🔎 BigO(Bench) Sample Explorer 🔎

BigO(Bench) assesses the capacity of Large Language Models (LLMs) to comprehend time-space computational complexity of input or generated code.

Select a task, a problem and a class of complexity for the solution, and compare the outputs of the LLMs!
















📝 Notes

  1. Complexity is defined in the following way in model prompts, so to remove some ambiguity (here is an example for time, in the case of space, 'time' and 'space' are just replaced by one another):
    Provide the time complexity for the following competitive programming question and corresponding solution. When analyzing the complexity of an algorithm, consider the worst-case scenario where all possible input combinations are tried, given the following conditions: 1. the inputs must adhere to the specified data types of the problem; 2. the inputs should not cause the code to crash or exit on an exception; 3. the inputs do not necessarily need to satisfy additional constraints that are potentially mentioned in the problem statement; 4. calling input() does not consume runtime nor memory, but of course any operations on top of it or afterwards will be counted towards runtime and memory footprint; 5. Anything printed gets added to the memory. You can take advantage of Python-specific optimizations provided by the underlying CPython interpreter or compiler to achieve the desired complexity, and you must account for them when analyzing the complexity. Please ignore any constraints on the input sizes that may have been previously mentioned in the problem description. Compute the big-O complexity as if inputs can be as large as possible. Output the big-O time complexity only, no explanation needed, no other words needed.