Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

# Utility functions for plotting

from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objs as go

[docs]def plot_scatter_with_confints( val: List[float], confint: np.ndarray, title ) -> go.Figure: """Plots a scatter plot with confidence intervals used to plot ACF and PACF Parameters ---------- val: list containing the values confint: two dimensional ndarray; confint[:, 0] is the lower confidence interval; confint[:, 1] is the upper title: Title of the plot Returns ------- Plot with confidence intervals """ prediction_color = "#0072B2" error_color = "rgba(0, 114, 178, 0.2)" # '#0072B2' with 0.2 opacity fig = go.Figure( { "data": [ go.Scatter( x=list(range(0, len(val))), y=confint[:, 0], name="ConfIntLow", line={"color": error_color, "width": 0}, mode="lines", showlegend=False, ), go.Scatter( x=list(range(0, len(val))), y=val, mode="markers", name=title, fillcolor=error_color, fill="tonexty", line={"color": prediction_color}, ), go.Scatter( x=list(range(0, len(val))), y=confint[:, 1], mode="lines", name="ConfIntHight", line={"color": error_color, "width": 0}, fill="tonexty", fillcolor=error_color, showlegend=False, ), ], "layout": go.Layout( title=title, yaxis={"title": "Correlation"}, xaxis={"title": "Lag"} ), } ) return fig
[docs]def make_fourier_plot( fft: pd.DataFrame, threshold: float, orig_peaks: List[float], peaks: List[float], xlabel: str = "", ylabel: str = "PSD(dB)", title: str = "DFT Plot", ) -> go.Figure: """Plots a scatter plot with fft highlighting the thresholds, peaks, and selected peaks Parameters ---------- fft: fft information threshold: outlier threshold orig_peaks: all the peaks peaks: selected peaks xlabel: label for the X axis ylabel: label for the Y axis Returns ------- FFT plot """ return go.Figure( { "data": [ go.Scatter(x=fft["freq"], y=fft["ampl"], name="FFT"), go.Scatter( x=fft["freq"], y=[threshold] * len(fft.index), name="Outlier Threshold", ), go.Scatter( # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `_SupportsIndex` for 1st param but got # `str`. x=orig_peaks["freq"], # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `_SupportsIndex` for 1st param but got # `str`. y=orig_peaks["ampl"], mode="markers", name="Original peaks", ), go.Scatter( # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `_SupportsIndex` for 1st param but got # `str`. x=peaks["freq"], # pyre-fixme[6]: Expected `_SupportsIndex` for 1st param but got # `str`. y=peaks["ampl"], mode="markers", name="Selected peaks", ), ], "layout": go.Layout( title=title, yaxis={"title": ylabel}, xaxis={"title": xlabel} ), } )
[docs]def plot_fitted_harmonics( times: pd.Series, original_values: pd.Series, fitted_values: np.ndarray ) -> go.Figure: """Plots a scatter plot of the fitted harmonics Parameters ---------- times: date list of the time series original_values: values of the original function fitted_values: fitted values Returns ------- Plot with fitted harmonics """ return go.Figure( { "data": [ go.Scatter(x=times, y=original_values, name="Original signal"), go.Scatter(x=times, y=fitted_values, name="Fitted harmonics"), ], "layout": go.Layout( title="Time series v.s Fitted Harmonics", yaxis={"title": "Value"}, xaxis={"title": "Time"}, ), } )