood) covariance matrix), or 'robust_approx'. Default is 'opg' when memory conservation is not used, otherwise default is ‘approx’. cov_kwds: Optional; A dictionary of arguments for covariance matrix computation. See reference for more details. method: Optional; A string for solver from scipy.optimize to be used. Can be 'newton', 'nm', 'bfgs', 'lbfgs', 'powell', 'cg', 'ncg' or 'basinhopping'. Default is 'lbfgs'. maxiter: Optional; An integer for the maximum number of iterations to perform. Default is 50. full_output: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to have all available output in the Results object’s mle_retvals attribute. Default is True. disp: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to print convergence messages. Default is False. callback: Optional; A callable object to be called after each iteration. Default is None. return_params: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to return only the array of maximizing parameters. Default is False. optim_score: Optional; A string for the method by which the score vector is calculated. Can be 'harvey', 'approx' or None. Default is None. optim_complex_step: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to use complex step differentiation when approximating the score. Default is True. optim_hessian: Optional; A string for the method by which the Hessian is numerically approximated. Can be 'opg', 'oim', 'approx'. Default is None. low_memory: Optional; A boolean to specify whether or not to reduce memory usage. If True, some features of the results object will not be available. Default is False. Returns: None. """ logging.debug("Call fit() method") self.start_params = start_params self.transformed = transformed self.includes_fixed = includes_fixed self.cov_type = cov_type self.cov_kwds = cov_kwds self.method = method self.maxiter = maxiter self.full_output = full_output self.disp = disp self.callback = callback self.return_params = return_params self.optim_score = optim_score self.optim_complex_step = optim_complex_step self.optim_hessian = optim_hessian self.low_memory = low_memory"Created SARIMA model.") sarima = SARIMAX(, order=(self.params.p, self.params.d, self.params.q), exog=self.params.exog, seasonal_order=self.params.seasonal_order, trend=self.params.trend, measurement_error=self.params.measurement_error, time_varying_regression=self.params.time_varying_regression, mle_regression=self.params.mle_regression, simple_differencing=self.params.simple_differencing, enforce_stationarity=self.params.enforce_stationarity, enforce_invertibility=self.params.enforce_invertibility, hamilton_representation=self.params.hamilton_representation, concentrate_scale=self.params.concentrate_scale, trend_offset=self.params.trend_offset, use_exact_diffuse=self.params.use_exact_diffuse, ) self.model = start_params=self.start_params, transformed=self.transformed, includes_fixed=self.includes_fixed, cov_type=self.cov_type, cov_kwds=self.cov_kwds, method=self.method, maxiter=self.maxiter, full_output=self.full_output, disp=self.disp, callback=self.callback, return_params=self.return_params, optim_score=self.optim_score, optim_complex_step=self.optim_complex_step, optim_hessian=self.optim_hessian, low_memory=self.low_memory, )"Fitted SARIMA.")
# pyre-fixme[14]: `predict` overrides method defined in `Model` inconsistently.
[docs] def predict( self, steps: int, include_history: bool = False, alpha: float = 0.05, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Predict with fitted SARIMA model. Args: steps: An integer for forecast steps. include_history: Optional; A boolearn to specify whether to include historical data. Default is False. alpha: A float for confidence level. Default is 0.05. Returns: A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` of forecasts and confidence intervals. """ logging.debug( "Call predict() with parameters. " "steps:{steps}, kwargs:{kwargs}".format(steps=steps, kwargs=kwargs) ) self.include_history = include_history self.freq = kwargs.get("freq", self.alpha = alpha fcst = self.model.get_forecast(steps)"Generated forecast data from SARIMA model.") logging.debug("Forecast data: {fcst}".format(fcst=fcst)) if fcst.predicted_mean.isna().sum() == steps: msg = "SARIMA model fails to generate forecasts, i.e., all forecasts are NaNs." logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # pyre-fixme[16]: `SARIMAModel` has no attribute `y_fcst`. self.y_fcst = fcst.predicted_mean pred_interval = fcst.conf_int(alpha) if pred_interval.iloc[0, 0] < pred_interval.iloc[0, 1]: # pyre-fixme[16]: `SARIMAModel` has no attribute `y_fcst_lower`. self.y_fcst_lower = np.array(pred_interval.iloc[:, 0]) # pyre-fixme[16]: `SARIMAModel` has no attribute `y_fcst_upper`. self.y_fcst_upper = np.array(pred_interval.iloc[:, 1]) else: self.y_fcst_lower = np.array(pred_interval.iloc[:, 1]) self.y_fcst_upper = np.array(pred_interval.iloc[:, 0]) last_date = dates = pd.date_range(start=last_date, periods=steps + 1, freq=self.freq) # pyre-fixme[16]: `SARIMAModel` has no attribute `dates`. self.dates = dates[dates != last_date] # Return correct number of periods if include_history: # generate historical fit history_fcst = self.model.get_prediction(0) history_ci = history_fcst.conf_int() if ("lower" in history_ci.columns[0]) and ( "upper" in history_ci.columns[1] ): ci_lower_name, ci_upper_name = ( history_ci.columns[0], history_ci.columns[1], ) else: msg = ( "Error when getting prediction interval from statsmodels SARIMA API" ) logging.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.fcst_df = pd.DataFrame( { "time": np.concatenate( (pd.to_datetime(, self.dates) ), "fcst": np.concatenate((history_fcst.predicted_mean, self.y_fcst)), "fcst_lower": np.concatenate( (history_ci[ci_lower_name], self.y_fcst_lower) ), "fcst_upper": np.concatenate( (history_ci[ci_upper_name], self.y_fcst_upper) ), } ) # the first k elements of the fcst and lower/upper are not legitmate # thus we need to assign np.nan to avoid confusion # k = max(p, d, q) + max(P, D, Q) * seasonal_order + 1 k = ( max(self.params.p, self.params.d, self.params.q) + max(self.params.seasonal_order[0:3]) * self.params.seasonal_order[3] + 1 ) self.fcst_df.loc[0:k, ["fcst", "fcst_lower", "fcst_upper"]] = np.nan else: self.fcst_df = pd.DataFrame( { "time": self.dates, "fcst": self.y_fcst, "fcst_lower": self.y_fcst_lower, "fcst_upper": self.y_fcst_upper, } ) logging.debug("Return forecast data: {fcst_df}".format(fcst_df=self.fcst_df)) return self.fcst_df
[docs] def plot(self): """Plot forecasted results from SARIMA model.""""Generating chart for forecast result from SARIMA model.") m.Model.plot(, self.fcst_df, include_history=self.include_history)
def __str__(self): return "SARIMA"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_parameter_search_space() -> List[Dict[str, Union[List[Any], bool, str]]]: """Get default SARIMA parameter search space. Returns: A dictionary representing the default SARIMA parameter search space. """ return get_default_sarima_parameter_search_space()